PIANO RECITAL WAS HIGHLY ENJOYABLE Music pupils of the Brevard schools under the direction of their teacher. Brof. Alvin Moore, presented a high 1, creditable piano recital Monday night at the high school auditorium. A huge number (f parents and other at crested friends was present to enjoy the entertainment. The program opened with the toy orchestra, under the direction of George Simpson Jr., which was a de lightful feature and well presented by the children. Twenty-one girls and boys, pupils ,»f Mr. Moore, took part on tne pro gram. all reflecting credit on them ~ Ives and their teacher in their well rendered selections. The varied pro gram included piano solos, duets and two songs by a group of girls and a group of boys, under the direction of Miss Eva Call. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the author-( itv conferred by deed of trust exe cuted bv Myrtle Kilpatrick Merrell l“d husband, D- W. M e r r e 1 V dated the 15th day of June, 1929, and recorded in Book 27 Sec 2, Page 18 in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Transylvania Comity, lefferson E. Owens, substituted Trustee, will, at twelve o’clock noon °n ER1DAY. MAY 25th, 1934 at the Court House Door of Tr»n?Y1' vauin County in Brevard, North Carolina, sell at public auction for | cash to the highest bidder, the follow inc land, to-wit\ . . \ C< rtain lot or parcel of land in near the town of Brevard, Countj f Transylvania, North Carolina, and more particularly described as fol '"Vl'KlINNING on a stake on the Hast side of Maple Street at Dr. W. M |-.day’s Southwest corner and ;U1K , ;t the home of Mrs. John Ashworth.. This is a very important meeting I and all members are urged to be! present. ? j ROSMAN OPERETTA TO BE GIVEN MAY 4 ROSMAN, April 25—An operetta in two acts, “Aunt Drusilla’s Gar den,” will be presented by the elemen tary grades of the Rosman school on Friday evening, May 4, at the high school auditorium. A synopsis of the play shows Nelda, one of a large family living in pov erty in a city tenement, taken into the home of her maiden aunts, but finds it very lonely in the little vil lage. Nelda is seldom allowed to go outside of the garden and her Aunt Drusilla will not allow any of her friends to visit her. One evening while the family is out, the house catches on fire, Bob and his gang putting the five out. Aunt Drusilla is very grate ful to them and gives the boys a lawn party. During the fete a letter arrives from a rich uncle of Nelda’s assur ing comfort and prosperity hence forth for her widowed mother, her-, self and her brothers and sisters. Following is the cast of characters: Aunt Drusilla Rogers, Blanche Petit; Aunt Prudence Rogers, Tobitha Wa 1■ drop; Nelda Alvenia Podger, Dovie White; Pat, Rex Galloway; Bob, Ray Winchester; Tad, Frank Whit mire. Tiny Little, Lois Petit. The play is dreeted by the Rosman acuity and A. M. White Jr. The following take part hi the chorus: Elizabeth Sisk. Ruth Rice.] E-sie Conner, Edna Allison, Gladys Clark. Lois Petit, Esta Honeycutt, Christine Morgan, Edna Nelson. Theresa Britton, Nel Waldrop, Lorena Galloway. Margaret Hope Burt, Mar-j caret and Martha Whitni're, I rancis Moore, Nancy Galloway, Barney Sisk, Madrie Galloway. Iris Glazener, Lucile Galloway, Geneva Petit, Eula Mae Morris, Grace Galloway, Inez Summey, Ruby Glaze ner Mary Singletarry, Meriam Stuart, [.cla Cassell. Eva Israel, Agnes Wood ard Idell Conner, Alice Glazener, Levon ne Nicholson, Ruby Green. Helen Whitmire, Jewel Garren, Mae Whitmire. .... „ Edna Allison, Mary Whitmire. Roy Eldridge, Harold Hogsed, Allen Sisk Jr., Wayne Morgan, Earl Powell, Ford Randolph, J. L. Nicholson, Gel - aid Allison, A. P. Bell, D. H. Win chester, Clvdo Rice, Arthur Waldrop. Tom Vance McCall, J. C. Cassell Joe Burt George Galloway, Glenn Win chester, Fred Powell, Vernon Ran dolph V. B. Waldrop, Albert Israel., Bobby Galloway, Stanley Winchester, j margin of Maple Street; thence North 00 degrees East 150 feet to a staae;: thorn-. North 20 Degrees 35 minutes | West 00 feet to a stake in Dr. W. M. ; yday’s line; then with his line South i;;i degrees West 150 feet to the BE GINNING. , , . .. . . B-ing the same land described in a deed from G. H. Paxton and wife, Ava Paxton to B. W. Trantham and wife, by deed bearing date of April ISth 1925, which deed is registered in Book 50 at page 32 of the deed records of Transylvania County, N. ('., to which deed and record reference A hereby made for a further de scription. , This sale is made on account ot default in payment of the indebted ness secured by said deed of trust. A five per cent (5 per cent) de p. -it will be required of the highest bidder at the sale. ....... This is the 17th day ol April, 19.1-1. JEFFERSON E. OWENS. Substituted Trustee. 1 (Loan No. 3431) April 20; May 3, 10, 17, 24. BUY NA V ASS A FERTILIZER The Standard Southern Brand NONE BETTER 4- 10-6.$2.88 bag 5- 7-5.$2.79 bag 4-8-4 .$2.60 bag 0-10-4.. . $2.01 bag 16 per cent Acid. $1.84 bag BREVARD L JMBER CO. Near the Depot Phone 70 Brevard, N. C. Local and Personal Items ! Miss Hazel Mae Mills has retufned from a two months’ visit with rela tives in El Paso, Texas, and with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gordon, of the Hotel Lafayette in i.os, Angeles, Calif. - . Friends of Mrs. Mildred Scott will be pleased to learn that she is much improved at her home in Tampa, Fla., after a recent operation tor ap pendicitis. Mrs. Ashe Macfic and Miss Roberta Bryant were weekjend guests ot friends in Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Kyle and J. S. Silversteen were Asheville visitors Monday. Mrs. Annie Mae Waters and Miss Frances King of Columbus, Ga., are guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. Plato Scruggs. Mrs. R. E. Lawrence am' /Vs' Madge Wilkins were guests Sund y of Mr. and Mrs. Wood Paxton in Greenville. Mrs. Paul Smitten has from a week’s visit J^Votte Mrs. Rush Whitmire in Charlotte. Mrs. W. H. Duckworth and Mrs. •T. II. Pickelsimer were visitors •>' Asheville Friday. Mrs. P. S. McCarroll ha? returned to the home of her daughter. M« S W Radford, after spending the winter with relatives in Greensboro and Asheville. R. E. Lawrence of Canton was a week-end visitor in Brevard. Mrs A. 0. Kitchen, Miss Keba Kitchen and Miss Mildred Williams motored to Asheville for the day Sat Utfc and Mrs. Tom Wood and Mrs. j. E. Clayton were called to Ashe ville Thursday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Ralph Hollingsworth. Mrs. Minnie Whitmire of Green ville spent the week-end here with relatives. , Mrs. J. S. Nicholson, Miss Rubenia Nicholson and Mrs. Cordia K*ng were visitors in Asheville Monday. Patton Jr and Mrs. J. L. Cobb attend ed the Presbyterial meeting in Bryson City on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, Dick Zachary, of Atlanta, spent the week-end here with his mother, Mrs. Ralph Zachary. Mrs. Madge 0. Wilkins is visiting j friends in Virginia and other points north. Mrs. Walter Duckworth and two children returned Sundaj to then home in Marshall, after spending two weeks here with Mrs. Duckworths nnrents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Harris. Mr. Duckworth spent the day in Bre vard, returning Sunday afternoon with his family to Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Babb returned Sunday from a two weeks’ trip to Atlanta and other points in Georgia. Mrs. Flax A. Lawrence is spend ing some time with relatives in Mt. Gilead. She was accompanied to Mt. Gilead by Miss Ruth McCall, who is employed bv Dr. R. L. Stokes. Miss Jane Truex of Henderson ville was a guest over the week-end of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hollifield. Mrs. F.. E. Brown and children of Sylvn spent the week-end with Mrs. A. A. Bridges and family Edward J. Bogcn. owner of The Fashion, is in Atlanta this week buy-1 ing spring and summer merchandise. | GLEANERS MEET WITH MISS HELEN ERWIN The Gleaners class of the Baptist church met Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Helen Erwin. An interesting program was in charge of Flora Reid. A pleasant social hour and refresh ment.- were enjoyed following the business transactions. BOOK TEA IS SUCCESSFUL EVENT The "Book Tea” sponsored by the Guild of St. Philips Episcopal church, held Tuesday afternoon at the rec tory, proved a successful and enjoy able event. Quite a large number of ladies at tended during the reception hours of 4 to 6, many remaining to enjoy a time of social conversation. A profusion of lilacs and other spring flowers, in effective arrange ment throughout the rooms, added to EXECUTION SALE OF LAND By virtue of an execution duly is sued by the Superior Courf of Tran sylvania County, pursuant to a iudgnirnt docketed in said County in Judgment Docket X at page 274 to 277 in favor of the Commissioner f Banks of North Carolina and against C. C. Yongue, I, will, on Saturday the 5th day of May 19J4, el! nt Hie Court House door in the town of Brevatd, N. C„ to the highest bidder FOR CASH, the fol hwirg described property: TRACT NO. 1. Deed. E. Allison mid wife, E. J. .41 listen to C. C. Yongue dated IHc 24, 1902, recorded in Book 18 page 203. TRACT NO 2. Deed, E. Allison and wife, E. J. AUisor to C. C. Yongue dated •Ian. 13, 1904, recorded in book 18 page 383. TRACT NO. 3. De-d. E Allison Commissioner to C. C. Yongue datjd July 29, 1912 recorded in book 31 at page 445. it ACT NO. 4. Deed. E. Allison and wife, E. J. Allison to C. C. Yongue dated Fei». 3. 1911, recorded in book 32 at nng^ 31. •RACT NO. 5. Deed, E. Allison and Ophelia Al lison t> C. C Yongue dated Nov. 20. 1912, recorded in Book 32 page 439. . . , Sale made to satisfy said judpr tent .interest, cost and expenses of | ■ale. THOR. R. WOOD, Sheriff » Apr. 5—12—19—26e Misses Mae Cunningham and Nina I-ium 11 returned home Sunday after a two weeks’ visit with Mrs. G. II. Levy in Monroe. Miss Hazel Calhoun ol Bryson City is visiting Mrs. Roy McCall for sev eral days. Mrs. Lewis Osborne and children are spending the week with Mrs. Osborne’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Mason, in Leicester. Mr?. C. E. Orr and daughter Miss Rowena have returned from a two weeks’ motor trip to Hartford, Conn, and other points in the East. W. T. Johnson of Waynesville is confined in Lyday Memorial hospital here. Olga Dermid is visiting Miss Viola, Mull in Easley, S. C., this week. J Mrs. D. P. Kilpatrick is spending several weeks in Farmville with her daughter, Mrs. Will Moore and fam ily. Rev. J. H. West delivered the bac- j calaureate sermon of Green’s Creek high school in Polk county on Sun-; day. He was accompanied on the trip the pleasures of the occasion. Miss Sattie Parker presided over \ the book table and the offerig bas- ( ket, the admission fee entitling each i guest to a book of her choice and to, refreshments. I Mrs. R. W. Everett and Mrs. Eric Rawls poured tea in the dining room, assisted in serving by other members of the Guild. Attractive posters fov the event were made by Mrs. Harry | Sellers. Mr3. Harry Perry was host ess of the affair. FORMER BREVARD MAN IS MARRIED IN S. C. Miss Mabel Wylie, of Greer, S. C.., and Robert Whitmire, formerly of j Brevard but now residing in Green-' ville, S. C.. were married in Pickens, • S. C., on Sunday, April 8, it has been ( announced here. Mr. Whitmire is the eldest son of. of Mrs. Minnie Whitmire and has j many fviends in this community! where he made hi? home for a number of years. He is now in busi-i ness in Greenville where the couple will make their home. BREVARD LOSES IN FIRST BALL GAME Brevard high school baseball squad had a bad start here last Saturday afternoon, five runs being allowed in the first inning, finally losing to Fruitland Institute 6-3. The visitors took advantage of John Piekelsimer’s wildness to mix a couple of walks with some nice hits and before the Brevard boys were fully aware of what was going on five runners had crossed the plate. Walter Clayton went into the pitch er’s box and retired the side without; further damage, the only tally against; Clayton’s eight and one-third innings i of twirling coming when Hedre, snap-' py Cuban center fielder, hit one for' a circuit. ' Two double plays were accounted for by Brevard’s infield, the entire; team playing snappy ball with ex-1 ecption of the hitting department.1 Miser.hcimer connected safely twice| | to lead Brevard. i Batteries were: Brevard, J. Picket simer, W. Clayton and Neil; Fruit i land, Perez ad Williams. by Mrs. C. B. West and son Kipp,1 [the three continuing the motor trip I on to Hickory where they spent two] days with Mrs. West’s daughter, all returning to Brevard on Tuesday. | Mrs. J. B. Pickelsimer is said to be improving after a critical illness the past week. Mrs. J. Dale Stentz and children of Lake Junaluska spent the week-end , here with Mr. Stentz, who is con , nected with W. McK. Fetzer at Camp i Sapphire. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Owen have moved from the Grimshaw apartment ' to a house on Whitmire street. : Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Brown, of : Abbeville, S. C., spent the week-end at their summer home in Brevard. ■ Miss Winifred Nicholson, of Wea ver college, was the week-end guest of -her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Nich olson. | Miss Annie Jean Gash, Mm. T. E. C. 0. Brantley, of Greenwood, S. C., spent the week-end here with friends Mrs. J. M. Tatum and mother, Mrs. P. S. King, spent the week-end in Asheville. REGI RATION WILL OP ON MAY FIFTH Registration books in the county will open on May 5, according to Ralph W. Lyday, chairman of the board of elections, and be open the following two Saturdays, with chal lenge day set for May 26. All candidates for township and county offices must file with the board of elections before six o’clock on Saturday, May 6, the law of 1933 changing closing hour of filing time from midnight to six o’clock. Need Binders At U. D. C. Miss Sattie Parker, librarian at the U. D. C. library, is asking for volun teer workers to report at the library Thursday afternoon of this week to assist in binding some of the books there that are in bad condition. WE PAY CASH (Subject to change) For Eggs, (No. 1) doz ...14c Hens (heavy).10c Hens (medium) .... 8c Hens (light) . 7c B. & B. Feed & Seed Co. TWO DAYS ONLY FRIDAY and SATURDAY Iflpril 27-28 Roys’ Blue Denim OVERALLS Sizes 4 to 6 Two Pairs $1.00 autifu! Patterns $1.00 Children’: Wash DRESSES Assorted styles and colors—fast colors—sizes 2 to 14. Two for Men’s Khaki WORK PANTS Sizes 29 to 42. Pair $1.00 40-inch Sea Island SHEETING Dollar Day price 10 yards $1.00 - — I Giant Turkish Sizes 48x26 inches, 50 cent values. 4 for Men’s Blue Chambray WORK SHIRTS Sizes 4 to 17. 2 for $1.00 PALMOLIVE SOAP Ladies Full Fashion . _ ^ HOSE (Pi A A Pure thread silk, newest shades, sizes 8 1-2 to I 10 1-2. Pair 69c W A.9 W _2 additional pairs for_ Children’s ANKLETS Assorted colors, sizes 6 to 10 12 pairs $1.00 Children's OXFORDS Brownbilt—all leather. Sizes 2 to 11. Pair $1.00 -—