USE GOOD SUGAR FOR GOOD JAMS AND JELLIES Buying in Cotton Bag* Assure* Purity and Full Weight In buving their sugar for canning and preserving this Summer, South ern women should bo particular to buy it In the 25. 10 or 5-pound cot ion bags in which it is packed at ihe refinery. There are many good reasons for this, the first being that she knows exactly what brand of sugar she Is getting, and can tell whether or not it Is sugar that has been refined in this country under the strict United States sanitary conditions, by Amer ican labor, under the NRA code—or whether It Is foreign refined sugar The cotton bag also keeps the sugar in the same pure, clean state In which it left the refinery. In addition, when she buys sugar In a cotton bag. she Is stimulating the consumption of cotton—the crop upon which the prosperity of the agrlcultdral South largely depends. The Savannah Sugar Refinery at Savannah, C»a.. (refiners of Dixie Crystals Sugar.' alone uses 10.000,000 yards of cotton cloth a year in pack ing their sugars. Put up plenty of fruits this sum no r for use this winter. The price of C-Jiued goods tellies, etc., has gone no iterlaltv In recent months, and V predicted that their price will i’.. .eii higher The more you can tl s summer, the more you will save on our food bill next winter. B01LST0N NEWS (By I.orena McCall) \Y( have been having some nice lain down in this section the past week. Mis. Kick McCall and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Hamil ton ami Mr. and Mrs. dim Wilson all iif Solicit, Sunday afternoon. Mi--os Opal. Margaret and Lucy Fuilbright of Brevard called on their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Full bright, Sunday. Mrs. font Duncan returned to her honit after spending a few days in Asheville. Mrs. W. P. Fuilbright has been on the sick list but is •'•■covering nicely. The Rev. Walter Hoitzclaw preach* • ti a splendid sermon at the Boylston church Sunday. Mrs. Leonard Reece and baby .1 ,K. called n Mr>. \\\ p. Fuilbright recently. Carl Baynard was recent visitor :it the home of his father. W. A. Bay nard. Mi and Mrs. K. R. McCall and dim Young were Asheville visitors one day last w ek and attended the rhisb licit.iron festival parade. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Alexander called n :••: :r.L "ml relatives at Turkey Cioek Sunday. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed in Trust, bearing date of De oembt r 1st. P'.'tt). which Deed in Trust ls of Record in Book No. 28 at Fage ,si! •(' the Record of Deeds in Trust for Transvlvnnia County. X. C., anti which 1 )••«• i in Trust secures certain imlobtedness; therein named, and de fault lining been made in the pay ment if said indebtedness, whereby 'he Power if Sate contained in said Deed in f i t has become operative, nnd all n iti-c s inquired having been given an I said default has not been made good and the holder of the note g .aid indebtedness having ii.. I a mtdeisigned Trustee to fore-. !•>.- • said instrument. X iv. . Ii r "fore, the undersigned 'I i a- - ■. . w !. on Saturday, dune 23rd. IP!!. !2 o'clock M. at the Court 11 u • l)i iii Brevard. X. C., offer for tf lots fully described i said Peed in Trust, reference being ii •I't'i.,' mate to said Deed in »rust a ■ re v.'i thereof for a descr:p . tioti n. • s and bounds. Th uv • eds of said sale to be r.p p!: a! ir.o: -all indebtedness, coins. Tlds \1 • Vjst, 1934. D. L. ENGLISH, Trustee. •wri—iwin 11mmmiwmmn . crystal clear pure and SAFE for drinks Stop one of our trucks or PHONE 241 and we’ll see that your ice box is kept filled with PURE ice, the safe re frigeration. Also Coal and Kindling — PHONE 241 Purity Products Company SEL1CA NEWS (By Ward Breedlove) The high winds here Sunday night made it stem very unsafe in some or -.he hones in our section. We understand the officers visited he community Monday morning and •e-arrested Adger Stamey, who has .een home from the state prison on i have of absence granted by him ielf and of his own make. Our community club met Monday night ami held an enjoyable meeting. We are planning a social and edu cational program which will be well worth while for those who attend. Fred Barton has had an attack of pneumonia but is reported a3 recover ing. Mrs. Walker Galloway returned af cr a two weeks’ visit with her son 'ail and family in the Gloucester sec ion. Mrs. Margaret Capps of Etowah /isited her daughters here Sunday. Harvey Snyder and children and istrr Miss Lealer were visitors here Sunday. Mrs. Rick McCall and children of Boylsti n were Sunday guests of Mr. tnd Mrs. Walter Hamlin. Mr0. Lura Juhnson of Lake A If red, Fla., is spending some time here with iiitnds and relatives. We are very sorry to learn that Uncle Joe Dunn is on the sick list. The community club will jneet in he upper or Cherryfiold section next Vtondav night. Rev. Sherman Pearson will preach it the Methodist church here next Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. All are nvited to attend. Misses Margaret Barton and Blan ■he Hamlin vrited Miss Aitis Bar :i-i recently. Rev. C. C. Reece preached a splen did sermon here Sunday. Rev. J. N. Hall preached on inter esting sermon at the Methodist I church Sunday night. Mr and Mrs. Copa Lee and children Albert and Arlene of Lake Toxaway were visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Me Kinna Sunday afternoon. Robert McKinr.a visited Albert and Nellie McKinna of the Cherry field section Sunday. Mrs. M. S. Dur.ii who underwent an operation for tonsilitis recently is yet unable to be out. Uncle Henry Barton is still in fail ing health .declining instead of im proving. OAKLAllEWS (By Mrs. C. F. Norton) Last Friday at 12:30 o’clock the death angel visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson and called the infant son, Franklin D. He was one month and nine days old. Inter ment was made at the Methodist cemetery at Salem, S. C. We extend to the family our deepest sympathy. Lewis Rigdon and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Chappell enjoyed a fishing trip td llorsepasture river over the week-end. Robert Wilson, T. B. Reid and Clarence Norton were Brevard visitors Friday. George Bryson called on Lane San ders Sunday. Mrs. Maggie Nicholson and E. A. Reid were Rosman visitors one even ing last week. Mrs. William Sheppard of Salem. S. C., is visiting her daughter, Mrs, ; Robert Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Norton, Mrs. ] Hattie Wilson and children were din 1 ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. William iSheppard at Salem, S. C., Saturday, i Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson had as i guests over the week-end Mr. Wil 1 son’s father, Dave Wilson arid bro ithers Dave Jr., and Jess and sister Ola Wilson. The many friends of Rev. and Mrs. Wade Nicholson will be glad to know they are well and getting along i fine. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McCall were Brevard visitors Saturday. | Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nicholson and Mr. and Mrs. Mack Collins enjoyed a AT THE C IN THEATRE Hilarity, action Rnd comedy are booked for showing at the Clemson Theatre during the week beginning Friday. Jorn Wayne, ace of outdoor per formers is starring in a western action-nuance picture for Friday ami Saturday, dealing with struggles of early settlers who migrated to the western front. “Hollywood Party,” with a bevy of tars and a cast of 2,000 is booked Monday and Tuesday as a care-free drawing card that has fourteen stars in their own rights playing .including Jimmy Durante, Lupe Velez, Charles Butterworth and Polly Moran. Bert Wheeler and Robert Woolsey. with Dorothy Lee, Thelma Todd and Noah Berry are appearing at the Clemson Wednesday and Thursday in “Cockeyed Cavalier," guaranteed to be a side-splitter. In addition to the regular picture, icxtia good shorts of the better class are carried each day at the local theatre. _ picnic near Oakland Sunday. 1 Billy Nicholson is spending some time with his grandmother, Mrs. i Maggie Nicholson. tmx'Rice G»k lightvhfo*Mftyy TRY OUR WANTADS ALL-DAY SINGING AT SALTER SUNDAY An all-day singing will be held at Salter, S C., on Sunday according to 1E. D. Randolph, who will lead the event. The Riverside double quartet of Rosman will attend as well as a number of singers from different parts of the county. Dinner will be served picnic style at the noon hour. Now that science h»3 discovered a link between the brains and shoulder blades, Julius Caesar will have to be revised thusly: “The fault, dear Brutus ,iu not in our 3tars but in [our shoulder blades.” Renew Your Subacription C. C. KILPATRICK I ■funeral/* HOME Licensed Embalmers.Morticians Individual Ambulance and Hearse 214 W. Main Street Phone 123 Brevard — North Carolina HARK YE! HARK YE! OLD FASHIONED PICNIC AND ALL DAY CELEBRATION ON THE FOURTH OF JULY Asheville Memorial Stadium Come and bring your lunch and meet all your friends. HOG-CALLING CONTEST—GREASED POLE CON TEST—POLE CLIMBING CONTEST—MANY OTHER EVENTS AND PRIZES TO ALL WINNERS BEAUTY CONTEST-BASEBALL Bathing Beauties, Send In Your Entry Now To Welcome to Asheville, Inc. Ashevillev N. C. i MEM STAKED THEIR FORTUNES SMASHED WORLD RECORDS for _ 1 i m | ! fiUK-DlFPEDHISHr^^ • I STRETCH CORDS|ry> n*j¥ THUN 5C0/ LONGER | NOH-SKiD MILEAGE I MB iittpatolfafod i STAMINA | FIRESTONE HIGH SPEED TIRES k fcrfiftcencon,ecutit*yeor. haw been on the \ cars in the 5 OO- m .. ■■ Indianapolis Hace. Ill’s MEANS BLOWOUT PROTECTION it f or sewn consecutlev years hare been i>n if”' ’rinnir.A cars in thedaring Vibes Veab climb where a slip meant death. THIS MEANS NON-SXiD SAPETY AND TRACTION three consecutive -ears Itccr on the 13! buses ITashington IP- C.) wa. and I 'ccicil < otnpan * coverin g 11 337,1110bus miles without ...U minute's delay due to tire trouble SHIS MEANS DEPENDABILITY AND ECONOMY if > r e on the H e i man tfotors' Ford I Struck that made a new coast to coos' record ol Id hours di minutes, SO seconds actual ■mining time> THIS MEANS ENDURANCE Ye» you tan buy this amaiing new Firestone High Speed Tire at ou' Listen to the Vo i ce of Firestone every Monday Night over N. ii. C. — ir i: a F ^'etirnrk. See Firestone Air Jiailoon Tires made at the Firestone Factory and Lxh! hit ion it u i I d i n c World’s Fair, Chicago. SAFEST TIRE FIRESTONE EVER BUILT THE New Firestone High Speed Tire for 1934 was built to give you thesame dependable service it provided for the 33 drivers who started in the torturous 500-mile grind at Indianapolis May 30. This new tire has a wider tread of flatter contour, deeper non-skid, more snd tougher rubber, giving you more than 50% longer non-skid mileage. Besides being Safety Protected on the outside it is Safety Protected on the inside. Eight additional pounds of pure rubber are absorbed by every one hundred pounds of cords. This additional rubber is so placed that it surrounds every cotton fiber inside every cord in every plv. This is accomplished by soaking the cords in liquid rubber by a Firestone patented process. This patented process, Gum-Dipping, i: not used in any other tire built. Heat caused by internal friction of cotton fibers destroys tires——causes separation and blowouts. Gum-Dipping counteracts friction and heat—provides greater adhesion and binds the cotton and rubber together into one cohesive unit of greater strength, assuring »ar owners ot tne greatest ninety, rroteenon sum tiimuiu; tJ,at ii is possible for human ingenuity to build into a tire. The most amazing proof of this extra strength, safety | and dependability is the fact that everyone of the 33 drivers at Indianapolis rliose and bought Firestone High Speed Tires. Hace drivers KNOW tire construction—they will not risk their lives or chance of victory on any other than Firestone. At terrific speeds the ears plunge into the treacherous turns—tires are braced against the scorching brick track so hot the tires fairly smoke ot times—they give—yield and stretch—every conceivable force works to tear the tire to pieces, yet Firestone High Speed Tires “come hack” on the straightaways. Not once during the entire race did a tire fail. Surely this s the most amazing proof ever known of Extra Strength, SAFETY and dependability. Call on the Firestone Service Dealer or Service Store nearest you TODAY. Equip your car with New Firestone High Speed Tires for 1934. MOST MILES PE n FOI tees their complete line of tires to aeainst >11 roadhazards for 12 tuuuuis< In Firestone gives the industry ranty against defects