GLADE CREEK NEWS . (M-iss Evie Reece) \ The farmers" of this community Have been making use of the tine weather. Many people of this community were shocked to learn of ice death of T. A. English of Davidson River. Several people of this community attended the water pageant «t Camp Carolina Thursday night. Miss Buvee Capps had os her guest Sunday E”ie Reece and Carman Curto. Holland Corn of Pisgah Forest spent Sunday with Miss Louise Mul lenax. We are sorry to report Mrs. Jack Arrington is on the sick list. Henry Sexton visited R. L. Capps Sunday. Mrs. R. E. Mackey and daughter visited Mrs. Henry Sexton Sunday. Tom Brown was guest Sunday of Miss Martha Cox. Harvey Radford of Pisgah Forest visited Jack Arrington Sunday. Mrs. J. C. Arrinburg of Green Cove Springs, Fla., spent the past week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Capps before going to summer school at Culiowhee. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Burnett and children. Alma and Elizabeth, visited Mr. and Mrs. C Rhodes Sunday. R. L. Capps made a business trip t Butler. Tonn., last week. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Owens are the parents of a son. Bob Whitaker ha- returned to his home at Biltmore after spending some time with Mr. and Mrs J. A. Reece. Perry Orr and children, Cora, Net tie, Emma and Ada, of Turkey Creek, attended church at Pisgah Forest Sunday night. Foil Election Finns Deaten At Gathering j Washington — The administration sheathed its paddle Thursday night and to’d rebellious Democrats seeking 'i-elec1 ton that all is forgiven. Assurance that party members j w nild not be spanked at the polls for helping to over-ride the President’s vet - i* the vetrean’s bill and for ether votes which clashed with the administration came after a final meeting of the Democratic congres sional elections committee. Fontul Deficit To Be Wiped Out Stroudsburg, Pa.. — Postmaster General Farley Thursday said he I- r>- to wipe out the postoffice de ptti: • nt’s huge deficit during the fiscal y :-r of 1934—a feat accom plished only -even times since 1S90. ] ■-- ■ -■ ■■ , LET US HELP YOU PLAN You‘lI Need MEATS GROCERIES VEGETABLES Phone 47 We Deliver CITY MARKET S. F• Allison 31 n hi St. Brevard DR. MILLER'S CAR TORN UP IN WRECK WEDNESDAY Dr. M. M. Miller of Newport Ritchie, Fla., a summer resident of the county for the past several years, narrowly escaped serious accident on Wednesday night of last week when the car in which he was riding near Fairfield Inn skidded off the highway and crashed into a tree several feet | below, pinning Doctor Miller in the j car for some time. Aside from the shock and several bruises of minor nature. Doctor Mil ler, who is stopping with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Reid at Oakland, is none the worse off for his accident. His car was practically demolished. LITTLE RIVERNEWS Hubert Heath who has been con fined to his bed for quite a while is reported to be improving. Friends of “Uncle Billy” McCrary will be sorry to learn that he is ill at the home of his daughter. Mrs. J. C. Capps. ( Miss Jennie George returned to her home Sunday after a two weeks’ visit with her sister, Miss Mary George of Spartanburg. Mrs. F. Sanders and children Joe ; and Joyce of Forest City are visit- . ing the former's parents, Mr. and , Mr#. Joe Merrill. | Mr. and Mrs. Joe Merril lhad as ( their week-end guests Mr. and Mrs. j Boyd Henderso nand children Agnes . and Guss of Greenville. Emmerson Merrill left last week for Greenville where he has employ ment. Mr. and Mrs. Amos McCall, Ralph ami Ruby McCall and Miss Flovied Shipman visited the former’s daugh ter, Mrs. Mrshall Aiken ot Pickens Sunday. Mrs. L. L. McCall and children jac quoline and Caroline are visiting Mrs. McCall’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kussell Howell of Candler this. week. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Heath on June 9th a daughter, Nancy Caroline. Mrs. Heath will be remem bered as Miss Lovella Merrill before her marriage. . Shuler Wright of Crab Creek visit ed his aunt, Mrs. A. B. McCall, Sun dj.Mr. and Mrs. X. L. Ponder and family visited their daughter, Mrs. U. (J. George, Sunday. Mrs. John Fisher spent last week end with relatives in Easley. Mrs. Oss Grey of Pleasant Grove is visiting her son, Hall Gray of Cas cade power plant. Mr. and Mrs. Hass Grey Oi Hen dersonville visited Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Heath Sunday. Dorothy Shipman spent ihe week end with Johnnie Rodgers of Mills Born to Mr. and Mrs. Hal! Grey a daughter, Helda Elane, on Sunday, June 17th. Mrs. Grey will be remem bered as Miss Ruth Holtzclaw before her marriage. Miss Belvia McCrary has returned to Atlanta where she has employment after several days' visit with her mother, Mrs. W. J. McCrary. Mr. and -Mrs. Daniel Justus . ot j Pleasant Grove visited Mr. and Mrs. George Merrill Sunday. Boh West and daughter Sarah Lou and Miss Mary George of Spartan burg and George Kitchens of Green ville were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. George Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carter Blythe visited the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mis. W. P. Holtzclaw Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pickelsimer of B>evard visited their parents, Mr. and Ms. L. L. Pickelsimer and Mr. and Mrs. Manson Hamilton Sunday. Jane, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carter Blythe of Giveiiviuo i visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Holtzclaw. Friends of Henry Rodgers will be , sorry to hear of his death which cc curred last Sunday at Mountain Homo hospital. Mr Rodgers was 51 vears of age. He-was a former resi lient of this community but for a number of years had lived at Ashe o ill., but more recently had lived in Black Mountain. Mr. Rodgers is sur vived by his widow, four sons and Invite. K Checking Account Open It Today THERE’S this, that and the other bill coming along daily. To lay out ready cash down to the penny is both inconvenient and risky. * • • The modem way to pay u bill is WRITE a Check. Cashed, it comes back to you as both a record, and a receipt for your money! • • • Effestive July 1st, all deposits, $1.00 to $5,000.00, insured by Federal Deposit In surance. TRANSYLVANIA TRUST CO. PASSMORE CHILD IS BURB ON TUESDAY Funeral Services for Baby Iris Grace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Passmore, were held at Cathey’s Creek church last Thursday, with interment in the cemetery nearby. The Rev. J. E. Burt, paster of the church had charge of the services, with arrangements by Moore & Os >orne. • The young child, thirteen months if age, was stricken with scarlet 'ever two days prior to her death. She war the only child of Mr. and VIrs. Passmore, who have resided on Probart. street since coming here 'rom Rosman some time ago. Mr. Passmore is connected with the Hayes Motor company. me daughter, his mother, Mrs. Laura lodgers, two sisters and one brother, interment was made on Monday at. he Little River Cemetery. Oti= Heglas, pastor of the First Baptist hurch of Black Mountain, officiated. Park Hearing Set Washington—Secretary of Interior ekes Thursday said he would grant i hearing to Representative Weaver md others in the Asheville section iho are protesting against the re lorted recommendations of the Kad liffe committee as to location ot tne parkway connecting the Great Smoky, nd Shenandoah National PaIk?- j OAKLAND NEWS (By Mrs. 0. F. Norton) July 7th has been named the day to clean off the graveyard at the Lake Toxaway Baptist i church. Everybody is invited to attend and bring tools to work wdth Bern to Mr. and Mrs. Garvin Ducker on June 22nd, a son. Mrs. Robert Nolan of Asheville visited her mother, Mrs. S. E. Alex ander, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McCall and Miss Bertie Burgess attended the ball game at the Gloucester CC camp Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C- F. Norton, Mrs. I. S. Sanders and son Cecil visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Hovic Chappell visit ed Mr. Chappell’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Chappell Sunday. Mrs. Mary Burgess and daughter Miss Alberta called on Mr. and Mr?. W. F. McCall Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Harrison of Sapphire visited Mrs. Maggie Nichol son-Sunday. < William Miller is seriously ill with measles. Alfred Miller of Sapphire called on [. S. Sanders one day last week. Robert Wilson is improving after being ill recently. Mrs. E. A. Reid and Mrs. Maggie Nicholson called on Mrs. W. F. Mc Call Monday afternoon. Mrs. S. E. Alexander and Mrs. Robert Nolan visited Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Reid Sunday. Mr. Carter of Brevard :'s visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McCall for a faw days. Billy Nicholson, who has been spending some time with his grand mother, has returned home. Rev. Norris will preach at the Lake Toxaway Baptist church next Sunday at 11 o’cicck. I.tner Sink*; Crew Putcued Slsvenger, Norway—The German liner Dresden which struck a sub merged rock off the coast with 975 German holiday mskerr and a crew of 230 aboard, turned over and sank. The known loss of life included five women. Twelve of there on board were painfully injured. Many others suffered exposure. It is feared that the ship will he a total loss. ON A STRENUOUS ROUND OF GOLF Camels taste mighty good. Even Hrtdntst drops away! For Camels have a remarkable “energizing effect.’’ And steady smokers fied that Camel's costlier tobaccos never jangle the nerves. “Get a US with a Camel!“ last! The Perfect Combination That Makes ELECTRIC RANGES available To EVERY HOME...! LOWER PRICES LONGER, TERMS f* upap ’ ELECTRICITY allowance COMPLETELY If you Have felt that an Electric Range is not within your reach you can now disabuse your mind of that idea. We can now make Electric cookery available to the entire mass market. Prices are now Sower than ever before, terms are longer and electric ity is cheaper. Here is the perfect com bination which brings all the comforts, conveniences and economies of electric cookery to every home. Don't continue to use ordinary cook stoves in your home when vou con buy an Electric range for practically the same price and have a range that will outlast two or three ordinary stoves. Electric ranges are prac tically indestructible — there's nothing to wear out and all parts are easily and cheap |v replaced. Investigate this amaung ot ter today and decide that you are going to invest in economy, convenience and com fort for the kitchen. * Full Porcelain, Automatic Radio Program . . . WSOC 11 ^5 A. M. WBT 1MB A M. Tuet.-Tbm.-Fri SOUTHERN PU UTILITIES COm Day Phone 116 Brevard Phone 16 __ _