FDR REGISTER OF DEEDS 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Register of Deeds, subject to tne will of the Democratic voters to be expressed in the June Primary, lt>.‘14. If nominated and elected, I promise to pertorm all duties connected with the office to the best of my ability. Your support will be appreciated. NOAH C. MILLhR, tfp Lake Toxaway. for RE01S1 BR or DEEDS l hereby unm unee my candidacy for the office of register of deeds subject to the action of the Demo cratic Primary in June. If nominat ed and elected, 1 will promise to serve the people of my county to the very best of my ability, and shall appreciate the support of ev eryone. EDWIN A. MORGAN FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS 1 hereby announce my .ndidacy for Register of Deeds ssn . t to the will of the citizenry of ansylvania county to be expressed in the June Primary. Always a loyal Democrat| and supporter of the President and his Administration. I respectfully| request vour vote. KCK L. SIMS I Brevard. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS 1 hereby announce myself as can didate for re-nomination and elec tion on the Democratic ticket for the pine ■ of Register of Deeds of Tran- j sylvania County. My record as your i public servant is my recommenda tion. 1 shall appreciate vour support, tf JESS A. GALLOWAY | _I FOR STATE' SENATOR I hereby announce my candidacy] for nomination a- Senator tor the! rhirty - second Senatorial District,! subject to tin action of the Demo-; cratic Primary which is to be held j in June. The support of the o having eon-) tidence in my ability to serve thei l>est interests f the public in fhiS| nosition will be appreciated, tfp M. \V. Galloway j FOR REPEESEXTA Tl VF 1 hereby annour.ee my candidacy for the House of Representatives subject to the action of the Demo-j ratio Primary in June. If nominat fd and elected. I promise faithful: service a* a member looking to the I interests of the people of the county and state. Your support will be apd predated. W. M. HENRY. FOIl STATE SEXATOE I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination as Senator for the Thirty-Second Senatorial District subject to the action of the Demo-, cratice primary in June. I shall ap-; predate your support, tfc-p RALPH H. RAMSEY, Jr.] FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT | To the Citizens of Transylvania i County: 1 greatly appreciate the support of the good citizens'of Transylvania; Countv given me when I ran for the office" of Clerk of the Superior Court for my first term which I am now serving. Since my election I have tried to serve the entire people of the county honestly and con scientiously. Every citizen of Tran sylvania county has received my best services when it was my opportuni ty to give same. 1 respectfully ask the support of the good citizens of the county in my efforts to be re-nominated and re-elected to the office I now fill. If nominated and elected I pledge my best services to the people of the county and will not, under any circumstances, be a candidate to suc< ceed myself at the end of my second term. OTTO ALEXANDER b'OH HVGISI'VH OF 1>FHI)S 1 hereby announce my candidacy 'or Register of Deeds, subject to the Democratic Primary to be held in June. Yuur support will be ap preciated, and if nominated and elected 1 promise to do my duty to the very best of my ability. GLENN BURRELL Brevard FOR STATU SUXATOR 1 hereby announce my candidacy for State Senator from the 32nd Senatorial district, subject to the will of the voters to be expressed in the June Primary. I shall appreciate your support. t! June pd COS PAXTON '■'OR TAX COll.ECTOR To The Voters of Transylvania ('«. Having nerved my county an Tax Collector for one term, and having faithfully discharged the duties of said office, 1 hereby announce my self as candidate for nomination for the second term, subject to the democratic Primary. I will appreci ate the support of my friends. Respectfully, O. L. ERWIN FOR SOLICITOR 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the Democratic nomination for Solicitor of the Eighteenth Judicial District subject to the action of the Democratic Primary to be held on June 2nd. Support of my friends in Transylvania County will be ap preciated . R. LEE WHITMIRE, Hendersonville, N'. C. . __ • FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce rn.v candidacy for the nomination for Sheriff of Transylvania County, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary | to be held in llune. if nominated and 'elected I promise; to give to this office the very best that is within me and to faithfully,' fearlessly and impartially execute i the duties of the office. Your support will be appreciated.. Respectfully, L. K. BAGWKLL FOR < I.FRR OF COVRT 1 hereby announce my candidacy Clerk of Superior Court subject to the action of the Democratic Primary in June. If nominated and elected I promise to faithfully serve the peo ple to the best of my ability. I shall appreciate your vote and your sup SP&LMNC McINTOSH : FOR SHERIFF 1 hereby announce myself as can- j didate for nomination and election on the Democratic ticket to the office of Sheriff for ■ he* second term and will appreciate the interest and support j of all my friends, i promise to do my best to serve the people of my county, if airain elected to this office. TOM S. WOOD FOR COUNTS COMMISSION hh 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate to succeed myself as a member of the board of county com-; missionevs, subject to the action of | the Democratic Primary. I have j done my best to serve the people, during my past term and shall ap preciate vour support again. W. L. AIKEN FERTILIZER? r IS GOOD CROP INSURANCE! Your Profits Come Out of the Ground, There fore Make Your Soil Rich to Start with and Then Insure a Heavy and Profitable Growth by the Use of V-C Fertilizers. In doing this, you eliminate most of the risk ill grow ing your crops. ASK YOUR DEALER I.IIIIIIMHIMIIIMim 25 •HIH'UUmUIUHII VIRGINIA CAROLINA CHEMICAL CORPORATION Transylvania Agents For V—C FERTILIZER B. & B. FEED & SEED CO. .==^^r^=======*. I Society News and Club Activities J| V. A. Ml I ! Eli -In. HAS WIlTtWAY PARTY N. A. Miller Jr. celebrated his tenth birthday with a party Mommy afternoon at the home of hi-' ":lr' cuts Mr. and Mr.. X. A. Mill1 . 0,1 Broad street. Games were played ami the * |«en. ii>K of the birthday gifts aiiorue' much pleasure to the host and little guests. Refreshments of ice cream, cuke and candy were served during the afternoon. Those enjoying the happy C'cut with Junior were: Kahtleen ^'.son, Maxine Michael, Mary Jane Brown, Marjorie Perry, Fred, Edward ana Bruce Gkramer, Jack and B'.mi.v Huggins, Jimmy Martin, Paul Junes, Robert Jacksou, Clarence Garren I • A. Jr, and Christine Miller. EASTERS STAR TO MEET TUESDAY SIGHT Regular meeting of the Eastern Star will be held Tuesday evening at S o’clock at the I/Oilge hall. All members are urged to attend. AUXILIARY AXI) GUILD MEET WITH MjRS. LYNCH April meeting of the Auxiliary and Guild of St. Philips Episcopal church was held Thursday after noon at the home of Mrs. G. B. Lynch. The Auxiliary meeting was in charge of the president. Mrs David Ward. It was reported by Mrs. Lynch that the Easter box had been sent to Puerto Rico. Plans were dis cussed for starting an adult Bible class in the fall. Mrs. Frank Jenkins led an inter esting program on Christian Social Service. At the Guild meeting presided over by the president, Mrs. Erie Rawls, it was decided to hold a book tea at the rectory at an early date. Refreshments were served by the hostess at conclusion of the two moetinps. I VElfDIXC OF I XT FRF ST orcrns ix iireyAnn Miss Dollio Allison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Janies Allison of Pis gar Forest, was married to Nelson Bowen, son of Mr. and* Mrs. Pool Bowen. Thursday evening at the home of the groom's parents in North Brevard. The Rev. Paul Harlsell. pastor of the Breva>-d Bap tist church, officiated. The couple will make their home in Pisgah Forest. Mr. Bowen is employed by the local Southern Pub lic Utilities company. HUEY AIM GIRL IS It ED IX CALIFOUXIA Mr. and Mrs. John Gravely an nounce the marriage of their sister, Miss Alta Clark, to Mr. Bert Hen derson, of Ran Francisco, Calif., or I March 24th. Mrs. Henderson was a former, resident of Brevatd and a graduate I of the Brevard high school. , Mr. and Mrs. Henderson will make | their home in San Francisco. ' / XI)A Y SCHOOL Cl.A SS IX i.l SIXESS AXI) SOCIAL MEET The regular business and social niaiing of ih • Daughter.; of Wesley class of the Methodist Sunday school was held Tu-.sday evening in the Indies’ parlor of the church. Business matters pertaining to the class were transacted in charge of the class president, Mrs. E. S. English, after which a pleasant I social hour was held. B freshments were served by the joint hostesses, •Mrs. E. Id. English, Mrs. J. B. P5ck elsimer and Miss Alice Hayes. r RESTS y TER IA X CTR( LES HAVE JOIST MEET!SO I he four circles of the "Presbyterian church met in joint session Thurs day afternoon at the Hut, with the Auxiliary president, Miss Annie Jean Gash, in charge. The program was in charge of the vice president, Mrs. J. L. Cobb, with the Bible lesson conducted, by each of the four circle chairmen Miss Mamie Lyday, Mrs. \V. M. Cloud, Mrs. .1. W. Smith, Miss R'ba Kitchen. Opening devotionals were led by Mrs. M. E. Parsons. Following the joint, meeting, the four circles met separately for or ganization, this being the first meet ing of the new church year. REGULAR MEETING OF THE V. 1). C. The U. D. C. met in regular session Saturday afternoon at the library. The president, Mrs. 0. L. Erwin, presided. Sevi ral old Southern songs were -ung, after which routine business was transacted. It was decided to give a benefit dance in the early summer. Miss Sherrill Bromfield was made chairman of a committee on arrangements for (he affair. IK A. R. HAS MEETING OF INTEREST An interesting meeting of. the WaightstiFt Avery chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolu tion was heh! Monday afternoon at the home of Vy- Coleman Galloway. The meeting, in charge of the regent, Mrs. R. H. Ramsey, opened with the flag salute. Lord’s prayer and part of the D. A. R. ritual. The treasurer reported a balance of £12,20 on hand. The correct use of the flag was discussed by Mrs. T. E. I’atton Jr. A nominating committee fi r the annual election of officers in May war appointed as' follows: Miss Florence Kern. Mrs. J. M. Tatum and Mrs. .1. P. Deaver. De cision was made to observe Fiag Day on June 14. Miss Kern and Mrs. T. E. I’atton were named to arrange a program for this event. It was voted that the chapter buy a flag. Letters were read by Mrs. J. M. Allison asking endorsement of presi •lent generals from a New Jersey D. (Mrs. Harry McCalIHUM — Shtal Cr-ek< Sunday School »net Sunday end ra-orgnnized, with of ficers and teachers being selected to serve for a period of three month-. Mrs. DeWitt McCall was electd superintendent. Everyone is invited to attend each Sunday. Rev. Ernest McCall will preach at the Baptist church Sunday at elevm o’clock. r riemi.s of Mrs. A'.onzo uanowuj • will be sorry to learn of her recent death. Mrs. Galloway was a former resident of Balsam Grove, but moved to Henderson county several years ago. She is survived by her husband and several sons and one daughter and hundreds of friends that will mourn their loss. The Mothers’ Prayer meeting will be held next Thursday at Louie MeCall at 2:30 o'clock. ! Boyd MeCall is recovering nicely, from a severe case of measles. Harry McCall called on Cornelius McCall Monday of last week. Mrs. Filmore Galloway and tw . sonc, Dinsmc.re and Creed attended, the funeral service of Mrs. Alonzo i Galloway near Horse Shoe Tuesday. t *’Arvel Long visited Floyd Brown. Sunday afternoon. „ . I Oscar McCall of Pickens, S. < ■ >s j visiting frit nds here. AT THE CLEMSON THEATRE , Or Friday and Saturday of this week “Sagebush Trail” will be shown ; featuring John Wayne with Lane] Chandler, Nancy Shubert and Yaki-| lr.a Canutt. Action! Thrills! For yen! followers of Western Melodrama | who like ingredients mixed in tlv | proper proportions. Drama and ro mance ride to the tune of thund ering hoofs and blazing guns. Zasu Pitts, Pert Kelton, Edward Horton, Nat Pendleton are featured Monday and Tuesday or* next week in Sing and Like. Zasu Pitts sings with her quavering voice, while Pe rt Kelton vocalizes with sour notes emanating from nr. endlessly gum chewing mouth. Even a hard-boiler, gang chief has his hands more than full when he attempts to cope with two jealous women. Coming next week: “Keep ’em Rolling” with Walter Huston and Frances Dee, also coming soon is “Wild Cargo with Frank Bucks who played in “Bringing ’em Back Alive.” A. R. and a Georgia P A. R. A program of interest and infor mation on Approved Schools was given by Mrs. T. G. Moody. After a pleasant social hour, dur ing which the hostess served re freshments, the chapter adjourned to meet in May with Miss Florence Kern. Diamonds subjected to intense heat burn away in layers. FENROSE NEWS (By N. F,. Ponder? -. Knoll 15. Y. P. t'. —.'li the second quarter v aii t!i- :oP ow ing officers: President, \airey w> ter; vice president. I-avid P'i secretary, Jack Ly.iu;.; . - * Nora Tritt; chorister, Bess I n r; Pianist, I.slio McGuire; Bode U ti ers’ leader, Fieeto Fireman; ennui-. captains, Charles Ow.nby ami Ainu. Taliey. Preside t. Valrey Carter i. a iiv • B. Y. P. U. worker sad K -q-ciM to put the.union up to standard dur ing the quarter. Miss Fieeto Freneau was >< Secte'l by the church conference Sunday t< be lead: r of the Intermediates and another '.ill be elected in her plan in the senior union. Is This Too Good for Your Cough? Creomulsion tnav be a belter help than you need. It combines seven major helps in one—the best helps known to science. It is made for quick relief, for safety. Mild coughs oftrn yield to lesser helps. No ore can tell. No one knows which fac tor will do mo<t for any certain cough. So careful people, more and more, are using Crecmulsion for any cough that start-. The cost is u little more titan a -ingle help. But your druggist guarantees it, «o it costs nothing if it fails to bring you quick relief. Coughs are danger signal*, for safety’s sake, deal with them ir the best way known. (adv.) An Armour Pi'Otlu- ’ *vill please the most tli-eiim inaling Housewife. CHOICE MEATS We're a i ways triad ene you whether you wail* !•.;«!;' a pound or a whole ley. GROCERIES STAPLE cud FAS' V Phone 47—We Deliver CITY MARKET S. F. Allison TRY OUR WANT ADS METHODIST SOCIETY IS REG l' LA R MEET ISO Regular meeting of the Women’s Missionary society of the Methodist church was held Thursday afternoon in the ladies’ parlor, wtih the presi dent. Mrs. Oliver Orr, in charge. Miss Forence Kern and Mrs. L. B. j Haynes were elected delegates to the j annual missionary meeting to bo j held in Hendersonville April 24-26.1 Other members expressed their in tention of attending the annual meeting during the three-day period. | Circle reports were given by the different chairmen and other mat ters of business were transacted. It was decided to conduct the_ mission study class three days this week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday af ternoons at the home of Mrs. L B. Haynes, who will also be the class leader. The study book under dis cussion will be “Eastern Women.” Mrs. J. F. Zachary led the de votionals, giving an interesting dis cussion based on the Easter theme. FORMER BREVARD GIRL IS WED IN ASHEVILLE Following is an account, in Sun day’s Asheville Citizen of the wed ding of Miss Sara Barrett, former ly of Brevard, and Mr. J. D. Hofler, of Asheville: Beautiful in every detail was the wedding of Miss Sara Barrett, daugh-, ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Barrett, of 65 Ridgelawn avenue, West Ashe ville, to Mr J. D. Hofler, which took place at the home of the bride’s parents Saturday morning at 10 o’clock. The vows were spoken before an improvised altar of ferns, with tall floor baskets of Easter lilies and white carnations interspersed with fioor candelabra, whose white tapers shed a soft glow over the scene. The Rev. Carlock Hawk, pastor of the West Ashevilje Methodist church, performed the ceremony. Prior to the ceremony Miss Katn erine DeVault, cunt of the bride, sang “1 Love You Truly,” by Bond, and “At Dawning,” by Cadman. Mrs. F. K. Gulley, of Statesville, cousin of the bride, who 26 years ago play ed the same program of music for the wedding of the bride's parents, accompanied Miss DeVault at the piano. During the ceremony she softly played MacDowell’s “To a Wild Rose.” The bride and groom entered to gether to the strains of the wedding march from Wagner’s “Lohengrin.” The bride wore a blue suit with grey accessories, and a handsome silver fox scarf. Orchids and valley lilies fashioned her shoulder corsage. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Hofler left for a motor trip through the Shenandoah valley to northern points. Upon heir' return they will make their home in Asheville: •'LOW COST • EASY TERMS . CHEAP Electricity . . . enable every home to have the convenience and protec tion of It is no longer necessary for any home, even those of modest income, to be without the convenience and protection of Kel yinator Electrical Refrigeration. The initial cost of Kelvinator, the long terms and the low cost of Electricity will enable you to pay for a Kelvinator in the fopd savings alone. Come in now and let us show you the new 20th Anniversary models ... the finest Kelvinator has built in 20 years. There is not a single detail omitted . . . this refrigerator has a place for everything and is designed to give perfect refrigeration. Southern Public Utilities Co

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