ROSMAN NEWS MRS. JORDAN WHITMIRE, Correspondent_ Dewey and Leonard O Shields or I'.ckens were Sunday guests of Mr. mid Mrs. John O’Shields. Charlie Gant Is quite ill at his 1 vine here with appendicitis. Mrs. S. M. Towns and Mrs. Tom l.ooneyhan of Pickens spent the week-end as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Town and Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Rogers. . Mrs. Eddie Towns was a business visiters in Hendersonville Thursday. Mrs. Sarah Galloway and son Grady were Sunday guests of Mrs. A. W. Bruner. Mrs. A. M. Collins of St. Peters burg, Fla., spent Monday as guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Paxton. Mrs. Collins left for her home in Florida Tuesday. Rev. and Mrs. C. J. Eldridge and son Eldridge attended the banquet held at Selica school house Friday night. ,, . Ted Harbin is spending this week visiting relatives at Canton and Ashe ''Randall Lyday spout the week-end visiting relatives at Penrose. Mack Christopher and a party Of boys from Greenville passed through R os man Monday en route to High lands on a picnic and camping trip. R>y and Coy Fisher were dinner guv of Mr. and Mrs. D L. Glazener Sun'"/. , M and Mrs. Clifford Stoner and dan: er were guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. i Glazener Saturday. , Ray Chapman of Asheville visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. R Chapman, Sunday. , Rol* 11 Thomas of Salem visited his brother T. H. Thomas and Mrs. Thomas the last of the week. ... « 1 _ f _ii.. nnnnlI LUl'' I . U v» Tv nn.. spviit a few days as guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jackson last week, returning to Ten nesee Sunday. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chap man of Asheville a daughter, Louise, on Monday, May 28. Mr. Chapman is the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Chap man of Rosman. Born to Mr. and Mr'. Edwin Sta ten a son. on Friday June 1st. Mrs. Staton was before her marriage Miss Lovclln Galloway, daughter of Mr. alii Mrs. W. E. Galloway. Ralph Eldridge and Mr. Mitchell, students of Weaver college, spent the week-end with the former’s parents, Ri-v. and Mrs. C. J. Eldridge.-They were accompanied back to college by l)< uglas Eldridge who will attend commencement exercises there. T. B. Reid of Oakland visited his grandson. Fred Nicholson and Mrs. Nicholson, the latter part of the week. R v. Bob Meece of Sunset, S. C„ visited his sister. Mrs. Ed Hendricks and Mr. Hendricks in the Old Toxa way section Sunday. The latter has ixen very id t r several days having -uft.ivi a stroke of paralysis. Miss I.niise > Glazener returned i-,mo Sunday from Hendersonville nil ic -li' spent several days as guest , r her sunt, Mrs Glazener. Mrs. Ft fie Owen is spending a few J V At Any Hour * <S» . A •! Day or Night * ! MOORE ! •> , X •> and X ! OSBORNE | i Undertakers ’ i * t Are ready to serve you .. 1: Day Phones, 88, 159, 250 | | Night Phones, 159, 250 ;; | BREVARD, N. C. jj * 111 & 119 W. Main St I i | I Moore & Osborns ! | Undertakers *4* " days in Asnsyiue at tne uvmv aui . • and Mrs. Roy Chapman. j Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Glazener and; daughters, Misses Faye and Louise, visited Sunday Jimmy Whitmire who is ill at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Case in Brevard. j Miss Nora Milisaps of Asheville is spending several days as guest of her r'stcr, Mrs. J. E. White. Dock Lusk is spending several days at Six Mile visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Lusk. 1 Marion Glazener nad Ralph Gil lespie were business visitors to Bre vard Monday. j L. D. Woodard and son of Boone spent Saturday night as guest of the formers brother, G. H. Woodard and Mrs. Woodard. They were ac companied home by Miss Beatrice Woodard who wil lspend a few days visiting in Boone. Mrs. Olaud KiVy \ctf GreenviHe visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Watkins Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Petit visited the former’s mother, Mrs. Lennie Petit Sunday. ' j Miss Ruby Glazener returned hpme Saturday .having spent the past week with her father, D. L. Glazener at Willits. ! Miss Leota Randolph and Miss Emma Lee Galloway accompanied Mi-s Ruth Randolph to Brevard Sun da ;■ to visit relatives this week. I Rev. and Mrs. M, J. StSnsell and five children of Salem were dinner! guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Thomas J and Mr. and Mrs. James Staton Thursday. | Mrs. Roxie Dunn of the Selica sec tion passed (through Rosman Mon day to Angel Brothers hospital at Franklin to undergo a minor opera tion. • i Misses Lavcrne wnumire, irene Pharr and Elsie White .students of W. C. T. C. arrived home Tuesday to spend the summer with their par ents here. W. H. Edens and sons Dan and Jack, spent Sunday at Pickens visit ing Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Keith. Mr. and Mrs. John Kilpatrick of Brevard were visitors at the home of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Edens, Saturday. ! R. E. Everette and Guy Thomas of Easley were business visitors to Ros nian Thursday. Floyd Callahan of Greenville spent the week-end in Rosman visiting j friends ad relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Volrath j moved Monday from the J. W. Glaze ner apartment to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mack Rains. Miss Lola Williams and Miss Gregory of Statesville are spending a few days as guests of Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Whitmire. Mrs. Jesse Love, Mr. and Mrs. Coy Whitmire, Lena Mae Love and- Gene Murphy spent Sunday nt Jocassee visiting relatives. , . Misses Anna Laura Singletary and Betty Nelson and Edwin Singletary spent Wednesday in Greenville visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Callahan. A M. Pharr is quite ill at his home | nn Main street. I Fred Kerley, Jr., of Granite Falls i spending a few days as guest of his cousins, A. M. White Jr. and Earl^ ' j'^W. Glazener and daughters Avr’rie and Vivian of Granite Falls spent a few days the first of the week( visiting at Calvert. I •limmy. small son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Edens, is very ill at the home i‘ his parents. 1 ji. white Jr., Charles Glazener, tied Walter Reece Jr. attended church | in Brevard Sunday. ! Mrs. Delia Allen of Henderson-, vilie visited her mother, Mrs. L. M. Glazener. Sunday. 1 Miss Mary Petit and Mrs. Walter] Petit made a businss trip to Brevard • Monday. , v | Miss Mary Fetit and Mrs. Jane Hendrix were visiters of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hendrix one day last week. Mr. Hendrix is very ill at his horns. Mary and Blanche were Saturday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Burton. Rev. J. N. Hall and A. M. White Jr. attended" the Methodist district conference at Bryson City Sunday and Monday. Lonnie Sisk who has been quite ill] at Six Mile hospital, is recovering ■ nictiv to be able to re turn' .. i hi* parents, Mr. and .vi»eu sk; coon. Mr Mrs. .ee R. Fiaher are ■per. overal uays visifThg friends at P. i, 8. C. J. \\. ,V inches ter Jr, of Pickens has Bccepu.u a position with the Rosman Motor company. RIVERSIDE QUARTET TO SING SUNDAY The Riverside quartet will sing at Lake Toxaway Baptist church Sun day morning at 10 o'clock. The pub lie is invited. The quartet is com posed of the following: James Sta ton, Roy Fisher, Charlie Gant, Claud Stroup, William White, Oscar Bar rett and Leota Randolph. E. D. Randolph is leader. REVIVAL SERVICES COME TO A CLOSE Revival services held at Zion Bap tist church, conducted by Rev. A. S. Lcckee of Greenville .assisted by the pastor, Rev. J. E. Burt, came to a close Thursday night. The date for baptismal services will be announced in the near future. The revival meet ing was pronounced very successful. Large crowds attended each service, the church being filled to capacity. several nights. Miss Viola Rice and Mr. Grady Masters were married in Pickens,! S. C., on Thursday, May 31. with j Probate Judge officiating. Mrs. Masters is the youngest daughter of George Rice and the late Mrs. Rice. Mr. Masters is the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Masters of Rosman. I _ I NATIVE OF THIS SECTION IS WELCOME VISITOR HERE j Dr. Jesse C. Owen of Murfrees boro spent several days here last week vfsiting relatives here and at Gloucester. Dr. Owen has* a sister,' Mrs. Sallie Galloway, residing here and a brother, J. A. Owen, in the Gloucester section as well as a host of other relatives residing in this sec tion. He also visited his recently mar-; ried daughter, Mrs. Gordon Rodgers ( rf Canton. I Dr. Owen is a native of this sec tion. He spent many years in China in missionary work but the past year he has been head of the Bible depart mcnt of Chowan college and pastor of the church at Murfreesboro. He left here Saturday to begin a revi val at Rutherfordton. REVIVAL SERVICES ARE IN PROGRESS Revival services began at the Church of God Sunday night, con-, ducted bv the pastor, Rev. Ramsey,1 assisted by Rev. C. P. Galloway of. South Carolina. The singing is in charge of E. D. Randolph and Prof. Rochester of South Carolina. The public is invited to attend the serv vices. PENROSENEWS (By N. L. Ponder) Enon W. M. U. will present a Fan nie Heck Memorial program after the evening church service next Sunday at eight o'clock. Thursday afteraoon of this week is set for rehearsal of the program. Mrs. Coy Surrette is president of the union and manager of the program. Farmers who have talked of being behind in their, work are getting into weeds and grass still worse on ac count of the wet weather. Potatoes are looking good and putting on tubers in these showers. Frank Cox has been in Oteen hos pital for several days where he had an operation. We all hope for him a Quick recovery and return home. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Woodfin of Campobella were visiting Mrs. Wocdfin’s parents and other relatives of this community last week-end. Leon Lyday who has been in school at State College is at home now. Miss Fleeto Freeman, Enon teacher, who liar been at her home in South Carolina since school was out, was a visitor here last week end. Wilson Lyday, who is finishing hi? degree work at Cullowhce was at borne last week. Miss Garnett Lyday who has been teaching in Gastonia is at home for the summer. Arnold Williams and Harry Brown of thin community are doing work on the government road on Mt. Pisgah^ Lumber For Sale at $10 and $12 per Thousand (f. o. b. Pisgah Forest) This offer ought to attract the attention of ail farmers who need to repair their Barns, Cribs, Sheds, and so on. This lumber is good for such purposes, and at this price will enable all farmers to make all necessary repairs and additions to their buildings. CARR LUMBER COMPANY Pisgah Forest, North Carolina BOILSTON MWF (By .Lorena McCall) We have had a nice rain down in this section the past week. ^Our revival meeting clostd Friday night after running two weeks. Rev. Hilemou and Rev. Walter Hutchiscn were in charge. Mrs. Thomas Duncan has returned to Ar heville to spend a'few days with her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Jean Eller of Ashe ville spent Sunday with Lee English. Jim Young and family of Lower Boylston were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rick McCall Sunday. i Uncle Ju!e Holden spent Sunday with J. T Hollingsworth. Miss Naomi Plemmons of "Ashe ville has returned to her home after spending a few days with Mrs. Tho mas Duncan. Miss Daisy Murray has returned to her home in Lower Boylston after spending a few days in Atlanta Ga. Mrs. Thad Byrd spent the week end in Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Reece were guests Sunday of Mrs. F. R. Dun can. Lee English wa3 guest of Miss Logins McCall Sunday afternoon. Little Azllee Surcy of Asheville is spending a few days with her father, Jack Surcey. The Fullbright children of Brevard called on their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Fullbright Sunday. Miss Lorena McCall has returned to her home after spending a few days with Mrs. Ralph Cordell at Se lica. -- Leonard Reece visited his father C. E. Reece recently. Lee English visited his mother Mrs. Weldon English of Lower Boyl ston. i%i 13. w. ». layior caned on mrs. Carl Burgess of near Hendersonville last week. Mr. and Mrs. Rick McCall had a number of friends and relatives as their dinner guests Sunday. Among them were Mrs. Daniel McCall, Mrs. Calvin Owens, Misses Faye and Alice McCall and Obed Owens, all of Bal sam Grove. Lee Baynard of Blantyre called on IJnclc Jake Simpson recently. Uncle Joe Ledbetter called on Rick McCall Monday. New Drougth Record in MVd-West Chicago—The great drought of 19I14. destined to become historic, Monday took its daily toll of several lives and two million dollars. Some sections received relief from cooling winds and showers but for the most pnrt the country remained fast in the grip of the worst dry spell since 1871 when Ulysses Simpson Gram was president. Unofficial estimates placed the damage to date at more than 8200,000,000 and loss of life at 154. JR.-SR. B. Y P. U. ENJOY > WEINER ROAST AT CAMP Members of the junior and senior B. Y. P. U. of the Baptist church had a weiner roast and picnic at White P(m camp in the Pisgah National Forest Thursday evening. A delightful time was spent by the large number of young people in attendance, chief among the pleasures being the picnic supper and weiner rcast over the camp fire. Chaperones were Rev. and Mrs. Paul Hartaell and Mr, and Mrs. H. S. Stroud. SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES HAVE CAMPING TRIP The Friendship class of' the Methodist Sunday school entertained the young ladies of Mrs. J. B. Pickel simer’s class with a camping party at White Pine camp Thursday and Friday. Swimming, hiking and other fea tures essential to an enjoyable camp ing trip were engagad in by the 40 or more young people attending the two-day event. The young folks were chaperoned by the teachers of the two classes, Mrs. Pickelsimer and C. M. Douglas. V. D. C. OBSERVED BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION The U. D. C. in regular meeting Saturday afternoon obseityed the birthday anniversary of Jefferson Davis with an appropriate program and solo by Mrs. J. M. Allison. ' Plans were discussed for raising funds for the chapter. This was the last meeting before disbanding for the summer months. The President, Mrs. 0. L. Erwin, presided. i - i MISS BARRETT AND LIEUT. MAYS ARE WED SATURDAY Of interest to many triends is the following account of the marriage of Miss Geraldine Barrett, formerly of Brevard, to Lieutenant J. R. S. Mays, of the medical corps, U. S. Army: HENDERSONVILLE, June 2— The marriage of Miss Geraldine Barrett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. i James F. Barrett, of this city, to: Lieutenant J. R. S. Mays, medical corps, U. S. A., will be of interest to a wide,circle of friends. The mar-; riage was solemnized on Saturday morning at 10 o’clock by Capt. W. C. I Holland, camp chaplain, with the Rev. Claude H. Moser, pastor of the First Methodist church offering prayer. The ring ceremony was used, in the presence of relatives and a few close friends. The church, admirably suited for wedding?, was beautifully decorated with a massing of hemlock and mountain laurel. The floor cande-, labra held cathedral tapers and large -■——1 1 f basket of snapdragons stood out in ias relief at either side of the nul Mt. A program of wedding music was rendered by Miss Rachel Mays, of Macon, Ga,, sister of the groom, who presided at the organ rendering the conventional wedding marches as the processional and recessional, with Mrs, Carl McCrary, of Brevard, and Mr. Jean Whisnant as soloists. The bride's sister, Mrs. L. James Peaccok, Jr., as matron of honor, was smartly gowned In a frock of moon stone,blue crepe and wore a felt halo' hat and other accessories of white. Her corsage was of gardenias. Mr. L. N. Sicha, of Asheville, was best man, and the ushers were Mr. Joe Hanna and Mr. Robert Perkins, both of Salisbury, Mr. Robert Walker, of Atlanta, Ga., and Mr. John Stevens of Charlotte. The bride, a striking brunette, who was given in marriage by her father, was lovely in a white crepe ensemble, the coat being three quarter length, with which was worn a chic braid hat with a fetching satin bow at the back. Her corsage was of talisman roees and valley lilies. Because of a gracious and sweet personality the bride has endeared herself to a wide circle of friends since moving to Hendersonville. While attending Mars Hill college, Miss Barrett took an active part in journalistic and cam pus activities she has decided dra matic ability and has taken lends in productions staged by the Threatre guild. Lieutenant Mays is tne son oi tne Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Mays, of Macon, Ga. He received several degrees at Mercer university and during a year of poet graduate work there he was on the faculty as an instructor of chemistry. He received of Doctor of Medicine at the Universtiy of Georgia and served as house phy sician at the University hospital. He iB a member of the Sigma Phi fra ternity and also of the Theta Kappa Psi nfedical (fraternity. At present Lieutenant Mays is on duty with the United States Civilian Conservation Corps in South Carolina. Following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Barrett were at home informal ly to the members of the wedding party and out of town friends at *hich time the lovely bride’? cake was cut. Miss Verna Hogsett and Mi?s Elizabeth Shipman served and pre siding at the bride's register were Miss Garnette Shipman and Miss Hasseltine Shipman. The young couple left at once to spend their honeymoon at coast re sorts in Florida. TRY OUR WANT ADS I

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