The Transylvania Times The New* Time* l-stiib. ISEetab. 1931 Consolidated 1932 ‘Published’ Weekly*on Thursdays by C. M. DOUGLAS ^ OI::ct's in The News Building C. M. DOUGLAS . Editor MISS A. TROWBRIDGE. .Associatej SUBSCRIPTION RATES Per Year . Six Months . -e0 (In Transylvania County) __ i Per Year, Elsewhere . ^'22! Six Months .*5| HOME TOWS WAKING UP Folk in Brevard are feeling better, taking on a new outlook, and casting i ll' to a «rcal excer.t, the old tired i feeling that has been too evident in the past couple of years. Two thing- of importance during the week bear out this statement—! organization of the “Welcome to, Brevard-’ group and tlu Fish & Game; Protective association, both of which will, il" followed through, make for better conditions, better business and naturally, a happier people. Then. Donald Leo Moore and other members of the Brevard municipal band are making effort to revive the I old group’s interest in music with a view to having concerts here this summer. Plus, the magnificent swim-, ming pool that is soon to bo com pleted in the newly started Brevard park. Our industries are running nicely, full forces on the payrolls, farmers looking with favor on increased prices over this time last year tor their products, reports from Florida and other sections that the resort business is best m years.. and on and on...things look bettter for Transvlvania county, and we believe our people are actually "waking up. MOSTE CARLO Ob’ WALL STREET National Industries News Service has aptlv given proper name to in fluences of the so-called money cen ter of the country, Wall Street, m advocating passage of the Fletcher Kayburn bill. Following is the NIX’S bulletin: Congress is having lots of trouble trying to do its duty, in the lace of Wall Street influences. The latter wants the old stock market racket to keep right on going—perhaps be cause a new crowd of suckers has been getting ready to bite the ban. If the Flctchi r-Tlayburn bill passes the stock market will be compelled to pass out legitimate securities to the public, under competent Federal r gulation. Hut if Congress backs down on this issue and permits the big Monte Carlo of Wall Street to continue with its flim-flams the next depression will likely arrive on the usual schedule about the time the country gets out of the present one. Looks as if the Congressional Com mittee is going tc make a wart out of Professor Wirt. Congratulations to Ed Patton— and bet you a doughnut lie makes good in his new job. “What’s In A Name” asks a news paper headline.well, just call somebody an “old so-an-so” and find out for yourself. “Our fault, Mister, and wej apologize” and that goes for ev-1 erything and to everybody. Tooj much fist-slinging around these, parts. Yes, sir! We apologize, dont; hit us even once. An outstanding fact was noted in; criminal court here last week—the large number of white men up on charges of law violation against the very, very few negroes. ____ i Best we can say for Bishop Can non is that he had good sense but poor judgment. We don’t blame him for pocketing political money, but fall out with the way he handled the deal. Just because some people gamble is no reason why states should adopt a lottery system to raise revenue. Same thing could be said about bringing the old "red light district back into existence, operation of state owned barrooms, or many other things that are distasteful to many of the best people of the coun try. “How many senators and con giessmen should be re-elected?” a3ks The Hendersonville Times-News, and then turns right around and says the majority of them ought to be left at home next election. Maybe you’re right, Brother. One thing we can’t understand how the same fellow would be arrest ed three times in one week for the same nlfense. May we Suggest that be be sent to the roads and stop ex pense against the town and county and at the same time stop him from thinking that laws are playthings. asks help for the 11A PIT ST HOSPITAL Editor The Times: 1 have received a letter from Mr. Smith Ifagaman, superintendent of he State Baptist hospital, and he uges t hr. t each church in the assoc ali'a out on a special program for ,'i' thcis’ Day, the secon 1 Sunday in .V >y. Superintendents of Sunday ieho i, will receive prior to that ] dice a program from the hospital j hoa:d. As this date is Hospital Day,! • ,nio urge and b.g that you hell'! i: make a success of thb movement. !. you, members of the Baptist, j cii ins ami Sunday Schools ot the association, fail, then the association1 will fail. Our pennies may be ti>e| : means of healing some poor sick per- j s ii, an! in so doing v.v are follow-! •gdut our Lord’s wish, for lie said inasmuch as ye have done it tithe •;,g of these my brethren ye have done it unto me.’’ With your help, care for the him-; dretls of sick who are applying for] rer or part free treatment at our j hospital may be had. May we count n your help in making Mothers’I Day a great bles-ing for our hos-j j pitrI? .. i AIRS. G. F. GALLAMORE. | , Brevard. H ANTS I.EGISLA T1YE ASSISTANCE Kditur The Times: Allow me space in your paper to ! give to the people of this county ui I few of my thoughts on a matter j which appeals to me as being of; | vital interest to a large number of i home owners in this county and; that, is taxes on the homes. As von know, wo have, for many years.'had a law providing that when a home was sold for taxes the owner had 12 months in which to redeem it by paying the taxes and costs, and retain his home but it is not fo now. It any tax payer will see secuun 17 at page 12(! of the Act of 193" he will see that when the tax collec tor forecloses on a man’s home for taxes he makes a deed in fee simple 1 lo the purchases and the home is gone from the tax payer for good. Xow here is the point I am strik ing at- there are hundreds of poor nn'ti and women in our county who ow taxes for two, three and four ' years and can’t pay for either year. I think we should ask the next leg ; islature to wipe out all back taxes for 1930 and previous years and start in anew with the new deal. Some will doubtless say—“I have paid my taxes and the other fellow is no better than I am.” That is true, but when the land is sold and the county bids it in that will not . put any money into the treasurer s hand to help finance the county, so, th county has just lost a home-own er and gained nothing. I believe, that with the reduction in both valuation of property and rate on the hundred dollar valuation, that if we were relieved of the strain of back taxes that we could begin 1 to see through the depression, pick up new life and again start the wheels of progress to rolling. I believe all our people would be interested in bearing more about this matter, and suggest that some one who is more able than T, dis jtUSS U- T. C. McCALL j Lake Toxaway. W. 0. W. NEWS W. H. GROGAN. JR District Manager March 1934 was the best month in I the history of the Woodmen of the 1 World so far as writing insurance is | concerned. An all-time record of ; $12,745,000.00 was written in March. ' North Carolina produced $707,500.00 ' during March. Production March 31 I was $3,030,250.00. We made two ! records and perhaps three as the I North Carolina record may be the I best ever made in one month. W ill | have to find out from state man agers office as to the state record. ! You will get all the information | about the ‘'March Campaign” in : your May Sovereign Visitor—Be sure and read it all. Thi; Piedmont District laig Rol ling convention held at Salisbury last week was one grand success. I take my hat off to President. L. L. Odom and the others that helped to make it the best convention ever held in that district. April 25th and 26th is correct dates for our Sylva Log Rolling con vention. Mrs. J. L. Wright called my attention to dates on notocc mailed from my office on April 2nd which stated that we would meet there on 28th and 29th. I’m glad to make this correction at this time. Cashiers Camp held another social meeting Saturday night at W. 0. W. hall. Several members and their friends came 4o enjoy the evening. 1 talked briefly on things pertaining to Woodcraft, after which an old time square dance was enjoyed by the young folks We are expectirfg more out of district visitors at Sylva convention, than ever before. We will arrange for beautiful automobile trip from Hendersonville to Sylva> this trip will carrv our visitors through some of the most beautiful sections o. western part of North Carolina. Wo heard several say at Salisbury that they were planning on coming. Be sure and deliver all your cer-< tificates just as soon as they come. You know they must be reported to the national secretary by April 15, to count in the March contest. Cases of children with mottled teeth have recently been found in Iowa, and the condition is believed traceable there to drinking water from certain deep wells. QUEBEC NEWS (Lucille Henderson) (Mrs. E<1 Tolley of Lak Toxawuy visited Mrs. Cecil Whitmire this week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sam' I of Enka w re visitors in this com; . mi ry on Wednesday of last week. M rs. Gene Moore and daughU JuriUa and son Gerald Austin ai pending same time with Mrs. Klein Edney of Enka. Mis. John Robinson had a fall on Tuesday of last week, from the ef fects oi" which she has since been in a critical condition. She was taken to a hospital in Greenville on Mon day of this week for an examination and medical attention. Mrs. Noah Whitmire and children visited Mrs. Cecil Whitmire on Thursday of last,week. Mrs. B. T. Whitmire visited Mrs. W. 1. Reece of Bosnian on Tuesday of last week. . Reid, who had the misfortune of getting his linger cut off some time ago is now getting along nicely.! Mrs. Paul McCoy of Lake Toxawayj spent Wednesday night of last week with her mother, Mrs. John Robin son. John Reid spent Friday afternoon with Avery Reid. Mr. and Mrs. General Whitmire anil daughter, who moved to this community some time ago moved back to South Carolina last. Satur day. „ „ .... Miss Mildred McCall spent Satur-, dav night with Mrs. Leroy McCall, j Mr and Mrs. Walter Sanford and | Mrs. B. T. Whitmire and little chil dren called on Mr. and Mrs. M. 0. ! McCall last Thursday night. R. C. Simpson, of Greenville, S. C. was a visitor among friends and rel atives in this community last Satuv '"Sirs. Gene Moore and children vis I it' d Mrs. B. T. Whitmire and Mrs. Cecil Whitmire last Thursday. Edwin Whitmire and his mother imade a business trip to Brevard on Wednesday of last week. Mrs Gene Moore was a visitor in the home of Mrs. John Robinson last , "‘mV* I E Recce visited her daugh Mrs. B. T. Whitmire, last Thurs , * Mrs. M. (>. McCall called on Mrs. j John Robinson last Thursday nlter j U°Miss Vera McCall spent Saturday night with Mrs. Lloyd Bryson oi Ros i' Mrs Clarence Owen and littje ! daughter Josephine, and Miss ( arric Owen were dinner guests of Mr.. ! aVtrv Reid last Friday.. „ Cecil Robinson made a butanes } trip io Brevanl on Wednesday of ; last week. . • Little Jtsephine Owen spent Fri day night with her grandparents, I Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Owen. I Mis l.esa Loving, Misses Nelli and Virgie Thomas and Oscar Whi - ■ mire were shopping m (.leemille j last Saturday afternoon. 1 Mrs Dovie Whitmire spent thi 'week-end in Greenville as guest ot her son. Elsker Whitmire, j Mis. Gideon Miller was called to the bedside of her daughter. Mrs. Bill Fisher, of I.ake Toxaway las j Sunday. Mrs. Fisher was reported i as seriously m. „ ! Miss Nellie Thomas spent Sun ■ dav night with Mrs. Lesa I.oving' I Miss Lucille Henderson spent. Sa> i urday and Sunday nights with Miss : Lillian Dodgin. i The R Y. P. U. convention of the upper district of the county met at ’Oak Grove Bapust church last Sun ! dav afternoon. There was a gooc. representation from various unions ! of the district and an excellent pro cram was carried out. iU Misses Bertha and Ethel Golden : and Misses Ethel and Mae Banthcr were dinner guests of Misses Ailem and Ella Mae Oewn last Sunday. R T Fisher Jr. visited his (frami ! arents, Mr. arid Mrs. Gideon Miller, i last Monday. Mrs. Lesa Loving and dauglilci, Miss Lillian Dodgin and Miss Lucille Henderson went to Toxaway last Monday to see Mrs. Bill Fisher who is reported to he in a serious condi tl0Miss Beulah Reid spent Saturday aternoon in Brevard. . I Talmadge Brooks spent Monday I niCht with Oscar Henderson. I Miss Sue Miller of Little River >s spending some time with her brothel v l.’ Miller. Mr. and'Mrs. Elbert Whitmire and children moved last Monday into tn home with Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Mil lelRev. J. E. Burt was seriously ill during last week. He was able to be at Oak Grove Baptist church Sunday but did not feel able to preach, the Rev. Clyde McCall.filling the pulpit. Mrs. Lesa Loving, Mrs Elbert Whitmire and daughter, Margaret Wll Mrs R. T. Fisher and daugh ter, Darlene, Misses Nellie and Vir Bic Thomas and Oscar Whitmire spent the week-end in Easley, with friends and relatives._ OAKLAND NEWS (By Mrs. Lee F. Norton) John Norton who is now located at Asheville and: a friend of his wa. here on business one day last week and were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Sanders. Frank Allen of Cashiers was here recently on business. Kile Galloway has been seriously ill +or several days at the heme of his aunt Mrs. Mary Burgess with whom he lives. He is reported to oe out of danger at this writing Mr. and,Mrs. Dan Reid ialleo Saturday or a number of friend? here among whom were Mrs. Mary Burgess Mrs. G. E. Alexander and Mrs. W. F. McCall. Mrs. Fvoy McCall spent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Revis. . , . Ray McNeely spent one night re centlv with Lane Sanders. Mrs Clyde Chappell returned homo Thursday after spending some time visiting friends and relatives in South Carolina. Lane Sanders and Ray Rigderi visited George Bryson on Saturday, i Mr and Mrs. K. D. Reid had a' guests over the week end their son, j, C. Reid, and a friend of his In,m Knoxville also their daughter ,iid granddaughter Mrs. Chines; Bennett and Miss Ruth Bennett ci ’ Knoxville, and Mr. and Mrs. Garvin j 'acker of Arden. Mr. , and Mrs. Garvin 1 linker, ci. c(! Saturday on their aunt Mrs., S, K. Alexander. • j Mr. I'aylor Lee of Lake Toxawty I was supper guest Saturday evening | of Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Sanders. j Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Galloway] uiid daughter were Sunday gut sis of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fisher. j Hr. and Mrs. I'arson of nappnir ; were cadi rs Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson are both on the sick list. Mrs. Roy McCall and son Sanunie and daughter Edith spent Saturday with Mrs. I. S. Sanders. i 1, S.‘Sanders visited W. W. Reid Sunday morning. Miss Alberta Burges*. Mrs. \V . E. McCall and Mrs. Lee Norton visited, Mr. and Mrs. John Reid and fami ly at their home at Quebec Sunday afternoon. Prank Fisher, Tommy Galloway, and a party of friends hiked, to the top of Mount Toxaway Sunday. While looking around they discover ed that the top of the mountain w, aid make a wonderful landing fit |d for airplanes. Wander if some! time in the future it won’t be used for that. They enjoyed a picnic din-1 nor then returned homo plenty tired.! Mr. Holden met with the farmers of his community Saturday night and a large number of farmers were present. W. W. Reid was appoint ed supervisor of the farm work in this section and it is hoped that he gpts things running smooth soon. OLD TOXAWAY (By Beulah Rice) l.eaman Galloway of Kannapolis j arrived last week to spend the sum ' in or with his aunt. Mrs. Addle Rice, i Miss Beulah Rice. Mrs. M. P. | Rice and son. Junior made a busi ! ness trip to Ronman one day last week. ■ I R. P. Aiken visited his mother, Mrs. Mark Whitmire, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Gaston Chapman and daughter, Mildred and Pauline ! Meece were Sunday guests of Mrs. Chapman’s mother, Mis. W. M. j Meece. 1 Alvin Rock wood of Brevard wa. in this section one day last week. I Junior Rice, small son of Mr. M. D. Rice had the misfortune getting j snake bit Wednesday, but is improv ing. Mrs. Alex Cantrell and sons. Jake i and Howard made a business trip j to Brevard recently. . M. D. Rice, who has been em ployed at Kannapolis since last sum : mer has returned home to farm. PISGAH FOREST NEWS Of interest 10 many freinds he:e wa the mrariagre of Mis.? L'ollit Allison of this place and Mr. llolson, Bowen cf North BieVard, at the lat ters home Thursday ivoning /%:ri!i 5th by Kev. Paul Hartsoli. The brid • ’s th" attractive daugnter of Mr., ami Mrs. Jim Allison and the groom is the son of Mi. and Mrs I'iim Bowen. Both ere popular among th" young people and have many fri nd; who wish for them much joy. Other wedding bells have also been ringi " in this community. Miss lie Pressley and Mr. Ralphle, (' were married in South* Caro March 15. and Miss Dolphin Pres uey | and Mr. Mitchell Barton were mar-1 ried March 24. The brides are sisters' and are daughters of < M r. Tom | Pressley and both couples have our congratulations. Mis? Bertie Street and Mr. Robert Marcum were inar- i ried in South Carolina March 2K. j The bride is the attractive daughter j of Mr. and Mrs. Roby Street and th • groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. j Milas, Marcum. Both are popular; young people and we also wish for them much joy and a long and happy . life, Henry Murkey. who is employe*! in | Swannanoa. spent the week-end with' his family here. Mrs. Annie Corn and 'Mrs. J. P. i Cheek, grade mothers of the seventh 1 grade in the local school, entertained - the numbers of the seventh "grade I with a picnic at White Pine camp in Pisgnh National Forest Friday aft ernoon. I Mi's Annie Jean and Mr. Will 1 Cash spent Tuesday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. CarroWJasler in Spar tanburg. S. C. Mrs. Ka.sler is the i former Mi's Margaret Patton. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Townsend j announce the birth of a son, Jimmie Howard, April 3rd. | Mr. 1). C. Henson, of Forest City, j is visiting his sister. Mrs. Annie Corn. I Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Grey and two i sons of Mt. Underwood have been i visiting Mr?. Gray’s mother, Mrs. jW. H. Son tell. Mr. and Mrs. Tildcn Corn of Spar tanburg, S. C. spent the week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sen : fell and other relatives. I Mi. and Mrs. Willie Jones are the proud parents of a 13-pound daugh ter. Agnes, born April 5th. 1 Miss Annie Jean Gash. Miss Mag 'gie Denver and Messrs Will ar.d Rob 1 ert Gash enjoyed a motor trip in • South Carolina Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Fred Johnson of Brevard and daughter, Mrs. I.ookabill and two children of Marietta. S. C. vis ited Mrs. J. E. Carter last week. M A. Honevcutt. who undeiwent an operation at Lyday Memorial hospi i tal some time ago is doing well. ! Mrs W. P. Duncan and daughters, Rurh Billie and Helen, who have had measles, are recovering nicely. I Mi-ses Harriet E. Boggs ard Dor othv Souther and Messrs Clifford Williams and Bert Duncar, enjoyed a | motor trip to Asheville Sunday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Duncan have as their guest for several weeks, the former’s brother, Bert A. Duncan SELICA NEWS d (By Ward Breedlove) \ We were glad to see some of the highway force or; our > ,a.L Monday doing some needed work. Alvin Fowler is'mg some time wtih hi.-, father-in-law, II. C. - AleSCinna, at tile Indian .•:.n.p rear Lake Toxaway. . Kay and Lewie Waldrop and friends were visitors of Outs and Oscar Bryson .Sunday. Wiilic Dunn and party were guests at a dance given by Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Rogers of Set Off i ar Carr’s Hill and report, a delightful time. Mrs. George fiumrncy visited her brother Oscar Sumnwy on Kaul.eii (lall Creek Sunday. .Mrs ( opa i co 01 loxaway visited her parents Mr. and Mi1-. John Me Kinna last week. Miss Dare Bryson visited Miss Blanche Hamlin last week. Miss Maigaret Dickson and party of 13 were visitors of the Tennessee Bald over the week-end and report a splendid time. An old time spelling b-.-e will be given at Selica school house next Thursday evening at 7:30 o’clock. Everybody is invitc-d to attend and bring your blue back speller. Rev. Sherman Pearson preached a splendid sermon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barton Sunday af ternoon. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Mays Wal drop a daughter, April bth. Jessie Dickson, superintendent of the jr.ion Sunday school, will give a talk next Sunday morning. Mrs. Roxie Dunn has been on the sick list with rheumatism. Asheley and John Dickson and I Vance Jackson enjoyed a picnic to ' Cedar Rock Sunday. | Mrs. C. W. Brocks has had some ] splendid improvements on her heim i here recently. i Mint and Utys Bamn -old out ia kiln of. fine lime last week. Crate McCall of Cashiers is sri i the logging and timber Imsiuess here, having already finished cut ting two boundaries. from Bristol, Tenn. Mr. Duncan is a civil engineer and is doing survey work near Gloucester camp. A host of people- attended he i funeral of Mr- Lyday <a*t Thursday. | EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as executor o( toe last Will and Testament of \\ W. Gravely, Sr., deceased, late of T ran sylvania County. N. V.. this i- to notifv all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to the undersigned., itemized and verified, at his home at Brevard, N. C. Route No. 1, within 12 months from this date. othcrwi'< the nme will be barred of recovery. Ail persons who are in any .vay indebted to said estate will V re quired to make immediate settlement. { This the 10th day <*f March >.*34. W, C. Gravely, Executor of Is*' Will end Testament of TV. IV. i'rovc ly, deceased. ONLY DEALER IN THE COUNTY Hllf'li** Selling Basic Pulverized Fertilizer Filled with Carbonates of LIME and Magnesium § • AAfiini IIP The lime-filler fertilizer we sell, made by B* I* sUl 0 A OL patented process, against any ordinary hUmrAliL tertnizer °n the market ant see the df No Clods-no Balls-no Free Acids-no worthless materials Knoxville Fertilizer Company have the process by which Basic Pulverized Fertilizer is made patented with the U. S. Patent Office and cannot be infringed upon. ;We Are Exclusive Dealers in Transylvania for BASIC PULVERIZED FERTILIZER Using Pulverized Lime for Filler instead of Sand _ T&Ifeeb&seed ZThe Store With the Checkerboard Sign Phone 66 East Main Street BREVARD, N. C.

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