FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS j 1 hereby announce my candidacy tor the office of Register of Deeds, j .object to the will of the Democratic voters t»> b» expressed in the June Primary, 11)34. If nominated and elected. I promise to perform all «bitie: connected with the office to ih*s best <>f my ability. Your support will be appreciated. NOAH C. MILLER, tfp Lake Toxaway. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS [ hereby announce my candidacy for the office of register of deeds subject to the action of the Demo xratic Primary in June. If nominat ed amt elected, I will promise to strive the people of my county to the very best of my ability, and ihall appreciate the support of ev eryone. EDWIN A. MORGAN FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS l hereby announce my candidacy j for Register of Deeds subject to the will of the citizenry of Transylvania xounty to be expressed in the June. .Primary Always a loyal Democrat jnd supporter of the President and his Administration, I respectfully j re i st vour vote. ECK L. SIMS Brevard. ,‘nR REGISTER OF DEEDS ! hereby announce myself as can didate for re-nomination and elec tion on the Democratic ticket l'or the place <>f Register of Deeds of Tran-J vylv.oii i County. My record a- your ■pubii want is my ncommenda tion. I tall appreciate your support, if JESS A. GALLOWAY , f ‘)K STATE SEXATOR ( ! ivti.v announce my eandidaeyl r nomination a- Senator for thei Thirty second Senatorial District.] .subject to the action of the Demo-i rate Primary which is to be hold: II Jlille The app,,rt of those having con Mionti in my ability to serve ttie test interests of the public itt this pisitioe w'il he appreciated. M. W. Galloway RET RESEA TATlVE 1 i< i etiy announce my candidacy ' House of Representatives >ubjce: to the action of the Demo Primary in June. If nominat *(! . u dieted. I promise faithful] serti.e ,i- .i member looking to the! i-its. e-r- of the people of the county] and state Y uv support will be ap-] ^reeiated W. M. HENRY. COR STATE SEX A TOR j l hereby announce my candidacy! ' • minati'm as Senator for the' Thirty-Second Senatorial l.)i-trict| subject to th< action of the Demo-j irate primary in June. I shall ap- j predate vour support. ;f RALPH II. RAMSKY. Jr.) F(il: ( I.ERE SUPERIOR COURT j To tiie Citizens of Transylvania; County: I giontly appreciate the support] >f th ood citizen- of Transylvania] Conn give! me when I ran for the; ofi'i-1 . f Cirrk of the Superior Court !• r my lir-t term which I am now -living. Since my election I havi tr ■ il to serve the entire people oi the eouiif honestly and eon-; deteniioii-ly. Kvery citizen of Tran-; jylvar . county has received my best servo, when it was my opportuni ty to give same. 1 re (poctfully ask the support of the g od citizens of the county in my i r >i : to lx* re-nominated and re-ele d to the office I now fill. In ATLANTA HOTEL * 400 Light. Viry Room*—100 Bath*. Mont convenient loca tion in Atlanta. Garage under the same roof. Radio. Rathskeller — Table d' Hate : unit a hi I .arte — and Coffee j Shoppe. •-> lsattes * IIKA.NOAAIH.E One of DHSKLER HOTELS \ / Also: \ Andrew Jackson Naslivillo/Teun. Tatwiler Hotel Hirminshani, Ala. Jefferson Davis Dfontgomer}, Ala. SI. Charles New Orleans, la. m CARLING DUSKLER . ('resident und Gen. Mgr, .>/ J.m .Southern IIotjiilmBl?* If nominated and elected I pledge my best services to the people of uio county ami will not, under any circumstances, be a candidate to suc ceed myself at the end of my second term. OTTO ALEXANDER 1 FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS ' I hereby announce my candidacy ‘or Register of Deeds, subject to the Democratic Primary to be held in June. Your support will be ap ircciated, and if nominated and ■lected I promise to do my duty to he very best of my ability. GLENN BURRELL Brevard FOR STATE SENATOR I hereby announce my candidacy 'or State Senator from the 32nd Senatorial district, subject to the vill of the voters to be expressed in he June Primary. I shall appreciate •our support. I june pd COS PAXTON FOR TAX COLLECTOR To The Voters of Transylvania Co. Having served my county as Tax Collector lor one term, and having faithfully discharged the duties of said office, I hereby announce niv clf as candidate for nomination for the second term, subject to the Democratic Primary. I will appreci ate the support of my friends. Respectfully, 0. L. ERWIN » ____________ FOR SOLICITOR I hereby announce my candidacy j for the Democratic nomination for [ Solicitor of the Eighteenth Judicial ' District subject to the action of the \ Democratic Primary to be held on I .June 2nd. Support of my friends in Transylvania County will Ik; ap oreciatcd. R. LEE WHITMIRE. Hendersonville, N. C. FOR SHERIFF ' 1 hereby announce my candidacy | for the nomination for Sheriff of Transylvania County, subject to the ’.ction of the Democratic Primary o be held in June. If nominated and elected I promise n civo to this office the very best hat is within me and to faithfully, I carlessly and impartially execute Che duties of the office. Your support will be appreciated. Respectfully, 1.. E. BAGWELL FOR CLERK OF COURT 1 hereby announce my candidacy 'Clerk of Superior Court subject to the action of the Democratic Primary |in June. If nominated and elected I I .romise to faithfully serve tin1 peo ple to the best of my ability. I shall appreciate your vote and your sup SPALDING McINTOSII FOR SHERIFF 1 hereby announce myself as can I lidote for nomination an.I election on the Democratic ticket to the office of [Sheriff for the second term and will appreciate the interest ami support of all my friends. I promise to do my best to serve the people of my county if again elected to this office. TOM S. WOOD | FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER 1 hereby announce myself as a 'candidate to succeed myself as a member of the board of county com missioners, subject to the action of i the Democratic Primary T ' 'done my best to serve i during my past term an . ( nveiato vour support again. W. L. AIKEN FOR REPRESENTATIVE 1 hereby announce my candidacy: for member of the legislature sub ject to the action of the Democratic j Primary in June. I shall appreciate your support and if nominated and elected promise to work for all the people of the county. W. H. DUCKWORTH FOR SOLICITOR I announce my candidacy for re- j nomination as Solicitor of the Eighteenth Judicial District, subject to the Democratic Primary, and re spectfully solicit your support. J. WILL PLESS, Jr. ! FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER | i At the insistence of a number of leading citizens of the county 1"here-1 by announce my candidacy for nomi- j ".ation in the Democratic Primary fori he place of County Commissioner. My reason for running for the office A to be of service to the people. E. CARL ALLISON FOR COMMISSIONER [ hereby announce for re-nomina ‘ion and election on the Democratic j ticket for the office of Commissioner.1 T have done my best for the past j four years for my county, and if th • people want me to continue I -hail aopreciate their support. W. B. HENDERSON FOR tax COLLECTOR T . the Voters of Transylvania County: 1 hereby announce my candidacy, for Tax Collector, subject to the Dem-1 erratic Primary in June. If nomi-| rated and elected I will discharge the duties of the office to the best of my , ability. Your vote yill be highly ap-: ; predated. I I LEM BROOKS, j 1ARB0N PAPER—the kind that lasts and refuses to smut all over ho office when loss j han you pay for cheap grades. The . ' office. rY PE WRITER RIBBONS—guaran teed regular Underwood-FisheT made same you pay 76c for else where—only 60 cents, 2 for $1.00. The Times office. OAKLAND NEWS (By Mrs. Lee F. Norton) Rain last week put the farmers of this section out cf business for the' time being. Wo hope all who are iterested in the Reid cemetery will remember the annual working the last Saturday in April. All who can are asked to bring fertilizer or compost for flower beds, and don’t forget the date, April 28. , Mrs. Clyde and llovie Chappell re cently vsiited their little daughter and granddaughter who is still in Angel Brothers hospital at Franklin. Mrs. S. E. .Alexander and Mrs. Lee Norton recently visited Mrs. Cora Cash and Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Reid. Mrs. Mary Burgess and Kile Gallo way called on Mrs. W. F. McCall Wcd : nesday. Mrs. Lillie Alexander spent Thurs day night wit hMrs. I. S. Sandora. I Mrs. Woodfin Miller was a Bre vard visitor Saturday. I. S. Sanders, Louis Rigdon and ‘ Robert Wilson were in Brevard Sat urday on business. j Claud Nicholson was quite ill the ! past week with measles. He has pass ed the danger point, it is thought. , Mrs. Clyde Chappell visited rela tives at Reids Siding Saturday and reported some of them were quite ill with measles. j Mrs. S. E. Alexander was dinner guest Friday of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. ] Reid. Mrs. Vera Owen is visiting her sis iter, Mrs. E. D. Reid. | Ray Sanders and his friend, Mr. j Truett of Teliieo Plains, Tenn., spent a few hours at home here Sunday. Ray is looking well and says he is liking his position fine, They returned by way of Enka where they expected to visit a short tmie with Miss Evon Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. Garvin Ducker spent the week-end here with the latter’s j parents, Mr. and Mrs E. I). Reid. Mrs. I. S. Sanders and son Cecil visited Mrs. Dewey Bryson and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Reid called Sundav afternoon on Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Reid. Mr. ai'd Mrs. Clarence Norton visited Mr. and Mrs. Elzic Cash Sun day. Mrs. Norton spent Sunday af-i ternoon with Mrs. Mary Burgess. Otto Alexander of Brevard visited friends in this section Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Reid have opened Mount Toxaway lodge quite earlv to tourists, and apparently nr:- doing a good business already, judging by the number of visitors one sees an und the place. We wish for them a suc cessful season. Rev. 1). C. Owen filled his regular appointment at Lake Toxaway Baptist church Sunday. We had an interest ing service and received two mem bers, Mrs. Taylor Lee ami Miss Mary I/oe, by letter. UPPER BOYLSTON (By Loren a McCall) We have been having some nice rain for the last week down in this section. Mrs. Bert Alexander and Miss Minnie Newton and small sons Glenn ; i and Russell, all of Turkey Creek. ■ spent last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Alexander. Mrs. W. A. Baynard has recovered; I nicely from being poisoned with shu , mack. _ Lee English was a recent guest of Bud Patton. 1 i Mrs. W. S. Taylor has recovered ! from the flu and measles. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Reece had ns their guests last Wednesday Mr.; and Mrs. Charlie Reece and Mr. and, Mrs. Ecverett Reece of Henderson Little Evelyn Reece, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Reecc.has been, spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Reece. Jack Shipman was a recent guest of Charlie Reece. Mrs. Perry Fullbright visited Miss Eulalia Orr. . .. ,1 Earl Fullbright of Brevard visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Full-i bright, the past week - I Carlos Holden visited F. J. Hol lingsworth recently. Miss FlorencevMcCall was a recent Ellest of Mrs, Perry Fullbright. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Fullbright. and j small son and daughter. Wayne and : Helen, attended the plav at the Bre vard high school Thursday night. Gurley Shipman and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Jake Simpson recently. | Miss Lorena MtCall was the din-j ner guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Shope j of Lower Buylston on Sunday. | Mrs T R. Duncan aas returned! to' her home after spending a few j (lava with her daughters in Ashevule.. tom Young of Lower Eoviston call- I ed on Mr. and Mrs. E. R- McCall j Sunday afternoon. 1 Lee English was a recent guest of , Johnnie Alexander. Million Dollar Damage Sait For Holmes Lynching SAN FRANCISCO—The lynching of two men by a mob of 5.000 pei <ons at San Jose, Calif., la--t tall re sulted Friday iii a damage suit for SI,050,000 filed here against Governor James Rolph, Jr., the San Jose News, radio station KQWN, 12 identified persons, and 100 unidentified per sons. . , Mrs. Evelyn Holmes, widow ot John M. Holmes, who was lynched with Thomas. Thurmond after they allegedly confessed the kidnaping and slaying of Brooke Hart, son of a wealthy San Jose merchant, was plaintiff in the superior court suit. | Diltivger's Doctor Arrestetd MINNEAPOLIS—Proof of reports that John Dillinger. outlaw fugitive, was wounded in his gun fight with officers here March 31 was claimed Friday by federal authorities with arrest of Dr. Clcytcn E. May, Min- ; neapolis physician and a nurse sin pluje. 1 LITTLE RIVER HONOR j ROLL IS ANNOUNCED ! Honor roll for the seventh month! at Little River as given cut by Miss Rallie Merrill anti Miss Julia Wood, j teachers, includes the following. names: Scholastic Honors Seventh grade— Grady Banyan!,| Clifford McCrary, Odeli Scott, Lillie; Ball, Dorothy McCrary. j Sixth—Helen Holtzclaw, Lucile Mc Crary, Katherine Shuford. Fifth—Hairman Merrill. Third—Mary Howell. Second— James Allen, Dale Orr, Miriam Merrill. First—T. R. McCall. Attendance Seventh grade—Clifford McCrary,1 i Odell Scott, Lillie Ball, Dorothy Mc Crary, Ethel Smith. ! Sixth grade—Helen Holtzclaw, Lu cile McCrary, Katherine Shuford, Samantha Smith. Fifth grade—Hairman Merrill. 1 Fourth Grade—Calvin Merrill, Lyle Merrill, Evelyn Hawkins, Ruby Mc ' Call kathlvn McCrary, Novella Mc ! Crary, Syble Merrill. Third grade— Lamar Hamilton, Fred McCrary, Thomas McCrary. Second grade—Dale Orr, Miriam Merrill. , , „ , First grade— Clanme McGaha, i Mary McCrary, Jaqueline McCall, La Vone Orr. Yearly Attendance Hanom i Odell Scott, Dorothy McCrary, ! Helen Holtzclaw, Katherine Shuford Hairman Merrill. Calvin Merrill, Lyle ■ Merrill, Ruby McCall, Kathlyn Mc Crarv, Novella McCrary, Lamar Ham ilton.' Thomas McCrary, Clannic Mc Gaha. Mary McCrary, Syble Mer rill. Luc ilc McCrary. Asheville lie** Sunday Amusement* ASHEVILLE — Sunday amuse ments in Asheville, including baseball and theaters from 1 to 7 o’clock in the afternoon and from 0 on in 1 the evening, were okc-hed by city council Thursday when it passed un ' animously on three readings an ordin 1 mice providing for the change. The hours were fixed so as not to conflict i with services at most churches. _. G. W. BALL b BURIED IN ARKANSAS Word has been received here of the death of Mrs. George W. Hail, which occurred in Humphrey, Arkansas, following a long illnes3. Burial was made in Arkansas on Wednesday of last week. The deceased will be remembered here as she was a former resident of Pisgah Forest and has numerous friends and relatives in this commun ity, Surviving are the husband, three daughters and three sons, as fol lows: Miss Maggie Hail of Arkansas, Mrs. Myrtie Warren of Brevard; Mrs. Y. J. McCrary of North Brevard; the sons are Harvey of Arkansas, Jess J. of Brevard and Clarence of New Mex ico. _ j New Jobs Created in Past Year WASHINGTON — 2,700,000 per I sons have been given job? during the past year through the CWA organi zations and approximately 419,500 | have been added to manufacturing in j dustries. At Any Hour Day or Night MOORE and OSBORNE Undertakers Are ready to serve you Day Phones, 88, 159, 250 Night Phones, 159, 250 BREVARD, N. C. Ill & 119 W. Main St Moore & Osborne Undertakers SEE THIS CROSS It Means the REAL ARTICLE GENUINE ASPIRIN Of Bayer Manufacture When you go to buy aspirin, S remember this: Every et of real aspirin of Bayer manufacture is stamped with this cross. No tablet without this cross is GENUINE Bayer Aspirin. Remember this for your own protection. Tell your friends about it for their protection. Demand and get Genuine BayerAspirin. Safe relief for headache, colds, sore throat, pains of rheumatism and neuritis, etc. Genuine Bayar Aspirin Does Not Harm the Htari Mmw m.w.a. The State law requires all property owners, both real and personal, to list same during the month of May. Penalty of 10 per cent will be added on all who fail to make proper returns within the time prescribed by You will save money both for yourself and the county if you list your property promptly with listers. Tl will be found at the following places: -• ■»- A .f. • Brevard Township ' LEM BROOKS, NATH NORTON Davidson River.’. . . May 1 Pisgah Forest .May 2-3 Brevard.May 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 Boyd Township A. E. ENGLAND J. C. McCall store .May 7 Carl Orr Residence .May 8 May 9 Penrose .May 10 Enon School House .May 11-12 iync gei & m —■ ■ i Cathey Creek Township J. FRANK MORGAN Selica.May 4 O’Neal Cantrell Residence.May 11 Frank Morgan Residence ....May 15 Rosman, Winchester Store .... May 22 Roarnan, Tox. Tan. Co.May 29 Dunn’s Rock GEO. W. MAXWELL Round Top School House.May 2 Connestee School House.May 3 Sea Shore. .May 4 Powell’s Store.May 5 I t Eastatoe Township W. C. GRAVELY East Fork School House.May 21 Old Toxaway School House .... May 22 Rosman Voting Booth .May 23 Gloucester Lbr. Co. Shop.May 24 Gloucester Township A. C. PRICE Silversteen School House.. May 15 E, S. McCall Store .May 16 Silversteen School House .May 18 Balsam Grove School House . . .May 17 Piney Grove School House .May 19 Hogback Township T. C. HENDERSON M. O. McCall’s ..May 14 Oakland Post Office .May 15 Mont vale School House.May 16 Sapphire Post Office.May 17 McNeely Store.May 18-19 Little River Township HAL HART Little River .May 7-8 Cedar Mtn. Post Office .. . .May 10-il Hal Hart’s Residence.May 14 TttVTT T » f S'V VTTVVfT The law requires “that each farmer shall be prepared to report the acreage of each crop grown to the tax list er.’” All farmers are asked to give their full cooperation. GASTON WHITMIRE, County Tax Supervisor.

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