. MUSIC PROGRAM AT CHURCH IS ENJOYED Members of the choir of the Meth odist church presented a musical pro gram, “The Life of Christ,” m s°Pf and scripture, Sunday night at cne church. Mrs. D. L. English Jr., or ganist, originated and directed me i -usical production. Twenty members of the choir, at tired in their new choir vestments, took part in the program, which was generally pronounced of a mgh cla.. order and exceptionally well render ed, reflecting credit on the chon and their leader. Solo parts were render ed by Mrs. Carl McCrary, Miss Mildred Williams and Alvin Moot* Rev J. H. West, ivstor of the Methodist church, read the scripture parts between the musical numbus. \ large audience composed of mem hers of the different denominations of the town was present to hear the ; icred musical presentation. Following is the program render Prelude, Adoration, The Hoi> vary —Gaul. Hymn 11. All Hail the Power of Jesus Name—Holden. Prophesv Isaiah 40:9-11. Alto solo, He Shall Feed His Flock, Messiah— Handel. Miss Mildred Williams Soprano s«>Io, Como Unto Him, ai V ‘ that Labor—Handci. Mrs. Carl \f >(' i‘fl rv Bittln Matthew 2:1-10. Baritone s io. Nazareth—Gounod. Mr. Alvin Moore. „ „„ Childhood. I.uko -:5— Teachings, Matthew 2:1-12. Choir, R st Are The Pure In Heart—Sweet Matthew 6:9-13. Lords Praver in concert). . Christ and Children. Luke 18:15 17 Choir. 1 Think When I Read that Sweet Story—Stults. Transfiguration, M a r k 9.&S. Ch,«ir. The Chosen Three. Jeffreys i v Baritone solo, ihe Mastei i- Uth. Messiah—Han :iVmn4r8.V,Cr«n With Many C’-owns- Elvey. Postlude! Hallelujah Chorus, Mes siah—Handel. _ Window Cards Painted Mull's old store—Below P. U. I BRING I; ! YOUR FRIENDS | ❖ | —To our place—we shall | •: give them a service that * will make them want to | J come back. ' J Plenty of Room | For Parties * if you want a booth for * V two or a table for 50 v e •$. t can take care of you. % | .-| GOOD FOOD l COOKED RIGHT * •5•---—-" ’ “ * t * —THE— t j CANTEEN j ? “Tic Home of Good Coffee 4*: | DOC GALLOWAY, Prop. § jj.AAAA4.A.S*4.***W-J»*WMW MISS HAMPTON CHOSEN MAY QUEEN AT SCHOOL MONTREAT, May 9—Miss Bertha Hampton of Brevard, a senior in the college department of the Montreat Normal school was May queen in the May Day festival held on the Audi torium lawn at Montreat Monday, May 7, at 4 in the afternoon. Mjss Ethleen Reimers of Fort Worth, Texas, was maid of honor -Miss Hampton, daughter of Mrs. | Thomas H. Hampton Jr., is editor-in-J chief of the Sun Dial, student publi-1 cation, a member of the dhoir, maid cf honor last May. She was chosen as a representative student with eon -ideration as to character, popularity end she also ranks high in scholarship. This completes her second year as a student at the Montrcat Normal school. She graduated from the Bre vard high school two years ago. JR-SR BANQUET AN ENJOYABLE AFFAIR Voyage on Good Ship “Suc cess” Was taken By Large Number Outstanding among the enjoyable socinl functions of the Brevard high school each year is the annual jun ior-senior banquet, which event took place Friday evening at the high school building. Covers were laid for S5 people, including juniors, seniors, faculty members and special guests. The affair was in the nature of a sea voyage, the banquet hall being cleverly decorated to represent the deck of the ship and other suggestions of the idea carried out in the min- , utest detail. Inside the entrance of the ( building printed placards directed the . guests' to which pier to take to enter ( the ship, the S. S. Success, of the j Brevard High School Lines, Inc. On entering the banquet hall the Eaests were greeted by the ship’s bugler, ] Donald Lee Moore, and the four sailor ( girls, appropriately costumed, stand- ji ing at salute. The sailor girls deliver- - ed to each guest a telegram contain ing a personal “Bon Voyage” mes- , -age to each senior from the ninior • class. ! The banquet table was most at- ^ tractive, carrying out in every detail j the ship idea and the senior das-, colors of blue and go d. The place 11 cards of handpainted ships, the ^ mint baskets in blue and gold, the tall blue candles in blue and gold , paper holders, and the blue iris and j yellow tulips all combined harmon iously in pleasing effect. The menu ; cards represented life preservers and ; the printd programs as favors were in , unique representation of P®SSP°^ ’ , each containing the passport phot graph of the senior for whom intend- ] ed. £ Mary Sue Jennings, nave the welcome, Mack Allison re- £ ■ponding. Margaret Dickson gave the , u;ast to the faculty, Supt. J. B. Jones ( responding. Sandy McLeod toasted] Die seniors, Christine Tongue , ponding. Wallis Orr toasted the f Brevard high school. A delightful j musical program was given b> aim - Moore and Donald Lee Moore. A spec- , ial dancing feature was also enjo>-1, able, given by the eight sailor girls,; as waitresses, Katherine English, Ora , Holt Long, Nell Scruggs, Betty Lof-,, tis, Polly Hartsell, Sylvia Ljday, Re bitca Patton and Eva Case, members;, of the sophomore class. 1 All- Knox DeLong and Hinton Me-,. Lrod faculty sponsors of the junior Mass. were suptrvisors of the event. A lovely course dinner was prepared by ladies of the Methodist church. The following menu was served: Cocktail in fruit cups, creamed chick on. dressing, rice, gravy, sifted pea-, candied vnnis, deviled egg* rolls, sun flower salad, ice cream and cake, iced tea and mints. •‘DISTRICT SCHOOL” TO BE FEATURE MAY 18TH Miss Sattic Parker, music teacher, i< "panning a comedy entertainment to !■■ given eji May 18 at the grammar school building, the play entitled Ibe, District School” and is said to be fili al with laughs. “Pupils” at the District School will be members of Brevar i'; older set. Proceeds of the entertainment will be used to buy new books for the b. If. C. library.___; Mother’s Day, May 13th Mother A Real Treat Will Appreciate You Sending Her To Beauty Parlor 53 West Main Street Fhone 69 For a Permanent Wave, Shampoo and Finger Wave, Hot Oil Treatment and Manicure Help Your Mother Be More Beautiful ! Local and Personal Items | * + W*' Miss Elizabeth Shipman has rc 1 turned to her home here after teach 1 ing music in Marion and Old Fort j schools the past year. Miss Annie Jean Ga-h ami Mrs. Boyce Walker visited the orphanage at Black Mountain Monday in the in j terests of the Auxiliary work. T. E. Patton Jr., of Charlotte, visited his family here on Sunday. Mrs. Thomas Hampton,, Mrs. Alvin Rockwocd and Mrs. Jim King attend ed the May Day fete at Montreat Normal on Monday, in which Mrs. Hampton’s daughter, Bertha Jean, was May queen. Miss Catherine Carson of Hen dersonville is visitng Mrs. Edgar Patton at Davdson River. Mrs. J. P. Deaver and son Jimmie visited Emma Deaver at Montreat Normal and attended the- May Day fete there on Monday. Mrs. Myrtle Falls Young of Newton was guest last week of Mrs. Oliver Orr and other friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Duckworth moved last week to their newly pur chased home on East Main street recently occupied by Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Erwin and family, the j latter moving across the street in the, house formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. M. B. McDaniel. G. K. Witmer of Montgomery, Ala., is visiting his mother, Mrs. G. C. Witmer. Mrs. Leroy Whitener, of Hickory, is visiting her mother. Mrs. C. ts. West, who has been ill but is said to be improving. . Miss Earleene Poindexter of Wea ver college was the week-end guest of Mrs N. A. Miller. Miss Poindex ter, president of Hie Brevard reunion j organization, presided at the meeting) held here Sunday. ; Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Babb and , family moved Monday to their new home' in Athens, Ga. after making) their home in Brevard the past two ^ 'Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Duckwor.h 1 sf Canton were week-end guests oi Mr and Mrs AW. H. Duckworth. Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Stokes are ex oected to return the latter’ part ot the week from a month’s trip to Los Angeles, San Francisco and other points of interest in the West. Miss Ruth McCall returned last week from a trip to, Wa*1}1"g‘°"' [) C.. and other points. She was the week-end guest of relatives in and Mrs. W. II. Duckworth and son Harold were invited guests at a luncheon given by the American Rnka plant at Enka on Tucsdaj. and ,-eport a delightful time. Mrs. Roy McCal’ and Mrs. ( . C. Kilpatrick have returned home aftei a week’s visit in Columbia. S. l ■ Miss Jessie Elizabeth Whitmire had is her guests Sunday Mr. Lawrence Moten and Miss Louise Hawkins ol ',aMrs!'J\V. A. Thomas arrived last week from near Raleigh to spend ,ome time here with her daughter, j Mrs J. F. Zachary and family. j Miss Sadie North was Ruest last week of Mrs. H. D. Lee at Lake Tox "jHsses Gladys English and Maxim , Watson are in Asheville this week on business. , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Osborne nad as their guests on Sunday Mrs Os borne’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and ,Mrs. John Cooper and her brother. Howard York, all of Birmingham, Ala. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power sole contained in a Deed in Trust executed on the 1st day of August IPSO and by and between Hinton Mc Leod and wife, Frances A. McLeod, to \V. E. Rreese, Trustee, which said Deed in Trust is duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Transylvania County. N. C., in Book No. 28, page 51 and indexed in said office and to which said index and record reference is hereby made and the same made a part hereof for the put pose of description, and (h fault, having been made in the payment of both principal and interest on the! notes secured by the said Deed inj Trust and legal demand having been! made for the payment of fame by the hi lder of said notes, and all other legal notices having been duly given, the undersigned Trustee will, on Fri day, June 8th, 1934, at 12:00 o'clock M,' offer for sale at Public Auction, j and sell to the highest bidder FOR CASH at the Court Rouse door in the town of Brevard, County of Transylvania, State of North Caro lina, the following pieces, pareels or lots of land, and all. interests there in, as described and set out in said l Deed in Trust, and said land being more particularly’ dcseiifced as fol lows: FIRST TRACT: , , „ Being ail that tract of land fully described in a Deed *rom G. L. Glaze ner and wife Jessie L. Glazener to J. H. Tinsley and wife Bertha Tins ley, said Deed bearing date cf Sep tember 19th, 1919 and which Deed is registered in Book No. 41 at page 211, et seq. of the Deed Reccrds of Transylvania County, and which Deed and record are hereby referred to and made a part hereof for the purposes of a description of said tact of land SECOND TRACT: All of that tract of land adjoining the above described tract, and fully described in a Deed from ,P L. Eng lish, and wife Maude S. English to J. H. Tinsley, bv Deed bearing date >f August 21st, 1923, and which deed is duly registered in book No. 28 at page 31 of the Deed Records of Tran sylvania County, N. C„ and which Deed and Record are hereby referred to and m3de a part hereof for the purposes of a description of said tract of land. . Said sale being made for the pur pose of satisfying said debt, interest, rest and exoenses of said sale. This the Sth dav of May. 1934. W. E. BREESE. TRUSTEE. May 10 5t. Mrs. .T. M. Allison and Mrs. John M. Hudson and little son Jack motor ed to Picker.s for the day Thursday. Mrs. J. Dale SLentz and four children spent Sunday here with Mr. Stentz, who is cannected with Camp Sapphire. Miss Marie Ca>e has returned home after teaching school in Marion the past year. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Osborne had as their week-end guests Mrs. Os borne’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. M. A King of Athens, Ga. Miss Carol P. Oppenhcimer has re turned to her camp, Eagles Nest, here after spending some time at her home 'in Savannah, Ga. L. H. Bosse is quite ill at his home on Maple street. Mrs. Fred Shuford returned Sun day from Lynchburg, Va., where she ?pent the past several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Gene Stanberry and family. She was accompanied on the return trip home by Mr. Shuford and Clyde Shuford, who spent the week end in the Virginia city. Walter Banks of Columbia, S. C., visited his family here the past week. | A. B. Carter is said to be improv-l ing after an illness of the past week, i •Miss Dollie Masters was shopping in Brevard Friday. Mrs. P. T. Masters is reported to have been quite ill the past week. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Bush were in Asheville Tuesday ana attended the conference of county superintendents and office clerks of the fifteen West ern North Carolina counties. Rachel Williams, accompanied by six cf her schoolmates from Cullo whee, were Sunday guests of Miss Williams’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mar cus Williams. Mrs. L. B. Haynes has returned to her home here after spending some time with her sister in Henderson ville. Miss Alice Kirk ot Berea yonege, Berea, Ky., spent the week-end in Bre vard, stopping at The Bryant, visit ing friends here and attending the Brevard Institute reunion on Sunday. Miss Kirk was a former teacher at Brevard Institute. Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Zachary and family are moving this week from the : Puette house on Maple street to j Mrs. Haynes’ house or. Johnson street. Miss Launa Clayton, who is em-j ployed in Rut'nerfordton, spent the, week-end here with her mother. I Miss Bertie Ballard, who is attend ing a six weeks’ teacher training course at W. C. T. C., Cullowhee, j was the week-end guest of Miss Ku-i benia Nicholson. , Miss Louise Gillespie, oi Western Carolina Teachers college, was Sun day guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gillespie. Mr ami Mrs. \V. W. Ray were, shopping in Brevard Saturday. | Mrs Wood Paxton and little son of‘Greenville arc visiting Mrs. Pax ton’s mother, Mr?. Madge Wilkins. Guthrie and John Kilpatrick have returned to Brevard with their fami lies. after being employed for some time with the TVA at Norris, Tenn Mrs I C. Kilpatrick is visiting hei daughter.^ Mrs. B. F. Howard, at Ly ma"vs\ Margaret Bromfield of Green ville spent the week-end with her mother. Mrs. A. W. Barnette. i Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller attendee, the May Day foie at Montreat Nor-: rial on Monduy. Mrs. Lodema Robertson of Green-j viile visited friends in Brevard Sun- j ‘’“Mr. and Mrs. 1L V. Pmedberg re turned Iasi week from New Orleans, [a to spend the season at their sum mer Jion.c here, after spending several months in New Orleans anil Biloxi, Miss. HOMEMAKERS crass to_ MEET TUESDAY AFTERX00S t The Homemakers Hass of the Bap tist church will meet Tuesday after noon at 3:30 o’clock at the home of; Mrs. Orville Simpson. AH members ■ are requested to be present. Sl'XDA Y SCHOQL CRASS IX | IiUSIXESE-SOCIAR MEET ISO The Daughters of Wesley Sunday | school class of the Methodist church met Tuesday evening in the ladies parlor for the regular business and social meeting. . The business session was presided over by the class president, Mrs. E. b. English, during which several mat ters of importance to the class were transacted. Refreshments were served during the social period following the business transactions. The hostesses. of the evening were Mr3. J. C. Wike,! Mrs. J. E. Waters and Mrs. Fred| Johnson. CIRCLE XO. TWO MEETS WITH MRS. W. M. CLOUD Mrs. W. M. Cloud was hostess toi the members of Circle No. 2 of the Presbyterian church Thursday after noon at her heme. Mrs.* Cloud also presided over the meeting as circle chahman. The program on home missions was in charge of Mrs. G. C. Witmer, and the Bible lesson was given by Mrs. Hinton McLeod. Sowing material for the Black Mountain Orphanage was distributed to the members present. Refreshments were served by the hostess. __ MASONlcTlEETiNG Regular communication of Dunn’s Rock Masonic lodge will be held Fri day night, at 8 o'clock in the Masonic Hall. All members are urged to at tend and an invitation is extended to visiting Masons. Jerry Jerome, W. M. Henry Henderson, Secy. COMMENCEMENT STARTS AT FRUITLAND ON 12TH HENDERSONVILLE, May »— Commencement exercises at Fruitland t Institut ewiil be held from May 12 | to 17 inclusive, with the music re cital on May 12; baccalaureate ser mon, May 13; Nan Miller contest for girls, May 15; oratorical and decla mation contest. May 16; senior class day, May 17; annual trustees meet ing, May 17; commencement exer cises, May 17. Coming as a surprise was tiie mar riage of Miss Aiicen Neill to Mr. Cari Hamby last Saturday May 5th, in Hendersonville. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. U. L. Neill. The groom is'a native of West Virginia but is employed on Mills River where they will make their home. They have a ho3t of friends who wish them much happiness. Mrs. Van Tinsley and Miss Stella | Cody entertained with a miscellanc- i ous shower at the home of the for mer last Wednesday afternoon, hon oring Mr3. Robert Marcum, who was before her recent marriage Miss Ber tie Street. After the opening of the pretty and useful gifts the joint hostesses served refreshments. Several friends of Miss Dorothy Smith and Mr. Tom Mitchell, of Bre-| vard who were quetly marred last; Sunday, attended the wedding and i we all wish them every happiness. Mrs. J. H. Carter ar.Jl (Children attended the reunion on Mills River last Sunday. Little Miss Mary Ann Daniels has been ill of measles but is now improv ing nicely. Several people in the community ■ attended the old time singing con vention at Etowah Sunday. Rev. Hilemon, our Baptist minis ter, filled hir. regular appointment at the Pisgah Forest Baptist church ASK FOR ASSISTANCE ON HIWAY AT ENON —* Petition was presented to the board of county commissioners Mon day by residents of the Enon sec tion asking the body to recommend to the state highway commission that the road leading off Highway 28 at the top of the hill at Enon, via the residence of G. T. Lyday and others and again connecting with the highway near the Dr. L. Lyday place, be placed on state mainten ance. The petition was signed by J. M. Blythe and other residents served or interested in the road. It was point ed out by the petitioners that aside from serving a wide area, the road is part of rural mail route No. 2. The board made necessary resolution for presentment to the highway com mission. Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock. Gerald Patton of Rutherfordton spent. Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Patton. Several of tKe former Brevard In stitute students from Pisgah Forest attended the annual home-coming Sunday, Circle No. 1 of the Brevard-David son River Woman’s Auxiliary held its regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. T. E. Patton Jr. Thurs day afternoon. Miss Mamie Lyday, circle chairman, presided over the meeting with Mrs. Patton in charge of the program. The hostess served refreshments during the social hour. The Senior B. Y. P. U. class en joyed a weiner roast at White Pine camp recently. Rev. Hilemon and wife of Cedar Mountain were pres ent. A nice time was reported. Show Cards—Price Tag* Hull’s old store—Below P. 0. • 4 • * *• * - — » * » * m * -J. -W. -*■ To the Ladies: You are cordially invited to attend a KF.LVINATOR HOSTESS SCHOOL At our showroom on East Main Street Friday, May 18th, at 3:00 P. M. To be conducted by Mrs. Leila A. Fleming, our exper ienced Home Economics Expert of Greenville, S. C. Southern Public Utilities Co. DAY PHONE 116 BREVARD NIGHT PHONE 16 I WILL YOU LET YOUR GARDEN? That, is exactly what will happen unie I can save vour garden and that is to kill them. Poison in Dust or Liquid Form is the only thing that will kill the beetle and bug before, they kill ycur crop. We have the preparations and the spray guns tor using both fonns—and they are not expensive wood’s sr11 : Are one of our special sell- l ers . . . used wherever best i vegetables are grown. FERTILIZER Whether you want a single bag or a carload ... we have it. Lime-Filler & V-C