The Transylvania Times Tk4 Neva EtUtb. 1898 . .£*“*■ mi Con*ol*kU«4 1989 'Published Weekly on Thursday* by C. M. DOUGLAS Offices in The News Building C. M. DOUGLAS . Sdi&*| MISS A. TROWBRIDGE..Aasoclftt* SUBSCRIPTION RATES ' Per Year . IV®® Sin Months .. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Arrowwood had as their guests Sunday Mr. and i Mrs. Harper and daughter Carolyn i of Pickens, Ray and Vona of Ashe ville and Walter Glazener of Rosman. 1 Bunyan Owen and Chas. Lee Jr. visited Clarence Chappell at Oakland Saturday. _ . Mrs. Joseph Tinsley of Brevard spent last week as the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Ben Owen. I Prof. Randall Lyday called on the hoys of his agriculture class here Monday. . _ , T ' C. O- Rogers Jr. and Gaule Lance of Cashiers and Frank Tinsley were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Lee Sunday. I Mrs. Ira Galloway and daughtei Misses Mildred and Lucy spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. > ancc Galloway in Gloucester. | Or. Tuesday Mrs. Harvey Rogers accompanied her son John to Gas tonia. Before returning John will re ceive treatment at the childrens hos pital. • W. J. Owen called on C. C. Hall , Monday. . _ Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lee spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Miller Quebec I Mr. and Mrs. C. R. M. Wilbanks and daughter Miss Laura and Mrs. A. B. McCarter of Greenville visited their mother, Mrs. Laura Lofoy re cently. Mrs. Clarence Owen and children of Grennville were guests of Mr. and i Mrs. Car) Breedlove during the week j^Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wilbanks 1 and children are spending some time .with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wi.banks. Oscar McCall who has been with 'Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thomas for , several months has returned to the ; home of his parents. Rev. and Mrs. I S. B. McCall of Lenoir. | Oneai Owen who is employed in Lenoir spent several days last week | with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Owen I Rev J. N. Hall of Rosman filled his regular appointment at the Metho dist church Sunday. A marriage which will be of inter est to their many ftiends was of Miss. Emma Jones and Charlie McKinna which occurred last Wednesday. We wish for them much happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ashe and daugh ter of Cold Mountain spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Brun ner. We regret to learn of the death of James Chapman of Quebec. We ex tend to the bereaved family our sin cere sympathy. There are from 14 to 18 square feet of skin on the average human adult. Meteorologists estimate that 44,000 thunderstorms occur on the earth daily. (By W. H- Gray) J. H. Drake visited Richard Hamil :on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. E. Mackey and small eon of Pisgah Forest visited her sister, Hrs. C. Gray Friday of last week. Earl Gray and Stanley Jenkirs nede a business trip to Henderson ville Saturday. J. T. Justus of French Broad Park was in Pleasant Grove one day last reek. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson were linner guests of the latter’s mother, Hra. C. E. Blythe, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Justus attend-1 id the singing at Brevard Sunday. [ A good number from Pleasant ?rove attended the funeral of Mrs., g. Drake at Pleasant Hill last week. ■ Miss Helen Justus is visiting her' Hint, Mrs. Floy Davidson, near Ashe-; vjlle. i Mrs. C. H. Gray and children ipint the week-end with her mother, tfrs. Henry Sertfell of Pisgah For-j sst. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Fletcher ofi Beulah were dinner guests of their ion, Edgerton Fletcher. 1 Mrs. Carl Killian and children of Brevard are spending some time with' M*r mother, Mrs. H. A. Gray at Pleasant Grove. .... Mrs. O. S. Gray and daughter Paulette visited the former'* parent*, Mr. and Mr*. W. A. Morris, at Hen dersonville one day last week. Rev. T. C. Koltsclaw of Hender sonville preached a splendid sermon at Pleasant Grove Sunday. There will be a regular preaching Saturday afternoon at 2:80 at Pleas ant Grove, and communion and foot washing Sunday morning at 11:00 o’clock. Invitations have been sent to the sister churches to come snd the invitation is to all who will corne and be with us in our memorial services. OAKLAND NEWS