CHEVROL PRICES INCRE NG SALES DETROIT. Mich., June 13—A1 though it is only a week since Chev rolet announced drastic price reduc tions S50 per unit, was probablv accelerated by the fact that Chew let was in the public spotlight at the General Motors Exhibit just > concluded in •>! principal cities. But the improvement in business cannot be accounted for on that basis alone, since the influx of new order- is not confined to the cities where showings were held. Dealers in almost all states report a quickening of interest, due t the fact that Chevrolet’s patented knee-action is now available at the lowest price since the introduction o: the 19:!I line, ami also the com pany’s offering in the new Standard series, the world’s lowest priced car of six or more cylinders. •-We have double cause to feel uratifiml.” Mr. Holler said. “This romp) nubile reaction not only means much t. Chevrolet but is also a de eded boost for the national recovery program. The seasonal slump hereto fore regarded as inevitable in tne automotive industry, will be felt less severely than usual in the 21 Chev rolet plants. And equally important, though perhaps less apparent on the surface, the huge army of suppliers of Chevrolet’s raw materials will also be m re active this summer than in other years, and their buying power. Ilk-' that represented in our own direct miyrolb. will make itself felt benefic: diy the length and breadth-of the land.” BLANTYRE BREEZES (Mrs. Ada E. Reed) Mr>. W. K. Duncan and children ("elected and Wyatt spent Thursday ifternooti in Brevard with relatives, j Mi. and Mr. T. S. Hart and (laugh- i (it Mi" Barbara left Tuesday of i last week for their home in Jackson ville. Fla., after spending a few days j at their cottage here. Mrs. Ham- Johnson and daughters Misses Martha, Katherine and Mar , garet and son Harry Jr. left last \ week fir their home in Atlanta, Ga.. >, after snending some time at French Broad Park. 1 Mr and Mrs. Earl Gray -pent Sat ■ r lay night with Mr. and Mrs. J. ' T. Justus. i Mr. Kahn ofmar Savannan. Ga.. visited his brother P. A. Rahn and ami'.v here recently. Cha-les Nesbit and John Reed at : .'d- an ordination service of dea r.s at Boylston Sunday. Mi- Frederica Maxwell visited lu-v 'ter Mrs I.eroy Davis recently. Rev. John Scott visited Mr. and ■Mrs. J T. Justus here Sunday. Mrs Glenn and children are iiending some time in our commun 1 Mr-. Charles Nesbit visited Miss (Pixie Brewer recently, who is ill. Mi- and Mr-. Earl Gray called or. Mi.--. ay’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. m it • i Su ulay afternoon. W- are very sorry to report that M. C McClain lias a broken log vvmeh i - tii re' lit of his being kicked by a tnn'i. , Mr Ctar.nle Justus and «on< Jack and Bruce were recent visitors of j. T. Justus. Mr-. Virgil Duncan visited Mrs. CV»r.n last week. W L. Fratly. "W. K. Duncan anu .lid'.! Reed attended a business meet , c ii-v.vard Baptist church Thiirs ’ast week. , Mi. ;.r.d Mrs. T. C. Salter and •hibbeii returned to their home in Aria: i a Saturday. _ r-r^-rrrr—~_ I I Comfortable While You Eat! We invite you to bring your friends to our large, airy dining room .... no crowding .... plenty of room for ten or a hun dred. Good Food Cooked Right Cool, Refreshing Drinks Blue Bird Ice Cream The Canteen “The Home of Good Coffee” DOC GALLOWAY, Prop. QUEBEC NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Leroy McCall called n Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Whitmire Sat urday afternoon. Mrs. B. T. Whitmire made a busi ness trip to Brevard last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Banther and children. Mr. Athur Disham and Mi-'* Ada Lee Anders called on Jim Anders of Gloucester Inst Saturday evening and enjoyed a feast of good music. A fine time for all was re ported. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Golden and laughter and Mrs. S. H. Stalcup and oaby of Belton, South Carolina, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Golden this week. Mrs. Walter Whitmire spent last week with Mrs. Leroy McCall. John Robinson visited J, D. Golden Sunday. Miss Vera McCall and Glena Jean and Miss Mildred McCall called on Mrs. B. T. Whitmire Thursday after noon. Miss Lucille Henderson, who is spending a while with Mrs. Charlie Reid of Sapphire, visited her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Henderson Sunday afternoon. Walter Whitmire of Rosman called on M. O. McCall Saturday afternoon. Messrs. Loonie and Lensy Sanders called on Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Mc Call one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Whitmire and children, Ras and Roma, and Mrs. Hugh Guntharpe and children, Jerry, Betty Jean and Hugh Jr., made a business trip to Brevard last Friday. Miss Carrie Owen spent Friday night with Mrs. Clarence Owen. Arthur Dishman of Lake Toxaway spent Saturday night with Loonie Banther. Miss Vera McCall and Glenna Jean r.pent Saturday night with Mrs. Noah Whitmire. James Henderson, who has been working on the Moltz railroad, had the misfortune of being struck in the forehead by the half of a tap which he had knocked from a bolt“*c*n* up the 3teel on the railroad. The fly ing tap knocked him down, cutting an ugly gash in his forehead. He is being attended by Dr. Osborne of R osman and thinks he will be able to be back at work some time thi3 week. Misses Ethel and Mae Banthcr and Miss Ada Lee Anders visited Mrs, John Robinson Sunday afternoon. Misses Bertha and Ethel Golden and Mrs. S. II. Stalcup were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Loonie Banthcr Sunday. Mrs. W. J. Raines and Mrs. Henry McCall of Lake Toxtway visited their mother, Mrs. James Chapman, Sunday. I Misses Bertha Golden and Ethel! Banther called on Mrs. Charlie Beck Saturday afternoon. Oscar Henderson has been seriously ill for the, past few days but ie n°w much better and expects to be ad right soon. The people of this community were glad to have some pretty weather last week during which they were enabled to lessen the crop of weeds and grass and enable the corn, potatoes and ether farm and garden crops to secure a little sunlight. Some of the people here are won dering why the county, especially in its present distressful financial con dition, must go to the extra expense of holding a special election at this particular time. It isn't worth it, either for the contestants or for the general public, especially since the county officials are going to have to "grow webbed feet" in order to be in position to get to and from the court house when Uncle Sam builds bis big dam and "makes Brevard an island in an inland sea.” The county teachers were given their last pay check last week v/e understand. One teacher we saw was paying up his grocery bills. When he paid his last bill he said "No I have inly three dollars left to pay my ixpenses from now until the first of October.” ^ FEDERAL LAND BANK MAKES MANY LOANS A total of $33,500 of Federal land bank and Land Bank Commissioner’s farm mortgage loans was made in Transylvania county from June 1, 1933, to May 1, 1934, according toj the Farm Credit Administration. 1 Of this total farmers in Transyl-j vania county used approximately! $28,900, or 80.3 per cent, to refinance their indebtedness. By refinancing,j farmers obtained new mortgage loan? which they used to repay their old debts. They generally reduced their annual interest charges in doing so. In a number of cases, scale-downs of indebtedness occured in connection with the new loans. These and other advantages benefited farmers pri marily. Secondarily, creditors bene fited from the receipt of cash or bonds in exchange for obligations they held. Of the loan money used by farmers in Transylvania county for refinanc ing their debts about $7,000, it was estimated, repaid their debts to banks; $5,300 their taxes; $16,000 their debts to “others” or creditors not separately classified, including private mortgage lenders, mortgage loan companies, retired farmers and many others to whom farmers were in debt. A total of about $4,600 of loans in the county was used for purposes other than refinancing of borrowers' debts. Of this sum $4,000 was used for the purchase of land and equip ment, the construction or improve ment of buildings and for genera! agricultural uses, including the pro vision of capita!, while $66, the bal ance, was used for the purchase of stock in national farm loan associa tions, for loan fees, etc. Times are so much better, they : ay some of the ex-technocrats have found jobs. Summerfruit\ TVi ^ Y da LET US DO YOUR JOB PRINTING _ ■I msmi TIRED? Worn out? Light a Camel! It is now known that they quickly turn on your flow of natu ral energy. Smoke ail you want...Camel’s costlier tobaccos never interfere with healthy nerves. “Get a US with a Camel! FEATURING THE LATEST IMPROVED LATEST LOWER NEW LONGER MODELS PRICES FEATURE! TERMS Fast, dependable, beautiful, new Hotpoint Electric Ranges are being featured this year in our Special Electric Range Offer. Never before have vwj been a ole to, offer these highest quality ranges at such a low price—A Genuine Hotpoint Auto matic Range, Full Porcelain, for Less Than Ten Cents a Day# This offer nas never, been equaled by us before and this is possibly your last opportunity to have a Cool, Clean, Economical Electric Range at such a ridiculously low price. Nothing has^ been cheapened—every change is an improvement. . i Act now. Come in and let us explain the Modern Hotpoint Electric Range to you, its economical operation, its low. price, and see. the four aew niqfl^JS Qfl display* This offer is limited, so don’t delay. Southern Public Utilities Co. Day Phone 116 Brevard Night PhonJaaPH Listen in on S. P. U. Radio Programs over WBT TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY AT 11:45 A. M.