OAKLAND NEWS (By Mrs. C. F. Norton) Mae Higdon, small daughter of Mr.1 and Mi". Rigdon, had the misfortune to get an arm broken last week. ' \V. F. McCall and Dewey Bryson were Brevard visitors Wednesday. • Mrs. Mary Burgess called on Mrs. W. F. McCall one day last week. Allene and Muriel Bryson visited Fannie Wilson Sunday afternoon. _ Miss Bertie Burgess visited her grandparents at Cllenville last week. K. A- Reid called on I. S. Sanders Wednesday afternoon. . Mr. and Mrs. Hovie Chappell visit ed Mr. Chappell’s parents, Mr- and Mrs. Clyde Chappell Sunday. Mrs. 1. S. Sanders and Mrs. C. r. Norton visited Mrs. Tina Chandler last Thursday. Mrs. Chandler fell several days ago and cut her knee, ami has been confined to her home unable to walk. Dewey Bryson called on O. F. Nor ton Sunday. . . Fred Nicholson of Rosman visited his mother Mrs. Maggie Nicholson Saturday. _ , . I.vday Moses called on Robert Wil son Sunday afternoon. Fannie Wilson visited her mother Mrs. Robert Wilson Sunday after noon. , . , Ray Rigdon visited l.ane Sanders oi “ dav last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McCall visited M s. Mary Burgess Sunday aftep M iry Lou Bryson spent Sunday a noon with Velma ilson. If you want to see the wit tiest and liveliest jamboree ever distilled from the at mosphere of Broadway see “The Butter and Egg Man” nt t’x' High School Auditor ium June Stn and 9th. Ad* mission 20c and 35c. SUMMER FOODS M e buy the best fresh vege tal'' * that the market affords, and you can always depend on tht ir being fresh, and cooked right when y\ u eat at the Canteen. GOOD FOOD COOKED RIGHT Special care is taken to see that the food- we serve are pro] nr i in an appetizing, dea " . wh lesome way. May we —THE— CANTEEN •‘Th Home of Good Coffee” DOC GALLOWAY, Prop. PLEASANT GROVE (By W. H. Gray) Rev. Owenby of Balfour will preach at Pleasant Grove next Sunday. Uncle Joe Orr of Pisgah Forest was a Pleasant Grove visitor Sun day. He sang two of his songs. Uncle Joe is no strfinger- here and we all wish he would come often. Rev. Judson Corn of near Brevard was a welcome visitor at Pleasant Grove Sunday, helping the pastor. Mr and Mrs. Freeman Nicholson of Little River were Pleasant Grove visitors Sunday and dinner guests or W. H. Gray. James Dalton of Etowah attended church here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Justus of French Broad Park attended church here Sunday and were dinner guests at the home of Waiter Gray. Rev. C. E. Blythe preached a fine ' sermon at Pleasant Grove Saturday. His text was taken from the book of ' Daniel. In applying the time ot Daniel to the present times, tne preacher said today these are ti y ing times with the president and the brain trust trying to bring back the good old days, but he claimed that sin is to blame and unless we as a nation come back to God we need not 1 ok for times to get much better. Tom Barnett cf Pisgah Forest at tended church here Sunday. "e were glad to have him with us. Miss Ada Orr, who has been ' su.aiding some time in .Greenville* , returned home Saturday. Miss Kate Bylthe, who has been-in ! school for some time at Asheville, has : returned home. ! Mrs. K. J. Justus is spending some ; time with her son D. R. Justus, of this place. j Junis Huggins of Eeulah Hnd Miss 'jewel Justus, Florence Gray Beulah | Justus. Earl. Mary Ellen ajul W. H. Grav enjoyed the B. Y. P. U. pro grnm and song service at Blantyre Sunday night. Among the visitors Sunday r-. Plcasflr.t Grove, all of whom were welcome, were Charlie Orr of Pisgah Forest and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Couch of Penrose. „ . . Little John Billie Morris of Svlva is spending some time with his aunt here, Mrs. 0. S. Gray. GLOUCESTER NEWS (By Pearl Price) There will be a prayer service at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C Price Sunday night. Everybody is in vited to attend. Alfred and Coy Wood el' Jacksoii county spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Booth Price. H. S. Parker ami children and J (’. Owen were dinner guests of Mr. and Mr . Overton Kitchen on Sunday. Little Laura and T.ewis Golden are reported to be very ill at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. It. J Gihlen. Rev. Gene Moore will ureach at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robbie Owen Saturday night. There will be prayer service at the . home of Mr. and Mrs. If. S. Parker I Saturday night. Mr. and Mis. Harlow McCall and children were Balsam Grove visitors Sunday. Renew Your Subscription Ready for Startena Don't BE MISLED by claims of "just as good but cheaper" feeds. Poultry folks from coast to coast know PURINA STARTENA and PURINA GROWENA as America’s best feed combination to turn chicks into money-making pullets. STAR TENA and GROWENA have stood the test of many years ... they have proven their right to be America’s best. We have both feeds ready for you now. Come in any time! .< ■ ^ • • • 8 S? i ckJ yi|| Feed & Seed Co. ; The Store With9the Checkerboard Sign FDR REGISTER OF DEEDS I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Register of Deeds, subject to the will of the Democratic voters to be expressed in the June Primary, 1934. If nominated and elected, I promise to perform all duties connected with the office to the best of my. ability. Your support will be appreciated. NOAH C. MILLER, tfp Lake Toxaway. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of register of deeds subject to the action of the Demo cratic Primary in June. If nominat ed and elected, 1 will promise to serve the people of my county to the very best of my. ability, and shall appreciate the support of ev eryone. EDWIN A. MORGAN FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS : I herebv announce my candidacy I for Register of Deeds subject to the I will of the citizenry of Transylvania ! county to be expressed in the June I Primary. Always a loyal Democrat I and supporter of the President and I liis Administration, I respectfully request your vote. ECK L. SIMS Brevard. I FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS I hereby announce myself as can didate for re-nomination and elec I tion on the Democratic ticket for the place of Register of Deedp of Tran sylvania County. My record as your 'public servant is my recommenda | tion. I shall appreciate your support. !tf JESS A. GALLOWAY ' for STATE SENATOR I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination as Senator for the Thirty - second Senatorial District, subject to the action of the Demo cratic Primary which is to be held in June. The support of those having con fidence in my ability to serve the best interests of the public in this position will be appreciated, tfp M. W. Galloway Tor REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce my candidacy for the House of Representatives subject to the action of the Demo cratic Primary in June. If nominat cd and elected, I promise faithful service as a member looking to the interests of the people of the county and state. Y’our support, will be ap preciated. W. M. HENRY. FOR STATE SENATOR I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination as Senator for the Thirty-Second Senatorial District subject to the action of the Domo cratiee primary in June. I shall ap^ predate your support, tfc-p RALPH H. RAMSEY, Jr. FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT To the Citizens of Transylvania County: I greatly appreciate the support of the goou citizens of Transylvania County given me when I ran for the office of Clerk of the Superior Court for my first term which I am now serving. Since my election I have tried to serve the entire people of the county honestly and con scientiously. .Every citizen of Tran sylvania'county has received my best services when it was my opportuni ty to give same. I respectfully ask the support of the good citizens of the county in my efforts to be re-nominated and re-elected to tho office I now fill. If nominated and eTeeted I pledge ray best services to the people of the county and will not. under any circumstances, be a candidate to suc ceed myself at the end of my second term. OTTO ALEXANDER ” FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS I hereby announce my candidacy i'or Register of Deeds, subject to the Democratic Primary to be held in June. Your support will be ap preciated. and if nominated and elected I promise to do my duty to the very best, of my ability. GLENN BURRELL Brevard FOR STATE SENATOR I hereby unnounce my candidacy for State Senator from the 32nd Senatorial district, subject to the will of the voters to be expressed in the June Primary. I shall appreciate your support. tl juue pd COS PAXTON FOR TAX COLLECTOR To The Voters of Transylvania Co. Raving served my county as Tax Collector for one term, and having faithfully discharged the duties ofi said office, I hereby announce my-' self as candidate for nomination forj the second term, subject to the; Democratic Primary. I will appreci ate the support of my friends. Respectfully, 0. L. ERWIN FOR SOLICITOR I hereby announce my candidacy] for the Democratic nomination for Solicitor of the Eighteenth Judicial I District subject to the action of the Democratic Primary to be held on June 2nd. Support of my friends in Transylvania County will be ap preciated . 3. LEE WHITMIRE, Hendersonville, N. C. FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce my candidacy for the' nomination for Sheriff of Transylvania County, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary to'be held in June. If nominated and elected I promise to give to thi3 office the very best I that is within me and to faithfully, fearlessly and impartially execute , the duties oi' the office. . , Your support will be appreciated. ( Respectfully. ] L. E. BAGWELL i FOR CLERK OF COURT T hereby announce my candidacy Clerk of Superior Court subject to the action of the Democratic Primary in June. If nominated and elected I promise to faithfully serve the peo ple to the best of my ability. I shall appreciate your vote and your oup POrt’ SPALDING McINTOSH --- FOR SHERIFF I heveby announce myself as can didate for nomination and election on the Democratic ticket to the office of Sheriff for the second term and will appreciate the interest and support of all my friends. I promise to do my best to serve the people of rny county if again elected to this office. TOM S. WOOD for county commissioner I hereby announce myself a3 a candidate to succeed myself as a member of the board of county com missioners, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. I have done my best to serve the peoples during my past term and shall ap-; preciate your support again. W. L. AIKEN FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce my candidacy for member of the legislature sub ject to the action of the Democratic Primary in June. I shall appreciate your support and if nominated and (acted promise to work for all the' eople of the county. W. H. DUCKWORTH | FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER At the insistence of a number of eading citizens cf the county I here y announce my candidacy for r.omi iation in the Democratic Primary for he place of Couuty Commissioner, ly reason for running for the office 3 to be of service to the people. I ____E. CARL ALLISON i FOR COMMISSIONER I hereby announce fof re-nomina lon and election on the Democratic icket for the office of Commissioner. : have done my best for the past (our years for my county, and if he people want me to oontinue I shall appreciate their support. W. JB. HENDERSON FOR TAX COLLECTOR To the Voters of Transylvania County: I hereby announce my candidacy for Tax Collector, subject*to the Dem ocratic Primary in June, ff nomi cated and elected I will discharge the duties of the office to the best of my ability. Your vote jyili be highly ap preciated. LEM BROOKS. FOR COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself’ as a candidate for the office of County Commissioner subject to action of the Democratic primary cn June 2nd. If nominated and elected I shall do all in my power to‘assist and help my fel low citizens, especially the drowning middle man, in some way that they may have a chance to pay taxes by giving notes up to and including 1932, also take bonds for full amount c: debt sendee. W. L. MULL. | FOR SOLICITOR I annunce my candidacy for nomi nation as Solicitor of the Eighteer.tt Judicial District subject to the Democratic Primary, and respectfully - solicit your support. CLARENCE 0. RIDINGS. TYPEWRITER RIBBONS-guaran teed regular Underwood-Fisher made same you pay 76c for else wbero—only CO cents, 2 for $1.00. The Times office, Groceries I . Fresh Meats Vegetables Phone 47 We Deliver cTTymarket S. F. Allison Main St. Brevard ROBERT R. MULLIKIN ! llIIIlsIlHlSl CANDIDATE For Congress 1 SAYS: ytSSIi H We are entering upon a new era, or renaissance, socially and .industrially, the recognition of human rights being the para mount issue in govern ment, and the develop ment of which requires new blood to guide its forces. There must be a revival, or resurrection, of real Jeffersonian democ racy. I do not think that the American people ar6 yet ready to adopt the English Monarchial sys tem _of government by perpetuating people in public office. Under our organic law—the Consti tution—we elect a con gressman every .two years; a President every four vears. Now, the- framers of that law had but one idea in mind—that the Congress is supposed to be the guardian and protector of the people’s rights—not their master or oppressor; and, further, that when a man is continued in public otfice for ' a long period of time lie becomes obsessed with the idea that the position is not the people’s, and overlooks legislation that ought to originate in his mind for the benefit and welfare of all the people, rather than for the favored few, or monop olies or special interests that have enjoyed special privileges or vested rights. I have carried on a high-class campaign, free from any tinge of mud-slinging or attacks upon my opponents, and while there have been controversies, rumors, etc., I have refused to be drawn into any political controversy and expect to continue to wage a high-class campaign. I have not come to attack Mr. Weaver’s record in Congress. The people are just as familiar with his record as I am. I do take the position, however, tnat the pacron aee so-called, belongs to the Democratic party and not to the congressmen individ ually 1 further take the position that inasmuch as we have honored Mr. Weaver over a long period of years, and now that we are entering upon this new era, and having been a life-long Democrat and having a desire to attain a life-long ambition SK active part in democracy's new challenge, I trust that the constituency of the Democratic party may give my Candidacy Ravorable consideration, i\& 1 fluence and support. ELIMINATE SALES TAX--REDUCE LAND TAX: HOW? There must be a bold assertion of “State's Rights." That is one of the fundamen 1 tals of democracy. rights? First, the states, collectively, are the father of the nation. The states, c0*(ecttvejy, by a grant of powers in our organic law— J he Constitution—have built up and so > ' ified one of the most powerful, richest nations of the world by means of taxat.on _taxes paid to the federal government. Secondly we want to say to the Congress that we are in an impoverished «>n|| dition and want a .reduction, or refund, to the state of at least f*Pei ceu* °f Bps taxes paid annually to the federal government. Hp|lnggg|j^|ra| rn 1933 the state of North Carolina paid into the federal treasury $245,000,000, 85 ?eJ cent of which was revenue paid by the tobacco manufacturers. On every one fhcSnd cigarette, manufactured, the manufacturer pay, to the federal government 00 Now we must demand that Congress lower that tax to, sa} $2.50 or $2.75 l rwhich will enable the state legiel.ture of ?<>** Vx%,kh rtthpr 25 cents or 50 cents per thousand in the nature of a manufacturers tax wnicn will amount. to about $25,000,000 annually for the state of North Carolina—a sum sufficient to eliminate the sales tax—cut the land tax in halt and j^re tfc* school system to its former !tigh standards. Southern statesmen have overlooked that. May 26th, 1934. ROBERT R. MULL1KIN % .__- 1

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