QUEBEC NEWS (Lucille Henderson) Mrs. Nancy Fisher and Miss Fran ces McCall were Brevard visitors Fri day. Miss Milly Fisher was on the 3ick list last week. Messrs. R. T. Fisher, Henry Chap man and Mack Reid were visitors in Ccsman Iasi: Friday. Miss Vera McCall visited Mrs. Jes sie Whitmire one day last week. Prof.' and Mrs. Totten of Chapel Hill and Roland Owen of Brevard called on T. C. Henderson Friday. Rev. J. E. Burt of Rosinan and Mr. Tinsley of Glady Branch were dinner guests of T. C. Henderson Fri day. * I Miss Carrie Owen spent Thursday night with Miss Lillian Dodgin. 1 Miss Opal Dodgin spent Friday night with Miss Lucille Henderson. Miss Irene Owen spent Wednesday night with Miss Virgie Thomas | Mr. and Mrs. Gene Siler visited Mr. and Mrs. John Reid one day last week. • . . , ,, Miss Beulah Reid visited Mrs. Frank Fisher of Oakland Sunday af-. ternoon. „ _r | Louie Miller called on James Hen derson Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Fisher spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Miller.' . I We had a flurry of snow in this community early Sunday morning to the surpris<*of those who had a good deal of spring planting done. Some say they had rather have corn in the crib than in the ground until Ola Man Winter gets a little farther^ Gideon Miller, who has been ill for some time, has been gradually im proving for the last few days. ! Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Edney ana babv. Laura Jane, spent tne :, end'with Mrs. Edney’s parents, Mr., and Mrs. C. W. Henderson. !( Doyle McCall of Lake Toxaway was, a visitor in this community Sunday. | Miss Octavia Fisher is seriously ill at her home with measles. i Messrs. Guffie and Elsker Whit mire of Greenville spent the week end with their mother, Mrs. Dovie, ■ Whitmire. . c Mi'-s Lillian Dodgin spent Satur-. day night with Miss Carrie Owen. ! Miss Rebecca Smith is spending some time with her grandmother, Mrs. John Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Beck and their two sons of near Highland moved into this community the first, of last week. ..... „ 1 Mrs. Lesa L’ving visited her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Miller, , Otto Jones of Etowan spent a few davs in this community last week. Oscar Henderson went home with him Saturday to spend the week-end. Miss Nora Galloway ot Easiey spent the week-end with Mrs. Lesa Loving. , , , _ „ ' M iss Louise Owen who has been em-, ( ploved at Tryon for several weeks is ■ now at home to spend some timewith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus ^ ^Misses Hattie and Ruth Thomas who are employed at Easley spent the week-end at their home here. _ : Mrs Lesa Loving and daughters, Miss Lillian Dodgin and Miss Mary Dodgin -pent Friday night with Mrs. j Alfred Owen. „ , .. . . 1 Miss Mildred McCall is on the sick list this week. , I Whooping cough is still m our com-, inunity. Several of the little folk are ( just now taking this disease. Mrs Rufus Owen visited her par ents. Mr. and Mr-. John Reid, one day ( last week. _ , Mrs. Lesa Loving was a Brevard, visitor last Wednesday. Mrs. George Odell spent Saturday : night with Mrs. Lula Owen. | Mrs. Ed Waldrop visited Mrs. Du lie Fisher Friday evening. j Several people of this community j attended the play giver, at Lake Tox awe.v school Saturday evening. I Tiurnan Henderson, who has been, sick for some time, is much better and was back in school the latter: part of last week. Bishop Cannon Freed Washington—A jury in District of Columbia supreme court Saturday, found Bishop James Cannon Jr., and Ada I.. Burroughs innocent of ant ■ attempt to conceal campaign contri-j but ions in 1928. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends for j their many acts of kindness shown i - at the time of the illness and death; of our wife and mother and for the lovelv floral offerings. R. T. AIKEN and CHILDREN-, 1 WE PAY | CASH I (Subject to change) For Eggs, (No. V) doz. . • 12c I Hens (heavy) .10c j hens (medium) .... 8c | Hens (light) . 7c | B. & B. J Feed & Seed Co. | 4... — , -;—^ if Society News and Club Activities .— ..- =■ BEAUTY PARLOR MOVES TO MAIN STREET LOCATION Announcement is made of the re moval of Ruth’s Beauty Parlor owned and operated by Mrs. Charlie McCrary, from Maple street to the new location on West Main street, next door to the Nobby Shoppe. Mrs. McCrary announces that she and her experienced operators are equipped to give the best of service in beauty culture of all kinds and will appreciate the patronage of the ladies of Brevard. MATH AT ASIAN CLUB IN REGULAR MEETING Regular meeting of the Mathatas ian club was held Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. H. Harris, with Mrs. Ralph Zachary as hostess. Mrs. Pat Kimzey and Mrs. J. L. Cobb were elected delegates to the annual meeting cf federated clubs to be held in Asheville this week. The program was in charge of Mrs. Oliver Orr, giving an interesting dis cussion of the life and works of Oliver Wendell Holmes, and further illus trating her talk by reading some of his prose and poetical works. The picnie and last meeting of the club year has been postponed until the fourth Thursday in May, at which time the husbands of members will be invited guests. Refreshments were served during the social half-hour following the regular meeting. LOCAL LADIES ATTEND MEET IN HENDERSONVILLE Several members of the local mis lionary society of the Methodist :hurch attended the annual meeting if the Women’s Missionary Society of he Western North Carolina confer ■nce convening in Hendersonville three lays last week. Those attending from here were: Mrs. J. S. Nicholf^n^ Mrsl Oliver )rr, Mrs. Cordia King, Mrs. A. R. Jillespie, Mrs. L. K. Ratchford, Miss Florence Kern, Mrs. C. 0. Robinson ind Mrs. Z. W. Nichols, Miss Kern was the official delegate •epresenting the local society, and j Mrs. Orr was on the program, lead ng the devotionals .at one of the af* ernoon sessions.' r\ D. C. TO MEET SATURDAY AFTERNOON Regular meeting of the U. D. C. vill be held at the library Saturday ifternoon of this week at 3:30 o’clock. It is requested that a3 many mem >ers as possible be present. S ELECTED OFFICER AT ANNUAL MEETING Miss Annie Jean Gash, president >f the Auxiliary of the local Presby erian church, was elected historian if the Asheville Presbyterial, which >ody of women was in seBsion at Jryson City two days last week. Miss Gash and Mrs. J. L. Cobb vere representatives from the local irganization at the annual meeting ast week. Miss Gash read the report] >f the Brevard Auxiliary and also: he report of the past historian. FORTNIGHTLY CLUB IN MEETING WITH MRS. BABB The Fortnightly club held its regu ar meeting Thursday afternoon at :he home of Mrs. W. W. Babb, with ill members but one in attendance. The club decided to have a miscel laneous program next year, each member choosing her own subject, and also to give book reviews on current nooks at intervals through the year. There was no program for this meeting, a short time following the business session being taken up with a farewell feature for Mrs Babb, ivho is leaving soon for her new home in Athens, Ga. Refreshments were served during the social hour. One guest was pres ent. Mrs. Anderson, a sister-in-law ,f Mrs. Babb. The hostess was as sisted in serving by her little son Buddy and by Mrs. Anderson. LITTLE GIRL HAS BIRTHDAY PARTY Kittle Carolyn Kizer celebrated her fourth birthday anniversary with a party given by her mother, Mrs. H. Kizer, at their home on Fast Main street Thursday afternoon. Pretty decorations in peach and green were carried out in the table arrangement, and in the refreshments ' peach ice cream and the birthday cake of peach icing topped with four s ittle green candles. Attractive favors further emphasized the color s. Kim and delighted the children. The onening of the birthday gifts and tK placing of several games affoid : much pleasure for the little folks. Those enjoying the happy event with Carolyn were Mary Ann Rnn> v Mary Ashley Norwood, Dorothy Jean Kilpatrick.’Sara Jane McLean Martha Lee Hudson, Mary Jane New lar.d Ann Zachary. Ruth Gaines Maw Jane Clark, Alex Kizer. tr. .1/. .9. IX REGULAR MEETIXG TUESDAY Regular meeting of the IV omen s Missionary society of the Baptist church was held Tuesday afternoon in the church par’ors. In the absence of the president, Mrs. M. H. Holliday, the meeting was in charge of one of the vice presidents. Mrs John A-h I worth. An Interesting program, on the gen I ernl topic “Baptist Avenues of World i Sendee ” was conducted by Mr?. A. B. Galloway, who gave the intro duciroy talk on the subject. “Organ! ration for Evangelization." Other0 taking nart on the program were Mrs. Rov Long and Mrs. Paul Hart- J ell. giv;ng a dialogue, “A Study in. Contrasts— Yesterday and Today,"! Mrs. Long representing yesterday andj Yivs. ITartsell today. The closing; talk was given by Mrs. E. R. Pendle-5 ton on the topic “llow Lo\ nl Am T?"j Ti,e closing prayer was.made Uv Mrs. A. E. Hampton. | announcement of I INTEREST HERE Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Henry of ■ Brevard announce the engagement of 'their daughter, Eliza, to Mr. Oscar : A Vaughn of Gastonia. The marriage : will be solemnized in the early sum l mer. Miss Henry is a graduate of Bre | vard high school and Greensboro i College for women. For the past four years she has taught in the Gastonia j city schools. WEDNESDAY CLUB IN INTERESTING MEETING An interesting meeting of the Wed nesday club was held Wednesday af ternoon of last week at the home of Mrs. J. W. McMinn, entertaining for Mrs. S. M. Macfie. 1 It was voted to accept the program committee's outlined program for next year, studying English literature for the coming year. Mrs. O. L. Erwin and Mrs. A. H. Harris were elected delegates to the annual meeting ot State Federation of Women’s Clubs convening in Asheville three days this week. It was decided to send a baby spoon to Robert T. Kimzey Jr., young son of one of the club members. A program of unusual interest was in charge of Mrs. Ralph Ramsey, giv ing a resume of the famous O’Neill play, “Ah! Wilderness.’’ Adding fur ther to the interest of the discussion was the reading of the last act of the play by Mrs. David Ward and Mrs. T. A. Berg. Following refreshments the club adjourned to meet next with Mrs. G. B Lynch. LEAGUERS ENJOY PARTY AT CHURCH THURSDAY An enjoyabie party was given by members of the Epworth League ot the Methodist church Thursday even ing in the recreation rooms of the church. Various games were played and re freshments of lemonade and cookies were served during the evening to the forty voung people present. Election of officers of this organiza tion will be held Sunday night at the regular meeting, and plans for the summer’s work will be discussed. announcement is OF INTEREST HERE I Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Smith, of Bre vard, announce the approaching mar riage of their daughter, Dorothy Lee, to Mr. Thomas M. Mitchell Jr. of] Brevard. The ceremony will take place Sunday afternoon, May 6, at, 3:30 o’clock, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Smith. LOCAL ARTIST DELIGHTS MARYLAND AUDIENCE The vocal and piano recital given by Mr. Alvin Moore, Brevard’s gift-, ed musician, to a capacity audience m the Port Deposit, Maryland, Presby terian church,, on Friday evening of last week, proved a delightful and highly successful event. Mr. Moore rendered a varied pro gram which captivated his audience from the very beginning. Many ex | prcssions of surprise at Mr. Moore’s 'marked musical ability and profound [appreciation for his excellent recital were heard from the large* audience, j composed of music lovers from near and far. This was Mr. Moore's second reci tal given in the Maryland city and the large attendance was a testimony to his increasing popularity. One world traveler who was ir. the audi ence was most enthusiastic praise, of the Brevard artist niraT?«*-; dieted an illustrious future for him. 1 Rev. Wayne A. Monroe, formerly | of Brevard, is pastor of the Portl Deposit church. SARAH JANE McLEAN HAS BIRTHDAY PARTY A happy event for little Sarah Jane McLean was the celebration of her third birthday anniversary, with a party given by her mother, Mrs. John McLean, at their home Monday afternoon. A pretty color scheme in^pink and green was carried out in the decora tions and in the favors. Ice cream, cake and candy were served the children during the afternoon. Sev eral games that delight little tots were played and the opening of the birthday remembrances gave much pleasure to the little folks. Little guests enjoying the occasion with Sarah Jane were Dorothy Jean Kilpatrick, Carolyn Kizer, Marjorie Cantrell, Dorothy Rockwood, Janet Banks, Donnie McLeod, Billie Brittain and Doris Jeanne Scruggs. LOCAL YOUNG MAN TO WED STATESVILLE LADY n Announcement is made of the. en gagement and approaching marriage of Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson Warren, of Statesville, to Mr. James W. Gar ren, of Brevard. The ceremony will occur at Cathey’s Creek Baptist church, Sunday morning, May 6, at 11 o’clock. IN MEMORIUM OF JANE JONES At the break of dawn on Monday morning, May 1, 1934, the death an gel visited the home of my lovable grandmother. Mrs. Jane Jones, and left a vacant place which can never be replaced. She has always lived in Transylvania county and was an active member of the Blue Ridge Baptist church. Mrs. Jones was a friend to all and loved everybody and was loved by everybody. Her sweet smiles as she soul went out to meet her Savior tes tified to the joy which was to be in his presence when she met him. Her work here on earth will always be remembered by the ones who loved her. ... She was, before her marriage, Miss Jane Bishop, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. "Pink” Bishop. At her death she was survived by six children, Joseph, Robert, Harlen. Emerson and Seldon Jones all of Cedar Mountain, and Mrs. Runion Robinson of Cedar Mountain and also eleven grandchild rpn A GRANDDAUGHTER. Mats made of canes or reeds are being tried as foundations for roads in one low section of Holland where lack of enduring road beds has been a serious problem._ LITTLE RIVER NEWS Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Holtzclaw and family spent the week-end visiting at Mt. Carmel, S. C., the boyhood home cf Mr. Holtzclaw. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pickelsimer and family of Etowah vTsited relatives here Sunday. Rev. George Greers of Greers, S. C. preached an interesting 3ermon here Sunday afternoon. Tom Merrill and daughter Lola of Asheville visited his mother, Mrs. B. P. Merrill, Sunday Lawson Moore was called to Bohe ney Tuesday on the account of the death of his aunt. * A large number of folks met Mr. Flave Holden at the school building Monday night for the purpoae of organizing a community club. The club was organized with fifty char ter members. The following officers were elected: President, Palmer Mc Crary; vice president, A. B. McCall; secretary, Virge Merrill; treasurer, Nell McCrary; social and program committee, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Shipman, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Mer rill, Mrs. E. H. Mackey and Vernon C-osnell. The club selected as its name ' Little River Community Club.” The club members will meet next Satur day night, May 5, for the purpose of discussing different vegetables, kinds and quantities to plant for this sea son. The county fair for this year will also be discussed. America Not To Disarm Now Washington—A survey of the world disarmament situation Sunday apparently left President Roosevelt convinced that America could only stand by until Europe solved some of its political difficulties. The president went over the arma^ ment subject for two hours with Nor man H. Davis, ambassador at large, and Secretary Hull and he was rep resented as being hopeful the disarma ment parley might still be revived and led to a successful conclusion. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends for their help and sympathy during :he illness and death of our husband and father. Also for the beautiful. flowers. - _ MRS. D. E. LYDAY AND ' FAMILY.__ CEDAR MTN. NEWS Mrs. Raymond Price of Atlanta, Ga., is visiting at the home of Mrs. Dorse Allison. The many friends of Mrs. B. F. Robinson will be delighted to learn that she is much improved. Many of our summer residents are visiting over the week-ends preparing their homes for occupancy during the summer. Prof. W. C. Taylor of Gaffney, S. C., Mr. Jim Taylor, Greer, S. C., visited at the home of L. E. Hamby over the week-end. The pupils of the Cedar Mountain school are hard at work reviewing for the coming examinations next week. Much progress has been made the past year under the leadership of Miss Dixie Jones. The work on the Rabb residence has been practically completed. TRY OUR WANT ADS Fresh Meats We carry a complete stock at all times and our long exper ience in the meat cutting busi ness insures you of getting GOOD MEATS here. Groceries Staple and Fancy ... give us a call ... we deliver. CITY MARKET Phone 47 Main St. _Brevard We Make Your Dollars Go Men’s Brownbilt Work Shoes All leather— Elk uppers.— Leather Soles. An ideal shoe for summer. Sizes 6 to 11. $1.95 Friday and Saturday Only Ladies’ Spring Straws and Cloth Fabrics. Variety of styles, and all head sizes. 1-2 price White hats at 97c to $2.95 S iwice Asra S-A-V-E || Up to Half At Plummers r i Children’s White SHOES o Several styles and leathers. Sizes little 2 to large 3 97c to $1.95 pr. |Men's Blue Chambray HORK SHIRTS Sizes 14 to IT—a good summer shirt