UPPER BOYLSTON i By l.orena McCall) We have had some nice weather for Easier this year. Mrs. Harvey English is very ill this writing. We hope for her a nedy recovery. . Mis- Sallie Patton was the guest Thursday afternoon of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Simpson. Mrs. W. S. Taylor called on her sister Miss Eulalia Orr Friday af ternoon. Miss Eulalia Orr has been on the sick list but has somewhat recovered. Little Gladys McCall has recovered from the measles. Mrs. Louise Surrey of Asheville visited her husband and father re cently. J. M. Patton and grandson and Cleve Burgess called on Carl Orr Monday. Mrs Perry Fullbright called on Miss Eulalia Orr Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M Pattons daughters and grandchildren visited them recently. J L Ledbetter called on W. S. Tay lot* Monday of last week. Furman Reece was visiting rela tives in Wcavcrville, Tenn., recent Clcvc Burgess and Lee English made a business trip to Brevard Tuesday. J. M. Patton entertained a num bei his friends and relatives Wed nes ■ v night of last week with phrn igraph music. Mrs. Perry Fullbright visited Mrs. T. .1. Hollingsworth Tuesday. E. F. Alexander and E. F. Rcecc made a business trip to Blantyre Saturday. It came as a surprise to many friends and relatives the wedding of Miss E •telle Moffit and Mr. Ralph Bannii They were married last August but it was not announwd until Saturday night at the ending of the Etowah high school. Mrs. Banning is the daughter of Jesse Moffit of Etowah, and Mr. Banning is the son of Jasper Banning of Lower Boylston. The couple will make their lame in Asheville where Jlr. Banning is employed. Clove Burgess is moving his saw mill from Bog creek to Sutton creek. Furman and Arlin Reece ard mak ing a great improvement on their farm. \V, A. Buvnard recently exchanged eats ami he now owns a big truck. Rachel English i- -pending a few .lays with Mrs. Harvey English while -lie is ill. Walter Cairnos recently bought a new truck. Joe Ledbetter made a business trip to Hendersonville recently. I.e English was a business visitor at Etowah Saturday. This community was sorry to l ain o,’ the death of Mrs. Oscar And'1! sou of Cole Valley, 111. She vaii before her marriage Miss] Krtlo English, daughter of Mr. ind Mrs. Weldon English of Boyls-j n. She is survived by her husband lud five children, mother and eight brothers, Lee, Henry, Neal, Lester, Charlie and Harvey English, all of Roylston, Tom English of Mexico ind John of Philadelphia, one sis ■>i- Miss Rachel English and a num ber of friends and relatives on Boylston. Lee English was the dinner guest Friday of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Tay lor. Dave Holiday of Blantyre visited Rick McCall Sunday. Mrs. Rick McCall is ill with the flu at this writing. Mrs. Thomas Duncan has returned to her home after spending a few weeks with her daughters in Ashe vile. Sam Crook and family of Ashe ville called on Mrs T. R. Duncan I Sunday. Jessie Simpson of South Carolina called on Mr. and Mrs. Jake Simp sen over the week-end. Ed Owenby and Clarence Brown of Turkey Creek called on Johnnie Alexander Sunday.. AT THE CLEMSON THEATRE On Friday and Saturday of this week, the Clenwon offers a sensa tional drama of the West featuring Rex Bell, the rugged cinema cowboy. “From Broadway to Cheyenne” is the title of this picture, which de picts the trail of a hair-trigger hom bre who quit the bright lights of Broadway for the blaze of a six-gun in the cactus country. Playing in this Monogram picture with Rex Bed are Marceline Day, Robert Ell’.s, Gwen Lee, Roy D’Arcy and others. “From Broadway To Cheyenne promises a real thrill to Western en thusiasts. Irene Dunne and Ralph Bellamy are co-starred in “This Man Is Mine” which is billed for Monday and Tues day of next week. This is a delight ful comedy-drama rich with effer vescent laugh? and a sophisticated pi. t. Those who enjoy sparkling humor, wit, and daring situations should see it. As an added attraction to “This Man Is Mine,” a musical ex travaganza including Dorothy Stone, Gus Shy. and a host of beautiful girls amid gorgeous settings will be shown. “Look for the Silver Lin ing" is the optimistic title of this added musical feature. Outstanding pictures for coming weeks include Zasu Pitts in “Sing and Like It, Frances Dee in “Keep m Rolling,” and John Wayne m “The Sagebrush Trail.” "Ronald proposed.” ... “No wonder, look at the silly thing he was doing.” NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS K. Gaston Whitmire has been duly appointed ('■ unty Supervisor of Taxation and will soon appoint iho Tax Listers for the various townships in the Coun ty and he will advertise the place and time where the property owners in the several townships can l:st_their property for taxation. A great many property owners have failed to list their property in the past and it costs the County a large sum each year to search the records and make »• ut accurate lists. I nder the provisions of law, the property owner i required to list his taxes with the tax lister during the period fixed by law for such listing and if the property owner tails, neglects or refuses to so list his property, he is liable to indictment. Therefore, in order to have a true and correct tax list of all the property in the County, the County Appraiser of Taxation will have to proceed by law against each and every taxpayer who fails or neg lects to list hi ; property during the time provided for same Notice will be given by advertisement in the Transylvania Times and also by notices posted at several places in each Township when and where the Tax Lister can be found by the property owner, and all citizens are now notified that they are expected to meet said Tax Lister and list their property and ;hereby save themselves from additional cost of legal action against them. i Respectfully, I Board of Commissioners, of Transylvania County QUEBEC NEWS | — Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Whitmire and daughters visited Mrs. Whitmire’s parents at Lake Toxaway last Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Whitmire vis ited their daughter, Mrs. Waltev Sanford, at Enka last week. Miss Edith Jacobs of Salisbury is [ visiting Miss Vera McCall this I week. Mr. and Mrs. George Odell had a “fence building” on Wednesday of; last week. They got a fine string of; fence built, but did not finish all they had planned. The men did the fence work, the women did the cook ing the young people had a “big time” playing and all greatly en joyed the fine eats. Miss Nora Galloway of Easley spent the week-end with Mrs Loving. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy McCall visited Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Whitmire Sunday evening. Miss Gussie Whitmire and brother Ras gave an egg hunt to a large number of their young friends last Sunday afternoon. All reported an exceedingly good time. A crowd of young people greatly enjoyed a “hike” to Toxaway falls Sunday afternoon. The party con sisted of Mrs. Lesa Loving, Misses Lillian, Opal and Mary Dodgin, Lu cille Henderson and Messrs Medford Chapman, Claude Owen and Wayr.e Lowe. Guffie Whitmire oi ureenvuie spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Dovie Whitmire. Edwin Whitmire, who has been spending some time at Enka and Canton is now at home. Miss Helfcn Henderson called on Mrs. Delpha McCall Saturday even ing. „ ... Miss Bernice Reid was a visitor with Miss Gussie Whitmire Sunday. Miss Carrie Owen was a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Hen derson on Tuesday night of iast week* Uncle Jack Whitmire and son, (Cfaude and daughter Ann, of Green ville visited relatives in this com jmunity last Sunday. ; Miss Dorine Lee, the primary i teacher in Quebec school, gave her I pupils and a few others an Easter egg hunt Friday afternoon. All pre Isent greatly enjoyed the occasion. Claude Simpson and friends of Greenville were dinner guests with (Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Whitmire Sun I «iav | Jason McCall is having a new home j built. C. W. Henderson is the fore man in charge of the work. ! Miss Virgie Thomas spent Sunday night with Miss Opal Dodgin. | Misses Nellie and Dorothy Wild of : Bosnian spent Saturday night with : Misses Ailene and Ella Owen. I Mrs. R. T. Fisher and Mrs. C. A. | Brooks visited Mrs. C. W. Henderson ! Mo nday. Mr. and Mrs. Judson McCrary and j son, Judson, Jr. of Brevard, visited relatives in this community iast Sun p ,, i Misses Vera and Frances Met all ivisited Miss Gussie Whitmire last Saturday. I Miss Fay Brooks was a guest m lib. home of Mr. and Mrs. T. (’. Ilcn I dorson last Monday night. Garland Whitmire lias been on the ! siek list for the past few days. L. C. Sanders visited his sister, Mrs. Cecil Whitmire last week. Misses Hanmra iienuvifum ! Hden Mc Call took dinner with Miss i Rebecca Smith last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brown and !children and Misses Hattie and Ruth ! Thomas of Easley spent the week end wlih relatives in ibis community. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Whitmire and daughter. Mrs. Connie Fish of Can-! ton, called on James Fisher and daughter. Miss Jessie Fisher, Sat-, urday evening. „ , , Messrs Clyde and Rill Lee of Lake Toxaway were visitors in this com munity last Saturday. Mrs. Lesa Loving and Miss Lucille. Henderson visited the home of Mrs. i Welter McKinney on Thursday oti last week. . ! Wayman Thomas and Oscar )'. .ut mire spent last SSaturday in Easley. SC ' Charles Reid spent Sunday wtih Truman Henderson. Millie Fisher and daughter, Myrtle Lee Fisher, were Brevard visitors; Saturday. ! Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Whitmire and children were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Miller Sunday. j Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Owen and! baby spent Monday with Mrs. Owen’s father. Mack Reid. Spurgeon Brown of Easley spent Sunday with friends in this com munity. Misses Ailene and Ella Mae Owen spent Friday night at Rosman with Misses Nellie and Dorothy Wilde. The voting people of this commun ity met at Oak Grove Baptist church on Wednesday night of last week to re-organize the B. Y. P. U. Society. Th" officers elected were as follows: President, Miss Helen Henderson; Vice Pres., Miss Lucille Henderson; Quiz Leader, Miss Ailene Owen; Soc vetary, Miss Mildred Hendtrson; Group Captain No. 1, Miss Lillian Dodgin; Group Captain No. 2, Clax ton Henderson. M. D. Hardin made a business trip to Rosman last Friday. Charles Reid spent one night last week with John B. Reid Henry Chapman and son. J. B., called on Mr. and Mrs. John H. Reid Sunday. Miss Carrie Owen visited Mrs. Clarence Owe* last Friday. Rickman Manly of Rosman was a visitor in this community last Pit day. Edmund Owen eft last Sunday for (he CCC camp. LATEST STYLE Little. Girl (to eight-year-old boy) : Oh. 1 think you are ju” lots better likin’ than your daddy.” Little P> v ‘1 ought to be. I’m a later model.” * blantyre breezes ; (Mrs. Ada Reed) — A. W. Davis who has been ill for some time at his home here has sufficiently recovered to be able to return to his work in South Caro lina. Mrs. W. K. Duncan visited Mrs. J. T. Justus Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McMurray are living in the house formerly oc cupied by Mr. Clannie Justus and family. Miss Belle Reed spent Easter at her home here. Uncle Vance Duncan and son W. K. Duncan were ill last week. The congregation enjoyed the Easter message by the pastor very much last Sunday. Miss Elizabeth Jordan visited Mrs. T. J. Justus recently. Mrs. A. C. Rickman of Pisgah Forest called in our community last week. Mr. ana mrs r,ari ur»y, apem the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Reed and family. Mrs. Sid Barnett of Pi3gah For est was in this section Saturday. The Blantyre folk enjoyed the message delivered by Rev. W. P. Holtzclaw. Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Setzer and son Jr. visited Mrs. Setzer's parents Mr. and Mrs. John Reed Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Morgan visited Mrs. 0. J. Morgan Sunday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Rahn, March 20th, a son. Mrs. R. L. Morgan gave her husband a pleasant surprise in the form of a birthday dinner. A com plete account of which will be found else where in the columns of this paper. Orange County Grangers have planted 500 black walnut seedlings bought from the State forest nurse ry T ime will tell — wear SUNDIAL SHOES THE FASHION, Brevard * Any farmer having farm land that is idle and who wants a tenant to care for it, is requested to register at this office immediately. AH persons who want to be tenants and have been unable to get a farm are also requested to reg ister at once. DO YOU NEED ANY P? No matter what kind of work you might k***i we have dozens of people who are qualified to do »t and who need the work. THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE Please tell your friends and neighbors about this. REEMPLOYMENT OFFICE - Daughter: Going to be, mother! Aren’t you going to sit up and wait for Dad? Mother: What’s the use? I have such a cold I can hardly speak Visitor—“Well, Joe, how do you like your new sister?" Joe—“Oh, she’s mil right, I gue*s; but there are lots of things we need ed worse.” The safe and economical operation of your automobile or truck depends upon the safety, built into 'your tires and brakes and the efficiency and depend ilfcBBty buiiTttS^year ba&ary and spark plugs. These products are made in the efficient Firestone Factories from highest quality materials by special Firestone manufactur ing processes. .-----"I ' [Let us inspect your tires and test your battery, spark I plugs and brakes without charge. j* & •** | AUTO REPAIRING j AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES Get our flat rate prices before we begin your work FORDJAND CHEVROLET REPLACEMENT PARTS We Also Carry Parts For Other Cars and Trucks GENERATOR ARMATURES AND OTHER GENERATOR PARTS At the lowest prices ever' known. If you have starter or generator trouble get our prices FIRST. We will save you money and serve you better. WRECKER SERVICE dniyghtd DAY PHONE 290 NIGHT PHONE 291 JTJlUMIIIIIMlilMMMIMIMIIIIIMU.IMIHIIMIMillMIMUMIMMM Now that Spring is really here . . Let us clean your radiator.remove the anti freeze and clean it thoroughly for safe summer driving. Your motor will overheat during the sum mer months if you don’t have this done. .. ^ ^ - • Good Gulf Gas <w<<0« g|| y(; I

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