AUTO WRECK FATAL TO DR. D.D CARROLL Dr. Delia Dixon Carroll, *52, first \ racticing woman physician in the . ate, received fatal injuries Wednes w of last week in an automobile V reck at Raleigh. Funeral services j were held Saturday afternoon at Ral-| eigh, where she had made her home^ for several years. A member of a distinguished pioneer famliv. Dr. Carroll was a sister of Thomas Dixon, author of “The Clans man” ami other widely read books. An other of her brothers was the law Clarence Dixon, a noted Baptist min ister of London. England. Survivors are her husband, Dr. Nor wood G. Carroll, one brother, Thomas Dixon of New York and one sister, Mrs. Mae Dixon Thacker of Norfolk, For nearly two years Mrs. John Brown of Brevard nursed Dr. Car roll’s mother, and has spent a good deal of time at the Carroll’s, “Ncr wo od Hill,” in Raleigh. OBITUAK * The Angel of Death has visited our community and brought sadness to manv hearts. John G. Neill departed this life May 15, 11)34, after an illness of two weeks. l.. To this union was born five children, three girls rn 1 two boys. Two girls preced ed him ' > the henv-'; home “ev.-ral • . The living are Mrs. W. R. West and Vernon L. Neill of Pisgah Fores-, and Avery C. Neill of New Mexico, also a half-sister. Mrs. Sid C y of Hendersonville. Grandpa will be greatly missed by all who knew him. . In his drelinmg years he was un able to attend church hut ho enjoyed having rvices in hi- home and wel ts.Died every ne with a smile. People would visit him and go away feeling nearer to Gel just to hear him ex press his faith in the Heavenly Father. In his sickness he was patient and submissive to the hathers will until he became uneon-ci us three days before the end came. Funeral services were conducted at English Chap I by Rev. H. I.. South er- and the pastor, Rev. Will Warren. 7’ho remains were laid to rest in Davidson River cemetery. Pall burers w e i e composed of grandsons. Flower girls were grand daughters. “A precious • ne from us is gone, A voic ■ we 1 ?d is still. 4 ula * i- vacant in our home W bid nevir car. be filled.” A GRANDDAUGHTER. Protect Your | FOOD and HEALTH jj m v pure ice "'ill keep g vtur foods healthfully I de-di all suinmef. It is 9 the most teouonticul form a of refrigeration. Let us deliver daily. With Pure ICE Cail us if you need COAL and WOOD 1 PURITY Products Co. PHONE 241 SEUCA NEWS (By Ward Breedlovei The spiritual trend of our com- ( mnnity seems to be on the upgrade t at this writing. Four sermons were delivered in the center of the local ity Sunday. Rev. Price of Brevard, Rev. Hall of Rosman, Rev. Corn of Glady Branch and Rev. Southers of Johns Rock CCC delivered splendid sermons. Reasonable numbers at tended the services yet at least half of our community did not hear a word that was preached. (Oh, Zion, how long wilt thou sleep 1) The community club met again Monday night and was well attended and much interest was manifest. We were encouraged by the attendance. Many of the ladies, it is hoped, as SLon’as the garden program is carried out, will arrange other entertain ment which will also be of great worth to the community. A number of our folks went to Bre vard last Saturday in the interest of the county fair which will be held in September. Much interest was ex piessed in this work. We hope the rair grounds at the county home will be completed by this date. There was much excitement in our .'ommunity Saturday night and Sun lay when it was announced that a ar had been stolen belonging to Mr. Robinson of near Lake Toxaway and iaken right out of the yard of one of ■itizens while the owner was attend ; ing a dance in a nearby home. We ;ue not saying that the dance caused the theft but if all parties concerned knew vvliat could be revealed there ! might be a difference. Folks come out to our ran.. I club next Monday night. Mrs. George McKinnn is still on the sick list. . Dewey McCall and son James visit (1 Mr. and Mrs. Preston Galloway l Sunday.' „ , i Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Barnes have I moved to the Preston Galloway cot tiiri1 hero. * : Mi-'s Altice Barton of Brevard ! visited parents and friends here the (1>dMrW Whitmire is recovering from u broken hand and other injuries re ceived recently in a fall. It is announced that Rev. Harvey S uthers will preach at the Metho ds church next Sunday afternoon at o'clock. Ail are invited to attend. We are proud of the many improve ( ments being done on the farm of |.J. x. Whitmire in lower Selica sec I torn and hope to see others do like "isc-_ Wfrraus Staiis Puradr Urging Bonus Washington— Washington’s annual parade of veterans surged past the White House and Capitol Saturday wth urgent pleas for payment of the bonus. In the ragged inks — 050 strong —were many who followed the fruitless path lad year and the year before. Once again on erfidely paint ed burners and in lusty throated chants thev demanded the bonus in lrrh1___ ! VOTERS WILL YOU HELP? It tin Government would issue money without interest charges to H all government un'ts, on the security of their bonds, they could I pay o-- all obligations, free themselves of alt interest charges and B CUT TAXES IN HALF It . 'i: -v were nationalized, with a circulating tax placed on it, forcibly keeping it in active circulation pall business and indus tiy would revive, and unemployment would disappear. 1 firmly believe that the above two measures would 3oive the pr .blent of “‘Poverty in the midst of Plenty,-1 by removing the poverty and fairly distributing the plenty for all to enjoy. II will gladly make a fight for these ideas if you will give me the chance, by you and your friends signing this petition on the dotted lines. PETITION the Flute Board of Elections, N. C : Please put M. i: Hi), ril's name or. the ballot for the 19J4 election, as an iniiep. t.ilei t candidate for Congress for the 11th District. Cut this out and mail to me at once, or drop it into the box provided H for this purpose at Waltermire Hotel, Brevard, N. C. Thank you. M. R. HILFORD, Naples, N. C. —8——W——MB—W— Ifl 11111HB rTTTTTVTTTTTTTTTTT .* ' « U < | Local and Personal Items !| . '.j.j.m*.******'' 11 Mrs, Kenneth Harris and three children, Patricia, Marilyn and Ken neth Jr., of Charlotte are spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. A H. Harris. They were accompanied to j Brevard by Mr. Harris, who returned on Sunday to Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Osborne were I called to Asheville Sunday on ac count of the death of Mrs. Osborne’s | mother, Mrs. A. L. York. They ao j companied the body to Bristol, Tenn., for burial on Tuesday. Miss Sherrill Bromfield is visiting relatives in Louisville and Frankfort, Ky., for several weeks. | Rev. Paul Hartsell returned thwis and lit tle daughter Katherine Fielding of j Greenville and Mr. and Mrs. Britt and 'children of Asheville were Brevard vi itors Sunday and enjoyed a picnic dinner at Connestee Palis. \Y. II. Grogan Jr. has returned to I Trenton, N. J.. after visiting his in dy here en route to Sanford, Fla., where he was called on account of the 'death of bis brother, Walter Grogan. ; Mr. Grogan was accompanied to i Florida by his father. 1 Mrs. A 0. Kitchen and Mrs. John! Bishop were Asheville visitors Wed-; nesday. I Mrs. John W. Chapman has re-| turned to her home in Charleston,! : K. C., after spending a few weeks here getting her summer home on1 Probart road in readiness prepara-! tory to the return of herself andf family within a few weeks to spend] the season here. nirs. bod Kilpatrick nas returned! from u visit with her daughter, Mrs. j L. P. Beck in Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. -Jack Burnette and; sons of Greenville visited friends in Brevard Sunday. Mrs. T. W Whitmire and Mr. and ; Mrs. Lawrence Holt were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rush Whit mire in Charlotte. Miss Eloise Lewis, who was ex-; nected to arrive last week from Tar boro, is visiting friends ir Tarboro, ‘ Washington, D. C., gnd Norfok, Va„ before returning to her nome here foi- the summer. I Mrs T. E. Patton and daughter; Rebecca have returned from a week’s1 visit, with Me Patton in Charlotte. ] Brother Orr has returned from an: insurance school in Hartford, Conn.,] where he has been studying the pn?t| several weeks. Mrs. Z. W. Nichols returned Sun-! day from a two weeks' visit with! •elatives in Ashevlile. Miss Emma Bagwell is said to show hut lirtle improvement in Mountain Sanitarium rear Fletcher, where she' 'ms been confined for several weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Milo Browr. and •augnter Mary Frances of Anderson, S. C., were visiting relatives Sunday ->nd Monday in and around Brevard. Mrs. George Glazener left Sunday por n two. weeks’ visit with relative-’ in South Carolina. I Mrs Jane Allison is said to be im- ' Driving, after being confined to her Ded several days the past week. ) Miss Annie Mae Patton is visiting! ier sister, Mrs. Arch Graham in R«e-| !ord Ben Webster of St. Cloud, Ha., 1st spending the summer in Brevard,) stopping at the Sledge House. ' Mrs. L. J- Peacock, Miss Geraldine Barrett and Miss Verna Hogsedd, of Hendersonville were Brevard visitors MMis*5 Ethel Williams has returned, to her home here after teaching school i the past year at Goldsboro. Mrs G. F. Marshall of Asheville spent the weekend here with Mr. and Mrs C. M. Douglas. yf L. Marchant Jr. and Rutledge Lyle of Greer were visitors in Bre vard Sunday. \y E. Breese is spending several -lavs this week with his sons in Mem phis Tenn. He will return to Brevard the ia;t of the week, accompanied by Mrs. Breese, who has been in Mem phis for several weeks. Virginia Aiken has returned from a visjt with her cousins, Caroline and Nell Summers in Cameron, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tilson have returned from a visit to Mrs. Tilson s parents in McCall. S. C.. and to Mr. Tilson's home in Erwin, Tenn. They are again occupying the Patton cot tage on West Main street. C,IRL SCOUTS HAVE ; delightful picnic Members cof the Girl Scouts of the Robin Hood and the Gypsie troops snert a delightful afternoon and, evening Tuesday in a picnic. The; former troop hiked to King s creek, where thev spent the time in wading and swimming and eating the pmmc ' Chaperone? were the leader, Mrs.'S. M.‘ <“‘u 'nary* ' Jennings. Th‘- Gypsie tnmjr-ftUicd to IHahee, where they enjoyed the many pleasures afforded on the lake and other outdoor activities at the camp. A picnic lunch was also an enjoyable feature of the outing. A NNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT OF DAUGHTER TO LOCAL MAN Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Snyder ot New York have announced the engage ment of their daughter, Mary, to Mr. Theo Roy Clark of Brevard. Miss Sny«|;r has attended Rich mond Hill high school and Bushwick business school. Mr. Clark is in the service of the United States Navy. He will leave shortly for a European cruise aboard the U. S. S. Wyoming. HOME ECONOMICS CLASS HAS DISPLAY OF INTEREST The home cconomic; girls of the Bre.-nni high school have arranged a display of accessories and finishes, which niay new be seen in the dis play window at Trantham’s depart ment store. This is an exhibit from the Spool Cotton company of New York. The public is invited to see this dis play. CHILDREN CONFEDERACY TO I 1EET FRIDAY AFTERNOON Ihe Children of the Confederacy vill meet Friday afternoon at 3:30 •’clock at the home of Mrs, Ralph Jsborne on Maple street. This will De he last meeting before disbanding or the summer, and election of offi :ers will take place. All members are irged to attend. HOME EC. GIRLS GUESTS ?F HONOR AT LAWN PARTY Members of the home economics de jartment of the Brevard high school vere guests of honor at a lawn party fiven by the boys of the agriculture department of the high school Fri day afternoon. May 11, at the home )f Mr. and Mrs. Julian Glazener. Games were played on the lawn, and the ice cream made by the boys and served during the afternoon added much to the happy occasion. A picture of the group was taken. About 150 young people of the two depart ments and invited guests were present at the delightful social affair. In addition to members of the two departments o t h el r guests present were: Supt. and Mrs. J. B. Jones Miss Virginia Wilcox, head of the home economics department, C. M. Douglas and Mr. and Mrs. Julian Glazener, the former head of the agri culture department of the Brevard high school. MISS HENRY HONORED WITH PARTY AND SHOWER Miss Eliza Henry, of Bievard whose marriage to Mr. Oscar Vaugbr of Gastonia, will take place in June was the inspiration of £. prettj and shower given Wednesday after noon at the Armstrong apartment; in Gastonia by Misses Doris Martin Ruth Finley, Mary Elizabeth Huntei and Mary Virginia Howard. Summer flowers in pastel shade; were used in arranging the room/ where four tables of contract were ii play. Miss Henry’s place was markei by a shoulder bouquet of Claudiu; •P^pript roses. The hoste3ser’ gut to tnetr ^onn "uest wa< a lovely set of breakfas china, and later in the afternoon sh was presented with a shower o BENEFIT PLAY WILL PROVE GOOD SHOW (Contributed) f Some persons have expressed doubts as to our ability to produce success* i fully in Brevard George S. Kauf man’s play, “The Butter and Egg Man.” This play was chosen because certain people who are in position to ! know thought it would be a hit in | Brevard. Professor Frederick H. Koch, director o£ the Carolina Play ntakevs, writes: “I think you would have no difficulty in doing the ‘But ter and Egg Man’ there.” This play was put on veVy suceesafuly at Chape! Hill and with a cast that was no bet ter than a cast we have gotten to gether here. Hendersonville has an excellent Little Theatre group and we wish to m»ke this play the foundation of the same kind of a group. The play is a smart, funny, sentimental, satiri Ical comedy that played for two hun I dred and fifty consecutive perform ances on Broadway. “It is the wittiest and liveliest jam boree ever distilled from the atmos phere of Broadway.”—New York , Sun. “Full of surprises and enter : tainment. Highly charged with : humor.”—New York Times. "Richly ! and continuously amusing."—Alexan der Wolcott, World. I We have-what it takes to put the i play over and we will guarantee all who attend a great evening. There will be two performances, Friday and Saturday nights, June 8th and 9th, 1 at the high school auditorium. ' There is a nice senatorial battle yet ' to come over the nomination of an : anti-Huey Long to be collector of port 1 at New Orleans The committee : laughed off Long’s objection? and re 1, commended confirmation. i j ■ kitchen utensils from the guests of t the „cc*»ion. ■1 A delicious salad course was served F and French pastries were passed. : THIS CROSS TELLS YOU It Means the REAL ARTICLE GENUINE ASPIRlrN Of Bayer * Manufacture When you go to buy aspirin, just remember this: Every tablet of real aspirin of Bayer manufacture is ' stamped with this cross. No tablet without this cross is GENUINE Bayer Aspirin. Remember this for your own protection. Teil your friends about it for their protection. Safe relief for headache, colds, sore throat, ^ pains of rheumatism and neuritis, etc. Genuine Bayer Aspirin Poet Not Harm the Heart DON’T TAKE TIRE WORRIES ALONG ON YOUR TRIP... Drop them off here before ^ you start out this week-end or next Wednesday . . * It’s a lot safer, more pleasant and cheaper in the end to start out on new tires—particularly i since prices are still so low . . . And because Goodyear makes the most tires—by millions j) —and so offers the biggest money's worth at . L every price—It’s a lot wiser to choose new ujjj Goodyears. d*irilb. BRAKE SERVICE Latest GOODYEAR PATHFINDER Superior to high est-priced tires of many other makes. $C70 4.S0-I1 4.50-21 4.74-H {AM SA.W S.W-I9 5.24-lt $7.40 $0.7$ Other sixes in proportion. mm GOODYEAR ALE-WEATHER The Greatest Goodyear tire of alt time — 43%‘ more non • skid mileage—tougher : rubber and more of It — the tire that outgrips and I outlasts them all. I See it! And the best new* of all; This marvelous new Goodyear 'G-3' | with it*many ad vantage# over any other tire on the 1 market coat* you nothing e^tra. ■ Mte «ubj«t 19 rtn(l 1 without nolle* aati 9* ■ay Sue* Ml** «m I General Auto Service Re> Boring Overhauling SHELL GAS and OILS