C. G. KILPATRICK FUNERAL HOME Licensed Kinbalmers.Morticians Individual Ambulance and Hearse 214 W. Main Street Phone 123 — North Carolina RUPTURE E. J. MEINHARDI OF CHICAGO HERE AGAIN He will demonstrate the ■‘Meinhardi Rupture Shield” privately in his rooms at the George Vand-. > hilt Hotel, Ashe ville, N. Car., on Wednesday only. April 4th, from 1:00 P. M. to 7:00 P .M. Ask the Hotel Clerk for the numbers of Mr. Heinhardi’s rooms. Only men are invited. Mr. Meinhardi says: “The Meinhardi Rupture Shield con tracts the Opening in 10 days on the average case regardless of the size or location of the Rupture—no matter how much you exercise, liftf. or strain.' The Meinhardi Rupture Shield is skillfully molded to each in dividual as a Dentist makes false teeth. (No leg straps and no cumbersome arrangements). It i< waterproof, sanitary, practically indestructible, and may be worn while bathing or sleeping (continuously day and night) until no longer neces sary. After twenty years of expe rience seeing thousands of ease - -Mr. Meinhardi will be glad to answer questions re garding all m-thods for Rup t u re. 1) . not neg’e.-t to see him on the above da'- . There is no j charge for demonstration, lhis visit is for • ite people only. Ohicag Office, Pure Oil Bldg. 1 j SELECA NEWS (By Ward Breedlove) -r j The Barton boys will have some fine lime at their kiln here in a few days, and of course first here first served. Mrs. Annie Hale died at her i> me at Pickens and was buried at ' ithey’s. cemetery Tuesday, March . 10. Mrs. Hale was before her mar j iicge Miss Annie McKinna of Bre jvard. Farmers around Selica are wondering when we will have some nore days with sunshine instead of ain, as there is much land yet to be turned. E. F. Y. Eubanks has hauled out mother car of lime to be used on lis rented portion of the Jones farm here, which will mean much for fu ture crops. Willie Dunn and party were cut short a trip to Carr’s Hill Saturday ■light when he mistook a side ditch for the road. We were reminded of olden times when before the day of autos peo ple rode old Joe and Fan, when 1 Freeman Galloway and party came 1 through our section Saturday eve Inimr on horseback. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Crate Mc Call on March 25 a son, Crate Jr. Mrs. McCall will be remembered as .Miss Bailie McKinna of Brevard and | Cedar Mountain. The work on Mr. and Mrs. Alvin j Fowler’s house has been delayed be cause of rain. They hope to get moved next week. An Easter entertainment is to be 'given by the Selica union Sunday, ! text Saturday evening and Sunday tfternoon, the latter in the form of an egg hunt. Time and place will be announced at Sunday school. There are more cases of measles in and around Selica than we wish to enumerate, but we are glad to ibelieve it will soon be through, as •earlv everybody will soon have had the disease. Wake up Selicaites and help your ■•oporter, as we can't say without having it to say. We know our com munity is worth our efforts and some sacrifices. YEP, IN A MINUTE “Mother, shall I run out and post ‘his Utter?” asked a little girl of six years. “No, child, certainly not,’’ was the reply. “It’s pouring in torrents, and not fit to turn a dog out of doors. I.et your father go." The common house fly is some what of a speed demon. He makes 330 wing beats a second. NEVER FORGET THIS TABLET It Means the REAL ARTICLE GENUINE Of Bayer ASPIRIN Manufacture When you go to buy aspirin, just remember this: Every tablet of real aspirin of Bayer manufacture is stamped with this cross. No tablet without this cross is GENUINE Bayer Aspirin Remember this for your own protection. Tell your friends about it for their protection. Demand and get Genuine BayerAspirin.| Safe relief for headache, colds, sore throat, pains of rheumatism and neuritis, etc. Genuine Soyer Aspirri Does Not Harm the Heart ammi.a.i. V-C FERTILIZE IS GOOD CROP INSURANCE Your Profits Come Out of the Ground, There fore Make Your Soil Rich to Start with and Then Insure a Heavy and Profitable Growth by the Use of V-C Fertilizers. !n doing this, you eliminate most of the risk in grow ing your crops. ASK YOUR DEALER VIRGINIA CAROLINA CHEMICAL CORPORATION 4 ........... Transylvania Agents For V—C FERTILIZER B. & B. FEED & SEED CO. CEDAR MTN. NEWS Wo are glad to report that the school has reopened after a two weeks’ enforced vacation on account ! of the measles. There is now only one family reported as having the measles, that being Mr. Ben Jones. Miss Bonnie Batson visited Miss Dixie Jones over the week-end. Mrs. L. E. Hamby, Sadie Alli •on and Rhcda Jones visited then sister Miss Estelle Heath, who was operated on at St. Francis hospital last week. Much interest was shown last week in the progress made in the course of intructions in training in church membership, which was taught by Rev. W. C. Hilemon of the Rocky Hill Baptist church. Walter Heath and wife of Green ville visited their sister Mrs. Dorse Allison the past week-end. We are glad to report that Miss Clara Jones is improving after a severe attack of the flu. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Robinson will be glad to learn that they are improving after a severe illness. Our sheriff Tom Wood caused a flurry of excitement in the communi ty by paying a brief visit here. He captured a still, giving a free ride to Mac Perry, who is now residing at the hotel near the court house. The B. Y. P. U. elected officers last Sunday night. The following were elected': Lloyd Hilemon, presi dent; Miss Clara Jones, vice presi dent; Emerson Jones, secretary; Miss Eldred Burns, corresponding secretary; Dick Garren, treasurer; Miss Dixie Jones, chorister; Bruce Watson, captain group 1; Wilkie Bishop, captain group 2. We are sorry to lose one of our neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bishop who recently moved to the Hunter farm near Brevard. Harlin Jones, who after his mar riage moved to South Carolina, has returned to his old home. We are rlad to have Harlin and his wife sack with us. QUEBEC NEWS (By Lucille Henderson) Mrs. Jack Smith and daughter, Betty Jean, and Mrs Gene Moore ' and daughter Joretta and son Gerald Austin spent Thursday with Mrs. James Chapman. “Junior” Whitmire spent last Fri- , day night with Meade Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Whitmire and children, Ras and Roma, made a trip to Knka last Sunday. Miss Ida Whitmire spent last Sunday night with Miss Ruby Gol den. Paul Fisher visited his grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Miller, j on Thursday of last week. Miss Milly Fisher spent Friday night with Miss Roma Whitmire. Mrs, Gene Moone and children spent one day last week wtih Mrs. Cecil Whitmire. Mrs. Gladys Franklin was a Bre vard visitor Friday. Gene Moore spent the past week in Gloucester. Miss Barbara Henderson spent the past week at Enka with her sister, Mrs. Elvin Edney. Miss Opal Dodgin spent Tuesday night with Miss Alva Fisher of Lake Toxaway. Mrs. Rufus Owen who has been seriously ill at her home for some days is slowly improving. Mrs. Ransey Whitmire of Pick ens spent Wednesday of last week with Mrs. Ilillie Fisher. Wayne Lowe is spending some time with his sister, Mrs. Oscar Fisher. Miss Virgie Thomas spent lues-j day night with Miss Irene Owen, i Mrs. George Odell and Miss Nel-1 lie Thomas spent Monday night with: Mrs. Will Reid. J. C. Thomas spent Wednesday) with Ben Breedlove of Lake Toxa way. _ Capt W. D. Black and son Ed ward of Wiliiston, S. C., spent the week-end at their summer cottage here. Mrs. Ben Fisher was dinner guest of Mrs. I.esa Loving Sunday. Mrs. Alfred Owen and small son, Thomas, spent Saturday and Sun-i day nights with Mrs. Will Reid. Misses Ethel and Elizabeth Whit mire of Rosinan spent Saturday night with their aunt, Mrs. M. 0. McCall. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Whitmire were visitors of . Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Miller Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Edney of Enka were week-end visitors at the home of Mrs. Edney’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Henderson. Miss Ailene Owen returned home Saturday after spending some time with friends in Easley, S. C Misses Hattie and Ruth Thomas of Easley spent the week-end with Miss Nellie Thomas. Mrs. Lesa Loving and Mrs. Ben Fisher called on Mrs. Will Reid Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Reid is seriously ill. Mrs. Ed Waldrop called on her daughter, Mrs. Abe Lowe, Satur day . ‘ Butch” Whitmire who has em ployment in Greenville spent the week-£ ml with his mother, Mis. Dovie Whitmire. Messrs Vernon Clarke and Glen Galloway of Rosman were visitors ;n this community Sunday. Mrs. Lewis Thomas and sen of Sunset, South Carolina, were visit ing relatives and friends in this community last week. T. C. Henderson is planting a voting orchard, consisting mainly o, the Golden Delicious and Starting ! apples. At this writing he lacks on ly forty trees having the ground set hat he has prepared. He says that ho ha.v given most of his life in the nterest of others, and that he ex sects men and women and boys and girls to be enjoying the fruits of his orchard after lie haa censed to dan and has stepped off the stage f action. LITTLE RIVER HONOR ROLL IS ANNOUNCED Scholastic Honors Seventh Grade—Clifford McCrary, Odell Scott, Jennie Georgs, I.illic Ball, Dorothy McCrary. Sixth Grade—Annie Gray, Lucile McCrary, Katherine Shuford. Fifth Grade—Hairman Merrill. Fourth Grade—Calvin Merrill, No vella McCrary, Ruby Baynard, Eve lyn Hawkins, Ruby McCall, Kathleen McCrary. Third Grade—Mary Howell. Second Grade—Dale Orr, Miriam Merrill. Attendance Seventh Grade—Grady Baynard, Clifford McCrary, Odell Scott, Doro thy McCrary, Ethel Smith. Sixth Grade—Helen Holtzclaw. Lucile McCrary, Katherine Shuford, Samantha Smith. Fifth Grade—Miriam Merrill. _ Fourth Grade—Lyle Merrill, Cal vin Merrill, Ruby McCall, Kathleen McCrary, Novella McCrary, Syble Merrill. Third Grade—Lamar Hamilton, Thomas McCrary. Second Grade—Miriam Merrill. First Grade — Clannie McGaha, Mary McCrary, Jacqueline McCall. Yearly Honors Odell' Scott, Dorothy McCrary, Helen Holtzclaw, Lucile McCrary, Katherine Shuford, Hairman Merrill, Calvin Merrill, Lyle Merrill, Ruby McCall, Kathleen McCrary, Novella McCrary, Syble Merrill, Lamar Ham ilton, Thomas McCrary', Clannie Mc 3aha, Mary McCrary. PENROSENEWS (By N. L. Ponder) Saturday of this week is set for vofle on the Enon cemetery. Those nterested will please take notice* ind come prepared to work. Several legleeted graves need attention and vill require several hands for extra lours. Enon uhurch will observe Easter Sunday with a program in the after loon.‘There will be spreia! songs ind a sermon by the pastor. It is ixpected that those who can will ielp to bring the old folks in the ommunity. Penrose school has two families vith measles. Others have escaped o far and are back in school, except or a few who are afraid of measles. Time will tell — wear SUNDIAL SHOES | THE FASHION, Brevard i I OF "NIRViS CAMILS. INO JOYING IT MY "NIRVIS" JANGLED ANY -1 I’m the “LAST LUMP” of Coal in your bin.... a-poppin’ up here to remind you to Order Coal NOW! There’ll be plenty of cool days yet, and for cook ing or other purposes you can’t beat the coal sold by J. 5. BR0MF1ELD COAL - ICE - LAUNDRY a.... WOOD’S 9 1ROW Whether you are planting one row, a little comer, a truck garden, or a whole farm, you want the best seeds the difference , , . . 1 in chick feeds! YOU'RE RIGHT... it’s bard to see any difference in chick feeds by looking at feeds. But chicks have an honest way of showing you the difference at six weeks. They show you in no unmistakable way. You see it in the feathering ... in the develop ment ... in the weight. , This is why we have made PUR INA STARTENA, America’s best in chick feeds, our choice. We know beforehand what we can promise in chicks at six weeks. We know you can't get STAR TENA results with "just as good feeds.” Only STARTENA can give you STARTENA results. Before your chicks come... see us. We l.ave a nice surprise for you in a Chick Management Chart and a Chick Sanitation Kit. Come i i : ? i —11 In' i saS ................ B. & B. FEED & SEED The Store With the Checkerboard Sign | I PHONE 66 EAST MAIN STREET |1> BREVARD, N. C- * ......mumumi.mm...—.......*...^