1 WHIRL AT THE WORLD OF NEWS to Items of interest gleaned during the past week —--— { Prices Raised On Autos 1 Detroit — 'Automobile price in" creases predicted several weeks ago began to make their appearance Tuesday with announcements oy four companies of additions ranging from *25 to ^JOonywious modelS; Dodge, Plymouth, Crysler and Stude baker were the increased models. Dillint/er .Bdlieved Shot St. Paul—Federal officers shot a man who was believed to h*ve John Dillinger here Tuesday night. The supposed man was shot whu riding in a car with a young lady. He was taken to a hospital and given treatment, but recovery was very • doubtf ul. _ Children Mast Learn To Treat Xjranrvy Better St. Clairsvile, 0.—Frisky young fellc-ws who whip th.e,r, f ers had something to be afraid or MS him that amount y«terd»y, “Whv did you whip your poor wu grandmother?” Justice od, after the grandson, had entered • !#'S .’‘tank --KfSaWrnsi ^•‘Because." the 65-year-old replied, “became She got hot Eastermoni ing and wanted to go out and PW when I wanted her to go to church. Insult Ordered To V.S Instanbul, Turkey offici»«>’ tied the American government lues day that it can have Samuel Insull for trial, and put him i 3 , ^oite his tears—to insure his being , l hau l when American rived to start him back to Chicago. He is wanted for embezzlement of utility funds. i — i Eleven Persons Die In Havana Fire ' Havana — Eleven persons were killed Tuesday in a fire said by police to be of incendiary origin, which wrecked the garage of the Omnibus de la Habana company and destroyed 35 buses. Authorities started an investigation and tenta tively linked the blase with labor troubles. Property damage was set at $600,000. Nolan Relieved Of Office Marion—The office of the super ;r.tendent of public instruction in McDowell county was declared va cant in an order issued by the coun ty board of education Monday. A. V'. Nolan has been county superin tendent. The action of the board climaxed a long series of disagree ments between the board and the county commissioners. Farley Asks Bids For Air Mail Routes Washington—Moving back towards private transportation of the air mail the postoffiee department Sat urday invited bids for temporary airmail contracts over 21 routes cov ering_18,000 miles. Lack Of Funds Forces Alabama Schools To Close Montgomery — Thousands of Ala ban* children who expected to com plete the second semester of the present scholastic year with funds from federal grants Saturday were uncertain whether the bell would ring for them Monday. Dillinger Shoots Way Out Of Trap St. Paul—John “The Killer” Dil linger, with a submachine gun ir, his hands and a big green sedan awaiting him, shot his way out of a police trap Saturday and once more foiled the law. 40,000 Attend Easter Service Winston-Salem — The deathless story of the resurrected Christ was told is soul-stirring words to a massed multitude of approximately i 40,000 in the iocl gray dawn here1 Sunday. Services Held In Jerusalem Jerusalem—While Christians from all quarters of the globo knelt be-; fire the tomb of Christ in the, church of Holy Sepulchre, Sunday, thousands of turbar.ed Moslems paraded, singing and swinging sci mitars through the ancient walled city of Jerusalem. Student Boils Skunk, Dad Blisters Student Ontario, Calif—Seeking an addi-1 tional credit in his biology course at Chaffey college, Paul Wilson, 17, put tiie carcass of a skunk on the kitchen stove and boiled it several h til's to obtain the skeleton for; •:dkeivhiefsf over tlx iv roses to r • oil>i • The burned youth’s clothing, d.siroyed all ■iv.- groceries and used several > 1 it rent disinfectants, but the odor re nin-: 1 oppressive. IPu-t/ti Ho.ini it Hoods Mode in • Fascist Sal ions New York - An effective Amcri ra boycott on goods made in Fas -• ,-t countries was recommended M n *i;:y l.-v Xninan Thomas, the Social ist l. advr, in a letter to a meeting at v.hi. h Chancellor Doll fuss of A.u. - ti a was placet! "on trial” for the " .u'liei” of Austria Socialist dur ing th • February uprising. B'lHots Stolen .Is Count Shows Nashville, Tenn.,—A most import ; ; •!d burning question was to be .it 'died Friday. Wh turned out the lights at the : !:■; ward fire hall and stole the ••ail : box-Thursday night just aft - a count of ballots revealed that Dr. Harry H. Walker, negro pity Greenville Men Sentenced Greenville—Sentences of six years, and a day were given four of the five defendants charged with com plicity in the theft of $50,000 from the South Carolina National bank m United States district court Tues-, dav and fifth was informed he will, he" given the same term when for-1 mally sentenced. The five pleaded guilty _ Johnson To Run Homes Campaign , Washington—Recovery Administra-, tor Hugh S. Johnson is preparing tOj add to his present heavy duties ac-( live director of the national em-, orgency council's billion dodar home^ modernization campaign MOo childri 1 Enjoy Egg Hunt • j Washing ton—Records as well as . egg- hells w • -c ashed at the ; ^Whi 1!' no- > ■ dm. ' *" rhildr 11 ■ clobr: eg hunt and t-hirt. m'iisand "“nig in egg rolling o: ’the laws Eir . .( Is l> ...< < ' lutkkip | p 1m Dr. Ali ort Einstein, world] famous scientist and author of the i theory of rc'ati. ity. \va- depriv.d of] hi* (icrnnui , . i/t nshin Thursday on I givund* of unpatriotic activities' abroad. f)nift (/in M"ii 1" 500 Pil'd Roll Tu.r, Cun Vole Kingston, Turn.,—On the eve of a hotly contested, city elect! n. only one mai holds a poll tax receipt qualifying him to cast a ballot and at lea f 500 would-be voters will have to watch while the election goes on. The voters "just forgot” to pay poll taxo-. Possibly 75 who are over 5(i years < f age or who have just In come 21 will be allowed to cote _ _____________ _ .... I Time will tell — wear SUNDIAL SHOES THE FASHION, Brevard To Serve... Motorists of Urevard and Transylvania is our desire and we pledge ourselves to do the best work possible on every job—be it large or small—and our prices are always reasonable. WILLARD BATTERIES WRECKER SERVICE We repair and recharge all makes of batteries. Hayes Motor Co. DAY PHONE 27—NIGHT PHONE 29 Main Street Same old location Brevard •ician, had been elected to city) council over two white opponents.. Jim Tignor, one of the election judges, reportedly was sitting with his feet atop the box when out went the lights, there was a rush in the dark, pandemonium, lights and an empty place where the box had been. ■ Tignor couldn’t shed any light on the disappearance. ,| 800 Fishermen Drowned Shanghai—Eight hundred fisher men were drowned here Thursday when a storm off the coast of Kwgngtung province sank 300 fish ing junks. . A Chinese customs cruiser rusnea to the scene and picked up a number of survivors, the reports said. Germany Plans Drive To Obtain Tourists Berlin — Drastic price slashes throughout the entire list of Bay reuth and Oberrammergau, will be offered to the 1934 tourist invasion, i Hotels, railroads, the Lufthansa, both resorts and admission fees of all types have been affected. Moon Planting Tw\e Justified, Teacher Thinks Philadelphia—The old superstitions about planting crops in the full of the moon are being justified by t science, according to Dean Charles H. Lawall, of the Philadelphia Col- ' lege of pharmacy. 246 Enroll In CCC Asheville—Two hundred and for ty-five unemployed men of Western 1 North Carolina left here Saturday t aboard a special train for Fort < Bragg where they will be given t training for replacement in the Civilian Conservation Corps camps s for the third six months period. - ( Catches Big Fish From Air | Miami—E. V. Babcock, a former j mavor of Pittsburg, Pa., Saturday “landed” a 240-pound shark from a ( ?emi-dirigible floating 500 feet above . the Gulf stream. Members of the { blimp’s crew assisted in hoisting the ( fish free of the water. 1 Auto And Buggy Sale AVf $29 Brownstown, Ind.—A 1926 auto- ] mobile which cost $500 when new, . sold for $12 at a public sale here , Saturday. , ; A buggy purchased twenty-five years ago for $65 brought $17. , Martin Insult To Face Jury Chicago—Alternately Mcrosje and Pleasant, Martin I. Insull. brother of the fugitive Samuel Insull, one ; time utility magnate, returned tr Chicago Thursday to face trial on chargis of embezzling $304,700 from utilities companies he once headed. OLD TOXAWAY (By Beulah Rice) Mrs. M. D. Rice and daughter, Muriel and Mazel were Sunday din ner guests of Mrs. S, E. Robinson. D. II Winchester and Charlie Bat/ son of Rosman were in this section cne day last week. » Miss Beulah Rice and Mr. W. L. Meece made a business trip to Pick ens and Easley one day last week. Mrs. W. M. Meece spent a few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. C. R. Powell near Rosman. Miss Marie Galloway is spending s few days at “Reid Siding.” Misses Dollie and Lois Robinson spent Sunday as guests of Miss Josie flenOrix. Mr. R. P. Aikens made a busi* less trip to Rosman, Wednesday. Miss Beulah Rice was a Wednes lay guest of Mrs. W. M. Meece. Little Mildred Chapman has been 11, but is improving. Misses Dollie Robinson and Lcla Morgan were Thursday guests or Miss Beulah Rice. littleMOews latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Bud Allison. Mr. and Mrs. David Merrill of Easley and Frank Merrill of near Moorqsvilie visited their mother Mrs. Rachel Merrill Sunday. Mrs, Joe Merrill who has been in Greenville for quite a while, returned to her home here last week. Mrs, A. B. McCall visited his sister Miss Sophia Hamilton of Crab Creek last week-end. W M. George and son U. G. visited Green McCall of Greer last week. Mr. McCall is very ill. Carl Cox, Jessie Johnson, John Cox, of Greer visited relatives here last week. Mrs. S. C. ETkin and Mrs. T. M. Merrill were dinner guests of Rev. »nd Mrs. W. P. Holtsclaw Friday. Miss Gladys Hamilton who is teaching in Hamlet spent the Easter holidays with her parents Mr. and Msuson Hamilton. Mr. and Stanop Pierson of Mills River spent the week-end with the latter’s sister Mrs. John Fisher. Mrs. T. L. Fickelsimer had aa ter guests Sunday A. H. Pickelsi ncr and family of Etowah, Glenn Morgan and family, Malvin Morgan ind family of Hendersonville, Mr. md Mrs George Merrill and daugh ;er Janie. Rev. and Mrs. W. P. Holtsclaw iaa as their week-end guests Mr. ind Mrs. Henry Reed of Etowah Mr. and Mrs. Carter Blythe of Jreenvilie, Mr. and Mrs. Fulton Hamilton of Slater. Mrs. Elmina Allison who under vent a serious operation at I.yday Memorial hospital last week is re ported to be doing nicely. “Aunt” Sula Merrill who has been 11 for several days is slowly im- 1 proving. William son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Vate Kilpatrick is seriously ill at he Macamos hospital near Her.der or.ville where he underwent an op ration for appendicitis. j Friends of Russell Henry will be orry to hear of him being ill. Mr. and Mrs. U. G. George had as heir guests Sunday Mrs. Georges i, parents Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Ponder f Enon also his grandmother Mrs, : 'ranklin of Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. Fair Turner who ias been with their son Charlie urner of Greers for the past few icnths returned to the home of heir daughter Mrs. John Fisher , icre Sunday where they make their ome. Miss Flora Merrill Mr and Mrs. tobert Merrill and children Bob’.e ; ml Thomas of Brevard visited their iiother “Aunt” Sula Merrill Sun-, ay . '! “Aunt” Sue Miller who has been j pith her sister Mrs. Lara Rodgers^ icre for quiet awhile returned toJ ler home near Cashiers Sunday, . ji Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Hamilton' pent Sunday with their daughtei J pIi-s. Virgil Duncan of Blantyre. : Born to Mr. and Mrs. Galard| lU-rrill a daughter March 15th. i Mr. ami Mrs. Volney Orr and hildren spent Sunday with the,1 In Memory Of SISTER POLLY RAINES Sister is gone but forgotten; if ever will her memory fade. 5 woe teat thoughts will ever linger touixf the grave where she is laid. t is sad to part with loved ones, Vnd hard to see them die. ■„ Jut we trust some day to meet her, n the land beyond the sky. Vhen the pearly gates are opened, ^nd a gentle voice said come, \nd with sad farewells unspoken She was safely entered home. fes, we loved her, 3ut the Savior loved her more so the angels sweetly called her ro that bright and happy shore. COULD’NT BLAME HIM First. Kid: Gee, Jimmy, when I vent by your house this morning I ua.'d somebody sweatin’ something iwful! Second Kid: Aw, that was my flad. fe was late for church ami couldn’t ’ind his hymn book. Maiden: "I just adore dark men ” Young Man: “You’d have a big; ime in Africa.” m__ rr la •* : gut- jf Iwo POUNDS OF PURINA STARTENA give you the kind of chick you want at six weeks. It’s more for your money than you can get any other way. ' Just as good” feeds can’t do it. Only STARTENA can give you STARTENA results. So before you get your chicks, stop in and let U3 ’shun ppp " r i". pm. of STUTfoP ppp dilrk will . for pup. W.0. W. HEWS! W. H. GROGAN, tt. District Man*a*r One Hundred Thousand for Match. 1 thank each Camp and every mem ber that helped u* make this splen did record during March. This shown President Bradshaw that we "Hill Billies" in the mountains of West ern North Carolina can do things ourselves when its for him and his honor. We congratulate you, Presi dent Bradshaw, for your 35 yean of service to this great Fraternity and the high purposes and principles that The Woodmen of the World stand for. The following Camps in Western North Carolina helped make our splendid record: No. 413 Cash iers, No. 580 Sylva, No. 80 Hickory, No. 213 Hendersonville, No. 1 Ashe ville, No. 118 Brevard, Nc, 891 Murphy, No. 857 East Marion, No. 866 Granite Falls, No. 6S1 Mill Spring, No. 885 Valdese. No. 889 Franklin, No. 95 Lenoir, No. 486 Arden, No. 799 Rhodhias, No. 15 Kings Mountain, No. 631 Balsam, No. 518 Shelby, No 145 Lawndale and No. 295 Roeman. We all bid you God speed, and wish for you many more years of usefulness to mankind, and may all the yean b© full of joy and happi ness for you. Notices to all camps will be mailed thia week calling attention to coining Sylva convention. Dele gates should be elected at once and their muses with per-e*f46a mailed to Secretary of AsaHMcn. We want the names of «8 deceased members since our last convention. A space on the report blanks has been provided for that purpose. H'MArr ads — - -- ■ -