Local and Personal Items m+toa aud Marshall Teague are visiting their grandmother in Ashe ville. Rev. Paul Hartsell and Julian ^pusener attended the two-day meet ing of the promotion committee of the Baptist church convening in Tho masvilie thts week. Miss Marjorie Young, Rachel Wil t iams, Louise Gillespie and Lena Al Hison, studihits at Cullowhee the past ^vear. have returned to their homes Here. ■ Miss Bertha Jean Hampton and Hliss Emma Beaver have returned Hrom Montreat Normal to spend the ^Lmmer at their homes here. Hums Yeanie Barrow of Greenvill* I accepted a position as operator Htuth’s Beauty parlor. Hlr. and Mrs. Fred Myers of Sa Knnah ,Ga., are arriving this week motor to spend some time at ^Eae'hso Nest camp with their son, Randolph Myers, and their sister Mi*e Carol Oppenheimer. Miss Mary Aims Coltrane, who has been attending Guilford College, and Miss Eugenia Coltra’ne, a student at Peace Junior college, arrived last week at their home here with Presi dent and Mrs. R. J. Coltrane. The ycurg ladies were accompanied to Brc. ;.rd bv their friend. Miss Jose k chi- c Murdoch, of Salisbury, who is I visit .ig them here. , ^ M . Brown Carr, of New Orleans, mu nod last week to Brevard to spec. I the summer here with her pai nts l>r. and Mrs. J. H. McLean. Mr-. Ralph Duckworth was called to her home in Ashokie last week on account of the serious illness of her father. —« ‘ .MIS .’.UIA’UV I <*k» ***■ from it. ait school she has been at g t mi.tig m Ni w York City t> spend the summer ‘t her home here. I. .1! .-mbers of the Methodist church at ending the district confer ence m Bryson City Sunday and Mot day were Rev. J. 11. We-t, E. J. Coltrni e. Miss Florence Kern and .Mrs A K. Gillespie. J. E. Rutty and j. DM. .'t. nt/.. , , I A t.. Vin-k of Ashevil.e was the, wee# d .. lest of his daughter. Mrs. Fra: I Os o ne and family. Mr* L> S. Masters and little dau-' • • B. t\ of Asheville spent the! w. e" d V. .tii Mr . Master's par ents M. :d Mrs. C. K. Osborne. . E , i):-i>.nie return d last week * to . -end ‘ ' summer with his parents Mr. and ."i C. K. Osborn®, after j....... . i at Wul.'e 1'crest C' lltge. . . . Mi-- Martha Bo?\vM! i- \iisitmg friend.* in Charleston, S. C. Mr.*. Tie ! Warren and little son of Rosehoi o are visiting Mrs. Warren’s m the.-, Mrs. Emma Zachary. Mrs. Warren wrs before her marriage Miss Ella Zachary. Mr. and Airs. R. W. Everett return ed the first of the week from Min stor.-Sa on. where they attended the Mpsir.e ses of Salem Academy \ -,c . aughter, Miss Dorothy, a’re <•••! >1 the past year The la >,-m. . ■ i to Brevard with her p* .*•* nd the .-umnier here. j [> .... ; A hington, of Great F-ar ringto A: <■ is guest for several days c. 1 Mrs. R. W. Everett., Mr. \\ n is a brother-in-law of Mr i . I Mr a s. Lamar Lewis and daiig t cf Raleigh are ex-’ ptet» . n Brevard this week to vi it their parents here. j Nathan Me.Mi on left the past week to s-pend some time visiting his uncle, K F Me.Mi nt in Cahoma, Texas. J Mr*, i . B. Iiaynes is visiting her sisteipi Heiuiersotiville. I Mis« Elizabeth Zachary, who has, just completed the past year her( school Ant es at Salem Academy, left, ijs wee! S.r.i'li college where she git, •: s u u nr sell ol. j Jennie Aiken is recovering ,jiom an operation tor appen-1 .Fitffpei formed last week at LydayJ lemirial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. McFee^oi Marion are visiting Mrs. L. M. Puette and family this week. Mrs. J. A. McCrary. Mrs. Arthur McCrary, Lillie and Fred McCrary were in Hendersonville Friday on business. > Misses Liliie McCrary, Mabel Gil lespie, Mamie and Nora Bell Mason accompanied by several boys enjoyed a motor trip through the Pisgah National Forest Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Preston Taylor and little Preston Jr. are arriving this week from Baltimore, Md„ where Dr. Taylor has just completed his dental course. Mrs. Taylor and little sop. will spend some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Trantham. Miss Earleene Poindexter arrived this week from Weaver college and is now stopping with Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Miller. She is acting as secretary to President E. J. Coltrane this sum mer. Mrs. A. B. Michael and family of Vero Beach, Fla., have arrived to spend the summer at their summer home in this county. , R. G. Jennings of Pittsburgh, Pa., was a Brevard visitor the past week. Bob King of Johnson City, Tenn., is visiting his mother, Mrs. Bill Fet ter and family. Miss Martha Vaughn has returned from Limestone college, Gaffney, S. C., where she has been the past year. Mr-'. Boyce Walker is reported to l e ill at her home at Pisgah Forest. Mrs. Van Epps of Cashiers was guest of Mrs. Carl McCrary this week. Beil <. raig of Pickens, S. C., was Brevard visitor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Clement and lit tle son of Greenville are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Verne Clement and F, D. Clement th's week. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hunter of Swannanoa were week-end guests of n la fives in Brevard and at Caesar’s Head. Mrs. William Cowan and sister-in k.w. Miss Cowan, of Charlotte were week-end guests of relatives and frnnds here. Mr- Carl McCrary and Mrs. Oliver Orr and Mark Orr attended the Bariett-May-- wedding in Ilende si • ville Saturday morning. Mrs. Mc Crary was soloist at the wedding. T. A. English is said to be quite i'l at his hi me at Davidson River. Mrs. M. C Verdery has been visiting her daughter in Henderson-, ■ i 11 u the past week. E. O. Flood of Frostproof, Fla., and Mrs. Myers ol' Washington, D. C. are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Webb at Virginia Lodge. Mrs. W. O. K. King and two] children William and Betty left last week for their home in Canton after visiting Mrs. Cordia King. Mrs. Oula of Florence. S. C., has returned to her home aft r visiting her mother, Mrs. Esther King. Mrs. M. J. Owings and Mrs. Rob ert Taylor of Owings, P. C.. spent.sev eral days last week at Mrs. Owings’ "ummer home on Probart street. Walter Banks of Columbia, S. C., j has been visiting his family here( this week. I Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bogen moved last week into the King-Tatum house! ■>n Probart street. Mrs. Rowena Summey was the! week-end guest of her sister. Miss. Inez Hart, in Greenville. Miss Mildred Williams of LakOj Toxaway was the week-end guest of. Mrs. B. H. Freeman. | Miss Juanita Freeman is spending the month of June with her grand-' mother in Easley, S. C. Mrs. D. C. Scruggs of Henderson ville was guest of Mrs. B. H. Frfe man on Sunday. B'. M. S. HAS MEETING OF UNUSUAL INTEREST The W. M. S. of the Baptist church in regular meeting Tuesday afternoon I SWINGS-; -takes only $1 to open a SAVINGS ACCOUNT Travel ... a better home ... a car , , . yes, there are a thousand and one worth while purposes, aside from Adversity, to RAVG for. Systematic depositing of spare money in the Bank soon make them a “dream come true." We invite your Account. Every dollar of your money is SAFE here, protected by high ^ ly liquid assets and every deposit from $1 $2,500 guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Transylvania Trust Co. | GLANCING I; |i! BACK. AT BREVARD !; !! Taken from the flies of The i ■ «1 Sylvan Valley News, beginning 11 ' ’ 1896, through the courtesy of 11 I, Mrs. W B. F. Wright. | W*mH*M**4+*+fM«*M* (From the file of March 18, 1898) The renovation of the Thrash cot tage, now owned by Mr. Everett, 0£ Cleveland. Ohio, is in charge of W. 1. Trantham, our enterprising paint er. We feel certain that Mr. Everett has made a wise selection, both as to skill and reliability. A wedding, which appears to have had 3ome opposition, occurred at the residence of R. W. Baxter, in the Dunn’s Creek section on Sunday last. G. A. McGaha and Mollie Hogsed were united according to law. A. C. Landreth, justice of the peace, offi ciated. May prosperity abide with the young people on their journey through life. Our menagerie is growing. At the post office a few evenings since, the bovs concluded they would have some fun with the old man and slipped a live mouse into our outside pocket. Wc brought it back and turned it loose in the office, and henceforth our cricket will have a partner to lis ten to its music. L. F. Sorrells, who has been watch ing the business outlook in Brevard with a view to investment, nas at length made up his mind that our town will do “to tie to.” He lias Pur chased a half interest in the Ur. Young stock of-goods, which was las„ week sold to A. L. Hardin, has become permanently identified witli the business interests of this section. The new firm will be Hardin ami Sorrells', and they will continue sel. ing goods in the building occupied by Dr. G. W. Young and Sons. With millions of feet of lumber fm sale in the county it seems a little strange that our builders are shipping in by the car ioad to build up Bre vard. Two cars of machine wonted lumber were unloaded at the depot this week. Aunt Mvra Moore, probably the oldest person in the county, died ast Friday and was buried on Saturday, aged 118 years. During slavery days she was owned by Richard Moore of Polk county, and after the war which gave her liberty she settled here with her daughter,' mother of Brice and James Mills. Her age is vouched foi by her daughter who get the f'guie from her old master. She was known and loved by the colored people and respected by all who knew her. At an organization meeting Mon day night of stockholders oi the Trar.svlvania Turnpike company a board ‘of seven directors was elected. The following were chosen directors: W. A. Gash, J. F. Hayes., W. L. Hume, N. McMmn, J. C. Cooper, M. IK Cooper, and W. N. Symington. The directors came to order with W. A. Gash in the chair and proceed ed a program of unusual interest and effectiveness. . The program on the subject., Con tributions of Youth to IWldm.nd edness,’’ was in charge of Mrs. i. r. Ward, who gave the ;ntroductor> talk. Others assisting on the program were Mrs. R H. Ramsey, who pre dated the topic, “Our Youth,” m a unique and impressive manner, a listed by representatives or h four children's and young peoples organizations, the Sunbeams, K. a s, G A’s amt Y. W. A.; also an article by Mrs. T. E. Reid on “Stories of ihe Ycuth.” showing how leader; made decision to serve while young; a discussion by Mrs. A. E. Hampton on. “Southern Baptist 'i outh, tell ing how young people might get. training at the camp at Ridgccrc- , and a duet by two of the Y. V. A. girls, Helen Erwin and Marie Gallo way, singing “Give of \ our Best to the- Master.” ... Mrs T. P. Ward was elected third vice president, 'filling the vacancy made bv the former officer moving 8wav from town. It was announced that the divis;onal meeting would be held at Mar? Hill on Tuesday June ft* The president, Mrs. M. H. Holli day, presided over the meeting, which was attended by a large number of members and young people. BREAKFAST HIKE IS ENJOYED EY G. A'S. Members of toe intermediate G. A. of the Baptist church enjoyed a breakfast hike Wednesday morning in the vicinity of the country club. | An appetizing breakfast cocked in the open was a dfeiightful feature of the event. The girls were chaperoned by their leader, Mrs. Hugh Holli field. ANITA GALLOWaFiS HOSTESS AT PARTY Miss Anita Galloway was hostess at a delightful social affair Saturday evening at the home of her parents, M' and Mrs-Coleman Galloway. Games were played during the evening. In addition to a number of local young people present were also several boys from Greenville. Y. W. A. MEETS WITH MISS NINA BURRELL The members of the Y. W. A. held an interesting meeting Monday night at the heme of Miss Nina Burrell. In the absence of the leader, Mrs. Harold Norwood, the meeting was in charge of the president, Miss Neli McCrary A helpful program on mis sionary work was led by Mrs. Roy McCall, assisted by other members. The personal service work was dis cussed, this being an outstanding objective of the organization. After refreshment* wore served the meeting adjourned. ed to the selection of .officer? as fol lows: President, J. F. Jiayes; vice president, N.„ McMirn; secretary treasurer, W. A. Gash; surveyor, W. L. Hume; committee on route and construction, T. S. Boswell and J. F. Iluyes. The organization of the com pany opens one- more avenue for the progress and development of the upper Fiench Broad valley. The stoek on which an organization was effected was heid as follows: Toxaway com pany, $1,000 and Brevard subscribers $1,060, in shares of $26 each. We have al! at once a rush of job printing on hand. Certificates 'of stock and right of way for the Tran j sylvanit Turnpike company, mortga | ges for the Sreemville Medicine com I pany. a folder for the H. & B. rail, j road, besides smaller job? for the I Toxaway company and others, will 1 keep the News editor from dying of snnui during the next week. The Mrs. Woodbridge cottage i? nearly ready for occupancy. Five painters are hustting to get it ready to move into by the first of next week From the New York World we learn that Francis C. Moore, who is abundantly able to pay the money, of fers the president $1,000 without in terest and to be repaid whenever the government choose?, and never if it does not choose, as a “starter” for a . .— PflKt.000,000 unconditional loan. He calls upon the 100,000 men who are richer than he is to make similar of - fers by way of showing the eouatry’s icadiness to furnish all the money that can be needed for national de fense.' This is a laudible preposition and shows that in the breast of one rich man there still lingers 4 spark of patriotism. But then Mark Hanna Jiasn’t yet seen Mr. Moore. As soon as he does this proposition will be withdawn. Bonds are demanded by the money trust .and every proposition which will heip make the issue of bonds unnecessary will 'Be suppressed. - | The series of meeting; conducted bv Evangelist S. C. Lee, which com menced at the Methodist church two weeks ago and then removed to the court house .have swept the town with a cyclone 0/ religions fervor. The storSn are closed during services and everybody appears to have taken a deep interest in their future wel fare. Up to last 'Saturday 36 conver sions were reported. Nothing has ever occurred here in the 20 years which we have known Brevard that has been of such general interest to the town and county as these meetings. Many who have grown old in sin have been brought to see the error of their ways, and many who are just starting on life’s journey have decided to start right. We are informed that a col lection amounting to |75 was taken up last Sunday for Rev. Le* mm RiK * * Renew Your siiwfrtkm w&mmmm mmtmmmmmmmsMmmmmmmmBm The Modern Housewife Depends On Electricity to Lighten Work In the Home! ... It Does So Much And Costs So Little! The modem housewife no longer spends her entire day at house hold drudgery because Electricity has lightened her burden. She has more leisure time for recreation and social duties because she relies on Electricity, the modern servant. Not only are the house hold duties, minimized, but they are more efficiently done. ELECTRICITY WILL DO YOUR WORK # LIGHTING • COOKING * SWEEPING • REFRIGERATION • HEATING • WASHING J • COOLING f IRONING . And untold other duties more efficiently and quickly . .;. and the cost is very insignificant. Now is a good time to check over your home and see that you have all the modern electrical appliances and be in a position to get the greatest benefits- from Electricity. SHE * Southern Public Utilitie Day Phone 116 Brevard Night Phone 16

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