TOXAWAY NEWS (Mrs. H. D. Lee) First Grade honor roll—Ted Mc Neely, Herbert Hall Jr;, Lo«lse Fisher. Freda Jean Hall. Mary Lee Johnson, Jessie Reid, Betty Rogers, Gertrude Owen. Attendance —Ted MeNeely, Betty j Rogers, Louise Fisher. Second Grade honor roll—Chariest Arrowood, Kyle Galloway, G r a c ej McKinney. Attendance —Ben Fisher, Leroy Lee. Third Grade honor roll—Blanche Owen, Freda Tolley. I Attendance—-Violet Joocs, Blanche Owen, Freda Tolley. Fourth Grade honor roll—Annie1 Banther. Marthalee McCall, Artense) Chappell. ' Attendance—Violet Jones, Blanche Neely, Annie Banther, Marthalee Mc Call. Fifth Grade honor roll—Lucy Hall, Lura Johnson, Attendance—Julia Breedlove, Lucy Hall. A. L._Owen, Ray Rigdon. Uob-j ert Rogers.' „ „ , _ I Sixth Grade honor roll—Ruby Ban ther, Connie Chappell, Glr> u Fisher, Verona Fisher, Willabeth Reed, Mary Lou Brvson, Medford Br-edlove, Jack Clark. John Hall, Billy MeNeely, Don ald Miller, Arnold Miller, John Rog-t ers. f Attendance—Ruby Banther, Gloria i Fisher, Verona Fisher, Jack Clark,. John Hall. Donald Miller, Arnold Mil-J lcr. John Rogers. i Seventh Grade honor roll —Lora; Bell Miller, Willie Mae Teague, Her-| bert Fisher. Attendance—None. SELICA NEWS ; (By Ward Breedlove) Selim school had election of super-1 latives last week, which resulted as follows: Most popular girl, Mildred Wilson: most popular boy, Harry Blake; most studious girl, Nell Lance; most studious boy, Craig Sharpe;| prettiest girl, Mae Wilson; best look ing boy, Harry Blake; biggest talker,! Harry' Blake; laziest, Carl White; J most inischievious, .loti Tinsley; <>tu‘| most likely to stteec d. L. C. Wilson;; neatest girl, Mae Wilson; neatest boy,! Craig Sharpe. Willie Dunn and party attended a wedding serenade in the Wilson bridge section Saturday night and report a nice time but had the misfortune of wrecking their car. Mr. and Mrs. Crate McCall and son were visitors of Mrs. McCall’s par ents. Mr. and Mrs. John McKinna Monday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. George Mc-j Kinna last week, a daughter. j Clarence Whitmire, Alvin Fowler, and Henry McKinna were in our sec-j tion last week on business. Filbert and Elzie Barton erected an addition to the house occupied by Mrs.j Searcey last week. Tom McKinna has been employed cutting tan bark and timber on the M. C. Whitmire land recently. Miss Ruth Bryson returned home Monday after spending some time in Cashiers. , . ! Alfred Head of Brevard was visit ing his sister, Mrs. Ressie Barton, Sunday. A number of our folks have return ed to" the old time way of farming, not only discarding the tractor but old Beck also and using instead Bob and Tom, lowly oxen. If you Seliciaties bad rather see a larger write-up lend a helping hand. Ask Sum For PWA ! WASHINGTON—Congress will be asked to authorize $500,000,000 for public works expenditures in the next ^ fiscal year beginning July 1. Although considerably smaller than the $.'1,500,000,000 originally allocated 'or public works and now virtually exhausted by allotment-- to -. me 5.000 fodi ral ard non-fedora! projects, the sum is considered sufficient to carry on larger projects for which only par tial allotments were made-from the 0, n, KILPATRICK FUNERAL HOME Licensed .!\L il't itilillS Individual Ambulance and Ileaive 214 W. Main Street Phone V?) firerard - Voi th Coi'olitKt Society News and Club Activities I ! MISS BARNETTE HAS PART IN COLORFUL PAGEANT Miss Myrtle Barnette, of Brevard, who is in training at the North Caro lina Baptist hospital in Winston Salem, had an important part in a colorful pageant given in that city last week by student nurses, depicting the history of nursing from its origin to its present position. Miss Barnette had eharge of the costume making and the advertising for the pageant. She also presided at the presentation, announcing and in tci preting the various scenes. Thirty-nine student nurses of the state Baptist hospital took part in the pageant, which was said to be a m< st impressive and" realistic inter-j pretation of the spirit of nursing, fn m its beginning to the present time. MRS. D. L. ENGLISH IS HOSTESS TO CIRCLE ONE Mrs. D. L. English was hostess to tb*' members of Circle No. 1 of the Methodist church Thursday afternoon at her home. Miss Florence Kern opened the m cling with the Bible study, dis cussing various phases of Methodism. The business meeting was in charge of the circle chairman, Mrs Lula Mil ler It was decided to pledge ?~5 as, the circle’s contribution to the years, budget, and to solicit names for a quilt to be mane and sold for the purpose of raising part of to is pledge. Mrs. J. L. Saltz and Mrs. L. K. Batch ford were appointed to make arrange ments for starting the quilt. Mrs. Salt/, was elected treasurer to fill the vacancy in this office. After refreshments served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. D. L. Eng li.-li Jr., the circle adjourned to meet in May with Mrs. W. L. Aiken . TO GIVE MUSIC RECITAL \ IS MARYLAND BY REQUEST Alvin Moore. Brevard’s talented musician, has been invited by the First Presbyterian church at . ort Dtp sit, Md., to give a music recital in that citv on Friday night o. this week. Mr. Moore was invited by the ■iim' church to give a recital in the Maryland city a year or two ago, gnd he made such a favorable impression with his musical talent that he has been invited to return again this year. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moore will accompany their brother on the trip t h e couple stopping in Wash ington and Baltimore before the party returns to Brevard next week. JOIST BIRTHDAY DISSER EX JOY A BEE CELEBRA TIOS A joint birthday celebration proved' an enjoyable event at Canton Sun-1 day, when Mrs. Clarence Duckworth entertained at dinner honoring the birthday anniversary of her father, her father-in-law, W. H. Duckworth, and herself. j Those enjoying the happy occasion were Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Duckworth and sons, Harold and Robert, and grandson, Few Lyda Jr., of Brevard, Mr. and Mrs. Cordelle Russell and little daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Duckworth, and Mrs. Duckworth's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Williams, and her two sisters, all of Cantor.. CIRCLE THREE MEETS WITH MRS. B. W. TRANTHAM Circle No. 3 of the Methodist church met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. B W. Trantham for the regular meeting. j The meeting was in charge of the chairman, Mrs. Cordia King. Mrs. C. B. West conducted the Bible les son. Plans were discussed for future work of the circle. Refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Anthony Trantham. The next meeting of tli j circle will be held with Mrs. T. W.j Whitmire. i _ i FINE LETTUCE GROWN BY JIM HAYES HERE! __ * Jim Hayes, one time railroad man.', 'but now a truck farmer, brought aj line bunch o' Ieehrg 1 'tuce to The* Times « ;• ce last Saturday, the first he-.'d lettuce to be reported to this of fice. The luscious cluster was 12 or 15 inches across and was “just as! good” or better than that brought j in from wanner climes. Mr. Have1 said the plants came up late last fall .from a stalk that had I- cn allowed to go totseed. and that he transplanted them on the south fide of a building where they have grown throughout the past several months. He is planning to try a large plot next winter. WANTED OLD GOLD Cash paid ror Watches, Cases, Rings, Chains, Gold Teeth, Crown3, Bridgework, Class Rings, or anything that has gold in it. This institution is operated by public spirited citizens to help you get cash.—We pay you full cash value as preserilted by law. Licensed by United States Government and everything wo buy goes directly t>» the U. S. Mipt at Philadelphia. BRING ONE RING OR A BOX FULL FEDERAL REFINING COMPANY License No. PA 528 LONG’S DRUG STORE BREVARD, N. C. Friday and Saturday Only \ EASTERN STAR TO MEET \NEXT TUESDAY NIGHT Regular meeting of the Eastern Star will be ineld next Tuesday night at 8 o’clock at the Lodge hall. It is urged by Worthy Matron Mrs. E. S. English that all members attend. AUXILIARY HAS MEETING AT HUT The regular meeting of the auxili ary of the Presbyterian church was j held at the Hut Thursday afternoon, | with the- president. Miss Annie Jean j Gash, in charge The program on the subject "Christ- j ian Education” was discussed by Mrs. Willis Brittain. Mrs. T. E. Patton led the devotionals. This was the first meeting of the new church year and matters of business pertaining to the year’s work were transacted. Refreshments were served by Circle No. 1 during a pleasant social half hour following the business meeting. CIRCLE NO. TWO MEETS THURSDAY AFTERNOON Circle No. 2 of the Methodist church met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. F. Zachary for the regular monthly meeting. Mrs. Zachary, ns chairman, also presided over the meeting. The Bible study lesson was given by Mi's. J. B. Pickelsimor. Tt was decided to make a quilt for sale, as part of the year’s program for rais ing funds. Refreshments were served by the hostess following the meeting. PISGAH FOREST NEWS Mrs. Homer Marcum and daughter Lucille of Hendersonville spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Campfield. Mr. and Mrs Hardy Barton an nounce the birth of a ten pound boy April 18th. Miss Anna Patten is visiting Mr and Mrs. Gerald\Patton in Ruther fordton. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Frady and children of Hendersonville were re cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Frady. Several people from this section attended and enjoyed the senior pluy, “Daddy Long-Legs,’" at the Brevard High school Friday evening. Mrs. Larry Simpson of Greenville is visiting her mother, Mrs. D. W. Hollingsworth. Will Gash was a Hendersonville visitor Friday. It was with regret we learned of tlie death of Mrs. George W. Hall, which occurred last Tuesday in Hum phrey, Arkansas. The deceased was a resident of this section before moving to Arkansas about six years ago She was about 60 years of age, and had been in poor health for about a year. About three weeks ago s'no grew worse and continued so until the end. As one who kpew and loved her I can say that for “Mammy Hall” (as she was called) there was no task too great for hpr to do. She was always forgetful of seif, ever ready to do all she could, not only for her family, but for all with whom she came in contact. She was buried in Arkansas last Wednesday. Surviving arc her hus band. three (laughters, Maggie of Arkansas, Mrs. Myrtie Warren of Brevard, and Mrs. Y. J. McCrary of North Brevard, and th>-ee sons, Har ven of Arkansas, Jeus of Brevard and Clarence of N*rw Mexico besides a host of friends here and on Little River near Cedar Mountain. Mrs. Green of Little River spent Priday afternoon with Mrs. H. Hed rick. ! Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Harper and daughter of Pickens were guests of Mr. End Mrs. Hedrick and sor. Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Roller had as their dinner guests Sunday Mrs. Gary Whitlock and daughters Misses Ruth and Eula Mae, also Mrs. Russel Whit lock and children of Hendersonville. Mrs. G. C- Sentelle gave a miscel laneous shower Tuesday night in honor of her sister, Mrs. Nelson Bowen, a recent bride. Shu received! many useful gifts. Several friends attended and enjoyed file evening. ! Quite a hit of work has been dorn. j cn the lawn of the Baptist church, j Some beautiful shrubbery and flowers have been put out and other improve ments are being made. Another Suspect in Lindbergh Case BOSTON—Relentless search by the federal government of the Lindbergh kidnaping Thursday brought forth the request, of U. S. Marshal John J. • Murphy that Dr. John F. “Jafsie”j Condon, intermediary in the case.j come here to view a photograph of ai man suspected to be- the one who re-' ceived the $50,000 ransom money, j Murphy was secretive regarding the! photograph and would divulge no in formation beyond the fact that he had! asked the U. S Marshal at New York to communicate his wish to Dr.' Condon. Why Hospitals Use a Uquid Laxative Hospitals and doctors have always used liquid laxativea. And the pubCr is fast returning to laxatives in liquid form. Do you know the reasons? The dose of a liquid laxative ran br measured. The action can thus b« regulated to suit individual need. It forms no habit; you need not lake* "double dose” a day or two later. Nor wil! a mild liquid laxative irritate the kidneys. The right dose of a liquid laxative brings a perfect movement, and there is no discomfort at the time, or after. The wrong cathartic may often d» more harm tnan good. A properly prepared liqutd laxalnw like Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin brings safe relief from constipation. It gently hejps the average per ao's bowels back to regularity. Dr Cald well's Syrup Pepsin is an approved liquid laxative which all druggists keep ready for use. It makes as ideal family laxative; effective for all agqs, and may be given the voungest child. Member N. 11. A. TRY OUR WANT ADS Even If Vou Do Not Hsive IF yours is an average family your savings through the pre vention of food spoilage and through your ability to make larger food purchases at lower prices would pay for an electric refrigerator in a comparatively short period. So you really are paying for an electric refrigera tor whether you are using one or not. Why not make these savings pay for your new Kelvinator? A DAY Will Pay For A New KELVIMfiTOR Come in Now and Be Convince:! That Your Ideal Refrigerator Is the Keivinator! Electric refrigeration appeals to the modern housewife not only because it saves her n orl and safeguards the health of her family. It enables her to very greatly increase the variety in her family’s diet by providing the numerous frozen or chilled desserts, salads and ot.ier dishes that mean so much to the fastidious appetite and to health, it promotes her peace of mind. It enables her to entertain charmingly and with a minimum of effort. It increases the joy of housekeeping. It has countless advantages that one cannot appreciate without using it. Don’t delay! Begin at once to experience the economies and to enjoy the advantages and conveniences of a Keivin^tor! Our special offer makes st easy for the family o. moderate means to do this. Li»t«n to Our /-WSOC 11:45 A. M.-\ 9 C WB™~*5£.”\. • Radio Prograraa Q. Monday, WednaadayJ V. Tuo*., Thuw., Saturday Southern Public Utilities Day Phone 116 Brevard Nijrht Phone 16

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