Society News and Club Activities • V-, -- - ----- MATH AT ASIAN CLUB IN INTERESTING MEETING An interesting meeting Mathatasian club was held ™ur‘ day afternoon March 22 at j home of Mrs. C. E Cunningham, with the president, Mrs. P« Kim zey in charge. Two guests were pi« ent, Mrs. Charlie Patton and Mr .. Harry Bradley. J The program of the »ttevnt^ | was in charge of Mrs. J- B. J . who had secured Mrs. R>*» £ . . cuss the topic, “Civic » t , Problems in N’orth Carolina. The discussion gave much helptu . aj formation along the line o and state welfare work. It was voted to enter the Federa tion prize contest for the best year s program presented by any tl • Plans were made for an open a supper and business meeting to be t held the last meeting of the <*» • year on May 10, inviting the hus bands as special'guests the follow- , ing committee on arrangements for , the picnic was named: Mrs. J. • < Jones, Mrs. J. L. Cobb. Mrs. T. G. ] Moody. . Refreshments were served at con- J elusion of the program. At a recent meeting of the club ] the annual election of officers was held, all officers being re-elected as j follows: President, Mrs. Pat »t>m zey; vice president, Mrs. C. L. New- j land; recording secretary, Mrs. J. j M. Gaines; corresponding secretary Mrs. Willis Brittain; treasurer. Mrs. Anthony Trantham. SQUARE DANCE IS DELIGHTFUL EVEN1 ! Among the delightful pre-Easter , social events was the square dance 1 given at Rockbrook Camp Friday , night, at which Duncan MacDougald Jr. was host. ' Music was furnished by Fisher , band. Refreshments of cake and lemonade were served during the evening. A large numbsr of young i people and married couples, as well as about ten couples from Flat Rock were present to enjoy the oc evasion. Local guests present were: Mr. and Mrs. Ashe Macfie. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacDougald, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Jerome, Mr. and Mr. R- W. Everett, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Car rier Helen Carrier. Dorothy Everett, Willie Kate Waters, Helen and Jim Morrow, Hinton McLeod, Edwin! English. Duncan MacDougald Jr. /). A. R- It'//./, MEET MOS'DAY AFTERNOON Regular meeting of the Daughters n‘ the American R volution will be iicld Monday afternoon at d:lo ■Ylock at thj home of Mrs. (ole man Calloway. All members are requested to attend. Time will tell — - wear SUNDIAL SHOES THE FASHION, Brevard Highest Cash Prices paid for OLD GOLD and SILVER Mail u* what you have and cheek will be suit by return mail. If not satisfied your j shipment will be returned at j our expense. I I PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION In ATLANTA HOTEL i ANSLEY | 400 Light, Airy Rooms-100 j Baths. Most convenient loca- ; lion in Atlanta. Garage under the same roof. Radio. Rathskeller — Table d' Hote and a la Carte — and Coffee Shoppe. RATES * v REASONABLE One'of DliSKLER HOTELS y* Also: V • Andrew Jackson Nashville, Tenn. Tutwiler Hotel Birmingham, Ala. Jefferson Davis Montgomery, Ala. St. Charles New Orleans, La. k t CARUiSG DliSKLER President end Gen. Mfr. "MfSOHn «/ True Sj«iW, HJSrp' | BIRTHDAY DINNER IS BN JO Y ABLE OCCASION A surprise ^birthday dinner given R. L. Morgan by Mrs. Morgan at he home of Mrs. 0. J. Morgan on Easter Sunday proved a most en joyable occasion. Mr. Morgan was m'tirely taken by surprise, not mowing the celebration was in lonor of his birthday until he saw ;he table adorned with th% large jirthday cake on which were the lumber of candles representing his ige. Dinner was served immediately ifter the arrival of guests from ihurch services. A number of young people and ihildren joined the group after din ler and enjoyed an Easter egg lunt at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 5. S. Morgan. The Morgan broth rs entertained the guests during he afternoon with quartets and acred songs. Those enjoying the happy event vere: Rev. F. H. Holden, Mrs. A. f. Maxwell, Mrs. R. H. McCall and hildren Wilma, Jean and Billy, Mr3. j. E. Allison and children Misses felma, Floy and Ruth, T. M. Mor ;an, D. S Morgan and son Lamar, dr. and Mrs. M. H. Morgan and hildren Calla Mae and Melvin Jr., dr. and Mrs. Glenn Morgan and hildren Edwin and Nell Jeon, Mr. ,nd Mrs. R. L. Morgan, Mrs. O. J. dorgan and children Clara Belle, laynard, Chnrles, Bruce and Emi y, D. H. Holliday. J. D. C. TO MEET SATURDAY AFTERNOON April meeting of the U. D. C. will ie held Saturday afternoon at 3:30 ’clock at th.? library. Important iusiness is to be transacted and all nembers are urged to be present. \fUSIC LOVERS CLUB .V REGULAR MEETING Regular meeting of the Music ..overs’ club was held Monday eve ling at the home of Mrs. J. E. Lof ts, who was assisted in entertain ng by Mrs. Harry Sellers. Transaction of routine business vas in charge of the president, Mrs. \nox DeLong. There was no program given, the :ime being spent in rehearsal for he operetta, “The Persian Princess’’ vhich the club will give during Na ional Music Week early in May. Following rehearsal, the joint mstesses served delicious refresh nents with attractive favors. IP. M. .S'. HAS PROGRAM\ iy USUSVAr. interest A program of unusual interest and ippropriateness to the season was riven at the regular inciting of the IV. M. S. of the Baptist church held ruosday afternoon in the church rarlors. Mrs. Julian Glazener was program oudor on the general t. pie. “Waking o World' Vinion." Mrs. i^'a/.en r gmi' lie introductory remarks and was followed by others discussing differ lit phases of the subject. Mrs. J. B. Jones discussed, “Preparations foi •he Awakening"; Mrs Thomas Dods ivorth spoke on “Waking to World Vision”; Mrs. Roy Long on “Ameri a Awakes”; Mrs. Ralph Duckworth •n “American Baptists Awake”; Mr A. B. Galloway discussed “Prayer in. the Awakening." Closing remarks were made by Mrs. Ghr/.ener, follow t>d by closing prayer by Mrs. E. K. Pendleton. The business session preceding the program was in charge of the vice president. Mrs. John A-hworth. in th • absence of the president, Mis. M. H. Holliday. Devotional* were led by IB v. Paul. Harts; II. GLEANERS ( LASS HAS PLEASANT SOCIAL EVENT Members of the Gleaners class, ot | it;,- Baptist church were entertained Tuesday evening of last week at the lumio of Misses Cornelia and Pauline Ratehfcrd in an enjoyable social ■\ent. Games of a varied nature were played and other features of enter tainment engaged in during the even ing'. Refreshments were served by l!i - hostesses. SOME COMPARISON Fakt—“Lucinda paints and pow ders a good deal, doesn’t she?” B sch “Yes, when yon kiss her it’s like eating a marshmallow.” PENROSE NE WS (By N. L. Ponder) Penrose people enjoyed an Easter program Sunday afternoon in the Enon church. Appropriate hymns were sung and the pastor, Rev. C. VV. Hilemon, delivered a sermon on ‘The Risen Christ.” The lovely sun shine and warm weather added much to the feelings and the Easter spirit. Several people were present Sat urday at the church for work and as a result the cemetery, has the very best appearance now. Penrose school children in celebrat ing Easter had a picnic luncheon out away from school, enjoyed the usual egg hunting and played interesting games. Miss Floy Ponder and Gene Bryson assisted with the program. Mr. Brewington of Brevard was at the school Monday tuning and put ting in good order both the school and the church pianos. Our agriculture teachers, Mr. J. A. Glazener and Mr. Randall Tiyday were present at Enon school house Monday night in a farmers’ meeting. The program c-f corn-hog reduction was discussed very thoroughly. Sev eral interested farmers were pre sent. Measles is no tso bad here yet. Some of those recovering are back in school. Glenn Blythe is reported as having his case. Joe Blythe’s chil dren are out of school, having- been exposed. TOXAWAY NEWS (Mrs. H. D. Let) Mrs. Walter McKinna died at her home here Sunday morning, follow ing an illness of several months. She is survived by her husband, her mother, Mrs. Ada Sanders and one sister Miss Edith Sanders. Her father C. L. Sanders died April 4, 1933. Funeral services were con ducted at the Lake Toxaway Baptist church Monday afternoon. Inter ment was in the church cemetery. Rev. J. E. Burt of Rosman officiat ed. Some of her favorite songs were sung by the Rosman quartet. Flower girls were, Misses Evon Sanders, Beatrice Woodard, Carrie Owen, Bertha, Vivian and Nina Pitts. Pallbearers were: Fred and Med ford Chapman, Claude and Clarence Owen, Glenn and Bruce Reed. Moore and Osborne had charge of ar rangements. Nettie was a devoted member of •he Lake Toxaway Baptist church, j She was organist and a leader in :he B. Y. P. U. work until confined ;o her home by ill health. She will »e greatly missed not. only in her tome but in the church and com munity. She always had a pleasant smile and kind word for every one. We cannot think of her as being far away. Wc feei that her spirit! will always linger near the ones] she loved, and Heaven seems nearer and sweeter because we have known her. Mrs. Ida Bryant Payne was the t of Mrs. Harvey Rogers Sun Fisher are glad to know that his health is greatly improved^and he is able to be out again. Mrs. Ira Galloway, who spent the past two weeks with Mrs. Roland Owen in Brevard, has returned home. Mrs. Leonard Wilbanks and chil dren of Namur are visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wilbanks. Miss Evon Sanders of Enka visit ed relatives here Saturday. Mrs. C. R. McNeely of Brevard is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Walter McNeely. Mrs. Lee Norton, Mrs. Sylvanus Sanders, Mrs. Henry Alexander and Mrs. Clarence Norton of Oak land visited relatives here Thursday. Miss Miidred Galloway spent the week-end with friends in Brevard. Rev. J. N. Hall and Mrs. Elisa beth Hall of Rosman were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ray Monday. Harvoy Rogers of Hendersonville is spending some time with his family here. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Tinsley and children were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H D. Lee Sunday. Rov Eldridge of Rosman spent Friday night with Martin Arrowood. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Owen of I In Memory Of POLLY RAINES Thou art gone my precious daughter Nevermore can thou return I She will sleep a peaceful slumber Until the resurrection morn It is lonely here without her I For I miss her dear smiling face | None on earth can ever know ; But some day will meet in Heaven 'Where there’ll be no more good bys. A place in her home >s empty A loving voice is stilled, A place in my heart is asking Which shall ask for ever more [And someday I hope to meet her On that bright rnd happy shore. Wolf Mountain were guests of Mrs. Cole Lee Sunday night. Miss Hazel Moses .who underwent an operation at Six Mile hospital returned home Monday. I. S. Fisher, Warren Fisher and Arrowood Lee were visitors in Franklin Sunday. Mrs. J L. Sanders. Misses Ber-j tha, Vivian and Nina Pitts of Sen-j eca, S. C., spent Sunday night witfcj Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sanders. C. J. Lee of Camden, S. C., is visiting his family here. Miss Dot Lee, L. H. Thomas and L. . Case Jr. attended the teachers meeting in Brevard Saturday. Mrs. I. S. Fisher sp-’nt Sunday with Mrs. L. C. Case. **•>•}+**+***+9*++A >***+*♦•>* 1 Meals Carefully | Prepared I - S. mmamm i ■■■■■ — —. — ■■ ■ ■ -j■ ■ ■ JU THE choicest selec tion of foods, pre pared by a good cook and served by at tentive, courteous waifc ! ers whose oniy aim is to please you.that is what you get every day in the year. A satisfied customer always returns. That’s why we have so many “regulars.” I, “ -< ► :: -the- ;; I: CANTEEN: 1 I “The Home of Good Coffee” ,, '; DOC GALLOWAY, Prop. ;; i TRY OUR WANT ADS Every Home Can Afford to Own a Kelvinator! ASK ABOUT OUR EASY TERMS j Come in Now and be Con- I vinced That Your Ideal Re frigerator is the Kelvinator! You’ll say the new 20th Anniversary Kelvinator is not only the most beautiful refrigerator you have ever seen, but the most amazing m its features. For in Kelvinator, and in Kelvinator alone, you reallv get “4 refrigerators in 1.” Come in and see what it means to have proper preservation of food, constant below freezing storage, \\ orid s Fastest Freezing Speed, and fast freezing trays where quantities <4 salads or desserts can be prepared at one time. And the Kelvinator is roomy—has a place for everything. You must see it. Drop m tomorrow.