V Fun i a! ervieet for Wade Zach : i-y, , 1. who died at his home in Brevard Saturday morning, were . eld Sunday morning at the resi , enee. The Rev. J. H. West, pastor of the Brevard Methodist ehurch, of •iciated. Burial was in the Zachary cemetery at Cashier’s Valley. Mr. Zachary had been in ill health tor some time. He was a member of the Brettird Methodist church and a highly respected citizen of the com munity. Surviving are his widow. 'Tie fol lowing children, Harold, Charles, Ruby, (lb nu and Ruth, all of Bre vard, hi-, mo.ther, Mrs. James Zach ary. and three sisters. Pallbearers were: Dr. J. F. Zach ary, C. F. Misenheimer, J. T. Owen, Glover Jackson, Johnnie Harkins and Henry McCall. The following acted as flower girls: Mrs. II. N. Blake, Mrs. J. T. Owen, Virginia McCall, Elizabeth Jordan, Mabel Blake, Annie Zachary. Moore ik Osborne had charge of funeral arrangements. POWELL FUNERAL !S ET FOR THURSDAY F nenil services for Gainesville Pov ll will be hi lil Thursday morn iin ut eleven o'clock at the Big Hill cent tery on East Fork, with the Rev. C. C. Reece in charge. Mr. Powell who was in his 25th year, died Tuesday night from an attack of pneumonia folk wing meas les. He survived by his widow and one child. The father. George Powell, of East F..rk. and the following bro thers and sisters -urvivc: Field Powell and Home Proved of East Fork, Vnil-.e Powell of Glerwood. S. i".I Mr*. R -atee King of Ea«t Fork, Mi-S Grace Powell of East F ork. POLITICAL /•',)/.' TAX COU.FA TOll ti„. Voters . f Transylvania bV.inty: ! hereby announce my candidacy *■ Tax Collector, subject '.o ’.be Dem e-ati. Ci iniarv in Uim I:’ nomi o,i . -.I r’-.et • I Will Cl- harjTl* till' ;■ . r tl-.e office ;o tit 1 ' . of my • V t C VO! will be hie lily ap ian i LKM BROOKS. INSTRUCTIONS FREE V.'i-.li purchase of sufficient Boucle knitting Material 1.. , -i suit ( c weater I will v knitting instructions. ' '< n Morivv ct Walker i! r i' g the «: - • ‘•urtlv.r particulars. Agent for Reticle Knitting Material . • DRIVE WITHOUT MERCY . . . . MILE UPON ENDLESS MILE No tire on the Markets of the World has a greater reputation for safety and strength than Pennsylvanias; —strength that endures to the last days of Old Age; —strength to resist shock and tear, bruise and wear; —strength to withstand the higher-than-boiling tem peratures that constantly develop in modem driving. Yet Pennsylvanias are beautiful and comfortable so beautiful and comfortable that luxury-loving Holly r wood drives almost exclusively on tires built in the Pennsylvania Factories—THEY COST NO MORE. v j i !*■ m II I i m AUTO REPAIRS Or. any make of earn— and all Work Guaranteed Body and Fender Work We Make ’em Like New K. & M. AUTO REPAIR Caldwell St. Phone 287 Brevard I Society News and Club Activities ] as- ~-----— mathatasian club in INTERESTING MEETING An interesting meeting of the Mathatasian club was held Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. G. u. Newland. In addition to the mem b vs two guests were present, Mrs. Harry Bradley and Mrs. Boyce Walker. Th6 club voted to contribute to vhe General Foundation fund. The program for next year, as outlineo o ■ the program committee, was idpoted, the program to be a study of the classics. Mrs. C. E. Cunningham gave an interesting and profitable discus sion of the subject of Nutrition. After the serving of refreshments bv the hostess, the club adjourned co meet next at the home of Mrs. Ralph Zachary. MRS. MCKEE ADDRESSES L WEDNESDAY CLUB MEETING A feature of unusual interest and enjoyment at the meeting of the Wed nesday club held Wednesday after noon of last week was the presence of Mrs. E. L. McKee, of Sylva, who ad dressed the club on the subject of “Citizenship.” The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Ethel McMinn, with Mrs. Frank Jenkins as hostess. Mrs. A. H. Kizer, program leader >f the afternoon, had secured her Hint, Mrs. E. L. McKee, to lead the irogram. Mrs. McKee related some f her experiences as the first woman •cnator in this state, and in her in spiring message made a plea for the caching of honesty, integrity, and high ideals. She urged that every citi jen become better acquainted with chat is going on in the schools and n local legislation, closing her re narks with an appeal to get back 0 God as the surest remedy for the 1 Is of the present-day world. The business session preceding the program was in charge of the vice president, Mrs. R. W. Everett, in the absence of the president, Mrs. J. S. Silversteen. A pleasant social hour during which refreshments were served concluded the meeting. BLAXCHE BARRUS CIRCLE MEETS TUESDAY At TERNOON Regular meeting of the Blanche Banus circle of the Baptist church was held Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Julian Glazener. In the absence of the chairman, Mrs. Roy Long, the business was transacted in charge of the co-chair man Mrs. Julian Glazener, who also lead the scripture lesson. The open ing prayer was made by Mrs. J. B. .Jones. The program wps also in charge of Mrs. Jones, giving a dis cussion of the introductory chapter f the new mission study book, Keys of the Kingdom,” by Una Roberts Lawrence, Mrs. Colt man Galloway resigned from the office ol secre tarv and it was decided to appoint a ntw secretary at the next meet "'^fter a social hour and refresh ments the circle adjourned to meet rext with Mrs. George Simpson, with Mrs. Walter Banks as program leader. EASTERN STAR TO HAVE SPECIAL MEET TUESDAY A special meeting 01 the Eastern Star has been called by Worthy Ma tron Mrs. E. S. English for next Tuesday night at 7:80 for the purpose of practicing on degree work. Re freshments will be served and all members are urged to attend. LEAVE ON MOTOR TRIP TO WESTERN POINTS Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Stokes left Wed nesday on a motor trip to Los Ange les, San Francisco and other points of interest in the West. They plan to be away several weeks. Dr. and Mrs. Stokes were accom panied i n the trip b.V Mrs. H. J. Mc Amis c f Hendersonville and Mrs. Herman Busch of West Union. S. C. MISSIOX STUDY CLASS i< SUCCESSFUL AFFAIR The mission study class <>! the \h thodist church which was held ! three afternoons last week at tne home f the leader. Mrs L. B. Haynes, oroved a successful and enjoyable sui ts of meetings. The study book under discussion was entitled •'Kastirn Women— 1 o ,li,v and Tomorrow." Mrs Haynes va assisted in the class by .several her holies who discussed different hunters in the book. The class met t rdav. Wednesday and h relay at nos. <•» the latter occasion a re w of ti-A study book and otamina . Mug held. Mrs. L. B. Laud • ■ns winner of the prize for making, the highest grade. 90 per cent. iH* final xarnination. Ton was served by Mrs. Haynes on th- first two afternoons and a <)e ■■.rhtful luncheon concluded the series ;• udi< - . r. Friday afternoon. SIR FRISK FIRTH PAY PARTY IS EX JOY A RLE AFFAIR Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hamilton en tertained a numb: r of friends Wed nesday evening at their homo at Island Foul with a surprise birth-j day party honoring their daughter, .Marjorie Hamilton. Various games were played dur ing the evening, and refre-hmenta of ire cream and cake were creed. Gin t-- present were: Misses Thel mo Collins. Margaret Wal.lr n, Eliza h th Nicholson, Pauline Gillespie, Margaret Gush, Mari a Henderson, .Miidied and Evelyn .McIntosh, Elia Mae, Hlanehe, and Nell Scruggs, Catherine Shipman, Melrose Sitton, Selma Morgan, Gladys Gillespie] G no ' ik n. Coy Nelson, Hazel Ward. Grate Hamilton. M -srs. Ray Waldrop, John Col lins. Freeman and Virgil Gillespie. Halter Glazener, Roy Johnson, Roy Nelson, Edwin Morgan. Dewey M mre. Haskell Hard, Roy Gray. Johnny Shipman. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ham ilton and Mr. and Mrs. Gertha Ship man. • SARD <'.IRL nos >11 ED >U.EOE ELECTS >S Ruth Pickelsimer has recently honored at Weaver college, v 10 -he i- in her freshman year, v being elect: (1 secretary of the col lege senate. The senate is an im j -i Sent organization in the - g b dy of the college and it considered an exceptional honor to Ibe or, ally connected with this body I of .-.tilde nts. '■ Miss Pickelsimer is the daughter of Mr. nr.: Mr>. J. B. Pickelsimer of , Brevard. FORT SIGHTLY CLVli MEETS WITH MRS /. E. WATERS K.gular me'ting of the Fortnightly club was held Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. K. Waters, with all hut two members present. Mrs. Charlie Patton had been secured by the program leader of the afternoon. Mrs. J. C. Wike, to talk to the club on health. Mrs. Patton stressed particularly the work of the midwives in this county, telling some of her own expereinces in the health work of the county. Adding to the in terest and information of her discus sion. Mrs. Patton displayed some of the necessary equipment used in this line of health work. The business meeting preceding the program opened with the repeating in unison the club collect. Mrs. I,. K. Ratchford was elected delegate to the JUST ARRIVED—MEN'S NEW Straw Hats Panamas, Hylows, Peanuts and Milos. 59c to $1.75 Nifty Felts $1.95 and $2.95 Men’s SHOES Njew sports in Black and White, Brown and White, and all other want ed combinations. $2.95 up Boy’s Summer SHORTS Ali wanted colors and materials, at 85c up :.tate convention in Asheville May 2-5. Other member* signified their inten tion of attending the state meeting also. The meeting was presided over by the president, Mrs. Cordia King. Refreshments were served during the social hour. LIVINGSTON CIRCLE MEETS WITH MRS CASE The Livingston circle of the Bap tist church held the regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Avery Case Thursday afternoon. The chairman, Mrs. Case, con ducted the devotionals and the busi ness. “Christianity in Eurasia” was the topic for mission study led by Mrs. W. H. Grogan. Oe'icious refreshments were served by the hostess during the social hour. BOOK TEA TO BE EVENT OF NEXT TUESDAY Plans have been completed for the “Book Tea” which the Guild of St. Philips Episcopal church will spon sor next Tuesday afternoon at the rectory from 4 to 6 o’clock. More than 50 good books have been donated for the occasion, from which number any one attending may select one book to keep. An admission of 25 cents will entitle anyone to a book of his own choice, to refresh ments and to other enjoyable features which have been provided for this event. — distinguished guests GIVEN LUNCHEON HERE ll Mrs Eric Rawls was hostess to a number of distinguished guests at her home here at a luncheon Monday at 1 o’clock. The guest list included wives of the delegates to the South eastern Cotton Brokers’ association convening in Greenville S. C., this week. The dining room was most effect ive with its pretty decorations re flecting early spring. The table? cen tered with vases of jonquils and paper white narcissus and other spring flowers tastefully arranged about the room combined in pleasing effect with the crisp yellow curtains at the win dows to present a veritable bower land suggestive of the season. Following the luncheon the guests motored to Rockbrook camp, enjoy ing he beauties of the scenery there and on route, returning to Greenville via Connestce Falls and vaesars Head. Following were the guests pres ent' Mr- David S. Griffin. Savan nah, Ga.: Mrs. .1 W. Waddell. Atlan ta, Ga.: Mrs. E. F. Eucas, Greens boro: and the f- Having front Green ville C.: Mrs. Brooke Reeve, Mrs. J, ii. Lindsay. Mrs. .1. D. Calmer. Mrs. G orge Rob ison. Mrs. .1. 1. Greece, Mrs. .!. I . Darkle. Mrs. E. J. Alice. I 111* « rii # . Mesh materials in John Men s blurts niya!!..colo‘’s..Bnd • Men's New Ties Beaiitiful patterns, washable* and silks, at 25e to 95e THE FASHION cm sn couple is MARRIED is s. c. Miss Minnie Galloway, slaughter oT Mr. and Mrs. Ed Galloway of ]’i yah Forest, and Mr. Claud Owen, of \V< If Mountain, were married in .Spartanburg. S. C., en November ^ j frttt. it has just been announced. Mr. and Mrs. Owen are making their lm: J at Pisgah Forest. Mr. Owen is employed at the CCC camp. BIRTHDAY DfXXEI! IS EX JOY ABLE SURPRISE | Great was the surprise of Mrs. I George Glazener on Thursday, when she returned home from a visit with j Mrs. \V. M. Henry, to find the room filled with guests who had been in vited to enjoy with Mrs. Glazener a surprise birthday dinner. The guests had been invited bv Mrs. Glazener'* daughter, Mrs. Cull Whitmire of Cherr.vfield. Mrs. Joe Grooms and Mr-. Arthur McCrary of the Country club road. These present to enjoy the oc casion with Mrs. Glazener were: Mrs. L. W. Brooks and Mrs. Cull Whi*mire of Cherr.vfield. Mrs. W. M. Henry. Mrs. G. F. Gallamore, Mrs. Lottie Duckworth. Mrs. Joe. Grooms and Mrs. Arthur McCrary j all of Brevard. SCREEXS, nvii hind Imilt cheaper >thun. Seurs-Rocbuck. Mull’s Old Store bldg, below Post-office. i PISGAH FOREST NEWS As a surprise to many in our com munity was the marriage of Miss Minnie Galloway to Mr. Claud Owens., The couple was married in Green-' ville on April 10. Mrs. Owens is the1 attractive daughter of Mrs. Julia', Galloway. Mr. Owens is an employee; of John Rock CCC camp We wish for them a very happy and successful married me. i Harold Wise of Marlon visited friends here Sunday. Quite a few people in this commun ity attended the dance Saturday night at the home of Miss Emma Boggs. Mrs. Maggie Parris celebrated her 84th birthday on Sunday. Her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren together with a host of friends gathered on the hill to wish her well. The day was spent in talk ing, singing and eating from t'ne large table spread in the yard. From tfie amount of food there no one went away hungry. We are glad to see Lance Carter able to be out again after several days illness. Mr., and tyrs. Larry Simpson spent the week-end with the latter’s mother, Mrs. D. H. Hollingsworth. Clifford Williams is employed on road construction in the Pink Beds TRY OUR WANT ADS Gordon All Wanted Shades Dust, Beige, Sun Taupe, Tawny Biege, Neutral Taupe, Honey Biege. SPECIAL F or SATURDAY Newly Arrived PAJAMA MATERIALS Beautiful patterns— Also Seersucker, Organdies and other materials. TellW You Friends That the meals we serve ; are prepared from the ; best foods to be had any- ; where. ; GOOD FOOD COOKED RIGHT . Plenty of room for a party ; of fifty or a table for one > or two. Ik ' * ' ’ ^ I t “The Home of Good Coffe'i” < * DOC GALLOWAY, Prop. 1 WASH Eveninfi Afternoon, Sport, and nDTUCrt Sunday Night styles. All wanted UKlloDlLD materials and prices. Extra length slips, dance sets, stepins, gowns, negli gees. All materials at new low prices. JJ New Arrival of White Coats $2?? All the newest materials SjjgjgSgBBS Dress Patterns Collar and Cuff Sets - Initial Handkerchiefs Pastel Hand Bags

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