V '** V 't* V V V *P V V V V V V V V V V V V V V I GLANCING I f BACK AT | l BREVARD | *;• Taken from the files of The J '• Sylvan Valley News, beginning * ••• is1.).'), through the courtesy of * $ * Mrs. W. B F. Wright. * (From the file of Feb. 2B, 1898) A very enjoyable celebration of Washington’s birthday occurred at Brtvard Kpworth scho 1 Tuesday evening. The day was observed as a holiday and in the evening an enter tainment was given which was grati fying to all. A new building is 111 process of erection on the lot recently pur chased by J. E. Clayton, for W. L. Aiken's meat market. The old building now occupied by him on the corner is to be removed to make room for a double business front. 1, F Sorrells has purchased an acre 1 t from W. 1\ Whitmire, ad joining M. I>. Cooper near the depot for §400. on which he will erect one or more cottages. Miss Esther King visited at Hr. John M. Crenshaw’s at Table Moun tain last week. r-s. Hessie King has moved her h> t "dd goods into the house with Mi 1.. F. Sorrell. C,t w. L. Hume returned from his rev. it trip to Charleston on Sunday and reports a highly gratifying visit. It has -settled down to business again ,-s if he intended to remain in Bre vard for all future time. Osl me Lambert, who shot and kilted Engineer Bumgartner near Fit tellers several weeks since, ha.' beer, captured and is in jail at Hen dersonville. lie has not been three miles from hone since th homicide. It is understoood he gave himself up to the officers. N’i twithstanding that all interest is a! present n-nt red in the destruction of the battleship Maine in Havana harbor, some things are occurring in at.,I around Br-.vard which may yet have tienien ions iafluenct in |jic fu ture prosperity of Brevard. Thcie me rum- m in th air which indicate that Brevard is to enjoy a boom or nal prosperity during th" present summer; but as yet we are Tc My ‘ , Customers: j • I i .1( • w located at Tinsleys | '• »»., ... ,. yho" next door to '! an j sy!\ iiia Times office and shall j j i, pK as. d i i tv. you with the | j! same i ’ll' cc ;s barber w rk. | | M. E. HEAD | \\ o'iv making many new friends in our new loca tion. and shall be glad to ?‘>rve voa. ii - i TINSLEY Barber Shop i. LI A TINSLEY jj >, Transylvania Times Who Is the Best Judge of Quality in Mcai Scraps? A white Inhuniiory rnt has novel Is: cn known to get its name in l ie Hull of Faille oi Wlm’s Win). Vel Hits Mm lest little '•feature Inis tomrlhiited much to Hie advancement of solcnll ,;e feeding knowledge ns any oilier known factor, according to H. C. Selinefer of I’uurlim Mills' Resea.cli I '..partmei't. A cage full of white nits." says Selinefer, "Is n better guide lo de termining the quality and feeding value I,f chirk feed Ingredients than a room full of chemists no matter how well Two 111 cat Scraps prepared by the same manufacturer • had same percent of Protein•• looked alike • • smelled alike • • Jtulyied within Vs -cost the same -hutthey urt/t Jiffenttr/ MW5CWI Ml at scrap l UVight el Rati at 7 ll’whs informed they may be. We have al ums known that the nutritive quali ties of vltnmlns cannot he accurately revealed by tests In the chemical lab oratory. Now we know also that such testing cannot of Itself tell much about the feeding value of proteins, either. In support of this statement Schaefer describes two samples of meat scrap. ■•noth of these were purchased from ihe same manufacturer.” he explains, •■chemical analysis showed no differ ,.iiee. Sample No. 1 analyzed So-OiOe ! protein and the other sample varied i less lima trr from that auiount. Both I mmplcs looked alike, sine-lied alike, and cost the same. i_ inly authorized to announce them as minors. One of the proposed efforts to bring money to our county is a i fixed fact and we announce it as the i Stave Industry. \V. A. Fuller and Ft. H. Zachary have already made purchases of white oak and hickory which they propose to manufacture into staves and ship by rail to mar ket. They made a purchase of stand in? hickory from Dr. M. M. King the Week and they propose to at once lest the feasibility of shipping from here by a trial car load. This will mean niployment of idle labor in the man ufacture of staves. Regular employ ment at fair wages would add to the • iconic of merchants and business men over the entire county. Bus Merrill and Miss Underwood fiom Mitls River were married last Sunday. They are stopping for tne m-esint with Mrs. Ashworth at Grange. l)r. M rey, the dentist, win £>e neie ig'ie court week, the first week in Have your w ready for him. (,. |. Chas. Huey, who has been ,v ml months in charge of the l, uiing at Sapphire, i- at present v h timing in Brevard. The trial of F. C. Cox for larceny ! 'ore Squire Hume on Wednesday n-ulted in binding him to court. While locking for bail Mr. Coy very mv-tevi: usly disappeared, leaving his ■ ii o’se in Sheritf McGaha s stable. < Matthew Wilson died at the home of his sort in Piedmont, S. C., some •hive weeks since. Mr. Wilson is well t>-• the people of Transylvania .•«.nitty as having been reared at tno , hi Wilson homestead on Catheys j Creek. : V Tennessee lumber company has ; hud representatives in the county re !. i tiy in the interest of establishing j mills'and shipping the lumber. Our 1 people need not be surprised to see (the mills of this company in many ot lour mountain cover in the item [future. ^ Renew Your Subscription Potatoes, Northern Grown Select and Certified Seed Oats, Onion Sets Cabbage Plants. . . Bulk and Package, Garden, Field and Flower Seed For Every PPPOS Farm Animal * 1 FR HLIZER FOR EVERY PURPOSE PPSIPFRIFQ Acoraplt;XSstaples bnUULfllLu that will Save You Money j| | J Sc Seecl^^H With the Checkerboard Sign 11 I_9 _ i N ■■ ■ — I * * * * •> •> * •> •> * •> ❖ •> * * * * * * * * * * * * ♦*> * * * * * * * ! Local and Personal Items | >:• * -y.y .y -y -y -i -y Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Tinsley and. s n James and Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. J Hunter of Greenville attended the| graduation exercises of Brevard high i school Friday night and spent the} week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Tinsley. Capt and Mrs. W 0. Bacon of Ocala, Fla., are spending the summer with Mayor and Mrs. J. C. Wike. Dr. ar.d Mrs. it. L. Stokes returned last week from a motor trip of sev eral weeks in California and other western states. itev. Paul Hartsell left Monday for j Voit Worth, Texas, where he will at- j 'end the sessions of the Southern . Baptist convention. He made the trip By motor and will be away about a week. Lawrence Williams and Harry Pickelslmer were Hendersonville j visitors last week. Mrs. Fred Emmerson of Asheville1 visited her mother, Mrs. J. E. Clay-1 ton. and family the past week and J attended the commencement exer-| rises of Brevard high school. Mrs Julia Trowbridge and daugh-j ter were guests of President and Mrs. j C. H. Trowbridge at Weaver college, on Mother’s Day. i Mrs. P. S. King and daughter, Mr?. J. M. Tatum, have moved to 54 Merrimon avenue, Asheville, joining Mr. Tatum, who is in business there. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bogon art mov ing the first of the month into the King house on Probart street, from heir former residence in Forest Hills. Mrs Nettie Benedict has moved in to the home of Mrs. Laura Miller on Probart street, where she is now re siding. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Whitmire and, daughter Ruby and Mae Cunningham ; spent Sunday in Six Mile. S. G. Dennis and Elaine Scruggs of Hen dersonville are visiting their grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Cun ningham. . 'Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ware, of L>n colnlon, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Huggins and othei friends here. Their son Bdl Man. who has been in school here, returned home with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. P Ward and two children spent Mother’s Day with Mi Ward’s grandmother. Mrs. •’an Ward, at Dana. They also ! 'the Ward-Pace reunion at Dana on; I Sunday. . . , , Mrs. A. B. Galloway visited her ! mother, Mrs. L. A. Lewis, at Mills River the past week. : Miss Carolyn Fincher of LnicoJnt n was the week-end guest of Miss Eli zabeth Price. H V Plummer, who was confined in the Lyday Memorial hospitla." a* j able to return to his home heu- -ne, past week. Miss Inez Hart of Greenville was I the week-end guest of her mother, Mrs. L. M. Hart, a the Pines. Walter and Ro! rt Duckworth of! Marshall were Sunday guns? < of t:heir ! parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Duck- - worth. Misses Martha and Ruth A aughn I spent the week-end here with their ! parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L Vaughn. Thev expect to return to their home, here next week, after the dosing of Limestone college, Gaffney. ... I I Harrv Clavt n. Dunk Sullivan amt Lewis Sham of Laurc-ns. S. C.. where they play baseball in the city mague, were Sunday guests of Airs. J. r Clavton and family. . Harold Erwin is visiting his aunt in Anderson, S. C. ,.. Misses Sadie Dalton and Dorothy Kessler, of Denmark. S. C., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. -T. Rogen. Mr? E. W. Blythe, who has been spending th- winter with her daugh-, , tor in Marion, return d Monday to| her home in Brevard. She wa« ac-| ■ companies! by her little granddaugh ter. Jean Glenn. . | Mrs Tom Hampton has moved from Maple stro t to the former Ralph I Duckworth home on Johns, n st;-'vt Rev. Harry Perry attended toe two-day sessions of the clergv c o'.v > cation 'of tlie Episcopal church con ! v ring in Franklin this week. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Ras- o had J „S their week-end guests Mr. andj Mrs. Rcrry Fleming i f Augusta. Ga., Mr. Fleming is an author o; n ite. J Mi s Famleal Harrison, head of| tiie Out-nf-Doov school at Seva ota. j Fla was guest several days the va t w ek f Air. and Mrs. II. K. Carrier,j whose daughter. Helen Carrier, at-; tends this school. Aliss Hairisop wanj nccomnaniod to Prevard bv her 'is ter, Mrs. Raoul, also of the Florida! eitv. ,1 Air. and Airs. Harold H&rdir. of Concord visited Airs. A. L. Hardin the past week-end. Alary Alice and Ten Hardin : ye visiting Dr. and Airs. Hubert Ilnvdiu in Tvion, Ga. A K. Orr r,f Asheville was a Pee-; van! visitor the first of the wd k.i greeting his many friends here. ; Air. and Mrs. Paul Smathers had as their week-end guest D. H. Jenkins j of Kr. xvillo. Ten". Air. end Mrs. Fred Hamlm of Tor con Gi., were (ailed here last we k on account of th- death of Air. Ham lin’s father. AV. AV. Hamlin. AT;-, and Airs. TT. N. Carrier had ns their week-end guests Air. aim Mr< Andrew Cooper and littio daughter Alice, and Air. and Airs. T..n,, Daniel and daughter Florence -It (f Rome, Ga. . , , law uce Doit was a week-end, vi-itor in Charlotte. Aliss Gladys Mull of (onnestee| sport the week-end neve at tilt- n lViC, of her grandfather. AV. P. Alulh ; Atjs-s Edith ATuli and Anhnrn A ork ...pent Mother’* Day with Air. Ywk’s mother in Rutherfordton Aliss Ireift McDaniel of Laurer.s. K C. is c-nest of Mrs. AV IT. Harr*?. Ali?-- Jane Hume returned Su dav to h: v home in Asheville, after sperd irg a week with her niece, Airs. J. AT Allison and family. Dr. Joe Osborne and Ruffin Wil des left the first of the week for a d:< weeks’ motor trp to California ’.nil points of interest in the West. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whitmire and Mis. Minnie Whitmire of Greenville ,v#;re Brevard visitors Sunday. T. G. Moody left the past week !or Tarboro, where he will be connect 'd with the state highway commis ,ion. Mrs. Moody will join her hus oand later. Mrs. Ella Lewis and daughter Miss Mattie were guests Sunday of Mr. .nd Mrs. A. K. Lewis in Greenville. President and Mrs. E. J. Coltrane f Brevard college were guests at Weaver college, Weaverville, on Mon Jay. Buddy Carmichael, who spent the past winter with his aunt, Mrs. Huse Mackey, left. Tuesday for a short visit with his aunt, Mrs. Harold Davis in Asheville, before returning [o his home in Portsmouth, Va., for the summer. Mrs. Wood Paxton and little son returned Sunday to their home in Greenville after spending a week in Brevard with Mrs. Paxton’s mother, Mr.-. .Madge Wilkins. They were ac companied on the return to Green ville by Mrs. Wilkins and Mrs. Flax Lawrence. Mrs. John West Chapman of Char leston, S. C., has arrived in Brevard fur a visit and to open her summer home on Probart road. She expects to return here the middle of June to open her home for the remainder of the season. The Misses Shipman have moved from their home, Walnut Inn, to the Franklin hotel, which will be open for guests the first of June. Mrs. C. E. Qrr, Miss Rowena Orr and Mrs. Frank DeVane motored to Asheville for the day Monday. J. V Cox of Spruce Pine is visiting T. A. English at Davidson River. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hamilton and children of West Asheville were guests Friday of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Loftis and other friends here. Mrs. J. C. Hendrix and little daugh ter Frances returned Monday from a week’s visit with the former's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gravely, in Easley, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Twiggs have moved into the Louie Loftis home on Probart street. Mrs. T. E. Patton Jr. and daughter Rebecca are spending a week with Air. Patt-n :n Charlotte. Miss Eloise I^-wis has returned from Tarboro, where she teaches school, to spend the summer here with her mother, Mrs. Ella Lewis. Mrs. A. H. King and Mrs. Hus: Mackey were Asheville visitors Tue da?.loyd Wood is said to be quite sic! at the home of his parents, Mr. am Mrs. Tom Wood. _ CLASSIFIED ADS MAN WANTED for Raleigh Route of 800 families. Write immediate ly. Rawleigh Co., Dept. NC-180-SA, Richmond, Va. WANT TO TRADE—Model A 1 1-2 ton Ford truck for light car or cat tle. See C. F. Woodfin, near Pen rose, Brevard, R-2. SPECIAL WEEKLY RATES, $7.00 week and up, for room and board. Waltermire Hotel, Harry Melvin, lessee. FOR SALE — Five horse power engine and wood saw outfit rigged on wheels. Engine and saw outfit in good condition, one extra saw. Also one fresh Guernsey cow. W. A. Alli son, R-l. MOVING and GENERAL HAUL ING—reasonable prices, every load insured. See Charlie McCrary at McCrary Auto Service, Phone 290, Brevard, N- C. Mch 8 ' WANTED—Party w h o borrowed Town of Brevard’s sewer steel to ! return same at once. H. H. Patton. ltc i___ B7A XTED — Your Shoe Repairing ■ We are equipped to do first class shoe repair work. Ladies soles and heels 75 cents. Men’s soles and rubber heels $1.00. Brevard Shot Shop, T. E. Waters, owner—Newt Arcade. Jan 1 tfc TOMATO PLANTS for sale. Most varieties. Joe Grooms, Country j Club rd. ltc ! WHEN you want to move, don’t cuss, call Siniard Transfer Co. at j phone 118 . . . and ,your wor ! l ies will be ever. Also wood, kindling j sand and gravel—general hauling I Cash only, but less. I REOPENING— Blacksmith sh-p or I Depot street. Equipped to do youi : work on horseshoeing and general re j pair work. John Cantrell. 2tj I ' ~ - WANTED DOG WOOD — Will pay $15 00 per cord. Specifications tor cutting dogwood logs—not less than 4 1-2 inche? at the small end of log. To be sawn in billets or short pieces that will measure 18, 36 or 54 inches in length. These short logs to be 85 per cent clear of de fects and we mean by defects— red heart, knots, both large and small, bird pecks, etc., that can be seen with the eye on the outside of the tree. A log that is hollow could not be used unless there was 2 1-2 inches of solid tree between the hollow and the bark. , H. S. TOWNSEND Railroad Street Brevard, N. C. t************************; I FOR SALE !: T Two or three Used i ICE BOXES I In good condition ] [ pply at The Times Office | J WANTED to buy—Used kitchen range. Phone 272. ltc FOR SALE—Sweet potato slips. Will i be ready by May 25. See C. M. Sin ^ iard, North Brevard. lta I FOUND—Auto tag on Saturday near Transylvania Tanning Co. No. '188-647. Owner can have same by ap plying at Times Office ar.d paying for this adv. WANT TO TRADE OR SELL— Jersey or Guernsey heifers, first and second calves. Will trade for beef cattle, either cows or steers. Also pasture for rent by the month or season. Paul F. Roberts, Cedar Mtn. May 10 3tp. TYPEWRITER RIBBONS—guaran teed regular Underwood-Fisher ' mauo same you pay 75c for else i where—only 60 cents, 2 for $1.00. 1 The Times effree. ' ■'; IF YOU WANT TO BUY A HOME-RENT A HOME -OR Have One To Sell Or Rent We can take care of your need .... Several nice homes in town and county for sale at very low prices. Places to rent that will suit you. JUDSON McCRARY REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE TIXSLEY BLDG. PHOXE 172 BREVARD, X. C. notice” Pursuant to the Democratic Plan of Organization, and by direction of the Chair man of the State Democratic Executive Committee, a meeting of the County Demo cratic Executive Committee was held on Friday, May 11, 1934, at 10:00 o clock for the purpose of setting the time and place for holding the Democratic Precinct Meet ings in the County. Therefore, the Democrats of the County are hereby notified that the Precinct meetings will be held at the time and place as follows: SATURDAY, JUNE 9th, 1934 Bovd Polling Place 2:00 o’clock P.M. Brevard, No. 1 Polling Place 2:00 o’clock P.M. Brevard, No. 2 Polling Place 2:00 o clock P.M. Brevard, No. 3 Polling Place 2:00 o’clock P.M. Cedar Mountain Polling Place 2:00 o’clock P.M. Dunns Rock Polling Place 2:00 o’clock P.M. Eastatoe Polling Place 2:00 o ciock P.M. East Fork Polling Place 2:00 o’clock P.M. Gloucester No. 1 Polling Place 2:00 o’clock P.M. Gloucester No. 2 Polling Place 2:00 o clock P.M. Hogback No. 1 Polling Place 2:00 o’clock P.M. Hogback No. 2 Polling Place 2:00 o’clock P.M. Hogback No. 3 Polling Place 2:00 o’clock P.M. Little River Polling Place 2:00 o clock P.M. Old Toxaway ' Wylie Meece home 2:00 o’clock P.M, Rosman D. H. Winches* ^ ter Store 2:00 o clock P.M. The purpose of the precinct meeting is to elect a precinct committee of five active Democrats which precinct committee shall immediately elect a Chairman and a Vice-Chairman and the Vice-Chairman shall be a woman. The Precinct Committee shall also elect delegates tc the County Convention, one delegate and one alternate for each twenty-five or traction of twenty-five Demo cratic votes in the Precinct. The County Convention is to be held at the Court House Monday, June 11th, 1034 at 2:00 o’clock P. M, It is hoped that there will be a good turnout of Democrats at these precinct meetings, as the Party Organization for the whole County and State rests primarily on the Precinct Committees. To the Democratic Party, the people of the County. State and Nation are in debted for the wonderful recovery of the business of the country since President Roosevelt’S inaugural: u and the good work must be kept up. Let every Democrat come out and thereby help to keep the New Deal moving W. E. BREESE, Chairman, Annie M. Douglas, Secretary. DEMOCRATIC COLNTV EXECL HVE COMMITTEE.

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