Local and Personal Items TTTTTTT Mi's. P. W. Jenks and daughter Oliie Belle are visiting relatives in Tennessee. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Carrier are on a motor trip to Sarasota Jack sonville and other points in Florida. Mrs. David Orr has been quite ill with pneumonia the past two weeks at her home near French Bioad camp,but was showing some im provement at last reports. Mrs S. J. Long and Miss Mamie Long of Sylva Were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Kilter. C. L. King returned Saturday to his home in Union City, N. J., al ter spending several days here lol lowing the funeral services 'of his father, V. S. King, last week Mrs. Charles McCrary and her mother, Mrs. John Cantrell, left Saturday for a weeks trip to New York city, where Mrs. McCrary will attend the International Convention ,* Beauty Shop owners. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bishop and family moved this week >'om the hous' cti the former Brevard Insti tute property to their home in North Brevard. . . Mrs. Dee liinespie nas oven m *>», 1. ■ home but is somewhat improved., Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Osborne h-i;| as their week-end gu* ts Mrs.' Osborne's brother, J- II. Sumtoi. -o- James, and two daughters. Mrs. A. (J. Humphries and Mrs. \. rmnn j . all ef Lynchburg, Va. Mr-. Charles Cunningham, of nviile, visited her parents, Mr. ..• d Mrs. \Y. II (Iivgan Jr., on Sunday. ,, i Mrs. T. M. Israel «f Uemlevson vi\. w •• •• th.e Sunday guest of her vv Mr- David Orr, and family. : • ' \ .. n a. re mini, d by two seK'o’mates f Wcu\ i college were week ere. yaest- ei the b ’lnei s V ,-.r; Mr- W. I Aiken. . f Xorvis. Tettn. *p, • viA.ei ''.ere with his "',j. - \V \Y Rabb left Sun.: v" • Yt'orta ' a visit with relatives. V..- Rabb Wing called on account > !' the death an aunt. Mi-- Kdr.a I.yday. who is_ -Win Ruth Ray'' beamy »hop in Waynes Want Ads i Pi\ W. C. Gold-by wil'-'be at the home of Dee Gillespie cn March 29th, 30th and 3JM. ItP —aTHTTk "WANTED—What have you I to offer? Have had two years] commercial course, graduate hiffh. ^chO( 1. have worked as laborer, clerk, and bookkeeper. Will appreciate in-, terview. Am now in cCC camp, but j will bo discharged July 1st. \\ant, to make Transylvania my home.. Write William Hicks. ^Balsam Grove, j FOR .SA. L Ecow?• ,all young and good milkers. Van Wal drop near Selica, Brevard R-3 ltp MEX WASTED for Rawleigh routes of 800 families in Transylvania, Havwood, South Jackson counties, Brevard. Reliable hustler should start earning 825 weekly and in crease rapidly. Write immediately. Rawleigh Co.. Dept. N C-l 80-S. _ Rich mond, Va. 1°, “2p: -— — j Time will tell — j wear SUNDIAL SHOES j THE FASHION, Brevard MOVING and GENERAL HAVL ISG- reasonable prices, every load insured. See Charlie McCrary at McCrary Auto Service, Phone 290, Brevard, N. C. Men 8 - ■■ -- 1 ■ **”* WASTED — Your Shoe Repairing! We are equipped to do first class) shoe repair work. Radios soles and j heels 75 cents. Men’s soles and rubber heeis 81.00. Brevard Shoe | Shop. T. E. Waters, ownfer—News] Arcade, Jan 1 tfc j WANTED—To exchange a house! ard <> acres of land ip Henderson county for a place in or near Bre vard. ORR & HAldLlS, Realtor* Brevaid, N. C. WANTED A HOME for one, two orj three ®-months-old kittens. Free] for the asking. Inquire at The Times] office. dh | Eat well Live well If your stomach is in good shape, you’ll feel better and live longer. Good Food Cooked Right Like you get at the Canteen is essential to your well oeing. Coffee Fit For Kings —THE— CANTEEN DOC GALLOWAY, Prop. .^ ^ a • a m Mile, spent the week-end with her >arents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ly lay, at Pisgah Forest.' Mrs. C. K. Osborne and daughter Mrs. Eek Sims were Asheville visi lora Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burnette, of Greenville, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. McK. Fetzer. Prof, and Mrs. J. E. Rutty have returned from a visit with Mr. Rufty’s . relatives at States ville. Wade Zachary has been quite ill at his home on Probart street. Miss Liliian King spent the week end in Asheville with Mr. King ivho is employed at Eckerd’s. Miss Winifred Nicholson, of Wea rer college, was Sunday guest of hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Niehol on. „ , , Mr. and Ms. Rube Morgan had ns their guests on Sunday Vando Morgan and children of Rosrnan, and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bridwell mul Mr. and Mrs. Jameson of Tay lor .-.S . C., ami Mr. and Mrs. H. G. 11 arvcll and daughter of Irvey, South Carolina. ., Can King, oi amivwih.-, inu his'grandmother, Mrs. P. a ,Uj{aiph Osboriv, of Norris, Tenn., connected with the TV A work there, ciiont several days here last wee.; with bis family. , t, .Mrs. Cordell Russell and little daughter have returned 'to their horn in Canton, after visiting Mr?. Russell’s parents Mr. and Mrs. W. 11 . Duckworth. Mr.and Mr. D. Scruggs and rhil di n of Hendersonville were week end visitors in Brevard. \lbert Kilpatrick. Milton Sellers end Dick Aiken attended the per f rmanee at the Municipal airport in Greenville Sunday. I.. A. Campbell, Anderson repre sentative ef the Owens Bros. Marble : ompany of Greenwood, S. C., was a business visitor in Brevard Tut? day. Dr. and Mrs. C. JE..Cunningham and baby, Charles Edward Jr., were >vp !r-eTd guests of Dr. Cunning ham's parents in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Wood Paxton and infant son have moved to Grecville, S. C.. where Mr. Paxton has a posi tion. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Kyle were Asheville visitors Monday. Mi s Charlotte Patton has re turned from a two weeks’ visit with her cousin, Mrs. Oliver Crar.v. and family in Charlotte. Mrs. Mamie Vcrdery, of Hender sonville, was a vistior in Brevard Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Waters, Misses Ruth and Willie Kate Waters, Paul Transeau and Hurley Wachter motored to Greenville for the day Sunday. Lamar Blirton and Frank Bates, editor and business manager re spCctively, of The Mountaineer, Wea-I ver college annual, were business) visitors in Brevard Monday. i Misses Ruth and Willie Kate Waters were guests several days last week of Mrs.P. J. Mshaffey in Greenville. Miss Edith Mull is in charge of Ruth’s Beauty Parlor durir": the week’s absence of Mrs. Charles Mc Crary in New York. Miss Nelle McCrary is expected to return home within the next few days from Fruitland Institute, where she has been an attending nurse of Miss Martha Sullinger the past two weeks. Miss Sullinger is the lady principal of the Institute, and is raid to be much improved from her illness. Miss Rowena Orr has been visit ing Miss Virginia Wilcox in South Carolina the past week. Miss Lillian Jones of Tuxedo was a week-end guest of Mrs, Thelma E. Galloway. Mrs. II. E. Erwin and son Harold are visiting in Anderson, S. C., this week. Littie Faye Wolf, who has been confined in Lyday Memorial hospital with pneumonia wa9 reported on Wednesday to be some better. Littlo Claude McDowell, of Lake Toxaway, a patient in Lyday Mem orial hospital is said to be doing nicely. Mrs. Roy Kanipe has returned to her home in Roxboro, after a visit of several weeks with her mother, Mrs. F. P. Sledge. Bound Over to Court GeoigC' Pricfmore of Henderson county was bound to Superior court by Magistrate Henry Envin on i Wednesday morning on charge of stealing machinery from the Fred Miller shop in Brevard. Pridmore was arrested Tuesday by Sheriff Tt m Wood and a Henderson county officer. V. S'. Income On Upgrade Washington—Income of the fed eral government for the first eight and one-half months of the year surpasses the total of 1933, treasury figures show. Two American Confc sed Spies Paris, France—Robert and Mar jorie Swits, two Americans, confess ed Monday to being members of a world-wide espionage ring operating in behalf of Germany and Soviet Russia against France, Great Brit ain and the United States. TO LIT1CA L FOR TAX COLLECTOR To The Voters of Transylvania Go. Having served my county as Tax Collector for one term, and having faithfully discharged the duties oi said office, I hereby announce my self as candidate for nomination for the second term, subject to the Democratic Primary. I will appreci ate the support of my friends. Respectfully, 0. L. ERWIN PISGAH FOREST NEWS The people of our community were saddened over the death of an old friend, Mrs. Edwin Poor, Saturday. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the Davidson River Presbyterian church, the Rev . W. S. Hutchinson, officiating. Intor mentwas made in the Davidson River cemetery. Lance Carter is visiting his aunt Mrs. Ed Lance, on Mills River. Mrs. W. L. I-yday had as her guests several days last week Mrs. Robert Boggs ar.d baby. Little Woodrow Cooper ified in Lyday Memorial hospital Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs, W. If. Stophel, of Marion, S. C., were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Duncan, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Stophel were former residents of this community. Misses Flora and Mamie Lyday have been visiting several of their pupils who aro ill with measles. Miss Nadine Avery visited Mr. and Mrs. Francis Plummer in Brevard lsst week • Miss Cornelia Ratchford of Brc vai-d visited Miss Dorothy Souther Monday night. Time will tell — wear SUNDIAL SHOES THE FASHION, Brevard j[ Why Liquid Laxatives Do You No Harm I The dose ot a liquid laxative can be measured. The action can thus be regulated to suit individual need. It forms no habit; yon need not lake a “double dose” a day or two later. W wilt a mild.liquid laxrJwr irritate ! the kiihtctis. The right liquid laxative will brine a perfect movement, and with no di-cnmforl at the lime, or afterward. The vi''.ug cathartic may efien do more ! arm than g >od. An approved liquid laxative (one •vhicl: is most widely used for both adults and children) is Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin, a prescription. It is perfectly cafe. Us laxative action is based on senna—a natural laxative. The hovels will r.ot become depend ent on this form of help, as they may 1 do in the case of cathartics contain ing mineral drugs. Ask your druggist j for Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin. Member N. R. A. ment is hand selects*! and an exclusive model. Beautiful new -ilk print? and -solid color crepes — Trims at organdie, novelty b:wr» and rand made lace. The new r.r.i ctanning The Needed Accessories . . . as Such as lingerie, millinery and bag real economy prices The New “Golden Art" UUSTBEIGE CUASHTONE MOUETTE SPICE BROWS LT. GUNMETAL MASOA HOSIERY Pure Sheer (CT.:'< i — full fashioned, that v - v ' feature 69c 89c THE FASHION “Complete Outfitters at Economy Prices Brevard, N. C. SALE Starts Friday March 23 Next Door to McLellan’s HENDERSONVILLE, in. l. | OUR STOCK of quality goods is more com plete and up-to-date than ever before. Our buyers went direct to the New York markets and returned with fortunate purchases that C A STER BARGAINS ! mean much to you. In fact, we overbought and must sell as much as possible before Easter. _LnUILIX MJ ■MOTHanaMBMUEa 42-inch Raw Silk Flat Crepe 29c Yard Men’s Genuine Broadcloth Dress Shirts 59c ABasement) EXTRA SPECIAL GORDON PURE SILK, FULL- • FASHIONED HOSE. Frt11 Not over six pairs to customer; no exchanges and no refunds They ARE a Bargain • Men’s Shirts and Shorts Extra Special At 19c (Basement) Printed and Solid Pastel Spring Silk Dresess $1.98 Shoe Department Tea new styles in men’s Calf skin Goodyear Welt Oxfords, all leather; $4.00 flJO Q>0 values—Special at. . . . Ladies Oxfords and Health Shoes, all leather U | UV with ?rch supports; whites, blacks, tans. yl«t/v MEN’S CLOTHING (Main Floor) One group high grade New York Style and Fa^hioh Q Suits; beautiful spring patterns, including Bi-swing models; values to 22.50 $14.95 $15.95 Men’s and Young Men’s All Wool ff*11|.95 Spring suit, including heavy serges S' 1" Boys’ All Wool Spring Suits— fl»0 95 including blue cheviots . Fast color Broadcloth Dress Shirts ’7QC in fancy patterns and solid colors 1 v New spring Rosett Felt Hats including stitched, on sale at. . Young Men’s Dress Pants, Hollywood models, on sale at . I LADIES’ READY-TO-WEAR New Spring Swagger Suits, (PC-95 regular $9.95 values, on sale'alyv New Spring Polo Coats, in tans and royal blues; all sizes; (PQ-95 regular $12.95 values. Special «P0 Beautiful new Rayon Taffeta and Rayon Satin Blouses, in Cl'®® all the new spring shades. . . . Wool Flannel Skirts, in all (PI-49 colors. Special at. New assortment Fancy d*j (M .59 Spring Sport Sweaters, «J)1> V* New Spring Millinery, in assorted colors and (and Cl'®® styles. Fine values »-'0 «P *• PURE SILK DRESSES_ In beautiful assortments of styles and colors, including printed and solid color pastel-shades, navy three-quarter coat dresses, pastel fur-trftnmed heavy crepe suits, and a lot of others. Unusual values that were formerly up to $10. Special Easter price of $2.98 $3.98 $4.98|$5J8 1 . . DIET C mnnc 40°-yard Lilly and OC llEiVL aJwvlirlJ Blossom thread, spool 0 J. & P. Coats and iC New pure dye wash- TAC Q NT Cotton< Met- ^ able Silk, yd.U*' cerized and Silk Thread. PATTERSON’S I HENDERSONVILLE : = = N.C.|| Men’s and boys’ All Wool Sweaters, slipovers, in fancy and solid colors si AA Easter Bargain price «P *• Vw Men’s Work Shoes, with solid Leather, Panco bottoms AOC A Bargain at. vQ I AAIf I SPECIAL — Men’s lalvMi Dress and 4*1 AA work pants all sizes. V * Men’s Triple-stich Blue iOC Chambray Work Shirts W Ladies high grade dress and sport slippers, including straps, ties, pumps, and ox* (M JA fords. Values to $3.S0yl»T**J Men’s solid leather Dress Ox fords, leather insoles. £1 ftO Special at only .y Balfour Sheeting, 10 yards for Children’s fast color aftC Dresses with panties. .. w 36-inch Cretonne, lAC yard. 1V Ladies’ fast c© i(lfijj