♦******************+ **********'****+*'3,*********+*+***>J******+***-M.li.*****+******‘r» I News of the Week irom Rosman ! | MRS. JORDAN WHITMIRE, Correspondent | ON MOTOR TRIP TO THE WEST . Austin Hogsed, Roy Fisher, w ast Fisher, Coy Fisher, Fred Strouf and Claud Stroup left Sunday morn ing for a six weeks’ motor trip tc California, Oregon and Washing ton. The boys expect to visit kt ellow stone National Park, Pikes Peak and other points of interest. They are making the trip by a southern route but expect to return by a northern route, including Niagara Falls, New York city and Washing ton. D. C. The trip is being made in a new Chevrolet sedan. The boys expect to arrive in California next Sunday. ROSMAN JUNIOR CLASS PRESENTS CHAPEL PLAY The junior class of Rosman high school presented a one-act play, en titled "On the Dotted Line,” at the chapel Friday morning. The play illustrated the fact that the right kind of home and school training gives one the best outlook on life. Self consciousness and self ishness bring about unhappiness. The newlvweds in the play quarrel led but were brought together again by a vacuum cleaner salesman. Following was the cast of charac ters: Wilton Brussels salesman, Mar tin Arrowood; Bertram Dudley, a newly wed, Victor Sigmon; Hazel Oudly, his wife, Alta McCall; Mr. Flandermeyer, father-in-law, Them Cassell; Mrs. Flandermeyer, mother-) in-law, Beatrice Woodard; Miss Pcllt, domestic arbtirator, Pauline Moore. PREACHING HOURS ARE ANNOUNCED Preaching services will be held by the pastor, Rev. J. E. Burt, at Oak drove Quebec Sunday morning at 11 o’clock and at Glady Branch in the evening at 8 o’clock. THREE ENJOYABLE EASTER EGG HUNTS Three enjoyable Easter egg hunts were held (luring the week, by Sun day school classes and others. Teachers and members of the Sunday school class of the Church of (. I enjoyed an egg hunt near Calvert Sunday. The party included the following: Lena and Ruby Love. Dorothy, Oneida. J- A. Stokley and Festus Wids, Mamie anil Dorothy Reid. Eva and Gen°va Galloway, Mrs. Lola Masters, Jack Murphy. Ralph Mcece, Paul Meece, Clarence Masters and Viola Rice. The primary class Mt. Moriah Calvert Sunday school, with their teach . Mi Mary Morgan an egg hunt the chin day afternoon. Following were '* ' ’’-V 1 ’ . " i nt: Boyce and Gi nn Winches; • l.lnvd ami Gerald Gii: • pie. Kl/.mb, • ;• and' Buddy M ■'gat . Ray Isra Junior Cassell. Ruth Gillespie, Mar garet, Martha and Dorothy \\!r'. mire, Rob Whitmire Laura Phair, Dovi- White, Caro lyn Kinizey, Jack and Dan Eder.s en joyed an egg hunt near Rosivan sch' d building Sunday. FAREWELL PARTY IS ESIOYAIU.E OCCASIOX Mr. and Mrs. I). L. Glazener en tertained with a' party at their lv me here Wednesday night, honoring Ail-tin Uogsed, Rov Fisher, Wa-r. Fisher. Ocy FUlieij Frrd Stroup and Claud Stroup, who were leaving soon for an extended western n-.otor trip The affair was generally pt • nouneed one of the most enjojao? social events of the season. Refreshments of chicken sala i. sandwiches, punch and cakes were served during the evening. Mrs. Glazener was assisted in serving by Miss Ola Paxton. Guests present were: Misses Jo- - phine, Kdith and Geneva Mull. Mil dred Whitmire, Margaret and Lucy Fullbright, of Brevard, Annie and Oixie Jones of Cedar Mountain. Marie Moore. Eva Pharr, Virginia Oats, Ola Paxton and Mattie Cowar. of Svlva. Messrs Austin Hogsed, Roy.' Wash, C-y Fisher, Claud. Fred Tom and Paul Stroup. A. M. Paxton J.r., K. M. and Wallace Col lins. John Jack-' n. Walter Whtt iniiGirtha Watkins. Edwin Eng-, lish and Mr. York of Brevard, For rest Ball, Hendersonville. TTTTWTTTTTTTTT T T TTTTTTTTTTT' ft. Y. P. V. ENJOYS WEINER ROAST AND EGG HUNT The B. Y. P. U. of Mt. Moriah Calvert church enjoyed a weiner roast and egg hunt Saturday night near the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gaston Whitmire. Guests present were: E. J. and Blanton Whitmire, W. T. and Myr tle Whitmire, Mamie Hayes, Frank and Fred Israel, Burean Huggins, 1 Harry and Mae Owen, Ruth Jor I dan, Annie Mae .and Geneva Paxton, I Selma and Edwin Morgan, Mary, Harry, Fannie and Oliver Morgan, t,amar and Roger Whitmire, D. S. Winchester, Them Cassell, Gaston, Whitmire. ! EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE > WAS WELL ATTENDED Easter sunrise services were held Sunday morning jointly by the Itos rhan Methodist church and Zion Baptist church on the lawn of the Methodist church. The services, sponsored by Rev. J. N. Hall and Rev. J. E Burt, were pronounced successful and were well attended. Miss Ella Mae and Arleen Owen and Edmond Owen spent Friday night as guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wilds. Misses Dorothy and Nellie Wilds spent the week-end at Quebec visit ing friends. Mrs. J. S. Wilds is spending sev -ral days at Greenville, visiting Mr. ind Mrs. Ralph Willis. Rev. Clyde McCall preached at :he Gloucester CCC camp Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Moore were Sunday guests of Mrs. M. N. Moore. Mrs- J. A. Whitmire and daugh ers Martha Margaret and Dorothy , were Sunday guests of the formers sister Mrs. Frank Morgan. ! Mrs. S. F. Foster returned to the | home of her daughter Mrs. C. F. By-j icrly in Asheville Saturday she was; ' accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. J. F-i ! Morgan and daughter Miss Ruthj Morgan. _ . .... , I | IS. Util uiawviiv-i --o ter Inez and sons Robert and C. H. Jr. left Sunday to spend a few days as guests of the fonners daughter Mrs. Steve Ferguson at Crab Tree. Mrs. Sallie Galloway Mi-s Grace Galloway I.orena Galloway Mrs. ! non Whitmire and daughter Miss Mu . Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Green and family motored to the Sapphire eotion Sunday and enjoyed an egg | hurt. Glenn Galloway, Miss Louise Gai-j 1 way Margaret and Julian Jones,] Miss Lc ta Randolph. Miss Ernrnai Lee Galloway. Homer Clark. Mr.] Boyd Moore, Mrs. Wil-J hoi Galloway and daughter Fran-] a> tended church -’ervices att vV ^*A- 1,1 •*:)' | (U‘K»gaU*v of church of God at Ros-j .. . . »' • O’ .UVIAUII i- VIIVIVM...T ■it her heme here having suffered a | | tmke Sunday night. Miss Marie Wilds is reproted ’ mite ill at the home cf her parents Mr. and Mrs. .1. S. Wilds. Mrs. M. B. Owen and Mrs. Lola Masters wire guests at the home of Mr. ard Mrs. J. S. Wilds Wednes day . Karl Duncan spent Sunday as euest of Charles Clark. Marvella. small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Staton is very, ill. , • Miss Daisy Galloway spent the week-end at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Galloway. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Allison and | family attended a surprise birthday ■ dinner given in honor and at the j home of Mrs. H. L. Allison near Brevard Sunday, thfr latter is i the mother of Mr. Allison. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Galloway and daughter Miss Thelma and John Jackson and small daughter ac companied Mrs. John Jackson to Enka Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Sigmon, Mr. and Mrs W. L. Harmon attended a sing ing at Mountain View at Pickens Sunday. Clarence Crow, Edwin Staton. Charlie Gant and Lawrence Whit mire also attended the singing. Mrs. John Butler of Ninety-Six S. C., is quite ill at her home, Mrs. Butler is the former Miss Mae Burt. • Her sister Miss Ruth Burt is spend-j —active Y oungsters need it — — IT BUILDS muscle, sound Leiii and go d Health. And the, like sweet, natural ta.-te. Sunny Side Grade “A” NOT PASTEURIZED, but just as pood as Grade “A Raw Milk can be made. SUNNY SIDE DAIRY Paul Glazener Walter Glazener rTTTTT•» TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT^ i ing several days with her sister. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Harmon are leaving Wednesday for Gastonia- to spend several weeks. Vess Chappel of Pickens was a business visitor lo Rosman Thurs day. Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Burt and daughter Margaret Hope and son Joe were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Paxton Sunday. Mrs. H. G. Stophel and Miss Helen Henderson spent the week-end visit ing relatives and friends in Green ville. H. G. Stophel was a business visitor to Brevard Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Bush of Bre vard visited Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Daniels Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams and sons, Marshall and Earl of States ville daughters Ollie and Clois, M. A. Williams and daughter Rachel and son Albert of Brevard visited Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Pharr and other relatives here Sunday. D. L. Glazener of Willetts spent the week-end with his family here. Gertha Watkins was a dinner , guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Glaze ner Sunday. Ralph Eldridge a student of Weaver college, Weaverville spent Easter vacation with his parents Rev. and Mrs. C. J. Eldridge. Bert McLean who has been under going treatment at Six Mile hospital . returned home Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Eldridge • and son Carl were business visitors < to Asheville Wednesday.. Edwin Staton, Charles Glazeper \ and John Jackson of the Rosman 1 String Band played for a dance at ] ,U»e home cf Duncan MacDougal 'Tuesday, Friday and Saturda, nights at Caesar’s Head. Mrs. Claud Glazener who under went an operation at Patton Mem orial hospital in Hendersor.vlile hai returned home. Mrs. Roe Rice who underwent ai operation at Six Mile hospital re turned here Saturday. Mr. a nd Mrs. E. A. Glazenei visited their daughter Miss Louis* Glazener who is a student at Ashe ville Normal and Teachers college in Asheville. James, Paul and Wm. White spent the week-end visiting relatives at Statesville. Mrs. Wade Garren and son For est of Asheville were guests of Mrs. L. M. Glazener at the home of Mr, and Mrs.. A. M. Paxton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Summeral joined a party of friends from Pied mont and Anderson, S. C-, Sunday at White Pine camp and enjoyed a picnic dinner. Miss Mary Louise Bass of Cin cinatti, Ohio spent Friday night as fuest of Mrs. M. C. Sumeral. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Glazener and laughter Miss Ruby and sons Charles and Tom were visitors to Brevard Saturday night. Thomas Glazener spent Saturday n Brevard as guest of Mr. and Mrs. Winston Ashworth. T. H. Thomas spent the week-end n South Carolina visiting relative*! . _ J J. • ••<4 11ICI1UO. Misses Elsie White, Irene Pharr, LaVerne Whitmire students of W. C. r. C. spent Easter vacation with heir parentc here. F. L. Wilson and daughter Mrs. \ston Heath and Mary Louise Heath were guests Wednesday of Hrs. Jordan Whitmire. Miss Mattie Cowan of Sylva risited Miss Belle Fisher Wiednes lay. James T. Bales of Sylva spent he week-end with Mrs. Bales at he home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee R. Maher. CEDAR MTN. NEWS. The farmers are taking advantage i of the pretty weather and are turn ing the land for the coming crop. Solomon Jones is visiting in Char lotte and attending the Rf-publicar. convention. While there he will visit his sen Ed who has a respon sible position with the Kenny Cof fee company. D. E. Smith and wife, Mrs. W. II. League and daughter of Travel ers Rest, S. C., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Watton. The Sunday school gave a very interesting program Sunday morn | ing. A libera! offering was made for missions. Rev. C. W. Hilemon filled his regular appointment Sunday eve ning. j P. T. Watson has reopened his( store with a complete line of grocer-, ies, notions snd feeds, oils and gas. He intends to keep his store open the year ’round, which will be of great benefit to the community. Mr. Watson is a man of much experience in this line of business. 5. A. Jones’ mother, who is very ' ill, has been brought beck from South Carolina to his home. The mother, brothers and aisters of Mr. Bill Bishop visited his home at the Hunter farm for Easter H JWIAir v V4IVO, W«VIIVi 1 Cellar Mountain school, entertained | her pupils with an Easter egg hunt jFriday. An enjoyable time was re 1 ported • Miss Viola Tabers, Fannie Spear man and Mr. Jake Wickliffe of Greenville visited Miss Carrie Jones and brothers Sunday. The W. M. S. will meet at the home of Mrs. Nellie Jones Friday at 2:30 o’clock. There will be a working at the Rocky Hill cemetery and church grounds Saturday, April 7 Come and bring your hoes and rakes. BALSAM GROVE NEWS A large crowd was present at the regular preaching service here Sun day, and a general invitation is ex tended to all people of the communi ty to attend the coming Sunday at which time re-organization of the Sunday school is expected to fce made. Mother's prayer meetings have been started once more in the community and one is to be held each week. All women and girls are invited to those meeting*. Mr. and Mrs. C. Anderson of Piedmont, Mrs. W. M. McCall and daughter, Miss Georgia, spent Sun day afternoon with Mrs. Harry ifs Miss Ruth Morgan spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCall at Cherryfield. Filmore Galloway is recovering very nieeiy. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Brown visited friends and relatives in Jackson county recently. Mr. and Mrs. Leon McCall and son of Pickens, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc Call were visitors at the home of Mrs. Doctor McCall here Sunday aft ernoon. Boyd McCall is very ill with the meulef, Mr. and Mrs. Harlow McCall and children of the Macedonia section, visited here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henson McCall have recently moved to Brevard. Charlie Buckner and family vis ited friends and relatives in Green ville the past week-end. Several people from this section are attending court n Brevard this week. Keeping your husband in hot water makes him hardboited. Time will tell — wear SUNDIAL SHOES THE FASHION, Brevard •0 [Simple as a Shock Absorber! (Chevrolet's "fully-enclosed” Knee-Action is, in reality, a gigantic shock absorber, built solidly on to Chevrolet’s big, heavy frame, with the front wheel solidly anchored to the "shock absorber" arm. The result: When the front wheel comes in contact with a bump Qjj or hole, it rises or falls to absorb the shock, w I______LJ A 8mooth’rc8lfu1’ Znd /fig ride... a bounceless back seat ... a new feeling of safety and relaxation in high-speed or rough road travel. All these pleasures are yours with Knee-Action wheels. And if your car has enclosed Knee-Action, like Chevrolet's, you not only get this gliding ride at its best, you also get two other extra advantages. One of these is shock-proof steering. And the other is dependable operation, thoroughly protected against wear and tear. The patent rights on this special kind of Knee-Action are held exclusively by General Motors. That's why no other low-priced car has it. Also, no other has a Fisher body, cable-controlled brakes, a Y-K frame, or a Blue Flame engine of unsurpassed economy. CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICHIGAN Compare Clk’vrolet's low delivered prices and easy G.M.A.C. terms. A General Motors l alue OCA1XR ADVERTISEMENT