Aninmimwm : | Only Newspaper \ Published In 1 c. I Transylvania ] I .?0ttnty.j r A Newspaper Devoted to the Best lntere _^ ^ GIRL SCOUT BENEFIT j ON FRIDAY-SATRDAY Comedy Will Be Presented By Local Talent At Brevard High School A comedy from the pen of George S. Kaufman, “The Butcev and Egg Mi n,” will be presented as a Girl Scout benefit play on Friday and Saturday nights of this week at b:00 o’clock in the high school auditorium, j This is the play :hat Kaufman; wrote without the collaboration ol Marc Connelly. The wise-cracking: comedy concerns the adventures ot, the unsophisticated youth from a small town down South who comes to j New York to buck th • theatrical i business. He is welcome! as an easy, mark by two Broadway producers. Thov take his money, sell him half interest in a decrepit show, and when 1 circumstances force him to buy out the entire show with the help of | another ‘Butter and Egg Man” the awful production begins to make | . uev Then Mr. Butter and Man No. 1 sells the show back to the two come-on men at a handsome profit. The play is being directed by Frank McIntosh and the cast is as follows: Peter Jones, Donald Jenkins; Jane Weston. Dorothy King; Joe Lehman, Leon English; Fanny Lehman, Chris tine Y'ongue; Jack McClure, Thomas Whitmire: Mary Martin, Helen Mor row: A Waiter, Randolph Myers; Bernie Sampson, Frank McIntosh;, Peggy Marlowe, Margaret FuL tnight: Kitty Humphreys, Mrs. Ashe Macfie; Oscar Fritchie, Jimmie Dea ver; Cecil Benham, Krnest McFaul, and A. J. Patterson, Frank McIntosh. Miss LMian Jenkins has charge of the box office; George Bromfield is stage manager and technician and the stage crew consists of Alfred Hamp ton. Frank Bridges, John Miller and Glen Miller. EXCHANGEOFaVIC CLUB OPENS 15TH Plans for re opening the Woman's Exchange on June 15 were discusser! and completed at the regular meet ing of the Women’s Civic club, held Monday afternoon at the library. Miss Katherine Griffin, chairman of the exchange committee of the Civic club, will be manager in charge of the exchange this season, which will be operated at the former loca tion on East Main street, and be open every day in the week, begin ning next Friday. Miss Griffin pointed out that the nembership dues will be the same as ‘ormerly, 50 cents for the season, it that the commission charge for •mbers entering articles for sale .s beui increased from 10 per cent .0 15 per cent. The 50 cents member ship fee will entitle the member to enter as many as five articles for -ale at one time. All kinds of eat ables, flowers, fancy articles, home made furniture, quilts, antiques or anything ordinarily obtainable at a woman’s exchange will be admitted by members to be placed on sale. Fmther plans were also discussed concerning the annual flower show, sponsored by the Civic club, which will be held this year on July 27. Mrs. John Maxwell, chairman of the committee in charge of the flower show, to'd of plans the committee is making for this outstanding event of the summer season. The classifica tion and rules for entries in the flower show will be re-printed in this paper at an early date, for benefit of the many people who expect to enter exhibits competing fot the various prizes to be offered. In the absence of the president, Miss Florece Kern, and the vice president, Mrs. W. E. Breese, the meeting was presided over by the secretary. Miss Alma Trowbridge. Mrs. Beulah Zachary acted in the sec retary’s place for this meeting. COMMUNITY CLUE MEET AT LITTLE RIVER 12TH A meeting of the Little River com munity club will be held at the Little River school next Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. This will be a social and re-organi zation and election of officer's will take place. All ladies of the commun ity are urged to attend. At Lyday Ho&pitai The following patients were report 1 at Lyday Memorial hospital or. Wednesday: Mrs.' H. E. Williamson. Miss Jennie Aiken, Mrs. Redmon, Mrs. Claude Wilson and Mrs. E. W. Lyday. camkreenUe is READY FOR OPENING Record Attendance Expected During Ten-Week Period —Mulligan Director ur dams, it was explained. The bill must face action in the senate. The dams with their estimated ul timate cost were listed by Dr. Arthur I E. Morgan, TVA chairman, as fol lows: Aurora, near the mouth of 1 Little Tennessee river, $42,000,000; i Pickwick, near Muscle Shoals, Ala., $39,000,000; French Broad, in the i valley of the French Broad, between Asheville ami the Murphy area $30,000,000; a’*l, in the Murphy area, $13,000,000. NEXT SOLICITOR IN THIS DISTRICT (t - CLARENCE O. RIDNGS Nominated by the Democratic primary last Saturday over Dee R. Whitmire. __ ■ I LEWIS P. HAMLN Prevard mail wh • will carry the , Republican banner in race for I solicitor. | Alexander, Wood, Brooks, Henderson, Aiken and Mull Nominated Saturday Second Primary To Be Held on June 30th Between Sims and Galloway in Register of Deeds Race, and Between Paxton and Ramsey In State Senator Race—Ridings Wins Over [ Whitmire For Solicitor. ^ . W. M. Henry for representative,; Otto Alexander for clerk of court, \ T. S. Wood for sheriff, Lem Brooks, for tax collector, W. L. Aiken, W. B. Henderson and W. L. Muil for com missioners were nominated in the Saturday Democratic primary. In the race for nomination as state senator, Ralph Raimey led the ticket, with Cos Paxton and M. Wal lace Galloway better than three, hundred votes. Jess Galloway led Eck L. Sims in the five-cornered race for register of deeds by a hundred votes. Mr. Paxton and Mr. Sims have both called for a second primary to be held on June 30th. Candidates renominated included Clerk of Court Otto Alexander, Sher iff Tom Wood, W. L. Aiker. and W. B. Henderson. 0. L. Erwin was de feated for his place as vJp.s L. V. Sig mon. Clarence 0. Ridings of Forest City, was nominated as solicitor,’defeat ing R. Lee Whitmire of Henderson ville, who many prognosticators pick ed to win after J. Will Pless Jr. was made judge, thus withdrawing his name from the solicitorial race. Congressman Zeb Weaver was re nominated by an overwhelming ma jority, the same holding true in the cases of Wallace Winborne for com-1 missioner of public utilities. Complete official vote count as fur nished by Ralph W. Lyday, chairman of the board of elections, follows: For Congress Weaver .1571 j Mullikin . Owen . 2;5; Atkinson . (Weaver nominee) For Utilities Commissioner Winborite .1521 Macon . 553 (Winborne Nominee) For Solicitor R. L. Whitmire .1510 C. 0. Ridings . 853 (Ridings Nominee) For Senator Ralph Ramsey . 1001 Cos Paxton . jioi W. M. Galloway .; 681 (Second primary) For Representnt.ivo W. M. Henry .1553 W. H. Duckworth . 888 (Henry nominee) For Clerk of Court Ottc Alexander .1553 Spalding McIntosh . 015 (Alexander nominee) For Register Deeds ^ ^ \ Jess A. Galloway .735 j Eck L. Sims .632 Glenn Burrell .432 Edwin A. Morgan.428 Noah C. Miller .201 (Second primary) For Sheriff T. S. Wood .1715 L. E. Bagwell . 745 (Wood nominee) For fax Collector Lem Brooks .1513 0. L. Erwin . 903 (Brooks nominee) For County Commissioners W. L. Aiken .1474 W. B. Henderson.1242 W. L. Mull .1229 L. V. Sigmon ..1135 E. Carl Allison . 968 L. F. Lydfty . 878 R. C. Smith . 241 (Aiken, Henderson, Mull) Constable Brevard T. S. Red Smith .383 W. L, Wood .345 J. L. Albert .285 Constable Catheys Creek Harry Owen .187 Lon R. Chapman . 83 A. D. Rogers . 80 Ccntstable Eestatoe Lawrence Whitmire .115 Voss Galloway . 71 Cecil Galloway . 65 M. P. Gilliam . 20 Justice Peace East a toe W. H. Mason . 103 Ed Davis . 97 C. S. Osborne was unopposed ar.d is therefore nominee for county cor oner. Other ltominess who had no op position are: J. R. Mahoney, justice of the peace for Catheys Creek; W. W. Mull, constable Dunn’s Rock. Sheriff Tom Wood, renominated by the biggest vote ever given a candi date for sheriff .expressed keen pleasure at the fine vote given him. His majortiy over Mr. Bagwell was 970. W. L. Mull for county commis sioner also asked The Times to ex press his appreciation for the fine vote given him. Eck L. Sims, who will enter a second primary for the register of deeds place against Jess A. Galloway, who beat his vote by 103, asks the paper to express espec ially his appreciation for work done for him and votes cast. E. Carl Alli son, defeated in his race for commis sioner, also expressed appreciation for the votes cast for him. Jess A. Galloway high man for register ex presses thanks also to his supporter?. CLEARANCE SALE EVENT AT R. H. PLUMMER CO. Announcement is made this week by the R. H. Plummer & Co. of their clearance sale which is hold just be fore the summer season each year. Special values are being offered by the Plummer store for Friday and Saturday, plus special clearance prices on many articles in the store. PRECINCT MEETINGS SET FOR SATURDAY Call is issued by the Democratic Executive committee through the ad vertising columns of The Times to the effect that precinct meetings are to he held on Saturday afternoon of this week at two o’clock at the var ious polling places. Business of the Democratic precinct meetings is to elect committee chair man, vice chairman and delegates to the county convention which will- be held at the court house in Brevard on Monday, June 11, at two. o’clock. In the Old Toxaway precinct the me ting will be held at the Wylie Meece home and in Rosman at the D. H. Winchester store. Other mpet will be held at the polling TENNIS COURTS ATTRACT; AT BROAD AND JORDAN Jack Tranthair and Mitchell King are completing this week several ten nis courts at the comer of Jordan and Broad streets that give promise of being a decided asset to the summer business here. The courts are of standard size and have an excellent type of top-soil that Will make of them a fine place for those who enjoy the popular game of tennis. WATERINGTROUGH TO BE REBUILT HERE Taking into consideration the fact that real “horse power” is coming back into its own. the town official - are planning to build a public water ing trough oil the city-owned lot just in the rear of Mact'ie’s Drug store where Old Dobbin may have his best refreshments after he has made the trip into town. It was deemed best by the officials that the watering trough be moved from the old location in front of the court house, which trough has net been in use for several years, on ac count of the congested traffic in that immediate vicinity. HOLLIDAY REUNION WILL j BE HELD FOURTH SUNDAY j Annual Holliday reunion will be held on the fourth Sunday in Jwie at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Holliday and Elantyrc section. A large number of people from various sections of North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia always attend the Holliday reunion, the fam ily having a wide circle of friends in this section. U. D. C. Hour Change New summer opening hours of the U. D. C. library, beginning Monday,] will be Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, open from nine to twelve in the morning and three to six in the afternoon. WASTING WATER TO BE STOPPED IN CITY Plumbing Inspector Will Be Sent To All Homes and Business Places Plumbing inspection of all resi dences and business places served by the town of Brevard water system was ordered at the regular meeting of the board of aldermen Monday night, inspectors to be placed on this work within the week. It was brought to the attention of the board Monday night that there is a great waste of water ir> the town j and suburbs, most of this coming from negligent causes, such as leaky i spigots, outlets and continuous flow of water from bursted pipes and, faulty bathroom fixtures. The inspectors will point out faults in plumbing to patrons ,and suggest repairs, it being understood that such requested repairs and replacements will be made immediately. With increased load on the city water supply, it was felt by the water | committee of the board that unnec essary waste should be eliminated. There is no actual shortage of water, or is there likely to be, it was em phasized by the water committee, but with the increased load on the sys tem that will be used at the swim ming pool, that to be used by Bre vard College, and the natural increase of summer usage, it is deemed proper j by the officials that unnecessary; waste be stopped. GLAZENER APPOINTED TO MARS HILL BOARD Prtffessor Julian A. Glazener. head of the vocational agricultural department of Brevard high school and active Baptist church worker, has been appointed as a trustee for Mars Hfll college. Mr. Glazener will fill the vacancy made by the resignation of F. Brown Carr ,who is now in business in New Orleans. Fish-Game Body to Meet Regular meeting of the Transyl vania Fish and Game association will1 be held at the court house next Tues day night at eight o’clock. People from all sections n ! band at the time. The men we. standing about 50 to 75 yards awa" from the Masters house, near tk • Powell barn at the time,. White sai Masters and Roper wdl'e about U:i feet apart when the gun fired. On examination by W. E. Breeze, ittorney for Masters .the witness laid that he heard Master's dog run sing near the house. The wife of 5V'hite was not present ,sbe having jone cn toward her home when Rope r ind White met. There was an unob structed view of the Masters homo 'roin the place cf the killing, White :aid, and he was not certain wheth-: Sopor was in the logging road o [ust on ttie edge of it at the time o. :he shooting. Manley Powe'l, next wittier* called, ratified that he talked very fciiefly :o Roper and White a few minutes jrior to the shooting, but that' he