gliiriHiHHiiaidiniiiiiHmiiniiiiiM,,, rg Only Newspaper I, Published In Transylvania \ County ? : Q*.niiniiHiminnmuiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiil*) VOL 39—NO. 17 BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA—THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1934_$1,00 PER YEAR IN TRANSYLVANIA COUW<^j| OBSERVED IN TOWN Operetta To Be Presented At the Brevard High School Tuesday Evening In observance of National Music Week, the first week in May, the Brevard Music Lovers club will pre sent an operetta, “The Persian Prin cess,’’ at the high school auditorium on Tuesday night, May 1, at 8 o’clock. The admission is free and a cordial invitation is extended by the club to, the public to attend. The scene of the operetta is laid] in a garden of the palace, and the time is the festival ot the vonteenth birthday of the Princess .'.oboide. Ac cording to an eastern romance, the Persian Prinuess Zolx iue’s horoscope, cast by astrologers at her birth, gave omen that she could not survive the noon of her seventeenth birthday, unless by some means she could re main unmindful of that day’s arrival or declare herself mistaken in tho date. This prediction was concealed from the princess and she. in her in nocence, looked forward t » the oc casion since she was to be publicy be trothed on that day to her destined husband whom she had never seen. The interval between morn and t.oon of the eventfu day was to be occupied with a series of entertainments of] ng and dances by performers en-j gaged for the day’s pleasure. The rast of characters follows: | Zoebeido, Mrs. Knox Sadie,i Miss Janie Strickland: Amine, Mrs.’ .1. M. Allison: Maimoune. Christine] Yongue: Hadoura, Miss Hill Aiken; (lUinare, Nell Duckworth: Nouro,, Mrs. Harrv Sellers; Abouahwa, Ora Holt Long- Ane-ta. Mr-, .Thomas] Hampton: Kctnah, Miss Lilian Jen-, kins; Zoymi. M-, Charles Moore. In] addition "there will h choruses by handmaiden ■■. minstrels and moun-j tainoers by members of the music i tub and high school girls. Prof Alvin Moore is director and accompanist for the operetta. i ! I I_I Editor The Times: On account of the plays, banquets.! etc., at some of the schools about May 1st, we will have our next spelling match at Solica school house on Friday next, April 27th, at 7:30. o’clock. While we are not in polities the candidates are welcome, neither are we trying to promote matrimony, but the old bachelors and maids are cor dially invited—in fuct all who will come and take part in the spelling are welcome. We thought of using one of thej modern spellers Friday night but it j seems to be the concensus of opinion that we hold on to the Webster Blue Back speller, so get up your speller and refresh your memory and come and lets have a good time. Mrs. H. N. Blake will be captain for one side and Mrs. J. N. Whitmire for the other. The progiam will be: Music by Messr.-. Galloway and Fulton, spell ing; announcements; music, adjourn ment. J. WADE DICKSON. NO SINGING MEETING HERE FIFTH SUNDAY There will he no Fifth Sunday sing ing convention at the Brevard court house next Sunday as usual custom nas been heretofore, ore- rding to statement by \V. R. T.ewis. p:x sident jf the convention. Mr. Lewis stabs that the piano which the convention has been using for several years ha- been taken back by the furniture company which sold it to the convention fu a balance ot f if tern dollars that was owing. It i- exp-eted that arrangements will be made t pr cure a piano in time for the five county singing con vention here in May 1 * * * ’ll t V Ji! * * * * * HI * * * JAIL DOORS LEFT OPEN I —NO PRISONER LEAVES * ' __ * | * Transylvania county jail doors * * were left open one afternoon last * * week and nary a prisoner es- * * raped, though the upstairs and * * downstairs doors were wide* open * * and no caretaker with watchful * * eye on either. * Probably one reason for the * * fact that no escape was made * * was the fact that there were r.o * * prisoners in the jail for the brief * ' span of an afternoon and night * . . hut such thnigs don’t continue, * * two landed a berth there early * * Thursday morning. **********►*** + *** TAX LISTING STARTS IN COUNTY TUESDAY Three Listers Start Work— Other Townships Dur ing the Month Tax listing will begin in the county on Tuesday of next week, with Lem Brocks and Nath Norton, listers for, Brevard township, having announced their intention of being at Davidson River on May 1st; Pisgah Forest May 2 and 3rd. Other dates for listers next week include J. Frank Morgan at Sclica] on May 4; Geo. W. Maxwell at Round Top school on May 2nd; Cmineslec 3rd; Sea Shore 4th; Powell’s stor: 5th. Other listers will, begin the fol lowing week and later. MRS.PATTONBURIED Funeral services were held Tues-j day afternoon at Davidson River, Presbyterian church fV' Mrs. T. I.! Patton, who died Monday afternoon after a brief illness, with interment in the cemetery nearby. Mrs. Patton, who was 75 years of age. had been slightly ill for several weeks, but her condition was not re garded as serious until Sunday after noon. The "Id historic Davidson Rivei church was filled to overflowing by relatives and friends of the deceased woman, the Rev. VV. S. Hutchinson, former pastor, and the Rev. J. P. j Simmons of Mississippi having charge1 of the services. Altar and front of the! church was completely banked with. beautiful floral tributes. Miss Char lotte Patton, M iss Rebecca Patton and Miss Elizabeth McCoy, all grand daughters of the deceased, had charge of the flowers. Pall bearers were Dr.! E. S. English, T. E. Patton, Sr., Sher-j iff T. S. Wood. Erwin Patton. B. A.j Patton, and Robert MasFarland. Kil patrick Funeral home had charge of| arrangements. Mrs. Patton, who was Miss Emma Weaver of Polk county before her marriage, is survived by her hus band. Capt. T. T. Patton, three daughters, two sons and eight grand children. The daughters are Mrs. K P. McCoy of Pisgah Forest, Mrs. E. R. Echord of Taylorsville and Mrs. Boyce Walker of Pisgah Forest. The two sens are T. Edgar Patton, chief of the alcoholic beverage con trol unit of North and South Caro lina, with headquarters in Charlotte, land’Harry II. Patton, Brevard town clerk. WELCOME TO BREVARD TO MEET MONDAY EVE Regular meeting of the Welcome to Erevan! organization will be held at the court b use Monday evt ning at 8 o’clock at which time committees will be approved and advertising plans given o.l-t. or changes recom mended by the membership. 1! gular scheduled meeting f.*r last M inlay evening was postponed on ■i, out of the death of Mrs. T. T. Patton, neither of President Harry Patton. H is urged by official- <>! tl: • on animation that all people of the town and county who are interested in tin community’s welfare be present at the meeting Monday night. Brevard Institute Reunion Will Be Held Here On First Sunday In May Plans have been prnctually com pleted for the annual Brevard lnsti-1 tute r« union, which will be held on the campus here on Sunday, May 0. All graduates, iouncr students and faculty n umbers of the former Bre vard Institute arc given a cordial in vitation to attend the r union. It is expected that many of thorn attend ing rom a distance will arrive in time t > a’term services at one of Brevard’s churches. It is requested that ever) one rigister on arrival t n the campus 0t ind those who do not desire to at tend church services here will lx given the opportunity of visiting with friends on the campus during that time. Dinner will be served on the grounds at 12:30. and all ate asked to bring with them well filled lunch baskets. The secretary of the organization, ' ?. N' A. Miiler, requests that any knowing names and addresses of mer B. I. students to send them r to her at 400 Broadway, Brevard, so that she might notify'as many as pos sible of the reunion. An interesting program, to begin a: 1:45, has been prepared for the afterm on, which will be as follow-: Song, America the Beautiful, led by Mrs. Mary Brccse Allison; devotion als, Olivo r II. Orr; piano duet, Mrs. All'snn and Mrs. Grady Kilpatrick; welcome address, President Eugene J. Coltrane, of Brevard college; sole, Alvin Moore; address, Lamar Gallc vvay, of Asheville; chorus, by six foi mor students; address, President C H Trowbridge, of Weaver College: duct. Mrs. Allison and Mrs. J. E I.oftis, song, God Be With You Till We Meet Again; dismissal, Rev. .T. H. West, pastor of the Brevard Methodist church. Officers of the organization are: President. Miss Earleene Poindexter vice president, Mrs. W VI. Harris: secretary-treasurer, Ms. N. A. Milk1' ( Transylvania Resident One Hundred And One Years Old Last Thursday Transylvania county's oldest resi lient, William W. Hamlin, celebrated his one-hundred and first birthday anniversary at the home of his son, Ben W. Hamlin, near Brevard, last Thursday. Mr. Hamlin, born April 18, 1883, has been in very poor health for the past several years, and therefore was unable to participate in a celebration * befitting one of his age. | A son of tho late Jimmie and I Phoebe Hamlin, ‘‘Uncle Bill” was [ born and reared within a mile of his I present home. His wife, who was be fore their marriage, Miss Elizabeth Barnett, of Hendersopville, has been ■ dead for 20-odd years. ‘‘Uncle Bill” has since made his home with his son. Although reared in the Southland, “Uncle Bill” cast his lot with the I Union army in the War Between the States and saw four years of service | with the Federal forces. He later re turned to his home here and reared a family of eight children, six of whom survive. 1 Living children of the aged man are: Will Hamlin, of Oregon; Ben W. Hamlin, of Brevard; Jones Ham lin, of Covington, Ky.; Fred Hamlin. WILLIAM W. HAMLIN of Toccoa, Ga.; Mrs. Fair Turner, of Brevard; and Mrs. Alice Bishop, of Cedar Mountain.— (Cut furnished by courtesy The Asheville Citizen.) I Republican Convention Will Be Held At Brevard Court House On Saturday ____ i Republicans of 'Pennsylvania county will lie a Republican primary, tlioj will hold their convention at the court j local ticket usually being selected at) house in Brevard on Saturday after-i the convention by the delegates, it is; noon of this week, beginning at two1 not improbable that more than oncj o’clock. I man will seek at least two of the of-j Business to come up before the!'ires, thus causing the Republicans; convention will be nomination of a to go into a primary unless tno dif-j county ticket, selection of a chairman j fcrcnccs are ironed out at the conven-: and secretary of the executive com-'tion. i mittec. according to Roseoe L. Nichol- Several people are being prominent-; son. present chairman. , iy mentioned for the various county) Republicans in each precinct arc to! offices, with three known to Ik- look-, meet "ii Friday or some day thisjing for the post of sheriff and two w ck and elect delegates to the county or more for the place on the party s convention and name a member of ticket as nominee for register of the executive committee from each deeds. Chief of Police W. N. Stroup precinct. I of Rosman is expected to be strong: While it is not expected that there contender for sheriff's place._; HONOR ROLL 1 The following renewals have been received during the past three weeks; Miss Flora Merill, Brevard. J. F. Winton, Missouri. R. K. Ballard, Florida. 1’. F. Gravely, Rosman. W. W. Poole. Brevard. Mrs Ethel Owen, Brevard. W. I. Reece, Rosman. ,1. Frank McCall, Brevaid, R-2. A. 1). Lyday, Brevard, R-2. Dock Bunthcr, L. Toxaway. S. M. Barton, Pisgah Forest. E. 11. Jones, Brevard, R-2. Dr. C. J. S. Parson, Sapphire. Mrs. A. W. Sitton. Brevard. Mrs. Kate DeLong, Brevard. Rufus Guffee, Brevard, R-2. i S. C. Aiken, Brevard. Eugene Southern, Brevard, R-3. | J. E. Bishop, Brevard. ! R. L. llogsed, Brevaid, R-3. tV. F. Short, Brevard. J. K. Barclay, Brevard. | Mrs. G. 11 Paxton, Brevard, j S. R. Owen, Lake Toxaway. Miss Emma Bagwell, Brevard. Miss Janie Gillespie, Brevard. R. E. Mackey. Pisgah Forest It. L. Mull, Asheville. Floyd Jones, Lake Toxaway. Dr. F. II. Corpening, New Jersey. Miss Katherine Griffin, Brevard. Mrs. Coy Surrette, Brevard, R-2. Mrs. Nettie Benedict, Brevaid i Mrs. Carr Whitmire, Biltmorc. ! Otto Alexander. Brevard. J Ralph McCall, Penrose. | L. F. Lyday, Brevard R-2. Mitchell Holden, Brevard. R-l. 1 Mrs. O. T. Glazener. Virginia. , Rtv. G. c. Brinkman. Brevard, i Janus Chapman, !.. Toxaway. ! E. L. Halsell. Oklahoma. Mis; Pearl Cash, Etowah. The Tillies, gladly welcomes the tol lowing new subscribers to its family of readers: \V. G. Kilpatrick, Norris, Tenn. Murray McClain, Brevard, R-2. Albert Fortune, Brevard, R-2. Austin Baker, Highlands. I. . A Dale, Brevard, R-3. I). 11. Parson, Rosman. C. E. Ware, Lincolnton. .1. tV. Winchester.. Pickens. J. tV. Powell, Ros'mr.n. i F. F. Galloway. Saxapahaw. Miss D< rothv King. New York E. A. Hanson, Rosman. -1 With the thermometer registering 29 and bcdow in the Brevard vicinity last Friday night and Saturday mcning, snow was reported in sev eral sections of the county, heaviest of which ,vas in the Lake Tbxaway and Oakland sections. Light snow flurries were reported I on Friday afternoon, with a rather heavy fall on Friday night in the up Iner end of the county, estimated at i between half an inch and an inch. It ;is not known whether fruit is scr J iously damaged, though peaches are I generally assumed to be killed PRISON CAMP WORK TO START AT ONCE: ___________ j Plans Approved and Farming! Work Going—L. P. Wil- j son To Have Charge Work is expected to start on the state prison camp near Calvert within the next ten days, according to ad vices received here last week. The deep well for the camp water supply has already been finished and plans for erection of the camp have been approved. Material to be used, in construction will probably arrive this week. j L. P. Wilson will be in charge of (he camp when completed, with F. Paxton in charge of The farm. Mr. Paxton has already planted a hun dred bushels of Irish potatoes and a laige quantity of onions. He expects to plant cabbage and beans a little later in the season. ROSMAX, April -7i -Rosinau i- to. have ;i ball team this summer, this action biir.g taken at a nuetng of j (players and far... here last Fridayi night. Officer.' elected are Herbert Kchnin, manager; .1. R. Sawyer.] coach; Kay C. 115ns, treasurer. Ground] for the field has ben d tinted Ivy ?•!’ ] Silvcrsteen. ; Some of the veterans who have lined up for the team are Fred j Stroup, Rail White, Jam;s Staten, Ite Fisher, Kay Collins, Kd Staton. Coy iFi.h r, Tom Stroup. Happy Collin , j Girt ha Watkins, Jack Nelson. Others to report include A1 White, Pau iWHiitmire, Everett Whitmire, J. E. ! Burt and Tom Glazener with other ! expect (1 to come out within a few ! days. Prospects are favorable f‘ r a I team at present and any team wish ; ing to secure games are requested to i write J. R. Sawyer at R■■snail. [GOOD PrTURE N?VT ! MONDAY TUESDAY 1 gPpM ! Tlie Cl'-meon in bringing ! Frank 15tick’s “Wiid Cargo" here fo; j showing on Monday and Tuesday o) next week, this picture being rated ■ ahead of "Eri"c 'Em Back Aliy ' .which was shown here .evtrai i..jnL. ag\ , Filmed in the Malayan jungle : where Buck was commissioned to cap I ture wild lifri for 700s throughout th : world, the picture is authentic . i> ! every way and in addition to being I interesting from a natural history stai dooint, has plenty of thril.s. | On Friday and Saturday of ihi week John Wayne, outdoor star, wd' j be seen in a western entitled ‘ The [Lucky Texan.” * t :■ i > * f * * * t ****** * * REMINDERS SENT OUT * * TO MANY SUBSCRIBERS * * _ * * Within the past week all Mih- * * scriber* who are hi arrears and * * those whose subscriptions expire * * the first of May have been sent * * a card requesting payment for the * * home paper for another year. * Several have already come in * I * and paid up, making a little more * * “sunshine” in the office, but still ’ * around one hundred are delin- * * quent. We hate to be continually * * hammering at the matter, but we * I * need tlio cast. BAND CONCERTS ARE ASSURED IN BREVARD Practice To Be Held Twice Each Week—Donald Moore Named As Leader Regular practices will be held b.V| the Brevard band on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, beginning next week, according to action taken by a group of the band members in a meeting here Tuesday evening Donald Lee Moore was elected leader of the band, and Goode I.of tis business manager. The boys in vite all member of the old band to join in with the group now active, and any other pepole of the county who have played in other bands or who have taken band music. The band plans to give c i rti here this summer. MRS. R. TTAIKEN !S ' __ } Mrs. R. T. Aiken, aged 71, died at her home on Maple street exten-j sion Wednesday morning a: fiv | o’clock, death resulting from pneu monia and the infirmities of ago. [ Funeral services hnu not been set! Wednesday afternoon, pcnd*ng arri-j val of relatives from another Mat ; but will probably be held some time; Thursday afternoon. Surviving are Hie husband, two/ daughters and five sons as follows:; Miss Beulah Aiken of Brevard, Mrs. James Grant of Phoebus, (Vest Vir ginia; Ernest, Randall, Homer and Ruel Aiken, all of Brevard, and Charles Aiken of Crab Tree. PRESIDENTCOLTRANE TO BE HERE FRIDAY, President E. J. Coltrane of Bre vard College will arrive in Brevard the latter part of the week, accord ing to advice received here by the Rev. J. H. West, pastor of Brevard] Methodist church. I No plans have been announced by: President. Coltrane as to opening and] plans for the college other than the institution will open in the early fall. A number of applications have already been received by the college. ALL EX-SERVICE MEN INVITED TO MEETINGS Regular meeting dates of the Amer ican Legion have been set for the second Tuesday night in each month, this action taken by the ex-.service group in meeting hero last Thursday night. Invitation is extended to every ex 's: rvieo man in the county to attend jtho meetings, whether they are mem bers of the Legion or not, due to ih j fact -that matters of importance t<> ] the Legion pertain to all service men. CORN-HOG CONTRACTS MUST BE FILED NOW I Attention is called to the fact that I time for filing applications under I the AAA for corn-hog reduction cat tracts expires May 1st and any ’ farmer planning to take advantage !of this contract is urged t > P"> j lessor Julian Glazener at once ! Air. Glazener nnnoun■ms that he 1 \v; 1 he :n his class room at Brevard jhtjrl, o| ad' day Saturday and I M r’ iay aftcrii on to assist farm: r in filing. GROGAN MADE STATE MANAGER OF W.O.W. Brevard Man Promoted To Po sition In State Cif New Jersey W. H. Grogan, for the pr.t Gti years district manager of tin West ern North Carolina Woodmen • : the World has been made iramtr“r for that fraternal insurance outiuiza tion in the state of New Jersey and plans to take over his duti there next week. Mr. Grogan has been insti mo«-rit,ul in the W. 0. W. making great gains in this section of the state >luring the ten years that he has been mana ger of this district, and now ha be tween sixty and seventy camps under his supervision, with a total member ship of 13,000. The fine record as organist' i for the Woodmen order in the 21 w tern counties is given by leaders of the organization for the promotion being given the Brevard man. Mr. Grogan will leave within a few days to take up his work a- state manager, and will maintain headuunt - ters in Trenton. His family will re main here for a few weeks before joining him in his new loeati n. * MASONS TO BE FED BY FELLOW CRAFTS CLUB The Fellow Craft Club, which i> b subsidiary to Dunn's Hod; M ■ t L.dge. will feed the morph- ■•■■■ ot Dunn’s Rock Lodge and visiting Ma.«ons of the county -n Frida night. May 4th, at 7:40 < Vlo-k in th" Masonic hail. After the supper the ; .il »t o' •■• tertaining commit* w ; i> • h .rgp of the program. The fic.-c th. Fellow Craft’s Club u - <■ all Ml. n to he present and enjoy the •■ . nirg. W. BJEKON S ASKING RE-Pi£T!0N Announcement ha' been mad-., by County Commissioner W. H. Hen derson to the effect that he will again seek nomination in the Democratic primary for the post he has held for the past four years. Mr. Henderson has long been active ly identified with the public life of th county, having served one term as tax collector in addition to hi3 place on the board, and has taught school in the county for a number of years. He owns and operates a farm in th" upper end of the county. Mr. Henderson states that in hi opinion there will be national legisla tion effected during this session of congress whereby counties in default may settle their indebtedness, and that he wants to have the opportun ity to assist in any settlement that can be made for Transylvania. NEW ARRIVALS Born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Os borne, a son Zebulon Franklin dr., on Sunday, April 22. Announcement is made of th- 1 It of a daughter. Rose Mary, to M imi Mrs. Rush Whitmire, in Charlotte, on Saturday, April 14. FASHIONSHOWTO BF HF'D WFONFSOA” A i'a-hion -row will lx* staged ' classes rf the home economies pa’tnient of the Brevard high <’ i n Wednesday afternoon. May : ho o’clock, at the high «rhoo! ,m diterium. The event will be given in honor of the Parent-Teach v assorts - tion. th ugh a cordial invitation ■ cx tended t£e public to attend. The girls will model dresses th have made in their clothing -has •i-m old stvh-s uni some r.-w sty? fr-m th - lnc:l -..ores. Th-will al • h.- some exhibits of other tyrx-t - ' the work in hme economics de partment, < Miss Yi>vi- M ile x. bead of the him ' cor i »»’■ -I nartment. in super visor in ch.-.’—r f the fashion show. Sunday Movies Being Talked Pro And Cob By People In Transylvania County ••Will Prevail have Sunday movies and baseball?" is a question that is attracting much at cm ion here, with proponents and opponents of the question seemingly evenly divided. Asheville ofucails have already passed an ordinance allowing movies and baseball u the Sabbath, hours noi t,, conflict with s gular scheduled church services, while a similar or dinance has passed its first reading j by the Hendersonville board. A mass meeting of citizens war. held last week in Hendersonville, which hater requested that town’s board | f aldermen to pass favorable oruin I ance toward the move, but church organizations have since gathered ii j opposition to the idea. Proponents of the move here, act ing along the line of Hendersonville, are of the opinion that Brevard v/i'd be forced to allow- Sunday movies in "self defense.” while others who are against the idea say that the com munity will not lose as much tourist business as by remaining ‘•closed" it would Messrs. Frank D. and Verne (" ment, operators of the lloaiwn Th. tre, state that they do not wish t open the theatre on Sunday, and wi" do s i only v.'h r. the nubiic donut!)-1 grows to such proportion ‘hat the will be forced o accede to such wish es. Mayor J. C. IVike states cnu.hatit' aily that he opposing Sunday movies, and points out that ti e camps do not need Sunday movie < they have their regular schedo'en for mter tainment, and that ;n his rpimou the ministers of the town vtu-l.l i.ppof the move anii that he i-- firmly o‘ the opinion that Sunday irmv’e* anr! baseball or o-i:h:r of tiv w would be detrimental Members of he b rti ox aldermen are not enthusiastic ovt r such a pro vision. the ones interviewed stating that they will tin whatever the major iiy of the peopl-* request. I

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