♦♦+***+*******+*+W* '>vVVV VV . | I flews of the Week irom Rosman fi MRS. JORDAN WHITMIRE, C orrespondent .... a ...... a * .v.% * .!• <• * *:• ❖ 4 * * * •:* * 4 * * > * * •> •> * •> ** ** * * * * * * V V *> * * V * V »V V V V V V V Johr tie, small soil of Mrs. Ethel Stunmoy. is edit- ill at his home l •re. • Ji-n. v Jean Kales are spend ing evi ial days with then- uncle and ;„mt. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fisher. Mss. T. P. Galloway Jr. spent Sat t night at the. home of her par , Mi. and Mrs. Lee Fisher. M ami Mrs. L>. L. Glaxener visit .! the f rm :•'< mother, Mrs. L. M. ( !:.. t r.c i* Sunday. Ton. Maxell r -pent Saturday in Brevard visiting friends. ;.;d\Mii Singletary visited Charles and Tom Glaxener Saturday night. Ralph Kldridgo <’f Weaver college -pent th week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Ehiridge. Mrs Jesse F. Galloway was call ,v to Easley Saturday on account of the critical illness of her mother, Mrs. Mitchell Miles. Mrs .T W. Ehiridge and Douglas r.Uin:.jj! wi i\ \ is>uu\s ai uumuu, summei home of Mr. anil Mrs. (. C. Hutches, Saturday. 'hs .1. A. O Shield', Rev. and Mrs. \V Calloway. Mrs. Charlie F or. Mrs. Ed J< nos and olnldr n jr i’ov Whitmire attended baptls n services at the Church of God in ndorsonville Sunday. i Harbin i- quite ill at, the home of s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hi .tin. ,iss,-s Mae White. Ophelia White nmi M i.O' White of Statesville were 1 - ■ •,11 - t Cuilowhce Monday. Mr. ,•;•••! Mi -. Dewey Burton and (we cl-’ 'on speni Sunday at Tryon :ji f i inner s parents, Mr. anti .Mrs. I.. Burton. V u Morrison is reported otiite ill at his home here. C, 0. KILPATRICK FUNERAL HOME Licensed Ktnbaliner.'.Morticians Individual Ambulance and Hearse 2! 1 VV. Main Street Phone 123 /,Y< i' — Xortli Carolina Mrs. Claud Glaze ner ar.u Miss Faye Glaxener were visitors to Hendorsen ,-ille v\ ednesiiay. ' Mr. and Mrs. 11. G. Stqphel Had their supper guests Tuesday night Mrs R. S. Winchester, Miss Ethel Maxtor, Miss Rosa McLean and ,r s Genova Paxton. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sitton ol Wi '.vevville spent Sunday night a; .nests of Austin Ilogsed. Mrs. Wade Garren and son Forest of'Asheville spent the week-end as ::uo-ts of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Pax lOlti Viis.ms Irene and Eva Pharr anc Ruv Bennett and Tom Peden motor ■ i! to Pisgah National Forest bun dav anu enjoyed a picnic. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lewis anc laughters Ruth and Velma spent s'uuicfv at Easley as guests of Mr and Mrs. E. K. Everette. Mrs. Robert Zachan* of Ashevilh man the week-end as guest of Uv parents Mr. and Mrs. L. M. V at k; W. R. Lewis was a business visitors t0 Fickens the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. John Chastain ant a ghte•• Ruth and Mr. and M s Mash Murnhv of IVuen Mr an Vi-i. Ji e Diet;, and two child)en oi gviva were Sunday visitors at tin home of Mr. and Mrs Lee R. Fisher Mism- Inez Oats. Mary Morgan 1 .-f,..r-' Pharr and Millie Allison mo .;rt:Y to Toxawav Falls Monday ant rr.vul a picnic lunch. \ uid Mrs. Fred Nicholson anc ,n,• if.c Betty and Mr. ami Ml. \iail, Pailirs mot led to Caesars I_ 1 v,'. S0,l,a Mrs. Mickler Rusk .am ■ ;r Nolle .Tean and Dock I.usV i =..P .s of .Mi. and Mrs. Bogat •V I ick in Gloueesiei- Sunday. : a-C.d Mr . W. T Harmon re ... d h me Saturday from a week •• a t0 Hat Springs. . 'Vis- Edith Millsaps of Asheville >■ a .ending this week as guest of hei „„t Mrs. J. E. White. -a, Mai y Randolph returned "liesday from a two weeks’ visit tt •r-in lives in I! en tier son eouruS ■ Madora, young daughter oi Mr. anc a !*•-. Hill Mc.Tunkins. is quite ill at ' me of her parents. dim Nelson returned to net of Calvert Sunday, having eo: the past week of her sister, Al’oti Si-k. Mrs. Marvin Edney and Miss Leona 'ViIson of Cashiers are spending sev «i al days as guests of their sister, Mrs. Crittent Galloway._ You Are Urged to Hear j Hon. Robt. R. Mullikin Candidate For u. S. CONGRESS In ;i discussion of thv issues of the day as pertains to tin* democratic Primary to be held in June- Mr. Mulli kin .v;;l speak at BREVARD COURT HOUSE Friday Niglit, May IS—8 o’clock Mr. Mullikin is a World War Veteran, son of a South Carolina Confederate soldier, worked his way thiougn college, and is now engaged in practice of law* in bun combe County LADIES CORDIALLY INVITED All Cadidates Urged To Attend . lie- es in—l. Turning the government back to the „e‘. 2. State’s rights; 8. Protection of bank de nosit'uv: 4. Supervised currency expansion ; u. Re-ad justment, of Veterans’claims; 6- Coordination of | Capital. Labor, Agriculture and Industry; 7. Recogiu I iion>*f human rights in government- . . Give The Veteran A Break REMEMBER THE DATE *r Friday Night, May 18, 8 P. M. Brevard Court House , _ 11 i iiwi— v. a:ni Mrs. C. .1. Eulridge were mail: ■ s visitors to Easley Saturday. vi i>s Mildred Henderson spent Monday and Wednesday nights ai the h me of Mrs. II. G. Stops!. Miss Olga Fortenberry spent the week-end at Quebec as guest ol' Miss Helen Henderson. Mrs. M. C. .Sumeral was shopping mi hendersonvill Wednesday. John Collins and Rev. Patrick Ash worth. of West Union, S. C., spent Friday night at the home of Mrs. T. V. Smith. Mrs. Charlie Henderson of Quebec was a guest cf Mrs. H. G. Stophel 1 Wednesday night. Walter, son of Mr. ami Mrs. J. A. O’Shiels, is quite ill in the Oteen hos pital. having suffered burns while a member of CCC camp at Bainaids ville. „ , Mr. and Mrs. Joe Galloway and children spent the week-end in Glou Ister visiting Mrs. Galloways par ents Mr. and Mrs. Spurgeon Owen. Ah-s Rosa Callahan and daughter Gladys and Mr. Burgess of Uonea nath s. C.. were recent guests of the former’s sister, Mrs. C. E. Leathers, i Mrs Nellie Owen of the Glouces ter section spent the past week with he,- granddaughter, Mrs. Joe Gado i" Mi-, and Mrs. Crittent Galloway .spent the week-end at ( ashlers at the ■ l- me «,f the latter’s parents, Mr. and M. F. Wilson. , ,, , V Mr.” and Mrs. Vesta Weddle of Winston Sahm and Mr. am. M>3 Frank McCall of Cnerryfield we e dinner gue-ts of Mr. and Mrs Doyle Moss Friday. f Mr. and Mrs. Leon McCall of Pickens were guests of Mr. and Mis Doyle Moss the latter part of the | Karl Tavlor. Luther Taylor an! 'Willie Taylor. Mrs. Joe Barnette anil daughter Miss Man-' <’f Lontral,‘(j C., were week-end guests of Mi. an Mrs. A1 Bryson. , Mr. and Mrs. Belk and Miss Lola Mae Moore of Marietta, S. _<•. - • and Mrs. Branch nnsley and son Joe. and Miss Mae Bryson, Mi-s V» 'ginia McCallister, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A1 Bryson. Miss Marie Barnette of Central, g C is spending this week visiting Mr. and Mrs. A1 Bryson. Miss Elsie White, a student ot W (’. T. C., arrived home Thursday to attend commencement exercises at !R sman high school. r ! Miss Irene Pharr and La Verne WhitmiV also students of ”• *• T. arrived home Saturday to pend the week-end with their parents I Mrs. John Jackson of Enka is i pending everal days here. FOOD SALE TO HE HELD SATURDAY NIGHT \ The Indies of the Zion Baptist, •lnireh will conduct a food sale Bat-; iruav night for the benefit of the: lun ch. Funds for the Sunday schoo.. •i,om ns well as other necessities are; unninfr low, and it is asked tho pub- j ic to cooperate in helping the ladi.sj ‘bis food sale a success. _________ ENJOYING MOTOR TRIP 'N WESTERN STATES Dr. Joe E. Osborne and nephew,; Ruffin Wilkins of Brevard, left the' first of the week for a motor trip to , Dj.lifornia and other points of inter st in the West. They will visit the Grand Canyon. Pikes Peak. Boulder Dam. YieUowstone National Panji, l-.lden Cate Park, Petrified Forest ’..id other places. i - | FAMILY REUNION TO ! UE HEI D IN JUNE A family reunion of the Harbin family will 1>p held at Canton the1 first Sunday in June at tile old Har bin home. All relatives and friend* llv family are invited to ntleiftl. This is an annual event, Being of • uized Hi years ago. A mimbei of relatives reside in Transylvania cmui v, including the family of Mr. ami Mrs. Ed Harbin of the Calvert sec tion. EVENTH GRAPE PUPILS ENJOY PICNIC AND TRIP lonbcrs of the graduating class of '.hi' Seventh grad|i cf the Rpsman -cb ml, accompanied by Prof. Glenn Galloway, enjoyed a trip and picnic Saturday. The party motored to Pis-; rah National Forest, visiting Looking Glass falls and other points of scenic nterestl ;r( Vu