lil"'1.. a R=1 THE TRANS. ANIA TIMES | =ST I Transylvania = Merit County ! A Newspaper Devoted to the Best Interest of the People of Transylvania County ....J m 111111ii1111111111111111111nini11111111II111 f*l _ . - - - - Ng 20^ BREVARD, NORTH CAROUnX-THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1934 $1.00 PER YEAR IN TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY*" aoioois close DURING PAST WEEK Sixty-Nine Graduate at Bre vard and Rosman—Class Leaders Given Annual commencement exercises of the Brevard high school and the Bos nian high school came to a close r ri dav night. -The Rev. Iv Gibson Davis, pastor of the First Baptist chinch. Asheville, delivered the literary ad dress to the senior class < t the - vard high school on this occasion ml E. d. Coltmne. president of B «*ru college, addressed the gn iating class at the Bosnian high mol. There were 11 members the Bre vard senior class, and seniors in the Bosnian class. Do a Aiken was valedictorian of the Brevard seniors and Mabel Gillespie salutatorian; while in the Bosnian senior class Ophelia White was valedictorian and Fannie Morgan salutatorian. The baccalaun ate serm n was de livered by the Rev. Paul Hartsell, pa-tor of Ore Brevard Baptist church, to the Brevard graduating class on Wednesdav night. The baccalaureate sermon to' the Rosman seniors was .. r- Sunday afternoon by tne Rev. fhe-ley Herbert, pastor of the l-'ianklin Methodist church. villi* t exercises i the week at both -ehoois included the senior class ,lay ,v I'-iex the senior play and the junior-senior banquet. I r jepos is superintendent of th B’cvard high school and R. T. Kimzey f the Rosman high schoo.. DUST STORMS CLEARED AFTER SEVERAL DAYS It '.'i'll' from I’m’ Middle West oil Momlav v. re to the effict that vain , i.ri.k, • f rr ’ the week, causing ., har.v appvara. c • on mountain sides, hut niit "f sufficient density to came : • y material damage. SELICA SPELLING BEE GIVEN FRIDAY EVENING Another spelling bee will be hold at Selic i sch ol house on Friday iv wing of this week at 7:45 o’clock, m olding to aiinoui cy.mfcnt by Wade Dickson of the community. The spelling match will bo between the tali, and girD on one side and the m ' and boys or. the other, with prize for winning side being a picnic to 1 put on by the losers. FISHING SEASON TO OPEN ON SATURDAY Davidson river In the Pisgah Na tional Forest from near the entrance the m uth of Laurel Creek will be open for three hundred days of fishing beginning Saturday of this week, closing not later than May 27, regardless of the number of appli cants for fishing permits. No license is required to fish in the forest streams that are opened, it is pointed out. other than the per-, niit which is purchased from the rangers in charge and are to bo paid for with postal money orders only, no cash being accepted. It is expected that a number of people from ether sections will be hero for the opening of the season iin Saturday, next opening date to be June 2 when the north fork of French Broad will be open to 150 fishermen embracing -ix miles of fishing water. SPECIAL SERVICES TO BE HELD ON SUNDAY NIGHT A pageant. “A Road to a Safe To morrow,” will be presented at the Brevard Baptist church Sunday even ing at 8 o'clock sponsored by the Liv ing-ton circle. This is said to be a beautiful and Impressive pageant, and it is expect < d that a large number of people wiil he present Sunday night to see and hear the presentation. Costumes suit able to the various parts portrayed will be worn by the performers Mem bers of the circle will be assisted in the program by other members of the church and by a group of young people and children. Mrs. W S. Price and Mrs. George Simps' n arc directors of the pageant. A silver offering will be taken for benefit of the Livingston circle. BASS] ED IN COUNTY STREAMS Request for fifty thousand bass fincerlings made to the United States Bureau of Fisheries through Con gressman Zeb Weaver has been ap proved, according to announcement made at the Fish and Game Protec tive association meeting Tuesday night by John Smith, secretary. It is the aim of the protective asso ciation to place the bass in rearing pools and later transfer them to small streams feeding into French Broad. Township units arc- being organize: with people repotted to be active it Catheys Creek, Rosman and Dunn's Rock. < 4'** MISS OPPENHEIMER HERE FOR THE CAMP SEASON Miss Carol P. Oppenheimer, owner f Camp Eagles Nest for girls, has arrived in Brevard from her winter home in Savannah and is putting her popular camp into shape for the sum mer season. Miss Oppenheimer states that she : is very optimistic over the coming -cason and expects to greatly in crease her enrollment over that of last year, dl’CRARY CHILDREN MAKE GOOD RECORD Miss Only Eighteen Days of School Out of Total of Forty Years What is believed to be a record in Western Carolina if not in the entire state in school attendance has been made by the children of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil McCrary of the Little River section, the seven pupils having attended 40 school years with only IS days absent, making an average of 99.s per cent. Miss Doia McCrary, now a student at Brevard high school, liar attended 1 ten years, having sever, perfect at tendance certificates, with five days missed during the other three years. Mi-s Mary, also :> pupil at Brevard high, has attended school nine years,, has five perfect attendance certifi cates ar.d has misled seven days. Dorothy has attended seven years, six perfect attendance years, mis ed two days; I.mile attended six years, missed two days; Kathleen has at tended four years, three perfect iw Undance years and missed two days; Thomas has attended three jea'.s without missing, while the young, sf Mary, has only attended one year but. I'..1- 'made p nect attendance .... making a total of thirty school yu.; ; out f fifty without missing a day. Another outstanding fact about the children is that neither has failed to make me grade each year m school. Miss Saliie Merrill, principal ol ti Kiltie Riv r school, states that she Ims not found in her career as a vatTcr in various schools ot the state *;uv .T,.up ot children that have com. r*the attendance mark of th McCrary children, or equaled their moon, grades ill Mudios. ' elite, attendance certificates were awarded to fifteen children at the ei si g exercise held last Friday, a picnic dinner and awarding of 'he D. A. U. history avrda' to ..due Ja icing out tanding features o! the day. , Tlit' enure seveiun .■f 14 pupils passed.the state examin ation for entrance into high school; with a total <>f GO promotions out oi an enrollment of S7 f r the term be in- noted. Attendance during Die year was 87 per cent for the entire school. , -ii. Seventh grade graduates include ■ Lillie Ball, Ralph Barton, Baynard. Clara Cantre 1, A com a Capps, Jennie George. Alma Ham1’ t oi, Calvin McCrary, Clifford Mc Crarv, Dorothy McCrary, Glenn Mer rill, Paul Merrill, Odell Scett and Ethel Smith. TOM DILLARD FIRED UPON NEAR CASHIERS T< m Dillard, well known man of the Cashiers section, was reported to have been slightly injured last Sat urday morning as a result of a guni in the hands of Wes Bryson, also of the Cashiers section. Mr. Dillard, who is related to a number of Transylvania people, was in the company of K. Bumgarner when the shooting occurred and it! is general belief that the bullet which ; injured Dillard was intended for Bumgarner, acquitted several months j ago in Superior court in Jackson j county for the slaying of Frank Dry-! son, brother of Wes Bryson. Judge Felix Alley declared Bryson an outlaw on Monday in Superior court, calling upon any officer of thoi law to bring him to court JOHN’S ROCK TEAM TO PLAY FRANKLIN CAMP John’s Rock CC camp ball team continued its winning streak last; week by defeating Brevard by the ( -•core of 10-4 last Saturday and Ros man by the score of 22-2 Sunday af i ternoon. Lieutenant Drennon, in charge o. ' sports activities at John’s Rock, is ! sues a general invitation to the pub j lie to attend games at the camp, j Franklin CCC to play there Saturday afternoon at three o’clock. i ! BURIAL SERVICES HELD WEDNESDAY FOR KISER SENECA, May 15—Mike Kiser, 76, died at his home near Return at 2: IE- o’clock Tuesday afternoon fol lowing a lingering "illness. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Lizzie Hardin Kiser; one son, Fred Kiser, Seneca; four daughters, Mrs. Minnie Sheridan, Anderson; Mrs. Fannie Williams. Pickens; Mrs. Mart tie Murden and Mrs. Mamie Stewart, both of Augusta, Ga., and one' bro ther, John Kiser, Lake Toxaway, N. C. Funeral services were conducted from Rocking Knoll Baptist church at 3 o’clock Wednesday afternoon by the Rev. P. F. Capell. Interment fol lowed ip the church cemetery. GOLF COURSE BEING PUT IN GOOD SHAPE Work On Fairways and Greens Now Going On—No. 1 Tee Being Changed The Country Club golf course is undergoing considerable improve ments, preparatory to re-opening some time next week for public pW Operated in conjunction with the Welcome to Brevard organization, the fairways and greens are being im proved and number one tee is being changed from near the old club house to the knoll just below number nine green. Recognized as one of the sporty courses of Western North Carolina, the golT course is a decided asset to the tourist and camp in this section and has had good patronage i:i the past. With improvements be ing put on the fairways and greens and clearing of adjoining roughs, i> is expected that the local course will be means ol‘ attracting a fine class of sportsmen here for the summer m< mbs. _ ... , Greens fees, it is expected, will ne 50 cents per day with slight rebate for season* play. MEDALSAWlDEP !N HISTORY EFFICIENCY Announcement has been made 01 the awarding < f the D. A. R. history medals to sevi nth grade pupils in ,'ivc schools of the county, for mak ing the highest average for the year in the study of United States hist try. The following medal? were award ed: Martha Kate Moore and Jack Gravely. Brevard: f.ueile Gall way. i;(1 ri; .John Lydav, I'en". ?: Ed ward Curt... 1’isgr.ii Forest; Lilli® Ball, Little River. t; is of interest to note tha; am Wg th medal winners, one is n descemi air of the Hessians, another is the son. rf an Italian and n_ third is descended from the Washington Balls, all winning prizes for the best students in United State- history. Members of the local chapter Daughters of the \meriean Revolu iion presented the medal• to the var i winners, tlv se making the pre -er.tntions in the different schools in cluding: Mrs. It. H. Ramsey, regent, Mr-. T. A. Berg, Miss Annie Jean Gash. Mrs. T. E. l’atton Jr., and Mrs. 11. V. Smedberg. VV. M. U. ASSOCIATION TO MEET HERE MAY 29 Transylvania W. M. U. associa tional meeting will he held at Brevard Baptist church on May 20 beginning ;t ; n o’"look and continuing through the day .according to announcement by Mrs. M. C. Shipman. a=socintional superintendent. An interesting program being ar ranged, s i) e c i a 1 invitation being issued lo all pastors of the county in attend. E. P.' Galloway 111 Many friends throughout the coun try will regret to loarn of the ser ious illness of E. P. Galloway in Pa eusville, S. C. Mr. Galloway was re moveil to City Hospital In Greenville where he underwent a major opera tion Tuesday. At latest reports lie was resting comfortably. Mr. Galloway is a native of Transylvania county and lived here all his'life until a few years ago when he moved to South Carolina. JOHN Nil BURIED AT DAVIDSON RIVER Funeral services for John G. Neill, 81. who died late Tuesday afternoon, were held Wednesday afternoon at English Chapel.. The Rev. H. L. Souther officiated. Burial was in the Davidson River cemetery. Mr. Neill had been iil two weeks at his home. Pallbearers were grandsons and grandsons-in-law of the deceased, and the flower girls were his granddaugh ters. Surviving art one daughter, Mrs. W. R. West, Brevard, and two sons, V. L. Neill, Brevard, and A. C. Neill, Marcia, New Mexico. Moore and Osborne had charge of funeral arrangements. REGISTRATION ASKED BY DEWEY GRAVELY Re-registration or renewal cf re gistration in the office of the Tran sylvania county-rc-employment of fice is ordered in a communication received here Saturday by Dewey Gravely, county re-employment man ager, from Capus M. Waynick, state director. Re registrations may be made by letter or personal calls, Mr. Gravelcy says, but he emphatically point3 oul that the state director requires .al; | who have registered must renew with j in 90 days of their original filing cr the cards will bo taken from th< i active list, thus keeping applicants I from many jobs that might otherwise 1 be had. ' All who are now registered m th< re-employment office arfe by Mr. Gravely to re-register a once. Offices are in the county conr i house. | SWIMMING POOL TO BE COMPLETED SOON Work Started Monday Morn ing—Will Be Open In Three Week* Brevard’s municipal swimming pool will he completed and ready for ' swimmers within thrjch- wkeks," ac cording to W. A. Wilson, FEP.A dir ector. and Ernest Miller, who are in charge of the project. Several crews of workmen under Mr. Miller are engaged in pouring cement for the side walls of the | pool, and the bottom will be ready for pouring next week, Mr. Miller said. The pool, when completed, will he •15 by 105 feet, ranging in depth from thrpe and one-half feet to nine and one-half, and will be as up-to date pool as can bo found in the sec tion. In addition to the swimming pool, several acres of land, given by the Brevard Building and Loan Associa tion, surrounding the i\ool, will form a park that will be complete in every detail, thus giving an added attrac tion for summer folk. SINGING CONVENTION MEETS HERFSUNDAY Five County singing convention will be held in the Brevard high school auditorium Sunday, beginning at ten o'clock. Sirgirs from Transylvania, Hen derson, Polk. Buncombe and Hay ward counties are expected to at tend, the five county convention al ways bringing a large number of people here. Profess r W. L. Ilarmon of Rod man. president of the convention, ex tends a cordial invitation to the gen eral public to attend. MULLIKIN TO SPEAK AT COURT HOUSE FRIDAY Robert R. Mullikin. of Asheville, candidate in the Democrat** primary for member of Congress, will apeak at the county court house Friday night at eight o’clock. Mr. Mullikin, himself a veteran < f the World War, has been very activ in affairs for the soldier. He has been active in business affairs in Western Carolina for a number of years and is now a practicing attor ney in Asheville. ROCKBROOK CAMP WILL HAVE CAPACITY SEASON Rockbrook camp for girls will he filled this summer to its capacity of 100 campers, according to a statement made this week by the director, Mrs. H. N'. Carrier. The camp opens on June 28 for the season. About 20 girls from South Caro lina were special guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carrier at. Rockbrook last Sat urday. The girls will all be enrolled at thi~ camp the coming season, some of them having attended camp here previous summers, while others of the number were here for their first visit. The girls reported a most de lightful day spent in canoeing, hik- ] ing. horseback riding and in other ways getting a taste of the pleasure of camp life this summer. A picnic dinner provided by Mr. and Mrs. Car rier was another enjoyable feature of the day. BROAD STREET WILL BE PAVED BY STATE; Ha> ry H. Patton, city clerk, has I ] been notified by the State Highway i department that work on North 1 Broad street has been approved and I will be started a« soon as required] property abutting the street has been i secured by the town from owners. Plans call for widening and paving Broad street from end of pavement just below the square to the city limits, and possibly to the top of Gallimore Hill. NEW ARRIVAL Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nor 1 wood a daughter, Hilda Muirheadl j Norwood, on Thursday, May 10. IWELLlNOWNLADY ! BURIED ON MONDAY ! - Word was received in Brevard Sun day of the death of Mrs. Rhr-da h i&her Neal who died in her home ir. Houston, Texas, on Saturday after noon, death bein-j due to s stroke of paralysis. Funeral services and bur ial were held in Houston Monday af ternoon. Surviving are the husband, J. B. Neal of Houston, Texas; and the following children: Miss Ethel Neal I and Claude E. No&l; Ralph R. Fisher, of Brevard, Clarence and Jack Fisher I of St. Petersburg, Mrs. S. Welbome i of North Wilkesboro. ! Mrs. Neal was a daughter of the late Capt. Thomas Walker of Polk county, and was twice married, her first husband being Dr. . C. Fisher of the Lake Toxaway section. She has made her heme in Texat- for the j past several years. FIVE BALL TEAMS ARE ORGANIZED IN COUNTY Baseball fans in the county are hop ing to have a six-team league forme; within the near future, five teams having already teen organized. Bosnian and Transylvania Tanning company have each had teams for several weeks, organization of new outfits having hi e(n perfected last week at Pisgah Cotton Mills, Lake Tcxaway and at Pisgah Forest. PROHIBITIONFORCE IS NEARLY DOUBLED Tax Payment Duties Added to Federal Workers Under T. Edgar Patton CHARLOTTE, May 16—The per sonnel of the alcohol tax unif of the Carolinas has been almost doubled under instructions received last week by men in the two states who were in the industrial alcohol unit, placing them under the new unit, of which T. E. Patton investigator in charge of the unit, is head. The alcohol tax unit is the former alcoholic beverage unit of the Caro. linas which was transferred !a«f week from the department of justie to the treasury department. Twenty-four men in the bureau of industrial alcohol in the two Caro liras went into the alcohol tax unit under Mr. Patton as a result of the order Twenty-six men were in the old alcoholic beverage unit of the Caro linas. thus giving Mr. Patten a force of 50 investigators with which to wo'-k in the two Carolinas. This number is approximately th" number that was hi the old prohibi tion bureaus for the two states. It . ■ pi-i liable that there will be even more additions, indicating that the federal government is planning to go tlir nigh with its announced purpose of ( ( Heel ing the taxes and running out liv bootlegger'. The 2-1 employes of the bureau of alcohol who have been transferred t 1 Mr. Patton’s unit have been iceate.i in the two states fc.r the last two or three months, awaiting the trails*, r of the enforcement ag uric- to tie treasury department. During th. time they have seen little activity. IT*.vv sver. all of them are old prohibit! investigators and are expected to a i materially to the efficiency of •••'• forcemeat of the two state? Twelve of them are located ii South Carolina and 12 in North Car olina It is expected-that full instruction • as fo the manner of enforcement v:’ be here within the next few day Although r.o instructions a< to th methods of enforcement under th new department have been received the new name of the unit indicates that the federal officer? will be required to enforce the laws largely with a view of collecting all taxes due t!r government and prosecution with thr view of heavy fines and .sentences which are provided for evasion of tax payment-? to the government. MEET ON SATURDAY All farmers and business people of the county are requested by the Tran sylvania Fair Association to meet at the county court house Saturday af ternoon at 2:-10 o’clock at which time plans for staging a county fair will be discussed and committees appoint ed. , . Flave II. Holden, president of the Fair Association, states thrft people in all sections of the county are show ing intci’cst in staging a county fair this fall and he requests that all peo ple, men and ladies, come out to tin meeting Saturday afternoon. HOUSE RAISING TO BE HELD FOR REV. BURT ROSMAN, May 16—There will be a “house raising” held at the rcs’ dence being erected by Rev. J. E Burt in the Quebec community Fri day. Dinner will be served by the uidies of the community during the noon hour. An invitation 1? extended all members of the churches of winch the Rev. Mr. Burt is pastor as well as other friends to attend. U. D. C. PLAY WILL 3E STAGED FRIDAY EVENING A benefit entertainment, “District School," will he given at the Brevard elementary school Friday evening of this week at 8 o’clock, the proceeds to bo used toward buying new books for the U. D. C. library. Grandfather's photograph ■lburn will be featured, together with the older men and women of the town acting as pupils in tne district school. An evening of wholesome fun and laughter i/ promised all who at tend. Miss Sattie Parker, librarian, is directing the entertainment. REVIVAL SERVICES TO START ON NEXT SUNDAY ItOSMAN, May 16—Revival aer j vices will begin at Zion Baptist church Sunday conducted by the pas tor, Rev. ,T. E. Burt, assisted by Rev. A. S. Lockee, the Indian evangelist. The Rev. Mr. Lockee comes very high-y recommended, being a grado ate of Washington and Lee utuv«t sity. ONLY NEEDY TO BE f GIVEN RELIEF WORK Number of Hours Will Be De termined By Need of Family Workers on federal projects went on jobs this week under drastically reduced hours specified in the pro gram of Federal Emergency Relief administration. W. A. Wil on, week, that person or head of the family will he giver, enough work to pay wages amounting to $2. If the family is large and it has been necessary to give it groceries and other aid to the amount of $6 or $8 a week, the h ad of the family will bo given enough hours of work to earn him this sum. Previously, vr rkors on fed'U'a' > jeets have been given 15 Ivors • i work each week regardle- ■/ the size of the family. Around one hundred men '.ill he given part time work on the I!riv;wd swimming pool project thi Mr. Wilson said, working in alternate crews, according to hours allot- ii t h worker hut six days per week hoh-g put in on the poo! project it;, con': u ous rotation of workers. Thro a:1 <•» major projects will be -Tar'-i: :,y first of June, the local ;.c|::l:u ora tor said. “We should lil- in put r, i . men to work,1’ Mr. Wii tt s instructions from Pa leigh ami Wa ington make i' ahr >!utt lr that we proceed slowly. " • - / ahead with th- work as r,;i: we can. but it is b st «he our way, and we shall do ju-t thc! The FERA work is to b -tr.' ; for relief. Funds have been d '" ■ Iv reduced and instructions ha ■■ !'•••» received to employ only th < have been on relief files a id these only long enough tor the ;>■ •• '.<» meet ahsolul nee.-•dri-s. Fairness in determining th bar of hours each workman r. tied to be employed is n -"v. ,1 case workers have checked the ne * of all persons on the relif fihs. and relief has been given acc-rdinv.v. WALTER GROCA.” R BURIED IN FLORID A SANFORD. Fla.. May M -Fam- i! services were lu l tinctivc service. Head With Tinsley M E Head, well known Brevard barber, hns taken a position with Tinsley's Barber shop cm News A cade, and makes ar.nouncnnc' through the advertising columns ■ this paper that he will be glad for ; customers ana friends to cad on n ' there. _% TAX USTiNG MADE MANDATORY BY LAW Reports from tax listers in some precincts are to the effect that less than fifty per cent of the tax payer? i are listing their property as required by law. . , , Under an act of the legislature a., property owners who fail to list their taxes can he assessed an extra ten per cent of their total vnluar.oc. ano ♦he county commissioners and tan supervisor asserted prior to listing time that this rule would be strictly enforced. Request has been madd tc si! listers to turn in thair books m not later than June 15, hence it wtij be necessary that those who have act listed to do so at once in order te avoid it# penalty.