Chevrolet Announces New Model Car ! And Price Reduction On All Classes DETROIT, June 2—Chevrolet yes tcrday tcLinally announced ‘ the \ orlU’s lowest price six-cylinder car ’ v ith the introduction of the new im j oved lt»34 standard six _ models, . .ipplementing the master Chevrolet i odils previously presented. With announcement of the new six was al announced a price reduction of hvm $2:> to $50 on cars and trucks of all models and sizes. This price reduction being due, according to officials of the company, to the great volume of business being done by Chevrolet. Reduction in the prices is naturally expected to increase the already heavy sales, thus giving em ployment to more men and tending to increase volume of business done uy aided industries. The new car.- are replete with major improvements designed to' achVive 1. tter performance, riding qualities, comfort, and appearance, both cha sis and body have been c-omoletelv redesigned in keeping with the latest advance in engineering and styling. Roadability, and especially stabil ity, have been enhanced through the adoption of a wider chassis frame and more widely spaced leut springs front and rear, iit conjunction with a longer front axel and increased tread of the fror wheels. These chassis improve mor have permitted the use of big roo bodies having maximum width and nplv leg room. In the power plant, smoothness, ecot- my and flexibility have been im proved through a revision of the in let and exhaust systems with higher compression and a refined valee and tapp t mechanism, including a re* i!i.';k'C‘d camshaft. The new models share with _tne master ries such appearance fea tures as sleek, flowing lines, deep fenders hugging tlm tires, long hood with h i-i/.i'iita! louvres, and steenly inclined radiator grille. Numerous in Good ] HAIR CUTS! I Clean, Smooth | SHAVES \ < We'll be pleaded to serve you : at our .-hop. located next door " to the Transylvania Times of fice. « Our iist of satisfied cus tomer' i> growing daily . . come 1 to see us. I I.oalia Tinsley-M. E. Head . _j SHOE SHINE.5c TINSLEY Barber Shop I.OALIA TINSLEY Next to Transylvania Times terior refinement similarly enhance the 3tyle and finish of the passenger compartments. The exterior has been generally re designed to add to style and utility. Deep fromt fenders, extending far over the tires, conceal unsightly chassis parts, with only a shallow “valley” remaining between fenders and hood. Front fenders are formed to extend to the center of the car under the radiator, eliminating the separate radiator splash guard. Fen der skirts have been given sharp, graceful contours, making them ap i. ar to fit closely to the tire3. Edges of the fenders have turned in flanges r v extra stiffness. The re-styled front-end ensemble includes new designs for the hood and • adiator grille. The hood is unusually long, and has three horizontal louvres. Frcnt ffttders, radiator and head lamp? are supported as a unit on a •tabilized mounting of improved de sign, insulated from the frame by a single centrally located rubber cushion. Running boards blend smoothly into the fenders and are finished with a longer rubber mat, extending farther toward the rear. Closed car model? are equipped with improved Fisher no-draft ventilation and with a reversed cowl ventilator, penirg toward the rear, similar to cho arrangement of the master models. , , Among me special swuciuicu tures of the newly styled closed bodies are increased strength resulting from a new design of cowl braces and the ' olted roof rail structure; and numer als improvements in the doors, which are equipped with an adjust able diagonal brace, shorter and sturdier hinges, improved dovetalis and striker plates, and new half round leek bolts. Other improvements have been effected in the windshield -ealing, the door locks, and the treamlined outside door handle. The closed cars are wired for radio. The two open models, phaeton and port roadster are innovations in the (1 mestic line on this chassis model. Both cars are gracefully streamlined and have the same type of beaver tail rear end as the closed models. The safety glass windshield is set at an angle ox 25 degrees to prevent an noying glare. Seats, located so as to provide maximum le groom and a c mfortable hack angle, are finished in high grade imitation leather over double acting springs with soft tops. Stardard equipment on all models includes speedometer, electric gaso line gauge, oil gauge, ammeter; safety glass' windshield, vacuum windshield wiper; combination tail and stop light, and shock absorbers front and rear. The stardard chassis frame is ntirely r.ew. It is designed to effect improved weight distribution and bet ter rpring mounting, and to proside for a new design of entire suspen sion The new frame is wider through out its length than the •‘.>33 modex, and its side rails converg ■ from the rem u> (he narrowest wi >th at the front axle, where they diverge to : pring eyes and bumper mountings, nrovide wider centers for the front The new construction permits an in crease in front wheel tread from 54 to 56 inches. Un e !•> .1 Fish Story In Reverse Fort Mvcrs. Fla.—0. C. Cone went fishing and almost got caught by the fish! He hooked a tarpon, but the fish nulled him overboard. Cone es caped with a ducking and the tarpon escaped altogether. Announcing Opening Of Central Market AND Grocery Supply Carrying a complete line of Fresh Killed and Western Meats, and large stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries and Vegetables OPEN FOR BUSINESS Saturday Morning, June 9th We will appreciate your patronage and will give you the very best of service possible, together with prices that are reasonable. .........*.... East Main Street Phone 124 ......INI.Mllll......'■'■I.... J. [. C.O. Waters Robinson IN MEMORY Of Little Martha Ann McGinnis (By Miss Nellie Wild) During the long hcurs of a sad evening in the fall of 1932 the death angel winged his way to earth and took a loved one from us little Martha Ann McGinnis, small daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Bill McGinnis of the Cherryfield section. ‘•Martha Ann is g tie to live with Jesus In that appy home home on high We shall miss her, but we shall meet her When we breathe our evening prayer. ‘‘She was always kind and happy And we miss her day by day, But -he’s sleeping, sweetly sleeping, Waiting for her loved ones over there. “We loved her but our Savior loved her more, And He called her to join him on the bright eternal shore. It is sad to part with loved ones, But our blessed Lord knows best. "’Twill be sweet to meet in heaven where We’ll see our loved ones • face to face. . 0, we’ll love to think of heaven. That beautiful home on high. “There’s no sickness or pain in heaven, No funeral coach in the sky. No graves on the hilside of glory. For there we shall never more die. A new instrument to aid in straightening cross-eye in children has been designed by scientists at the University of California. Heavy rains in the east have de layed cotton and tobacco planting. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a Deed in Trust executed on the 27th day of August A. D. 1926 by A. H. Kizer, (unmar ried), to W. E. Breese, Trustee, which said Deed in Trust is duiy recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Transylvania County, N. C.( in Ri ok 20, page 271 et seq and indexed in said/office and to which index and record reference is hereby made and the same made a part hereof for the purpose of description, and default having been made in the payment of both principal and interest on the note secured by the said Deed in Trust and legal demand having been made for the payment of same by the holder of said note, and all other legal notices having been duly given, the undersigned Trustee will, on Friday, June 8th, 1934, at 12:00 o'clock M. offer for sale at Public Auction and sell to the highest bidder FOR CASH at the Court House door in the Town of Brevard, County of Transylvania, State of North- Carolina, the following pieces, parcel? or lots of land, and all inter ests therein, as described and set out in said Deed in Trust, and said land being more particularly de scribed as follows: FIRST TRACT: Lying on the waters of Morgan's* Mill Creek adjoining the lands of J. M. Morgan, C. A. McCall and others, B( ginning at two pine?, James Mor gan’s corner, and runs South 42 de grees West 51 poles to a small hickory -aid Morgan's corner; thence No. 45 degrees west 100 poles to a stake; thence No. 30 poles to a stake in Can dler’s line; thence East 140 poles with Candler’s line to a stake; thence So. 78 poles to a Chestnut corner of Phil lips’ land; thence to the beginning containing 00 acres more or less. It being the same land conveyed to Mary Galloway and M. V. Galloway by deed dated March 6th. 1901, and registered in Book 18, Page 57, April 16th. 1901. SECOND TRACT: Adjoining the lands ot the duck worth heirs and lying on the waters of Morgan’s Mill Creek. Beginning on a chestnut oak on a ridge and runs North 50 poles to a stake and pointers; thence North 76 degrees East 65 poles to a Chestnut Oak; thence South 50 degrees East 23 poles to a chestnut Oak; thence South 59 degrees East 72 poles to a stake in Morgan’s line known as the old east and west line: thence west with the same 110 poles to a stake; thence North 30 degrees east 24 poles to the beginning. Containing 87 acres more or less, it being the same land conveyed by W. M. Meece and wife to Mary A. Galloway and l). V. Gal ioway by deed dated March 6th, 1901, and registered on the 16th day of April, 1901 in book 18, on page 56 of the Deed records of Transylvania] County, North Carolina. EXCEPTION: Excepting however, from the above tracts 22 1-3 acres heretofore sold to John Mann and 4 2-3 acres heretofore sold to James Kilpatrick off the above boundaries. THIRD TRACT: Beginning at a chestnut oak and rurs South 9 East 64 poles to a stake on the top of a ridge; thence south 83 west 36 poles to a stake at the forks of a branch; thence North 14 west 25 poles to a stake on the top ol' a ridge; thence 41 wc-st 25 poles to a hickory at the top of a ridge: thence north 55 west 36 poles to a stake in the old line; thence north 4 3-4 poles to a stake, its corner; thence North 76 east 65 poles to a chestnut oak; thence south 50 east 23 poles to the beginning, containing 22 1-3 acres. Being the same land conveyed to Harvey McCall by J. Frank McCsll and wife Lautie McCall, by deed dated May 14th, 1919, and which deed is recorded in the office of the register of deeds of Transylvania , Countv, N. C., in book No. 41 on j page 166 and to which deed and i record reference is hereby made and which deed and record are hereby made a part of the said instrument. Said sale being for :r.e purpose of satisfying said debt, interest, cost and expenses of said sale. This 8th day of May, 1934. W. E. BREESE, TRUSTEE. May 10 5 t. ' BLANTYRE BREEZES (Mrs. Ada E. Reed) We are glad to hear that Lawrence j Nesbit who has been ill for some time seems to be improving. Miss Frederica Maxwell called on! Miss Irene Davis. Jewel Reed is up again after be-j ing ill with measles. The children of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Frady who have been afflicted with measles are better at pre ent. j Miss Bede Reed spent the week-, end at her home here. . j Leonard Nesbit called on t.rady Justus Saturday. We are sorry to report the illness of Janies Maxwell. The children of Mr .and Mrs. J. H. Green have been ill with measles. Mrs. Leroy Davis has recently been visiting her father, .Mr. Max well. Dr, Carpenter of Hendersonville was visiting Mr. and Mrs. E, H Jones at River Mont farm Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gray were re cent visitors in our community. Mrs. J. E. Talley has been spend ing some time with her parents Mr. and Mrs. James Maxwell. APPRECIATION I appreciate very much the loyal support given me in the primary and take this method of thanking all who voted or worked for my nomina tion. Otto Alexander Business paid out in wages, divi dends and other disbursements $24, 000,000 more than it produced in the three depression years 1930-32, ac cording to the National Industrial Conference Board. "order and notice In the Superior Court, Noith Carolina, Transylvania County. Nettie Benedict vs. Paul C. Benedict. It appearing that a summons has been issued and the plaintiff has filed a complaint in the Superior Court ot Transylvania county of even date herewith, for the purpose of securing an absolute divojfce from the de fendant above named, and It further appearing from the af fidavit of Nettie Benedict, the plain tiff in this action, that Paul C. Brne dict is not to be found in Transyl vania County, and cannot, after due diligence, be found in the State of North Carolina, and that the said Paul C. Benedict is a non-resident of the State of North Carolina. It is therefore, on motion, ordved that notice of this action he published once a week for four consecutive weeks in the Transylvania Times, a newspaper published in Transylvaria County, setting forth the title of the action, the purpose of the same and 1 requiring the defendant to appear at the next term of the Superior Court cf Transylvania County to be he’d at the Court House in the Town of Bre vard beginning July 30th 1934 and that said defendant be required to file his answer within thirty days after tire completion of the service cf summons by publication, the plain tiff’s complaint now being on file in the office of the Clerk of the Super-! ior Court of said County. This May 30, 1934. OTTO ALEXANDER, i Clerk Superior Court. May 81, June 7, 14, 21. MASONIC MEETING Regular communication oi Dunr. a Rock Masonic lodge will be held Fri day night at 8 o'clock in the Masonic Hall. All members are urged to at tend and an invitation is extended to visiting Masons. * Jerry Jerome, W. M. Henry Henderson, Secy. If you’ve escaped trouble so far on thin old tires, thank your lucky stars—and have us put on new Goodyears, the Public’s FIRST-Choice for 19 HO_ 4.75x19 $5.70 6.25x18 $6.70 GOODYEAR I SPEEDWAY '■ Features: Center Traction . .. Tough Thick Tread .. . Super twiet Cord Body . . . Full Oversize . . . Ribbed Side walls. Goodyear ’ Guarantee 0 Sensational NEW "G-3" GOODYEAR ALL-WEATHER Features: 43% More Non Skid Mileage . . . Flatter Wider Tread... More Non Sk Id Block* . . . Wider Riding Rib* No Extra Cost I JESS A. SMITH Fo^ WE SERVICE ALL MAKES OF CARS - mm > in ,l. Pursuant to the Democratic Plan of Organization, and by direction of the Chair man of the State Democratic Executive Committee, a meeting of the County Demo cratic Executive Committee was held on Friday, May 11, 1934, at 10:00 o clock for the purpose of setting the time and place for holding the Democratic Precinct Meet ings in the County. Therefore, the Democrats of the County are hereby notified that the Precinct meetings will be held at the time and place as follows: SATURDAY, JUNE 9th, 1934 Boyd . Polling Place.2:00 o’clock P.M. Brevard, No. 1.Polling Place.. .2:00 o’clock P.M. Brevard, No. 2.Polling Place.2:00 o’clock. P.M. Brevard, No. 3.Polling Place.2.00 o’clock P.M. Catheys Creek.Polling Place.2:00 o’clock P.M. Cedar Mountain ... Polling Place.2:00 o’clock P.M. Dunns Rock.Polling Place.2:00 o’clock P.M. . East a toe. Polling Place.2:00 o’clock P.M. East Fork .Polling Place.2:00 ©clock P.M. Gloucester No. 1 ... Polling Place.2:00 o'clock P.M. Gloucester No. 2 ... .Polling Place.2:00 o'clock P.M. Hogback No.' 1 .Poking Place.2:00 o’clock P.M. Hogback No. 2 .Polling Place.2:00 o’clock P.M. Hogback No. 3 .Polling Place..2:00 o’clock P.M. Little River .Polling Place.2:00 o’clock P.M. Old Toxaway.Wylie Meece Home.2:00 o’cloca P.M. Ro,man . .. D. H. Winchester Store... .2:00 o'clock P.M. . in * *» •_ The purpose of the precinct meeting u to elect a precinct — - active Democrats which precinct committee shall immediately elect a Chairma and a Vice-Chairman and the Vice-Chairman shall be a woman. The Precinct Committee shall also eAect delegates to the County Convention, on* delegate and one alternate for each twenty-five or fraction of twenty-five Demo cratic votes in the Precinct. The County Convention is to be held at the Court House Monday, June lit 1034 at 2:00 o’clock P. M. It is hoped that there will be a good turnout of Democrats at the* P^umt meetings, as the Party Organization for the whole County and State rests pnmari y on the Precinct Committees. To the Democratic Party, the people of the County, State and Nation »re in debted for the wonderful recovery