ENON SCHOOL NOTES HSH AND GAME CLUB; OF INTEREST GIVEN TO MEET ON TUESDAY PENROSE, April 25—Dr. Gates McKaughan came to Penrose school Friday morning and began the school dental clinic. Dr. McKaughan gets along splendidly with the children and is1 doing a good work. The children of the school had the thrill of having their photos made last week. The primaries are rehearsing an operetta to be staged near the ctfcso of school. The upper grades are to present a play titled ‘‘5{ot Quite Such a Goose.” The closing program will be announced later in full. Mr. Frank Cox, Mr. Rora M. Blythe and Mr. L. F. Lyday came last week and condition'd the water supply. All concert d should thank them tor their valuable help. Honor Roll Grade Six: Dan Blythe, Charley Case, Virginia Allison. Mildred Cor pening, Vilot Lyday. Wilma Pickle simer. Grade Five: D. C. Landreth, Her man Rahn, Gloria Ann W ilson. Grade Four: Robbie Corpening, Sylvestre Orr. N. L. Ponder, Jr., Wil bur Rahn. Grade Three: Jewell Reed. Gladys Wilson, Marjorie Talley, Henry Owensby. Grade Two: Irma Rahn, Lucile Cox Francis Talley, Ester Allison. Grade One: Sam Talley. Myrtle Owensby. Attendance Grade Seven: John Lyday, Hazel Greene. Doris Kahn. Mildred [Tilley. Grade Six: Dan Blythe, Margaret Allison, Mildred Corpening. Violet Lyday. Wilma Picklesimer. Grade Five: Clyde Davis. Herman Rahn. Gloria Ann Wilson. Grade Four: Wilber Rahn, Lucile Allison. Ruby Owensby. Grade Three: Henry Owenby, Ever ette Greene. Grade Two Irma Rahn, Lucile Cox. Grade One: Fred Owenby. Son Tal lev. (Mrs. Harry McCall) We arc having a real fine Sunday school and ’.vo sincerely lvpc each and all will attend regularly. Mrs. Geo. D. McCall spent a few davs last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Orr. of Pisgah For est. M rs Harry McCall has been very ill with the measles hut is recovering. The farmers are making use of the pretty days getting readv to plant corn and other products. Harry McCall called on Walter last Sunday. Mrs. Filnion Galloway and son Demr.s visited Alonzo Galloway Sun day who is seriously ill with pneu monia. Roscoe McCall is recovering from an attack of measles. Mrs. C. Y. Patton has been calling in this section recently. Harry McCall and children visit d Mr. and Mrs. Doe McCall Monday af ternoon. Miss Ruth Morgan who is teaching school here spent the week-end with her parents at Cherryfield. Jason McCall had the misfortune cf losing a fine cow last week. NOTICE To the Stockholders of tthe Transyl vania Railroad Company: The Annual Stockholders meet ing of the Transylvania Railroad Company will be held at the general fficos of the company in the Mc Minn Building. Brevard. NT. C.. on Wednesday, the 2nd day of May 1931. at i0:00 o'clock a. m. for the election of officers and directors to serve (luving th< « tuning year, and for the transaction of any’ other business that may come before the meeting. A. K. ORR, This April is. 1931 Secretary. Regular meeting of the Transyl vania Kish ltd Game Protective as-j s,:ciatinn is set for Tuesday night of next week at the county court house, the meeting to be held at eight o’clock. Effort is being made to have as many people as possible from differ ent sections of the county attend the meeting here Tuesday night, purpose being to interest owners and farmers who have fishing and hunting boun daries or places for prapagation. It is pointed out by officers of the Brevard township organization that in order to make the move a success it will be necessary that residents of each community organize. No mem bership fee is to be charged those people who have land on which fish and game can and will he raised, non-owners paying dues into the or ganization, while rearing pools and other services in connection with fish and game is to bo accorded as pay ment of fees for those people in the county who join in the movement. LITTLE RIVER NEWS William Kilpatrick who has been seriously ill, has returned to his home from the hospital and is reported to be doing nicely. Mrs. S. C. Elkins visited relatives in Brevard last week. Mrs. Jannie Hambright and son Grady have returned to their summer cottage here after spending the winter in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. McCall and daughter Ruth visited Mr. McCall’s mother “Aunt Lylcna McCall” at Rlack Mountain Sunday who cele brated her 91st birthday with an elaborate dinner and good tune in general. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wilson and ehidren of Enka visited the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Met calf. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Delno Corn of Hen dei ' nville visited* Mr. and Mrs. L. I.. McCall Sunday. Misses Ruth McCall, Louise George :uui Lelarnl George spent, last week end with Mrs. Lome and John Hens ley of Bald Mountain. Mi. and Mrs. Paul McCrary spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Kilpatrick. There will be a real get-together farm meeting at the Little River school building next Monday night. Everybody who is interested in a bet ter community is urged to be pres ent. Arthur Gillespie returned home Sunday after a two weeks' visit with his brother Elza in Harvey. Fla. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Glazener and sons Paul ar.d Walter attended the Pickens county singing convention Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shipman and children were guests Sunday of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hamilton. Miss Irene Aiken' spent the week end with her aunt. Mrs. Will Moore of Rosman. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Collins and son Elmo and daughter Thelma motor ed to the new ranch at Fletcher Sunday. Reginald Kilpatrick of Henderson ville was week-end guest of Messrs. Paul and Walter Glazener. V. C. Tearhcrit To Crl Rrltri WASHINGTON—A grant of $500, 000 Thursday was awarded to the school teachers of North Carolina by the Federal Emergency Relief admin istration. The fund will be used to pay the teachers, and is the first direct re lief given the schools of the state. Its guaranteed eight months school basis has been operated at a sacrifice. FULL WEIGHT clear as a crystal right to your door daily More HealtMul-Economical and Practical Than Any Other Method of Refrigeration > V.W.VAV.'.V.W. Purfey Products Co. Phone 241 QUEBEC NEWS i (Lucille llende; on) Mrs. Elbert Whitmire ; d daugh-1 ter Beulah Murill, visited .irs. Less Loving Wednesday. Dutch Bruner of Bosnian called on Oscar Whitmire on Thursday ■ . last week. Miss Virgie Thomas spent Kunu./ night with Miss Irene Owen. Miss Ruby Golden was a guest oi Miss Rebecca Smith Wednesday night. , , ... i Miss Lillian Dodgin has been ill at her home with tonsiiitis. Guffie Whitmire, who has been em ployed at Greenville, S. C., spent sev eral days last week with her mother. Mrs. Dovie Whitmire. : Miss Myrtle Lee Fisher is ill this week at her home here. Messrs. Oscar Whitmire and Way man Thomas were visitors in Easley, S. C.. last week-end. Miss Ailene Ower. spent last Sat urday night with Miss Nellie Thomas. Misses Ella Mae and Ailene Owen called on Mrs. Bertha Siler Tuesday. Mrs Alfred Owen spent Thursday with Mrs. Odell Fisher. Miss Vera McCall and Glena Jean spent Friday night with Mrs. Noah Whitmire. . ... . Mrs. C. W. Henderson visited her sister, Mrs. Pearl Woodard of Cash iers, the first of last week. Mrs. Lula Owen end daughter Ailone spent the day with Mrs. Tolvin Miller of Lake Toxaway on Wednes day of last week. Miss Virgie Thomas spent the day with htr sister, Mrs. Odell Fisher, Wednesday. Mrs. Leila Lee, Mr. and Mrs. I/.s ter Thomas, Charlie Watson 1/ce and Mis- Lucy Galloway were visitors in I he home of Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Miller Sunday afternoon. Lev. J. E. Burt filled his regular appointment at Oak Grove Baptist church last Sunday night. At this meeting the church granted to Gene Moore license to preach. Mrs.' John Robinson has returned home from the hospital at Greenville. She appears to be not so well as she was last week. Mrs. T. C. Henderson and daughter, Miss Lucille Henderson, called on Mrs. Hannah Whitmire Monday afternoon. Community prayer meeting is to be held Wednesday night of this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | Gideon Miller. Truman Henderson, son of Mr. and I Mrs C. W. Henderson, has been out | of school during the past week be cause of ill health. FEDERAL COURT AT ! ASHEVILLE MAY 14| __ I Five Transylvania county men have, been summoned to serve as jurers in! the criminal term ot' Federal court" which convenes in Asheville on Mayj 14. Those I be Edgard Reid, Oakland: M. O. Me-! Call, Quebec; Carl Owen. Cherry field: E. O. Shipman, Pisgah Forest;! Waverly Morris, Pisgah Forest. W. 0. W. NEWS I - i A number of members of Brevard; Rosman Woodmen of the World j camps are attending the district log | rolling association which opened in' Sylva on Wednesday night. Others plan to attend the ses-l sions Thursday which {will include! business session, dinner at the noon hour furnished by the Sylva Wood-! men, and other interesting features.I After 16 years of work, Japan has| completed a tunnel almost five miles j long under the Hakone Mountains. | Mreshlj Meats We carry a complete stock at all times ami our long exper ience in the ...cat cutting busi ness insures vou of getting GOOD MEATS here. Groceries Staple and Fancy ... give us a call . . . 'we deliver. cTtyIarket Phone 47 Main St. Brevard PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AT THE FASHION for Graduation and the Summer Season. New Dresses, Shoe3, j Swagger Suits, Lingerie, materials, Men’s Furnishings, etc., at Radically Reduced Prices NEW SWAGGER SUITS Regular $10.95 sellers. Blues, grays, tans—4 days. Only— $7.45 BEST $14,95 SWAGGER SUITS The finest materials and styles. See these now at $1095 White Waffle Weave SWAGGER SUITS The newest thing. Spec ial for 4 days only—Come Early! $6.95 SPRING COATS In the newest styles and materials. A year-round garment that you cannot afford to be without. Nov/ $9.85 EXTRA SPECIALS FULL-FASHIONED HOSE Pure silk thread, newest shades, 4 days only 59c JUST RECEIVED-WHITE SHOES For graduation and summer wear. Pumps, ties and oxfords, a wide selection at $2.95 Children's white shoes at NEW DRESS MATERIALS Including voiles, organdies and prints at special prices for Four Days Only FINE QUALITY GORDON HOSE In the newest shades. You know the quality. For 4 days only 89c One Special Rack of LADIES SLIPPERS Pumps, ties, oxfords, blondes and patents. Select yours now ! at $1,00 and $1.49 WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY FOR GRADUATION White Dresses In the sheer new materials. Beautifully trimmed. Come early for best selection. $2.95 And Up SILK DRESSES Were $6.95 and $7.95. The want ed materials and colors. A wide range for selection at— $4.95 FOR FOUR DAYS ONLY! OUR BETTER DRESSES Reduced from $8.95, and every one a real bargain at $6.95 Men’s Fast Color Paramount Shirts The newest patterns. Special at 87c Men’s Dress STRAW HATS Including new Essman “Waterproof’ styles. See these. 59c - 97c And Up One Large Group of MEN’S SUITS All wool, well tailored in the newest styles. Snecial for 4 days— $14.69 White Linen, Piques and SEERSUCKER DRESSES With individual features, includ ing Zippers Reduced to $2.95 j| A complete line of LINGERIE Stepins, scantiest slips, gown* and pa jamas* ■Greatly Reduced I 111 I — T These Prices in Effect Four Days Oniy ffn I IHL ,,,1 BREVARD, N. C. iviAIN STREET ___ ———*l^—-— These Prices In Effect Four Days Only