^CLASSIFICATIONS FOR FLOWER SHOW GIVEN Classification of flowers for the annual flower show sponsored by the Women’s Civic club to be held July 27, is reprinted below for the benefit of those expecting to enter exhibits competing tor the various prizes to be awarded. Following is the classification, as arranged by the garden committee: Section A—Specials in basket, bowl or vase. 1. Petunias. 2. Verbenas. ?. Calandula. 4. Scabiosa. 5. Phlox, an nual. 6. Phlox, perennial. 7. Lillies, best suike. any variety. Section B—8. Roses, best individ ual specimen. 9. Best exhibit. Section C—10. Asters, best six as ters. 11. Best 12 or more. k Section D.—12. Delphiniam, best individual spike. 13. Best six or more. Section E—14. Snapdragons, best individual spike. 15. Best six, one variety. 16. Best 12. Section E—17. Marigolds, large type, best three. 18. Large type best twelve. 19. Small type best twelve, one variety. 20. Small type best twelve or more. Section G—21. Zinnias .giant type best three. 22. Giant type best six. 23. Medium, size best twelve. 24. Small type best twelve, one variety. 25. Small type, best 12 or more. Section H—26. Gladiolus, best in dividual spike. 27. Best three differ ent colors. 28. Best three one color. 29. Best six. 30. Best six named. 31. Best exhibit in harmonizing colors. 32. Most good spikes in one contain er. not crowded. Section l—33. Dahlias, large type, best and largest bloom. 34. Large type, best three. 35. Large type, best five or more in blending shades. 36. Best twelve medium sized. 37. Best twelve ball or show. 38. Best twelve oss Roads Baptist church. Mr. Williams was married twice, dis first wife was Miss Emma Cox, .vho died several years ago. His second wife, Mrs. Laura Mas et - Williams, survives together with ht following children: Frank and saac Williams, Seattle, Wash.; Har rison, George, Homer and V’ictor .Villiams, all of Easley; Mrs. Mable juisenberry, North Carolina; Miss Pearl Williams, Easley; two sisters, Mrs. W. M. Henry, Brevard, and Mrs. Mary Laiham, Easley, and six grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted at Cross Roads Baptist church Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock by the Rev. J. A. Anderson and the Rev. F. S. Childress. Interment was made in the church cemetery. The following deacons of Cross Roads church served as active pall bearers: Sam Robinson, Mathew Looper, J. N. Ligon, Joe L. Leopcr, Emory Jones and Jim Finley. specified. Section A—Exhibits of camps, in given, -pace. The following rules and regulations fi r prize awards to exhibitors will be jbserved: Flowers .except in Section 1, must be grown by exhibitor; first md second prizes will be given—first prize counts two points- .second prize ■our.ts one; sweepstake prize will ie given to the person winning the greatest number of points. All flower growers in Transylvania coun :y are urged to exhibit. THANK YOU , 1 desire to thank the voters of j Transylvania county for the splendid j rote of confidence received in the | primary for Representative on June • 2, and I hope that I may be able to | prove worthy of such an expression. ! Respectfully, Tune 13. W M. HENRY, j ltp. i ---— Renew Your Subscription Scruggs For Drugs “The Store With Reasonable Prices” HENDERSONVILLE, N. C. SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY j $1.50 Agarol .$1.09 75c Squibbs Mineral Oil .59c $1.00 Pepscdenl Antiseptic.79c g| 25c Listerene Tooth Paste .19c 50c Ipana Tooth Paste .39c Dr. West’s Double Quick Tooth Paste—2 Bit Tv.hes.3'3c New Economy West’s Tooth Brush .29c 1 pt. Heavy Mineral Oil ... .39c Texas Miner..! Water Crystals ..97c Big Chief Prescription .97c , 100 Aspirin Tablets (5 gr.).29c EXTRA SPECIAL Florida Fresh Fruit Limeade.5c Runs Dry Ginger Ale.. .... 10c Two lb. Box Huvler’s Asst. Chocolates.$1.00 $1.00 OVALTINE 75£ $1.00 LYSOL 79c 1 Pint BAY RUM _39* I 25c 3. C. Powder.17c 25c Shu-Miik .23c Table Lamps .98c. 60c Sal-Hepatica .49c $1.00 Wine of Cardui.69c 1 pt. Milk Magnesia. 25c 1 pt. Rubbing Alcohol. 25c YOUR BATTLE CREEK STORE WE ARE AGENTS 40c Squibb.*; Shaving Cream .33c Williams, Colgate, Palm Olive Shaving Cream . . . .25c 1 pt. Witch Hazel.39c Nyafs Foot Balm for Athletes Foot.50c KLEENEX Two for 29* MODESS • Two for 29g 75c LISTERINE 59^ Scruggs Cut-Rate Drug Store Phone 95 North Main Hendersonville EASTERN STAR TO HOLD INITIATION TUESDAY Initiation ceremonies will take place at the regular meeting of the Eastern Star to be held next Tuesday night at 8 o’clock at the lodge hall. All mem bers are urged to attend this meeting. MRS. MCLEOD HOSTESS TO CIRCLE NO. TWO Mrs. Hinton McLeod was hostess to Circle No. 2 of the Presbyterian church Thursday afternoon at Camp Ilahee. The chairman, Mrs. W. M. Cloud, presided. The program on Korea was dis cussed by Mrs. T. H. Shipman, and the Bible lesson given by Mrs. Mc Leod, In addition to 13 members present there were also three guests, the Aux iliary president, Miss Annie Jean Gash, Mrs. J. P. Simmons and Mrs. Allen Brittain. The hostess served refreshments i luring the social hour. I y '. W. CIRCLE IN MEETING AT THE HUT j The Young Women’s circle of the! Presbyterian church held the regular ] meeting Thursday afternoon at the j Hut with the chairman, Miss Reba Kitchen, presiding. Miss Mary Kimzey conducted the j devotionals, discussing parts of the circle study on the book of Mark. Miss Elizabeth Shipman led the program discussion on Korea. A pleasant social hour and refresh ments were enjoyed following the nceting. T. E. L. CLASS TO MEET TUESDAY AFTERNOON The T. E. L. Clss of the Baptist church will meet Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock at the home of Mrs. B. F. Beasley. Mrs. Lottie Duckworth will be in charge of the program. AUXILIARY AND GUILD MEET WITH MRS SELLERS Mrs. Harry Sellers was hostess to the Auxiliary and Guild of St. Philips : Episcopal church at her home Thurs I day afternoon. | Mrs. David Ward, president of the j Auxiliary, presided over this meeting, I at which delegates were elected to i the church conference at Kanuga ! Lake Thursday and Friday of this [week. The following delegates were ielected: Mrs. H. V. Smedberg, Mrs. IG. B. Lynch and Mrs. David Ward. I Alternates are Mrs. Fiank Jenkins, | Mrs. Eric Rawls and Mrs. O. L. i Erwin. The program on the discussion of ! the Prayer Book was led by Mrs. , Frank Jenkins. Following the Auxiliary meeting, the Guild meeting was held in charge of Mrs. .1. M. Allison. It was decided to have a book tea in July and a ba zaar in August. I In addition to the members present [there was cne guest, Mrs. Bacon of : Ocala, Fla. A social half-hour anu I reft eshments were enjoyed. ■ METHODIST SOCIETY i\ REGULAR MEETING Regular meeting of the missionary society of the Methodist church was held Thursday afternoon in the ladies' parlor. 4 After t he transaction tf necessary 1 Imsincss, presided over by the presi dent. Mrs. Oliver Orr. the devotion , als were conducted by Mrs. Lula Miller and the program on Brazil wa- in ch.irg of Miss Florence Kern. Mrs. J. F. Zachary gave report: of ; the district mcoting held recently in Sylva. ,DINNER PARTY HONORS GUEST FROM FLORIDA Miss Jean English was hostess at a dinner party Tuesday evening at the hem'1 of her parent s I)r. and Mrs. |E S. English, honoring her house [guest and former resident of Bre [vani, Miss Sarah Lou'se Andrews of • Fort White, Fla. Guests enjoying the oeeasion with! [Miss English were: Miss Andrews, :Mv, and Mrs. Ashe Macfic and Albert i Lydny, Mitchell King and Hinton Mc , Leod and Miss Elizabeth Mills. — | DAUGHTERS OF LESLEY CLASS MEETS TUESDAY NIGHT \ The Daughters of Wesley clas of ! the Methodist Sunday school held the regular social and business meeting Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. W. L. Aiken who was assisted in en tertaining by Mrs. J. F. Zachary and Miss Hattie Aiken. Following t’ne business meeting, presided over bv the class president, Mrs. E. S. English ,a pleasant social hour was spent by the large number of members and guests present. Refreshments were served by the joint hostesses. SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS ENJOYS PICNIC FRIDAY < Members of the Sunday School class of junior girls of Miss Allte. Belle Morris enjoyed a hike and pic nic at Wolf Pin cove Friday. Miss Nola Gillespie, guect of Miss Mor ris, accbmpanied the class cn the pic nic. , After playing various games ana spreading lunch, the party returned to their homes. A delightful time was reported by those in attendance. Members of the class present were: Emma Frances and Jessie 'front. Fannie Killian. Lucile Garrcn. May bel'e Bryson, Frances Gillespie, Ger aldine Tinsley and Ruby Pierson. CIRCLE NO. ONE MEETS WITH MISS JULIA LEAVER . Circle No. 1 of the Presbyterian '■hirvoh met Thursday afternoon he home of Miss Julia Deaver, with he chairman. Miss Mamie Lyday, presiding. , The program on Korea was led oy Miss Flora Lyday, and the devotion. Is were in charge of Mrs. Glenn 'filler, discussing the miracles ol "’hrist. Refreshments were served at con b elusion of the meeting. D. A. R. TO MEET THURSDAY AFTERNOON The June meeting of the D. A. R. will be held on Thursday afternoon of this week at the home of Mbs Annie Jean Gash, instead of the regular meeting date on Monday. A Flag Day program will be ob served, June 14th being National Flag Day. All members are requested to attepd. BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION OF AGED COUPLE TO BE HELD birthday anniversaries of Uncle Cling” and “Aunt Mollie” Galloway will be celebrated with an a.l-day gathering at their home near the country club on Sunday, July 1. It will be the 84th birthday of Mr. Galloway and the 88th of Mrs. Gallo way. Friends and relatives of the family are given a cordial invitation to at tend, and all are requested to bring well filled lunch baskets. CIRCLE NO. THREE IN MEETING T HURDS AY Circle No. three of the Presbyter ian church held the regular meeting Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. 8. P. Verner, who also con ducted the devotionals. The program on Korea was in charge of Mrs. T. H. Hampton Jr. The circle chairman, Mrs. J. W. Smith, presided over the meeting. The hostess served refreshments during the social period. HOMEMAKERS CLASS TO MEET TUESDA Y AFTERNOON The Homemakers clats of the Bap tist church will meet Tuesday after noon at 3:30 o’clock at the home of' Mrs. J. K. Mills. All members are! urged to be present. _ I BRIDE-ELECT HONORED WITH SHOWER AND BRIDGE A lovely social event of the week was the miscellaneous shower and bridge given by Mrs. Preston Taylor Wednesday afternoon at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Trantham, honoring the bride-elect, Miss Eliza Henry, whose marriage | to Mr. Oscar A. Vaughn of Gastonia j will occur Friday afternoon. Four tables wer '^arranged fori play. A pretty arrangement, of lark spur and other summer flowers added to the attractiveness of the rooms. Following the games a miscellane sus shower of gifts was presented the honoree. A salad course was served. Those playing were fdisses Vir ginia Willcox, Reba Kitchen. Rower.a Orr, Eloise Lewis, Josephine and Agnes Clayton, Ruth Waters, Bertie Ballard, Georgia Brendel, Ethel Mc Minn, Beulah Mae Zachary, Garnet 1 yday, Rockie Lou Fleetwood. Mrs. p, .,..1. tj.ji-i.1ott \l ('nrl McCrarv. i Mrs. Boyce Walker and Mrs. Harry Patton. Tea guests included Misses Lorene Payne, Mollie and Ruth McCall, Reu benia Nicholson, Opal and Jewel Ash worth, Nan Kilpatrick, Mrs. Charles Moore, Mrs. Charlie McCrary, Mr* Anthony Trantham and Mrs. Ethel Harris. WEDNESDAY CLUB HOSTESS AT ENJOYABLE PICNIC Among the enjoyable social eventa of the week was the picnic giveti- by the Wednesday club at Camp Illahee Tuesday afternoon and evening hon oring the Girl Scout troops and mem bers of the cast of the play “Butter and Egg Man,” given for the benefit of the Wednesday club, sponsors of] the local Girl Scout troops. The delightful picnic supper! was spread in a pretty spot along I the shore of the camp lake, after] which the club members and guests re-assembled in the recreation hall where the Girl Scouts sang a number of songs, gave their Scout ritual and otherwise entertained the group around the cheerful blaze in the huge fireplace. Randolph Meyers rendered several vocal selections, as companied at the piano by Mrs. T. A. Berg. About 65 were present to enjoy this happy occasion .including club members, Girl Scouts and members of the play cast, Mrs. T. S. Williams and daughter) Miss Ethel attended the Rhododen- I dron festival in Asheville Wednesday. Miss Helen Jenkins of Clayton is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J, F. Zachary and family. Miss Rockie Lou Fleetwood of Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eth eridge of Atlanta Ga., are guests of Mrs. Preston Taylor this week and will attend the Henry-Vaughn wed Jing here on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Loftis and ihildren are visiting in Asheville this 1 week and attending the Rhocoden Iron festival. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bagwell und >arty of Easley were Sunday guests >f the former’s brother, M. B. Bag-1 veil. Prof. John F. Corbin of Leicester vas a Brevard visitor Tuesday. Miss Ethel McMinn, who has been n Greenville for some time with her incle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Houston, is spending a few days here j with her mother before returning to; Greenville. Recent arrivals at Oakland Heights vith Mayor and Mrs. J. C. Wike are: Captain and Mrs. Bacon of Ocala, ^la.; Dr. N. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. if. H. C. Brombacher and son Alan md Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mangham, ill of West Palm Beach. Fla.; and Hr. and Mrs. John C. Carrington of Spartanburg, S. C., the latter couple r bride and groom on their honey noon. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kipp and iaughter Gertrude of Daytona, Fla., rre spending two weeks at Kipps Shack on Maple street.___ -BLANTYRE BREEZES (Mrs. Ada E. Reed) Mr*. Harry Johnston and children of Atanta arrived last, week to spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Salter at French Broad Park. Mr., and Mrs. T. '8. Hart and daughter Miss Barbara arrived from Jacksonville, Fla., to spend a few days at their cottage here. Rev and Mrs. M. L. Kirsteen and Rev. Arwood were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nesbit Monday of last week. Mrs. Virgil Duncan called on Mrs. T. S. Hart Monday. Little Miss Irma Rahn visited Jewel Reed recently. Mr. and Mrs. Harvy Lance were visiting Mrs. Lance’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Avery Justus, at Wayside Inn Sunday. Rev. F. H. Holden was the guest oi Mr. and Mr3. Chas. Nesbit and fanv lly Sunday. J. E. Talley wa9 in Henderson ville one day last week. Rev. M. L. Kirsteen and Rev. Ar wood called on Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Duncan and Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Dun can recently. Rev. F. H. Holden called on H. C. Baynard ,whn is very ill, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Reed enjoyed a visit recently from Rev. and Mrs. Kirsteen and Rev. Arwood. TRY OUR WANT ADS $ At Any Hour t Day or Night ! MOORE M I- and | OSBORNE S Undertakers 9 ► * Are ready to serve you t Day Phones, 88, 159, 250 * Night Phones, 159, 250 t BREVARD, N. C. ? t 111 & 119 W. Main St {• ! Moore & Osborne i; <• Undertakers if -- w "firestone ^ERVinf i _ _____^I—— AUTO REPAIRING \ We can-y a full line of genuine replacement parts and have the latest tools and testing machines with which to do the following repair work on your car— BRAKES - CARBURETOR -MOTOR REBUILDING RADIATOR CLEANING AND REPAIRING WRECKER SERVICE Day or Night Day Phone 290 Night 291 ELECTRICAL SERVICE Starter and Generator. Distributor, Etc. BODY AND FENDER REPAIR I - Painting and Striping All our work done by SKILLED labor and the FINEST material, obtainable are j U8ed in our BODY and FENDER repair work. ' lylliffli McCrary Auto Servlc Firestone Products • • Good Gulf Gas and Oil Sm Phones 290-29, WM*». K C, i .