News of the Week from Rosman MRS. JORDAN WHITMIRE, Correspondent VTTT V V V»»- * »■ ♦ • • • - -- -- -- -- -- Mis. Karl O’Shields returned home ... i w ek from a month’s visit to iJativos at Jackson Kentucky. WalteV Rog.'rs of Salem, is spend ing sect ral days visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Van Honeycutt and Mi a nil Mrs. E. R. Galloway visited Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Chapman Sat urday night. Mr. ami Mrs. A1 Bryson and grandson, Guy Bryson and Forrest Reece ware visitors to Cedar Mtn.. Sunday. Mr. ami Mrs. A1 Bryson and grandson visited relatives at Cen tral and Greenville during the week end. Rev. and Mrs. Brinkman, and Rev. J. 11. West of Brevard were guests of Mrs. Klizabeth Hall and Rev. J. N. Hall Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Leon McCall of Pickms. were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Moss. Mr and Mrs. Jack Fisher and children. Mrs. T. P. Galloway. Jr., and daughter Lucille, and Miss Mat tie Cowan were Pickens visitors Sun da v. „ , T '. and Wilford Galloway and Ted . arbin spent Sunday at Lake Te\ ay. Mi . K. F. Whitmire called on Mr- lames Nelson Thursday after noo" „ . , Mrs. T. P. Galloway Jr. visited her sister. Mrs. James Bales, Sat urday. Thomas Glazener spent Saturday in Brevard visiting friends. Mr.-, l; Rice, who recently under went mi operation, is spending sev eral day< at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Glazener. Rev. Jesse Burrell. Rev. Frank Roacher and Rev. C. P. Galloway of Salem conducted church services at the Church of God Monday night. Mrs. (lien Taylor and two children of Lomls'lulc, S'. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jollies Staton, Satur day. M) and Mrs. Reuben Morgan visit ■>! Yamlo Morgan and children during the week-end. Re\. and Mrs. C. J. Kldridge and s n< l> tgias and Roy visited Mrs. II. N Blake and Mr. and Mrs. Clover Jacks n at Seliea Sunday. Mr- Carrie I. Watkins ot CrionvilU is spendtrg several days a- guest of h r parents Mr. and Mrs. 1,. M, Watkins. C. p Galloway and F rank Reel.-111 ot Salem spent Sunday night a- guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. 1>. R'gei.-. |i. | . cia ner ol Willetts spent the we. I. end with his family here. I Don’t Buy Drugs Blindfolded : [Valors throughout the 'world agree there is do greater folly than to huy and take unknown drugs. Ask _. ..or own doctor. Si when you go tor real Bayer you get it. Remember that dorse (Genuine SAl'T. relief for son 'hroat. pains of and neuritis, ete. Just remember and get Genuine Ua> er Aspirin. finiuine Coyer \spirin dors it'd harm Ihr heart Ruby Glazener spent Saturday night with Lucille Galloway. Ralph Galloway spent Sunday in the Gloucester section visiting his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Char lie Laniance. Miss Daisy Galloway spent Wed nesday night as guest of Miss Ella Mae Collins. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Galloway spent Sunday at Sapphire visiting rela lives. James T. Harrison, who is a patient at a Charlotte sanitarum will return to his home in the Sapphire section this week. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Allison visited Mr. and Mrs. Eli Huggins Sunday. Mrs. J. E. White and daughters, Misses Mae and Margaret and sons, Allen and Baxter and Mrs. Jordan Whitmire visited Miss Elsie White Miss LaVerne Whitmire and Miss Irene Pharr students of W. C. T. C. Cullowhee. Sunday. Dr. Joe E. Osborne visited rela tives at Shelby Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clemmons Garren and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Winchester were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Whitmire Sunday. Mrs. Zeb Stroup spent Sunday as v-ucst of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Stroup. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Chapman and son Ralph were visitors to Green ville Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chapman of Asheville spent Sunday as guests of the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. 1,. k. v-napman. Mrs. Web Phillips of near Salem, is spending several days visiting friends here. Ruth, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lewis is quite ill at the home of her parents. Mrs. Spurgeon Owen of the Gloucester section visited her daugh ter Mrs. Joe Galloway Monday. Ransell King of the East Fork ■-action is reported quite ill at^ the hi me of his mother, Mrs. E. J. K i ng. Mrs. 11. G. Stophel and Miss Helen Henderson were shopping in Bre .anl Saturday. Spurgeon Owen left Monday with ■ load of cattle for Easley. Gene Moore and Oscar Whitmire . ’ Quebec were business visitors to Resman Monday. W R. Liwis and Walter Rogers were business visitors to Easley Wednesday. . . Turner Allison of Brevard visited f' iends in Rosman Monday. Miss Ruth Burt returned to her home here Thursday, having spent tin past three weeks as guest of iie> sister, Mrs. John Butler, at Ninety Si*. B. B. White. Paul White, Boyce White. Ralph Burt. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Volrath visited the latter’s at Salem Sumla Misses Pauline Lcathc ■ and Ruth Hurl visited Mrs. Walti ■■ Ledbetter i H -evard Saturday night. Robert Leathers returned to OOO i amp at Bnrnardsvillc Sunday. He was accompanied by Homer Olark, Misses Daisy Galloway and Pauline tilers. Mrs. Hubert Callahani and son of Greenville, are spending several davs as guests of the former’s pai nts Mr. and Mrs. James Nelson. Miss Ruby Leach and Edgar I each of Greenville, were Sunday guests ot Mr. and Mrs. James Nelson, daughtetr Miss Louise Glazener, a student at Asheville Normal. Mrs. Lee R. Fisher and grand daughter. Jean Bales and grandson Jimniev Bales, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fisher at Lake Toxaway Mon day. Miss Bertie Mitchell of Asheville is spending a few days with her par ent Mr. ond Mrs. Win. Mitchell. Mvs. E. A. Glazjener and daughter Miss Faye visited the former’s daughter Msis Louise Glazener, a student at Asheville Normal. Vernon Clark was a dinner guest of Cecil Hensley Sunday. COOLS you off and PEPS you up! DRINK SUNNY SIDE Buttermilk Fresh Churned whenever you’re thirsty Rich in vitamins that build energy. Relieves fatigue . . it’s thirst-quenching but NOT fattening. SUNNY SIDE DAIRY Paul Glazemu- Walter Glazener Mr. and Mrs. C., J. McCall and sons, Tom, Vanoe and Briscoe were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Huggins at Chcrryfield. Miss Hattie Lee McCall spent the week-end at the home of her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. V. McCall. Miss Inez Owen and Broadus Dun can spent the week-end in Brevard as guests of the latter’s sister Mrs. Winston Ashworth and Mr. Ash worth. Cecil Robinson and Mrs. Jack Smith of the Quebec section visited their mother, Mrs. John Robinson, who is a patient at City Hospital at Greenville on Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Stover and daughter Guyma, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Moore pent Sunday at the home of Mrs. M. N. Moore. A. M. Pharr and James White were called to Statesville on account of the illness of D. J. Pharr, father of Mr. Pharr, the first of the week. Misses Virginia Oates, Eva Pharr Belle Fisher and James White were Brevard visitors Sunday. Brisco Whitmire of the Cherry field section has accepted a position with Hogsed Auto comnanv here. Clyde Rice spent Sunday visiting D. H. and Stanley Winchester. John and Charlie Paxton of Can ton .visited Mr and Mrs. A. M. Paxton Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Mickler Lusk and daughter Nelle Jean, were Brevard visitors Sunday. J. R. Lynch had the misfortune to get his arm put out of place while hauling logs 'ast week. Mrs. S. M. Butler left the first of the week for her home at Kannap olis, having spent several weeks as guest of Mrs. W. S. McLean. Bert McLean, who has been ill for several weeks, is slightly im proved. John Mattheus of Salem, passed through Rosmnn Sunday on-route to visit his daughter Mrs. Charlie Parker. REV. RIRT TO PREACH ROSMAN. April 17 -Rev. .1. K. Hurt will fill his regular appoint ment at Oak drove Quebec Sunday at 11 a. m. and in the evening at K p. m. at Glady Branch near Bre vard. FIRST YEAR HOME EC0S0MIC8 Cl.ASS GIVES PROGRAM The first year % home economics class under the supervision of Miss .Margaret Greene gave an entertain ing chapel program entitled “The Bachelors pilcmma,” Friday Cast of characters were: The Bachelor, Frank Chappell; an old fashioned girl, Barbara Anderson; a very untidy peasant girl. Helen Fish er; a ten-ceni. store type of girl, Helen Summoy; a flapper. Lucy Galloway; n vi vy neat and attractive type of girl. Hazel Moore.' The bachelor decides to advertise for a housekeeper. The old fashioned girl is ignorant of dish washing and floor cleaning. The True Story maga zine with its sobhy story absorbs the peasant girl who reads as she pre tends to wash the dishes. More con fusion and dirt is the result of the negro woman and her pickaninnies around. While dividing her attention in flirting with the bachelor and primping the flapper loses out. The young attractive girl in a neatly made costume is the housekeeper he has been looking for so he changes his “Housekeeper Wanted” sign to “Wife Wanted” which she agrees to beemoe. SHRUBBERY DONATED ROSMAN—The students arid pa trons of the Rosman High School and Elementary School are donating shrubbery to make the grounds more attractive, for the school campus should have flowers and shrubbery as well as the lawns of private homes. PENROSE NEWS (By N. L. Ponder) The Penrose school boys engaged the Davidson River school Monday afternoon in an interesting game. Penrose boys could not swat the out curves that Pat Poore placed so well and the Davidson River boys hit Penrose hard. Penrose did some awkward fielding too. So that’s it. Davidson River got the long end of a score of 23-3. The teams are ex pected to‘play at Penrose next Mon day. Penrose folks who attended the Fri day evening prayer meetings find some interest in hearing Bible stories told from the Old Testament by speakers who do their parts well. The program for next Friday is a study of the Patriarchs. AT THE Walter Huslon, Francis Dee, Minna Gombel! are atel’.ai players in the red blooded Romance, “Keep ’Em Roll ing,'’ that is scheduled at the Cdem son for Friday and Saturday. Offi cers and enlisted men of the Ifith Field Artillery are. also a great pavt of this picture. An Our Gang comedy and a novelty subject round cut the program for Friday and Saturday Douglas Fairbanks and Colleen Moore in “Success at Any Price:’ are to apoear at the Clemson on Mon day and Tuesday of next week, in a picture that will apnea! to the young, middle-aged and the old. What is : access as the world knows the word, worth? Short subjects are also on the bn! lor Monday and Tuesday. WIDELY KNOWN MAN, DIED LAST TUESDAY: - I GREENVILLE, April 18—Charles Manning Furman, Sr., 04, profes sor emeritus of Clemsbn college, dieel last Thursday afternoon at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Constance F. Herbert, in Bishopville after a brief illness. He was descended from an old and prominent Soutn Carolina family. Mr. Furman was a Confederate veteran, serving with distinction during the four-year period of the war, entering the service as a pri vate and emerging from that con flict with the rank of captain. He was among the oldest living grad uates of Furman university, Green ville institution founded by his grand father, Richard Furman, and he was the son of the first president of Furman, the late Dr. James C. Fur-1 man. In 1877 Mr. Furman came to Greenville and for about 10 years engaged in the practice of law. He served for a term as assistant Unit ed States district attorney for the western district of South Carolina, under President Grover Cleveland. In 1890 was elected to the chair of English at Clemson college, re tiring from that position in 1912 with the title of Professor Emeritus. At one time Mr. Furman lived in Kentucky, when engaged in teach ing at Bethel college. Since his retirement, Mr. Furman divided his time with his children, who live in widely separated parts of the United States, enjoying to the fullest extent the long span of life alloted to him, and with it all being blessed with a remarkable vitality, until his most recent illness Mr. Furman was married twice. His first wife, Mrs. Fannie Garden Furman, died in 1884. To this union the following sons and daughters survive: Alester G. Furman and Char'es M. Furman, Jr., of Green ville; Mrs. Constance F. Herbert of Bishopville and Mrs. Annie F. Pen dleton of Brevard, N. C. His second wife was Mrs. Sallie V. Furman, who died in 1027, and his children by this marriage who survive are: WILLIAM D. COBB IS BURIED ON TUESDAY William David Cobb} 68, of Caesar’s Head, died Sunday morning1 at his home at the lodge at the j Head after an illness of slightly more than a month. Mr. Cobb was a native of Ala bama), having moved to Greenville county nine years ago from Green wood, where he lived for a number of years He conducted a business es tablishment and service station at Caesar’s Head. lie is survived by his widow, Mrs. Camilla Franklin Cobb, and by two sons* Lieut. Arthur Cobb, of the 83rd Regiment of Field Artillery, United States Army, stationed at Fort Benning, Ga., and William D. Cobb, Jr., also of the army station ed in Honolulu. He also leaves a sister, Mrs. I. B. Hill, of Mt. Meigs, Ala. Mr. Cobb was a member of the Baptist church. Funeral servicer, were held Monday afternoon at 5:00 o’clock at the Mackey Mortuary, Greenville, con ducted by Dr. William L. Ball, pas tor of Earle Street Baptist church. The body accompanied by the fami ly was taken to Union Springs, Ala., where funeral services and interment were held Tuesday afternoon. James C. Furman of Jersey City N. J.. Mrs. Sarah F. Pakenhain of New York and Mrs. Kitty F. Coles of Chestnut Hills, Mass. He was a member of the Baptist church at Clemson. Funeral services were held in Greenville Friday morning at 11 o’clock. The interment was made in Springwood cemetery. The instant a man brings up the subject of thrift his wife demands that he quit smoking cigars and play ing golf. Difficulties mastered become step than an ornament. The output of blood by a human heart is about, four quarts a minute. Usually we ge twell in spite of the medicine, not because of it. | C. G, KILPATRICK! ?V FUNERAL HOME ip Licensed Embalmers.Morticians Individual Ambulance and Hearse 214 W. Main Street Phene 123 Brevard — North. Carolim Business Is Good We are enjoying a good barber business in our new shop on News Arcade and now have Walter Gillespie to help out in serving you with Good Hair Cuts and Shaves We’ll appreciate having you call at any time. Shoe Shine 5c TINSLEY Barber Shop LOALIA TINSLEY Next to Transylvania Times I LISTING 1 for the year 1 The State law requires all property owners, both real and personal, to list same during the month of May. Penalty of 10 per cent will be added on all who fail to make proper returns within the time prescribed by law. You will save money both for yourself and the county if you list your property promptly with listers. They will be found at the following places: Brevard Township I.EM BROOKS, NATH NORTON Davidson River.May 1 PiSgah Forest .May 2-3 HrtAard.May 8, 9, 10, It, 12, 14 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 Boyd Township A. E. ENGLAND .J. C. McCall store.May 7 Carl Orr Residence .May 8 Blantyre.May 9 Penrose .May 10 Enon School House \.May 11-12 ||flroWdKWBiJll|w Cathey Creek Township J. FRANK .MORGAN Selica.May 4 O’Neal Cantrell Residence.May 11 Frank Morgan Residence _May 15 Rosman, Gloucester Store ....May 22 Rosman, Tox. Tan. Co.May 29 Dunn’s Rock GEO. W. MAXWELL Round Top School House.May 2 Connestee School House.May 3 Sea Shore.May 4 Powell’s Store.May 5 Eastatoe Township W. C. GRAVELY East Fork School House.May 21 Old Toxaway School House .... May 22 Rosman Voting Booth .May 23 Gloucester Lbr. Co. Shop.May 24 Gloucester Township A. C. PRICE Silversteen School House ......May 15 E. S. McCall Store.May 16 Silversteen School House .May 18 Balsam Grove School House_May 17 Piney Grove School House ....May ID t Hogback Township T. C. HENDERSON M. 0. McCall’s.May 14 Oakland Post Office.U .. May 15 Montvale School House .May 16 Sapphire Post Office.May 1" McNeely Store.May 18-19 Little River Township HAL HART Little River .May 7-8 Cedar Mtn. Post Office . . . May 10-11 Hal Harfs Residence..May 14 ------ The law requires “thftt each farmer shall be prepared to report the acreage of each crop grown to the tax list er.” All farmers are asked to give their full cooperation. GASTON WHITMIRE, County Tax Supervisor.