tyext War Will Be Foight From ASr' Says Well Known Authority w - With war clouds hovering over Europe, an article taken from The Buffalo (N. Y.) Times will be of spec ial interest to people here, and - especially so since the very tamely article is an interview with Dr Groves H. Cartledge, head of the chemistry department of the Univer sity of Buffalo. Dr. Cartledge is well known in Brevard, being a son-in-law of Mrs. G. C. Witmer. During the World war, Dr. Cartledge was liason officer ana saw service in the American Experi ment station/ut Washington, and had charge of proving new inventions in methods of warfare. The story cai a tied in the Buffalo paper follows: * * * k What about the next war? Gas from the air, says a Univer sity of Buffalo professor. Infantry with rifle and bayonet, assisted bv an air force, say- a brig adier general of field artillery. The struggle for the- mastery of the air, says a captain of the United State's air corps. The end of Christian civilization, s.\ys a leading Buffalo educator. The situation in Europe where France is afraid of a Germany that mav re-arm: where Hitler is feverishly building a German nation alism: where Austria grimaces at its old freind and ally across the border; and where Mussolini reviews the heavily armed Fascist! on every’oc casion, naturally focuses the mind ot the world on war. And those who would forgot about it have their memories jarred by Japan's recent action in China and the growls of the big bold Ru-sian bear as he prepares for border trouble with the Mikado s forces in Siberia. The U rrors of the last war natur allv lead us to ask what might be WAhe nature of a future conflict. ▼ [t, is the general consensus of opin ion that in a future war the non combatants, the defenseless civilians, will be embroiled more directly, and more disastrously. Mechanised armies, with long distance arms, aircraft, sub marines, poison gas and a probable innovation of the most barbarous con ception—pestilence, will reach for the folk- at home—the mothers, the wives, the babies. , It has long been a military truism that no army in the field is stronger than the country behind it. The mor ale then must be maintained on two fronts—field of battle and the source of supply at home. It will be the aim of the boards of strategy in the fu ture to wear down as quickly as po&* sible the army behind the army—-the workers in field and factory. And when the powers of explosion and gas and disease are unleashed against the home fronts they will run wild. No I hand will be able to control them, once they are freed. A life seeking, death j dealing gas cannot discriminate. It has no intelligence. It cannot pass over the aged invalid in her bed and the 1 sleeping child in its crib. * * * l)r. Groves H. Cartledge, head of the chemistry department of the Uni versity of Buffalo, describes the war , of the' future in four words, gas from the air. “The next war will be a quicker war.” Dr. Cartledge said “We are , accustomed to quicker and more dras tic action now. Things we wouldn’t , tolerate a decade or two ago we ae ' claim. “In the event of a future conflict, it is my opinion that the feeling of the people would be that the quicker ‘ he war is ended the better. The means of attaining the end would not he scrutinized too closely. “Although manpower will never lose value, the old fashioned meth od- of warfare have been put aside. The weapons of today are gas and the airplane. 1 believe that a nation at first would use gas only to incapacitate.. But if the tides of fortune should turn, the nation would become brutal and go to terrible lengths to win. “ I lu* majority of nations have out lawed tlie use of gas, but I am skep tical that they will abide by their pacts and treaties if hard presscdAj Two tons of liquid gas, carried by an : airplane, would be sufficient to blow, out the life of every man, woman and j child and animal in a strip 100 feet' wide and seven miles long. And this i gas is mild compared to some of the i new gases that each government now; has on hand.” I)r Cartledgo spoke of the long range photography which now has breti wonderfully developed It is pos - ible to take a picture at a distance of two to three hundred miles, through fog, snpw or rain, and thus know just where to place the deadly poisons All nations have a gas^ cacodyl isocyanide, so frightful that militarj men admit that they can’t bear to use it. “In the event of a tuture war, treaties to the contrary notwith-j standing, losses from gas and very, likely pestilence can be expected. Ar.d the soldier in the battle line will not be alone to face terrible danger. For a criminal nation gone mad can and will attack civilians as well. “Under sufficient protection -rom the air the development of infantry tactics, which at present makes an infantry regiment a combination 01 riflemen, bombers, machine gunners, and artillerymen, together with im provement in large calibre weapons, will make it possible to throw a tre NEW BLUE EAGLE TO BE GIVEN TO FIRMS WASSHINGTON, May 9—NRA’s new blue eagle will make its. long ■delayed debut this week. Arrangements to begin its distri bution were announced here with a letter from Administrator Hugh S. Johnson which i3 being delivered by the Post Office Department to every buriness man in the country. The new eagle, with the legend “We Do Our Part” replaced by the single word “Code” will identify em ployers who arc operating under an approved code and “have united to complete the work of recovery,” Johnson said. Under the word “Code” will ap peal' the name of the industry and ail individual registration number. For industries for which codes, have hot yet been completed Johnson! issued an executive order permitting continued use of the old blue eagle. Johnson’s letter to business men' explaining the new eagle said; “Its display by you will inform the public that you are cooperating with the vast majority in stamping out un fai>- practices and methods of com petition and that you are giving your employees a square deal by pay ing code wages and adhering to code hours. Last year you were asked tot dis play the blue eagle as evidence of your faith in the ability of American trade and industry to defeat depres-j si in by united effort. “This year you are asked to display j this distinctive blue eagle as a symbol that you .together with the other members of your particular trade or industry, have united to complete the work of recovery.” mendous fire power on any area in half the time it took during the last war. “When a great maas of men and the mechanised implements of war fare are turned loose, I hesitate to predict what the loss in lives and property will be. “But no matter what happens, the infantry must be there to hold the ground taken. The air force will as sist both in taking and holding.” In 1928 England held a mock air attack on London. Seventy-five air planes, each carrying 500 pounds of theoretical bombs, swooped down on L'ne city. .Seventy-five defense planes besides balloons, antiaircraft guns and every known device for defense were hurled against the attackers. Within 30 minutes every specified larget had been hit by the attackers and ail enemy planes had escaped without a casualty. The attacking planes were manned l»y private pilots to give the defenders every advan _ It takes approximately one mile of wire to make a full sized window : •creen. __ I This Offer Closes May 31 | I Show an actual profit on next^^^ year’s reading!... Your home news paper and the pick of this choice list of magazines ...All for the amazing, low price given below. I d--~ l 'l l JlJSipj [I p.. • jjihil 1 I i | jdefect I o/ ffiede r7amouA Waga&Jted. J mMMMm □ Bette' Homes 0 Gardens,) Yr. □ Delineator *. 1 Yr. □ Hollywood Movie Mag. 1 Yr. G McCall's Magazine.1 Yr. □ Movie Classic .1 Yr. □ Pathfinder (Weekly) ...1 Yr. □ Pictorial Review.1 Yr. □ Open Road (Boyi).2Yns. □ Screen Book - 1 Yr. □ Screen Play...1 Yr. □ True Confessions.1 Yr. □ Radioland.I lJ (our rn- arnes checked with a year's sabscrlpticn to your news? '."-r > **»* \ STREFT OS S F S .. ' -kBH ^THSBaasMSJz^i' xsrJ notice of sale of land Under and by virtue of the author* ity conferred by deed of trust axe cuted by Myrtle Kilpatrick Merreli end husband, D. W. Merreli, dated the 15th day of June, 1929, and recorded in Book 27, Sec. 2, Page 18. in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Transylvania County, Jefferson E. Owens, substituted Trustee, will, at twelve o'clock noon on FRIDAY, MAY 25th, 1934 at the Court House Door of Transyl vania County in Brevard, North Carolina, sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, the follow ing land, to-wit: A certain lot or parcel of lan<£ in or near the town of Brevard, County of Transylvania, North Carolina, and more particularly described as fol lows: BEGINNING on a stake on the East side of Maple Street at Dr. W. M. I-yday’s Southwest corner and runs with the East margin of Maple Street. South 20 degrees 35 minutes East 00 feet to a stake on th» East margin of Maple Street; thence North j (ip degrees East 150 feet to a stake: j thence North 20 Degrees 35 minutes j West 00 feet to a stake in Dr. W. M I [,yday’s line; then with his line.South, (JO degrees West 150 feet to the BE-: GINNING. Being the same land described in a deed from G. II. Paxton and wife. Ava Paxton t > B. W. Trantham and wife, by deed bearing date of. April! IKlh, 1925, which deed is registered in Bonk 50 at page 32 of the deed records of Transylvania County, N. 0.. to which deed and record reference is hereby made for a further de scription. This sale is made or account of default in payment of the indebted ness secured by said deed of trust. A five per cent (5 per cent) de posit will be required of the highest bidder at the sale. This is the 17th dav of April, 1934. JEFFERSON E. OWENS, Substitqted Trustee. (Loan No, 3431) April 26; May 3, 10, 17. 24. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred by deed of trust exe cuted by Rert H. Freeman and wife, Mc-lonee Lcoper Freeman dated the 1st day of September, 1928, and re corded in Book 27, page 3, in the of fice of the Register of Deeds for Transylvania County, V. S. Bryant, Substituted Trustee, will, at twelve o'clock Noon on MONDAY, MAY 2Sth, 1934 at the Court House Door of Transyl vania County, in Brevard^ North Carolina, sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, the follow ing land, to-wit: A certain lot or parcel of land in or near the City of Brevard, N C., and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake in the East margin of Caldwell Street, said stake standing North 29 degrees East 40 feet from the point of the hj^-th ern margin of French Broad Avenue with the said East margin of Caldwell Street, and runs thence, South 61 de grees East 117 feet to a stake; thenca North 29 degrees East 59 1-2 feet to a stake in the O. L. Erwin line; thence with said line North 61 de grees West 117 feet to a stake in the East margin of Caldwell Street; thence with said margin. South 29 degrees West 59 1-2 feet to the place of beginning. And being all of that certain loti of land described in a deed from J. L. j Whitmire and wife, Betty Whitmire, L to Bert H. Freeman and wife, Ma'onee Freeman, by deed dated the! 28th day of May, 1928; said deed of: record in the office of the Register of j Deeds for Transylvania County, N. J C. in Deed Book 61 at page 76. This sale is made on account of; default in payment of the indebted ness secured by said deed of trust, and is subject to all taxes and as sessments against said property whether now due or to become due. A five per cert (5 per cent) cash deposit will be required of the high est bidder at the sale. This the 26th day of April. 1934. V. R. BRYANT. Substituted Trustee. April 27. May 3. 10, 17, 24._ NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE. Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed in Trust from Frajjji E. B. Jenkins and wife Mary C. Jenkins to Geo. A.| Grimsley, Trustee, bearing date of; the 11th day of July 1930, and regis tered in Book 25 at page 191 ot the records of Deeds in Trust, for Tran sylvania County, North Carolina, se rui ir.tr certain indebtedness therein j named, and defaut haying been made in the payment of said indebtedness1 whereby the Power of Sale contained, in said Deed in Trust has become operative, and the holders oj the j notes evidencing said indebtedness have requested the undersigned Trus-I tee to foreclose said deed in trust, and all notices as to said default having; been given, therefore, the undersigned i Trustee, will on the 23rd day of May! 1934, at Twelve O’clock M. at the court house door in the Town of Bre vard, North Carolina, offer for sale, and sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real property. to-wit: , .. BEGINNING on a- stake on the East side of Maple Street, and runs with the Street North 19 degrees 45 West 242.8 feet to a stake, thence North 70 degrees 15’ East 150 feet to a stuke; thence Souch 19 degrees 45' East 242.8 feet to a stake; thence South 70 degree?. 15* West toO feet tn the Beginning, and being a part of the land described in a deed from William P. McGaho and wife M. A McGaha to Frank E. B. Jenkins, by deed dated Oct. 16. 1894, and record ed in the office of the Register of Deeds for Transylvania County. North Carolina, or. the 28th Jay of Novem ber 1894 in book 12 at page 378. The proceeds of said sale to be nopliea on said indebtedness, cost of sale. etc. This 21st day of April 1934. Geo. A. Grimsley. Trustee. L. P. Hamlin, attorney, j April 26, Hay 3, 10, 17. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Register of Deeds, subject to the will of the Democratic voters to be expressed in the June Primary, 1934. If nominated and eicctod, I promise to perform ali duties connected with the office to the best of my ability. Your support will be appreciated. NOAH C. MILLER, tfp Lake Toxaway. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of register of deeds subject to the action of the Demo cratic Primary in June. If nominat ed and elected, I will promise to serve the people of my county to the very best of my ability, and shall appreciate the support of ev eryone. EDWIN A. MORGAN FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS I hereby announce my candidacy for Register of Deeds subject to the will of the citizenry of Transylvania county to be expressed in the June Primary. Always a loyal Democrat ami supporter of the President and his Administration, I respectfully request your vote. ECK L. SIMS Brevard. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS I hereby announce myself as can didate for re-nomination and elec tion on the Democratic ticket for the place of Register of Deeds of Tran sylvania County., My record as your public servant is my recommenda tion. I shall appreciate your support, tf JESS A. GALLOWAY FOR STATE SENATOR I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination as Senator for the Thirty - second Senatorial District, subject to the action of the Demo cratic Primary which is to be held in June. The support of those having con fidence in my ability to serve the best interests of the public in thisj position will be appreciated, tfp M. W. Galloway FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce my candidacy for the House of Representatives subject to the action of the Demo cratic Primary in June. If nominat cd and elected, I promise faithful service as a member looking to thej interests of the people of the county and state. Your support will be ap preciated. W. M. HENRY. FOR STATE SENATOR I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination as Senator for the Thirty-Second Senatorial District subject to the action of the Demo cratice primary in June. I shall ap preciate your support, tfc-p RALPH H. RAMSEY, Jr j FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COUJiT To the Citizens of Transylvania County: I greatly appreciate the support af the good citizens of Transylvania County given me when I ran for the office of Clerk of the Superior Court for my first term which I am now serving. Since my election I have tried to serve the entire people of the county honestly and con scientiously. Every citizen of Tran sylvania county has received my best services when it was my opportuni ty to give same. I respectfully ask the support of the good citizens of the county in my efforts to be re-nominated and re-elected to the office I now fill. If nominated and elected I pledge my best services to the people of the county and will not, under any circumstances, be a candidate to suc ceed myself at the end of my second term. OTTO ALEXANDER FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS I hereby announce my candidacy for Register of Deeds, subject to the Democratic Primary to be held in June Your support will be ap preciated, ar.d if nominated and elected I promise to do my duty to the very best ef my ability. GLENN BURRELL Brevard TorTtateTenZtor I hereby announce my candidacy for State Senator from the 32ml Senatorial district, subject to k the will of the voters to be expressed in the June Primary. I shall appreciate your support, _ tl june pd COS PAXTON FOR TAX COLLECTOR To The Votera of Troi>*ylvuniu Co. Having served my county as Tax Collector for one term, and having faithfully discharged tlie duties of said office, I hereby announce my self as candidate for nomination for the second term, subject to the Democratic Primary. I will appreci ate the support of my friends. Respectfully. 0. L. ERWIN FOR SOLICITOR l hereby announce my candidacy for. the Democratic nomination for Solicitor of the Eighteenth Judicial District subject to the action of^ the Democratic Primary to be held on June 2nd. Support of my friends in Transylvania County will be ap preciated. R. LEE WHITMIRE. Hendersonville, N. C. FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination for Sheriff oi Transylvania County, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary to be held in June. If nominated and elected I promise to give to this of fie? the very best \ that is within me and to faithiuHy , fearlessly and impartially execute the duties of the office. You? eupport will be appreciated. Remctfully, L. E. BAGWELL FOR CLERK OF COURT I hereby announce my candidacy Clerk of Superior Court subject to the action of the Democratic Primary in June. If nominated and elected I promise to faithfully serve the peo ple to the best of my ability. I shall appreciate your vote and your sup port. SPALDING McINTOSH FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself as can didate for nomination and election on the Democratic ticket to the office of Sheriff for the second term and will appreciate the interest and support of all my friends.'I promise to do my best to serve the people of my county if again, elected to this office. TOM S. WOOD FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself as a candidate to succeed myself as a member of the board of county com missioners, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. I have done my best to serve the people during my past term and shall ap preciate your support again. W. L. AIKE.Y FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce my candidacy tor member of the legislature sub ject to the action -of the Democratic i Primary in June. I shall appreciate j your support and if nominated and I elected promise to work for all tha I people of the county. W. H. DUCKWORTH FOR SOLICITOR I announce my candidacy for re nomination as Solicitor of the 'Eighteenth Judicial District, subject I to the E'emocratic Primary, and re spectfully solicit your support. J. WILL PLESS, JR. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER At the insistence of a number of leading citizens of the county I here by announce my candidacy for nomi nation in the Democratic Primary for the place of County Commissioner. My reason fer running for the office is to be of service to the people. E. CARL ALLISON FOR COMMISSIONER I hereby announce for rc-nomina tion and election on the Democratic ticket for the office of Commissioner. I have done my best for the "past four years for my county, and if the people want me to continue I shall appreciate their support. W. B. HENDERSON FOR TAX COLLECTOR To the Voters of Transylvania County: I hereby announce my candidacy for Tax Collector, subject to the Dem ocratic Primary in June. If nomi nated and elected I will discharge the duties of the office to the best, of my ability. Xour vote gill be highly ap preciated. LEM BROOKS. FOR COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself *3 • candidate for the office of County Commissioner subject to action of the Democratic primary on June 2nd. If nominated and elected I shall do all in ■my power to assist and help my fel low citizens, especially the drowning | middle man, in some way that they [may have a chance to pay taxes by 'giving notes up to and including 1932. also take bonds for full amount of debt service. W. L. MULL. In ATLANTA HOTEL ansley 400 Light, Airy Rooms—-400 Baths. Most convenient loca tion in Atlanta. Garage und* the same roof. Radio. Rathskeller — Table *T ®»*« and a la Carle — and Cog«8 | Shoppe. MATES • BKASO.XABLE I One of DIMKLER HOTELS J Also: V [ Andrew Jackson Nashville, Tenn. Tutwller Hotel Birmingham, Ala. Jefferson Davis Monlgomerv. Ab St. Chmies New Orleans, b. gaSHlif i • BL_ CARI.nO HINKLER I * PresiiU’n: aa:1 Ctn. Mgr.