PISGAH FOREST NEWS Several members of the local Bap ti t W. M. U. attended the Transyl v nia W. M. U. assoclaiton in Bre \: rd Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Campfield and ibnt Wolfe attended the funeral ,. Mrs. Geo. Allen of Mills River •iday. * • Jr Cu le ,>in employe of the Carr 1 umber . onipany, had the misfortune in losing n eye while doing some repair work on machinery. Ho is ex pecwd h ne soon from the Patton Mi mi rial hospital in Handor, ..iville. •‘I m ie Joe” Orr and Rev. Judsnn Orr were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. It. I„ Souther Sunday Mrs. B lie Corn and brother Ve! Parker were visiting relative- in Mar io ta, S. (’., recently. Lance Carter is visiting at the h- me of his aunt, Mrs. Tom Butler, on Mills River. Mr. R. E. Mackey is teaching music each night at the Baptist church. Much interest is being shown and we hope our young people will take advantage of this opportunity. Mrs. A. L. Morgan and Mrs. H. L. Souther, teachers of the junior class es of the Baptist church .sponsored a picnic for the boys and girls last Wednesday at the Glen Canyon Falls. A s Elizabeth McCoy is ill of men. !es. ’I '. Patton Jr. of Charlotte spent tin- ok-e;.d with his family here. T - small child of Mr and Mrs. Phi re Searcey is ill of pneu m and ha- been removed to the I.yd y Memorial hospital. ORDER AND NOTICE lit the Superior Court, North Carolina, Tmr.-';1 ilia County. Nettie !’ .'.edict vs. . util iBenedict. It appearing that n summons has been issued un« the plaintiff has filed a complaint in the Superior Court of Transylvania county of even date her.with, for the purp sc of securing an si olute divorce from the de fendant above named, and It further appearing from the af fidavit i f Nettie Benedict, the plain tiff iu this action, that Paul Bene dict is not to be found in Transyl vania County, and cannot, after due diliu nee. be found in the State of North Carolina, and that the said Paul i'. Benedict „ no.; ,csiue.it of the Stat* 'North Carolina. It is therefore, on motion, ordred that notice of this action be published once a week for four consecutive weeks in the Transylvania Times, a newspaper published in Transylvania C unty. vetting forth the title of the action, the purpose of the same and i quiiing the defendant to appear at the next term of the Superior Court of Transylvania County to be held at A A A •. ,% A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A »>*>*>*> j. * At Any Hour * Day or- Night MOORE > and ; OSBORNE j | Undertakers ] l Are ready to serve you Day Phones, 88, 159, 250 j > Night Phones, 159, 250 j BREVARD, N. C. j * 111 & 119 V. Main St i r % «5 ; Moore & Osborne 1 * v Undertakers * f T ;• V . «. • • » • A A A A A A A AAA A A A AA -*-■<- i.A QUEBEC NEWS (Lucille Htnderson) Misses Blanche and Ophelia Reid. „f T.;.ca are spending the week-end1 with Miss Beulah Reid. Mrs. Lyle McCoy spent Wednes day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Miller of Lake Toxaway. Misses Frances and Vera McCall spent Friday night with Mrs. Noah Whitmire. Mr. and Mrs. Avery Reid and children spent Sunday- with Mr. and Mrs. John Reid. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reece of Pisgah Forest wa3 buried in Oak Grove Baptist cemetery on Saturday afternoon of last week. Oscar Henderson is down with a case of measles this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Henderson, T. C. Henderson and J. K. Henderson of Brevard attended exercises at Mars Hill college last week. There were 101 young men and women who received their college diplomas. Of this num ber there were three Transylvania hoys, Robert Duckworth, son of Mr. end Mrs. W. IL Duckworth of Bre vard; Mark Orr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver H. Orr of Brevard, and Truett Henderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Hendevs n. ... • .L. Afmn. Till in U1C "IttUVU b'MHV v «v - Uure were six contestants represent ing Madison county, Transylvania county, Wake county and Georgia and Florida. Mark Orr of Transylvania was the winner in the contest and re ceived the gold medal. Before entering Mars Hill college two years ago Truett Henderson 1» ught a suit of clothes to wear on Sundays and on special occasions. When he received his diploma from the college last Friday he had on that same suit. He had worn it in his at tendance upon church and Sunday school every Sunday and on tliei special occasions during the two jyars •Hid yet it looked as if it were a brand new suit. His father had sent him money with which to buy a com mencement suit but he not only had n„t bought the suit but had not spent one cent of the money. He returned it to his father and it was used m squaring up his accounts with the col lege. He returned home owing no man anything. Mr. Huff, the man with whom Truett stayed and worked for his L iard, said that Truett took every course that was given at Mars Hill except the course in “girlclogy* frat he -unviided the college for. two years and graduated with high hon ors and never made a date. the Court House in the Town of Bre vard beginning July 30th 1934 and that said defendant be required to file his answer within thirty days after the completion of the service of summons by publication, the plain tiff’s complaint now being on file in the off fee of the Clerk of the Super ior Court of said County. This May 30, 1934. OTTO ALEXANDER, Clerk Superii r Court. May 31, June 7, 14, 21. NOTICE OF SERVICE OT SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, Transylvania County. In the Superior Court. W. W. Aiken vs. Jessie Marion Aiken. The defendant, Jessie Marion Aiken, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the .Superior Court, of Transyl vania County to obtain a divorce absolute, on statutory grounds; and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, in the Court House, in Brevard, N. C., on the 30th day of June 1934 (or within thirty days thereafter) and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This is the 30tii day of May. 1934. OTTO ALEXANDER, Clerk Superior Court of Transylvania County, N. C. May 31, June 7, 14 and 21. DISEASED MILK Is Dangerous Our cows have been Blood Tested, and tested for tuberculosis by the North Carolina State Board of Health and are pronounced • '' Healthy-Disease Free Enabling us to supply Pure Grade A Milk 1 ' It’s better to be safe than sorry—use Grade A Milk for the entire family . • • see SUNNYS1DE DAIRY Walter Glazener, Mgr. v *r v*r v* vv vv*rv •** t vvwr v v v*r v v v vvvvw•» .*...j | Local and Personal Items | v %*v v v rp v T v v v v v v v vvvv v v v ' Mr. and Mrs. Obie Fisher of Lake Toxawav spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs Judson Corn. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd McCall and children of Balsam Grove were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Judson Corn Saturday. Miss Elean r Trowbridge of Wea vervill* was the week-end guest oi her grandmother, Mrs. Julia Trow bridge. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Allison aifd two relatives and friends in Brevard Mon day. E E Lewie of Weavorville visited I datives and friends in Brevard Fri day. i Mrs. J. E. Waters and Ruel Hunt visited relatives in Easley, S. C„ the past week. . Mr. and Mrs. Charles George and son Charles Henry of Greenville were the week-end guests of Mr. anil .Mrs. J. A. McCrary. Fred McCrary, state supervisor of agriculture at Raleigh, was the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mc Crarv. MT. McCrary left Monday for Greenville before returning home. ■ Milan Nicholson and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Nichols n of Gohutta, Ga.. are visiting M. M. Nicholson, Mr. andj Mr?. "Stroub Clayton and other vela lives and friends here. Mrs H L. Wilson and two children and Miss Bertie Ballard returned last week from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Summers at Cameron, b. v. Mrs. Barnes and mother, Mrs. -Carl Whitmire »f Asheville, are visiting the latter’s mother, Mis. Gas Miss Reba Kitchen is visiting friends in Greenville this week. Miss Ruth Waters is visiting her mini, Mrs. Cap Mahaffee m Green ville this week. . ... Miss Elizabeth Rams.cur and Miss Gladvs English expect to leave - urdaV for a motor trip oft several week's to Philadelphia and New Toik. Mr. anil Mrs. Francis Sledge and son of Atlanta were week-end guest of Mrs. F. P. Sledge. Mrs T. S. Wood and daughter Miss Gladys were Asheville visitors Sat Mrs. Mamie Verdery, who has spent some time with her son and family in Charlotte, has returned to Brevard and is stopping at the Clay ton House for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Wh t.nue md children were week-end gue t SV, S.I »"•,«■* »»gsyr Gharlotte The formers daughtei. Mary Louise, remained to spend two weeks with her cousins in Chailotte. Miss Emma Deaver has returned to her home here after attending Montreat Normal the past yeai. Miss Gladys Wood has accepted a notion at the Highlands country , club at Highlands where she will suend the summer. . . .. * Blanton Mitchell of Florida ; ine his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. 'tm-1 months, to spend the summer in Pembroke, yvhere he spent the " lev monts. to spend/the summer B,‘‘Grandpa” Trantham. who has heeen quite ill at the home of hr ! son, B. W. Trantham, is said to be imringd Mrs. A. H. Kizcr and two children, Alex 'Jr. and Carolyn, and Mi- Kizer’s mother, Mrs. Carrie Mt Kee. are spending their vacation at Myrtle Beach, S. C. , , .. Rev J P. Simmons attendee the general assembly convening at Mon treat the past week. Miss Evelyn Austin of Asheville and Miss Shirley Jones of Simpson ville, S. C.. yvere guests cf Miss Mahe Bramlctt this yveek. Mr. and Mrs. C. D Brown of Abbeville spent several days this week at their summer home here. Neal King of Asheville is spending some time here with his grandmother. Mrs. Esther King. W. L. Justus, who has Depn very ill yvith pneumonia at Lyday Memor ial hi pita), is reported to he much improved. , .. , ... Mrs. W. H. Duckworth ami f Pick! l«imer "'ere visitors in Ashe ville and Marshall last yveek. Mrs. Cotdelle Russell ami little daughter of Canton arc visiting Mrs. Russell’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. vV H. UUCKWia in. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Duckworth r; Canton and Mr and Mrs. Wright of Asheville Vere Sunday guests o, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Duckworth Mrs Emma Zachary, who has been quite ill the past week, is said to be .considerably improved Misses Rachel Williams rnd^Lou ise Gillespie .students at W. C. f. C., Cullowhee, spent the wee/.-er.u here with their respective parents. Mr and Mr?. Jack Zachary ana little ' daughter of Greenville were guests Sunday of Mrs. Ralph Zach <\1*V j' F. Brooks and J. W. Brooks of Hendersonville visited their sister, Mrs. Emma Zachary, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Duckworth and children and Robert. Duckworth of Marshall were week-erd guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Duckworth and Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Harris. Mr. and Mrs1. Robert L. Dye of Columbia. S. C., were week-end guests of their cousins, Miss Florence Kern and Mr and Mrs. H. V. Smedberg. Mrs. J. M. C-aines and little daughter Ruth are visiting relatives and friends in Columbus, Ga. Miss Jenr.ie Aiken has returned from Newton where she has been teaching school to spend the summer at her home here. Mrs. Charlie McCrary, who had the misfortune to fall and break be’ arm last week, is said to be recover ing nicely. -—---—<— If you like smart, funny, sentimental, satirical com edies see “The Butter and nE?b Man” at the High School ■ Auditorium June 8th and 9th, Admission 20c and 35c. jl Mi-. B. E. Latham and daughter' Annie of Easley, S. C.. were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Henry- Mrs, Latham i a sister of: Mrs. Henry | Mrs. W. E. Breese returned Fri day from Memphis, Tenn., where she visited her sens for several weeks. Mr. Breese motored to Memphis tin first of the week to accompany his wife home Mrs. Roy Lo lg ana daughter Ora Holt are visiting relative^ and friends in Graham. Mr.-. E. J. Coluane, Mrs. Oliver Qrr, Miss Florence Kern, Mrs. J. F. Zachary and Mfs. W. L. Aiken at tended the district meeting of the Methodist missionary society conven ing in Sylva on Friday. Miss Mabel Bramlett has returned from a week’s visit in Asheville. Bandits Defeated at Gwtrd Gets Revenge Chicago—Six robbers who stormed the quiet little suburban town of South Holland last week found theiri r,tlvcs facing a bank guard who had waited four months to avenge his son's death. They to. k a bloody defeat. Before they could fire a shot, one of their band was dead, one was mortally wounded and another was hit and staggering. The three others dragged him into their car and fled. BARGAINS . . . next week at Plummer’s Clearance Sale. . * ■■ <• The Legislative Record of Congressman Wea ver proves him a Friend of ALL THE PEOPLE . . . Workers, Business Men, Fanners and War Veterans. Preserve ilth District Statesmanship In Congress II a v i n g faithfully served the people of this District for many years in the U. S. Con g r e s s, Congressman Weaver Reeks reeiec tion on hjs Record of Honest. Progressive, Service. Democratic Primary June 2 VOTE FOR CONG. ZEBULON WEAVER FOR RE-ELECTION TO CONGRESS ; -----^= - ■ - ---- - - LET US DO YOUR JOB PRINTING rir**totic fire* have been on the winning cars in the gruelling Indianapolis 500-Mile Race FOR 15 CONSECUTIVE YEARS tiVE RY winner in the 500-Mile Indianapolis Race—the most gruelling tire test in the world — drove to victory on Firestone High Speed Tires. Race drivers know that heat generated hy friction inside the cotton cords is the greatest enemy of tire life. These men will not risk their lives on any hut Firestone Tires, because they know the high stretch cords in every Firestone Tire are protected hy the Firestone patented process of Gum-Dipping. Gum-Dipping soaks the high stretch cords in liquid rubber and saturates and ; coats the millions of fibers inside the cords, counteracting destructive friction anti heat. It provides greater adhesion between the plies of the tire, and between the Gum-Dipped cord body and the tread. Firestone chemists and engineers, kept pace with new car developments by building stronger, safer tires to meet the exacting demands. Drive in today and equip your car with new Firestone High Speed Tires for 1934, with deeper, thicker, flatter, and wider non-skid tread, more and tougher rubber, more traction, giving you more than 50% longer non-skid mileage. Remember, in Firestone High Speed L Tires there is Greater Strength—Greater | Safety—and Greater Blowout Protection than in any tire made. THE ADHESiON TEST XX . XX Note how the rubber in a Firestone Tire clings to the high stretch Gum-Dipped cords. This greater adhesion and strength is made possible by the Firestone patented process of Gam-Dipping. Note how the robber in an ordinary tire pulls away from the cords that have not been soaked and insulated with rubber. This causes friction and heat within the coids. resulting in separation. Come In end Make This Test For Vourself | Listen to the Voice of Firestone every Monday Sight over N.B.C.—WFAF Net icork I THE NEW I TH£ H£W i flre«fdn« HIGH snto Tins FO» 1M4 SIZE | 4.50-20 ... f 4.75-19 ... 5.50- 17 ... 6.00-17 H.D. ! 6.00-20 H.D. 6.50- 17 H.D. P _ - PltlC.E $7.85 8.65 11.30 15.10 16.40 j 17.50 n,h*, *«•« ffportionatriy Lorn , i rcKrumnRKbc ntuviivS j FIRESTONE HIGH SPEED TIRES —for fifteen consecutive yean have been on j /he winning cart in the 500-mllc Indiana poll* I Race. V This Meant Blowout Protection —for seven consecutive years hate been on ike winning' curs in the daring Pikes Peak i climb where a slip meant death. Thii M»nnr Non-SJtid Safety and Traction i —h' three consecutive yean have been on J the 133 buses cf the Washington ~(D. C.) Railway and Electric Company covering j Ilji57£l0 bus miles without one minute's delay due to tire trouble. Thii Mean* Dependability and Economy —were on the IVelman Motors' Ford V .ft Truck that made a pew coast-to-cosut record of 67 hours. 45 minutes, 30 seconds actual running rime. | Thu Muni Endurance AIR BALLOON FOR 1934 The new Firestone Air Balloon for 1934 embodies all tbe improvements in the new Firestone High Speed Tire. The lower i air pressure provides maximum traction and riding eomfort. ! Gum-Dipping safety-locks the cords, providing 30 to 40% greater deflection and blowout protection. Get 1935 low-swung style by equipping your car today whit these new tires and wheels in colors to match your car. FREE TRIAL ON YOUR CAR Sts (hue iviw Fireiton* Hijh Spaed Tire* mads ai *ha Rrtrtona^Factory 11 find Exhibition Building at "A Century of Pr©r*“" i Phone i ____