' BLANTYRE BREEZES (Mrs. Ada E. Reed) Mr. and Mrs. Sam Billings have Veen spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Justus. Miss Bello Reed spent the week end at h.v home here. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Baynnrd visited Mr. Baynard’s father, Mr. H. t ■ ■ ivnarci. who is ill, last Sunday. The children of Mr. and Mrs. M Frady are ill with measles. Misses Ella and Susie Reed el East Plat Rock visited relatives here Sunday. Miss Jimmie Jones called on Mis- j Belle Reed Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. \V. K. Duncan at tended services at Carsons Creek Sun day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Williams and little daughter Kathrine o? Plat Peek visited Mr. and Mrs. John Reed and family recently. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Kahn and fam ily have as their guest his mother, Mrs. Rnhn from Georgia. Claud Rickman called on Ralph Reed Saturday. , John Reed called on Louis Johnson; Saturday. I Miss Fred Maxwell visited her, sister Mrs. Leroy Davis, recently. ( Harvey English of Boylston was a Blantyre visitor Saturday. (By Ward Breedlove j A group of Silica ami Cherryfield | folks nut at the school house here, Monday night t'< r the purpose b. j organizing a community e ub. Clar- j cnee Whitmire, community garden! supervisor, called the meeting tu j o-der Mr. il iden made a splendid j talk, which w.t follow, d by many of | the citizens here. The ext meeting j will be Monday evening at 8 o’cb eh.1 Mr. and Mrs. Tom MeKinna and! Mr?. I' nry fiarren w nt to Daeus-j ■ ;ie. 8 C.\ Sunday, visiting Pink, Galloway, who •> reported very ill.] It is said Mr. Galloway will cuter, the Greenville h spital soon for an operation. Rev. Sherman Pearson preached a splendid sermon at the home of Mr., and, Mrs. Henry Barto: Sunday. The sermon was or. Mother l ove. Mi’s Inez Dunn was home from j Knka visiting on Sunday. M. C. Whitmire killed a large rat-: tie hue last week. Mrs N'athan Gall way of Rosman! visited hu- sister. Mrs. M. S. Dunn, Saturday. i I’ncle Elijah 'Eubank- was a recent, visitor of his father at Little River, i Mrs. Winnie Bfeirton of Hickory | was visiting here last we k. Mr ar.d Mrs. Alvin Fowler visited j their cousin’. Albert ar.d Nellie Mc Kirna Sunday at Cherryfield. Miss Dieie Barton is visiting her *’ father and brothers, who are employ ed at East Fork. . Mr. and Mrs. Dealer MeKinna ac companied by Mr. ar.d Mrs. Carlos | MeKinna and Mr. and Mrs. Bayunrd ( ,* Pickens visited Mr. and Mrs. H. j C Barton Sunday. Mrs. Houston Barton and children , visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom Galloway ! c-' the Cherryfield seetii n Saturday right. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Barton were visitors of the latter’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Cloe Owen in Brevard over the week-end. Mrs. C. R. Sharpe visited her mother, Mrs. James Mull. Sunday. We wonder who will b< nterested j enough in Selim to go to Brevard; Saturday in the interest- f the eoun-, tv fair this fall. And also do we want, e fair ground- donated by the, .■ flntv home here. A building is badly . 'dPded here now for social and public j gatherings. Speak folk- and don t foi-, u •» to come out to the ’ehool house | r .xt Monday night and find out some the good thing? in ’tore for us, v. ,• our effort and asking. notice of executrix Having qualified a ex cutrix of , ■ last will and t, -tament of Pink ri v Sylvester King, deceased, late of i Tvan-vivania County. X th Caro lina. till- i- to in*'.Ify all persons having claims against th. estate oi, :iid d roa-od to exhibit them to tj i:!\i!pr?iKnC(l at Brevard, North Cai*[ linn on or before tlie i2th day of! April, to;.'*, or 11*5 notice will be; ,-leaded in bar of the.r v eovery. All persons indebted to -aid tstate will; i lea:- make immediate payment. i This the 10th day of April, 1 Dtl4. .irniTll KIXG. E : utrix of the Last Will and Test: -'lent of Pink ney Sylvester King. AplS-oC ’ * FOR SOLICITOR CLARENCE O. RIDINGS J - j Clarence Oborne Ridings, promi-j nent attorney of Forest City, author izes The Times to announce his can lidacy for solicitor ox the Eighteenth Judicial District, comprising the counties ef Transylvania, Rutherford, McDowell, Yancey, Folk, and Hender son. . Mr. Ridings is a young in:m and ihn? practiced his profession m Ruth erford and adjoining counties since 1922. He has been an active and i yal Democrat all of his life and was the Democratic member of the Legislature of 1921 from Polk County fin which county he was horn and reared). He served for several years as chairman of the Democratic executive commit tee of Rutherford county and ha? bci n a member of the State Demo cratic committee since 1926. A vet eran of the World War himself, he has been active in rendering assist ance to disabled veterans. He is a graduate of Frnitland Institute, m Henderson county .took law course in Wake Forest College. Mr. Ridings won two medals as an , rator while in school for debating and has developed into a trial lawyer of ability. He has many friends throughout the district who are work ing for his nomination. Renew Your Subscription AT THE CLEMSON THEATRE Katharine Hepburn will appear in •‘Spitfire” at Clems r. theatre Fri day and Saturday oi this week, star- • ling with Robert Young, Ralph Bell-j ainy and Martha Sleeper. This pic-j lure is the sensational screen star’s, latest, and what is said to be her: greatest screen hit to date. In this, j she appears as Trigger Hicks, an! elemental girl of the Carolina moun tains, portraying a character of the most vivid contrasts. Ramon Novarro will pay the title role in “Laughing Boy’’ on Monday and Tuesday. I.upe Velez portrays (the role of Slim Girl with Ramon N'o varro. The picture is a stirring film tale of Navajo life, depicting a pic turesque Indian wedding ceremony in me of the scenes. It is based on Oliver I.eFurge's Pultizer prize story, and has an entire tribal cast with more than 1000 Navajo Indians tak ing part in the strange dances and yelling chants of the Indians. T*r CAM«w. you CAN SMOKE AU TOO WANT- i AND CAMU& WON'T f OMIT TOOK , f NUVIS. Jy 1 W ' YOU WILL SEE 20th ANNIVERS _ mama ■ ■ $ $ > ■! .|. **» * * * * ***** AT ^HMWH+++tfM4+ our HOS Friday, May 18th at 3 p. m. Conducted By Mrs. Leila A. Fleming Of Greenville S. C. Interesting to All Ladies Whether Users of Electric Refrigeration or not. * | flj Plenty of ice cubes at all times—with Kelvin 11 ator’s extra fast freezing and large ice capacity. Il Frozen dessert or salad made in a hurry! Merely put it in the World’s Fastest Freezing Speed Tray and it will be frozen in record time. I Nothing to remember or forget. It’s fully auto matic. 1914 1934 Large storage capacity which makes it possible for you to buy foods ill quantity—AT QUAN TITY PRICES. And note for the first time, is the refrigerator with a place for everything. The “Fourth” refrigerator is a compartment where you can keep fish, meats, game, or an extra supply of ice cujbes indefinitely at below freezing temperatures. Nothing to re member or forget. It is fully automatic. YOU CAN BUY A KELVINATOR FOR 15c A DAY Southern Public Utilities Co. RADIO PROGRAM-WSOC 11:45 A. M. MON.-WED.~WBT 11:45 A. M. TUES.-THURS.-FRI. Day Phone 116 Brevard > Night Phone 16