ROSMAN NEWS MRS. JORDAN WHITMIRE, Correspondent_ Mrs. \Y. E. Hall left Friday to s pend a couple of weeks visiting hei son, Earl Hall and daughter, Mrs. ,'orace Keaton of Brevard. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Pharr and son jimmy and Mrs. Arnold McHague of Statesville visited Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Pharr Sunday. Mr. Pharr is quite ill. Ed Summer and children of Cen tral S ('.. spent a few days last week a- guests of the former’s par ents. Mr. mid Mrs. W. H. Summey. Miss Mildred Thomas of Louis ville Ky.. and Miss Helen Jenkins of Clav’ton. N. C.. were guests of Mr. and' Mrs. J. K. White Thursday ha Sisk of Chattanooga, Tern., was a guv t of his brother Allen and Mrs. Sisk Thursday. Mr. and Mis. F.. A. Glazener and daughters Misses Fay and Louise and Mr. and Mrs. Claud Glazener were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Hutch >. Mr. and Mr-. Jesse Galloway of Brevard wore guests of the former s mother, Mrs. Sarah Galloway, Sun-. day. , . I M. n-.-.l Mr-. Winston Ashworth of j Btevard were Sunday guests if Mr.; an Mrs. M G. Duncan. i; adus Duncan, Walter Glazenei al i •■.verctte Whitmire attended the aii uw „t Hendersonvillc-Ashevim • air - t Sunday , , and Mrs. Ktvin Ldney am fctt* „f lliiku were gue-ls of Mr. amt M, Glia' lie Gait Sumlay night. Klizabeth Hall nail son, Key. i I i; p, were visitors to Asheville: Mr ami Mr- Eddie Towns and ,i 'uanita spent the week-end pj... , S. I’., as guests ot Mr. ' ,»d Mr . S. M. Towns. i-,1,,11 Hurt returned home MHlay,| having t|ient the past week at Ninety t;i\ v-sitine i t latives. ' I uni r Poole of Brevard is spenc <,.\eral davs visiting h.s giantl piueiits. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Bryson. 1 Mr. and Mr- Al Bryson accompan ied lhl,r granddaughter. Maine B > , . her heme at Travelers Rest. Nl "am' Mr- !** R- Chapman and , ,, Ralph x sited relatives at Easky. S C Sumlav. They were atvompan d home by a nephew of the ioimei. I im Chapman, who will spend a Allison and tosSWBKW* V% Smhh of tl reenville spent Kr> ,| *y (light as guest of (iiitha kl,'\'lrs Mvrtle Volrath returned Z Sunday from l»r. ., six Mr .having um.oigme MTS' ^lrs Frank McCall and , r,..i J,'. .»! Kl«.0~-th S.,k »; s-'cs..'" firt, l -I Mi- rim C 'wan and - I,d- "1 Rosman Sun ’aMr, M - Hale,ice D** •*» Thursday j m\1 and Mrs. .Toeiialiowayandtwoj Mwi tUie weeh-end^Giou-j l'1 ,l r,\. . ] Ml, Spurgeon, ;U;"i;„e Sisk, son of Mr. and Mrs. , s-k wh<• has been in Dr. ivek'-'ho pitai at Six Mile tor Mf* ,.,-al weeks .returned home 'he toe week. ___ pbOTIiCE OF SALE Under and by virtu.- of the power ■ nferr 'd upon me by that L * . deed of trust from Mis. Emma Colj > nn. drted December 19 !9-7, and ».-curded in Book 21 W 2.*J» Records m Deeds of Trtist for Trun sydvar.ia County. I will at_ 12 oVlnck . Saturday. July i, M-'l- at it,e rl house door m Brevard. North Carolina, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property, to-vclt. All of that certain piece paree or 1 >t f land described in deed fl0nl Welch Calloway, Trustee, to Emma Colburn, widow, dated December 13, ! *)->T and recorded in Book 00, Page 135. R‘cords of Deeds for Transyl vania County. Sale made to satisfy said indebted-; ness. „ This the 4th day of June. 1934. j H. F. MARTIN, Trustee, j June 13, 20, 27, July 4. _ At Any Hour Day or Night MOORE and OSBORNE Undertakers Are ready to serve you Day Phones, 88, 159, 250 Night Phones, 159, 260 BREVARD, N. C. Ill & 119 W. Main St Moore & Osborne Undertakers Clyde and Ruth Rice spent the week-end in Brevard as guests of iheir grandnuther, Mrs. Tom Gilles pie. Helen Jo, small daughter of Mr. md Mrs, Doyle, is quite ill with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Lee R. Fisher, Mrs. t. A. Collins and son Wallace and aughter Miss Klla Mae accompanied Its. Polly Whitmire to her home at iyon Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. i her visited Mr. Fisher’s brother, im Fisher. Jesse Recce of Pickens spent huisday night as guest of his aunt, '.Iis. R. A. Collins. Miss Agnes Hughes of Simp'on ille and Miss Frances Henderson of ,Vare Shoal- are spending several ■tys as guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Humeral. Mr. ami Mrs. Jerry McCall were •nests c f Misses Helen and Montaree ialloway Thursday, Mrs. W. Lloyd Cutting ar.d (laugh er, Mis- Dorothy, Mrs. T. P. Gallo wiv Jr. ami dauhgterf Helen, Mont iree and Lucille attended the water •ugeant at Camp Carolina Thursday night. W Lloyd Cutting, who is construct ing a prison camp at Whittier, spent .he week-end with his family here. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Galloway Jr. entertained Sunday night with a pic nic slipper. Those enjoying the occas rii were Mr. and’Mrs. \\ . Lloyd Lut ing and daughter. Miss Dorothy, Mr. iiul Mrs. T. P. Galloway Jr, Misses Helen, Montaree and Lucille Galio ■way and L. C. Hall and Ros> Moore. Misses Velma and Ruth Lewis re urncd home Sunday, having spent lu past week at Pickens visiting rel ive They were accompanied home v the if parents, Mr and Mrs. \V. It. Lewis. Miss Margaret Wise of Kentucky t pping at the home of Mr, and Urs. ii. B. White. Miss Wise has barge of the play that is being spon inid by M. E. church to bo given ijj he near future. .Miss ueiieva mling summer school at Asheville, i nt Hi week-end at her home at Calvert. She was accompanied homo v her room mate, .Miss Doan. 'Mrs Gaston Whitmire spent the vcck-end at the home of her parents, VIv. ami Ml-. Calvin Hamilton at dlanty re. Mr. and Mrs. D. II. Winchester and ii"s D. II. Jr. anil Stanley were Sun lay guests of Dr. ami Mrs. ,1. F. y.K-harv hi Brevard. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Galloway and Million spent Sunday in South Car lina visiting relatives. Kerent visitors at Lc-Vtrn, the in. , f Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hutches, von : Dr. ail Mr5. English. Frank D. Clement, Mr and Mrs. Verne Clement, Mr. and Mrs. Julian Glaze •ir and family and guest. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sitton. all <>.' Brevard, M>. amt Mrs. F. A. Glawner and kuiTldrrs Fay and I. mi. ■ Mr. and Mrs Claude Glazemr ami Mr. and Mi-.. Jordan Whitmire- mid daughter I a Verne, all of Rosinan. Mis. Zed> Stroun visited Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Stroup Sunday. Mr. and Mr-. N. S. Galloway and daughter. Mis- Thelma, and little De Mei i Galloway spent the week-end at Sapphire visiting Mr. and Mrs. James T. Harrison. .... Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Baukiught and - n Realise" and two friends of Ka-dey, S. C , were Sunday guests at • he i’ermo’’s sisters. Mrs. ( laig Whitmire. , ... Thin mar Galloway returned to nm hir.v. here Friday after an absence of several months. James T. Bales. Tom Glazener and Wash Fisher were visitors at the V.»m< of Mr. and Mrs. VV. K» Gallo ivav r Old Toxaway Friday. Tin mas Ginzener was a business visitor t Brevard Momiay. Mrs. Keu McConnell has been quit: ill at her home near 'he Bap tist church fov seveial weeks. Miss La Verne Whitmire left Tues day for ;everal days’ visit to her unch and aunt, Mr. and Mis 1. VV. Wilson at Robbinsviiie. SINGING HELD A?’ (.’HERRYFIEI.D CHURCH A very successful community sing ing was held Sunday at Ml. Moriah Cherry field church. The following caders. as well as a large number of .ther good singers* were present: Lewis Waldrop, Coats Cassell and C. C. Garren. Members of the B. Y. P. U. at Mt. Moriah Cherryfield church held a very successful ice cream supper at he home of Miss Ruth Whitmire Friday night. The sum of $16.00 was raised which will be used for church purposes. THOMAS GLAZE NER INJURES HAND Thomas ,eon of Mi', and Mrs. D. L. (ilazener, suffered quite painful cuts on his hand last Thursday when he accidentally cut three fingers with a drawing knife. It was nevessary to take several stitches to close the wounds. SLATER SINGING ATTENDED BY MANY The all-day singing conducted at Slater, S. C., last Sunday by E. D. Randolph of Rosman was successful in every way, over eight hundred re ported in attendance with a large number of classes represented. Local | neople taking part on the program besides Mr. Randolph were: River side Double Quartet, Miss Leota Ran lolph and the Rev. Carl Cox. A pic iic dinner was spread at the noon lour, adding to the enjoyment of the iccasion. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends for ►heir many acts of kindness shown us it the death of our mother and for he floral offerings. SOI.OMDN JONES AND FAMILY. LAKE TOXAWAY ’ (By Mrs. H. D. Lee) Mrs. Jack Aiker. and son Bob of West Asheville were guests last week of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lee. Mis-. Lois Woodard and little sister Lucile of Cashiers spent several davs recently with Mr. and Mrs. C C. Hall. Mrs. Ada Sanders had as her aue-ts Sunday Mrs. Lem Pitts and daughter Mis-. Bertha and son Ross of Seneca, S. C. ■ Neal Bryson of Glenville was a Toxaway vi»itf.>- Sunday Born to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lee a daughter, Gladys Viola, on Sunday, lune 24. Ed Willbanks of Asheville, for merly cf this place, underwent an >perntion for appendicitis at Bile more ho-pital recently, and is report d to be improving. Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Fisher and Mr. and Mr-. Warren Fisher and children were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Case Sunday. Mrs. Ira Galloway spent last week in Brevard with Mrs. Roland Owen. Freda Hall spent Sunday with Lucy Tinsley. Mr-. Ida Bryant Payne visited fri'.nds in Brevard Saturday. Mrs. F. Lioyd Baker of Maryville, Tenn., arrived Thursday for sevr'-a! lays’ visit with her mother. Mrs. Payne and her sister, Mrs. W. W. Ray. it .. I af... ▼ r» v_! 1 , I V v V . (I II' 1 ill i .I. •/ • » J. il IM I in till! da lighter. Miss Anna WiTila, of Bra denton, Fla., .have arrived to spend the summer at their summer home, “Norrest." Miss Louise Jennings spent Friday with Miss Hazel Moses. Mrs. Ben Jones visited her par ents, Mr. and Airs. Matt Owen. Sun day. [ All . Eli McJKinna spent Thursday i night with Mrs. W. J. Raines. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McKinna have moved to the Allen McKinna house. Mrs. AV. J. Owen and children spent 'lie week-end with her mother, Mis. Patterson, in Gloucester. Air. and Mrs. Jack Aiken of West Asheville and Arrcwond Lee i f Franklin were guests of Ai". and AH -. II. P. Lee Sunday. Miss Mildred Williams is attending summer school at Asheville Normal. Air. and Mrs. W. W. Ray ar ex pecting as their guests this week-' ml F. Lloyd Baker of Maryville Tenn.. Air. and Air;. Don C.ihbius of Knox ville. Tenn.. Mrs. Clarice Tinsley Payne and son Harry of Union, S. ami J. H. Payne of Asheville. Miss Luise Williams sailed from Nk w York June 23rd for Paris, France. While abroad she will also spend some time in Spain. jt. c Payne of Washington, H C„ i■ the guest of Mr. and Airs. AV W. Rav this week. Airs. Anna Bailey. Mrs. Alfred Staples and daughter? Misses Anna Margaret, Phyllis and Betsy Staples of Bradenton, Fla., are guestr oi Rev. and Mrs. J. S. Norris. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Lee spent Sun day* with Mrs Gideon Miller at Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hall have as their guests their daughter, Mrs. William Vakcs and children of Nor folk, Va. A wedding which is of much inter est to their many friends and rela tives in North and South Carolina is that of Miss Edith Sanders of Lake Toxaway and Guy Pitts of Seneca, S. C. The wedding occurred at the home of Rev. Lahan in Pickens, on June 2. The bride is the only daugh ter of Mrs. Ada Sanders. The groom is the son of Mrs. Lem Pitts of Sene ca. They will make their home with Mrs. Pitts’ mother. Mrs. Leonard Thomas and little daughter Dot and Mrs. L. C. Case Jr. and little son Billie spent last week as guests of their parents, Rev. and Mrs. S. B. McCall near Lenoir. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilbanks had as" their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. j,er Sisk and children and Mr. and Mrs. Green of Newerv S. C. Harvey Rogers of Hendersonville • pent the week-end with his family here. . ,, , The death of Loonie Burrell of Cold Mountain was a shock to all who knew him. He was patrolman for Jennings and was drowned in the Tucka cogee river Sunday. He was a reliable and honest man. Our heart felt sympathy goes out to his^grief stricken fami'v. He was carried to Walhalla, S. C., for burial. BOILSTON NEWS (By Lorena McCall; Mr .ami Mrs. Leonard Reece, Clive Burgess and children. Lee English, Misses Naomi Plnnmons. Helen and Wayne Fullbright and Lorena McCall visited the air port at FMcher Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Perry Fullbright is recovering fr in a recent illness. The Fullbright children of Brevard visited their parents here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rick McCall visited Jim Young and family recently. Carl Baynard made a business trip to Brevard last week. Rick McCall and children were Homier; nville visitors Monday. Wiley Rhodes has been visiting in this community this wo-.k. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Taylor attend ed the Holliday reunion Sunday. l.rc English was a recent guest of Carlos Holden. Miss Rub,- and her brother Dallas visited, Helen Fullbright recent' NEW ARRIVAL Horn to Mr. and Mrs. For, after all, that’s really what counts. Try a tankfuJ next time you need motor fuel. Learn for yourself wny we »av that Essolene guarantees smoother performance. [Essolube Motor Oil in the crankcase enables Essolene to do tts best\ new every moncn. (contains olliciai map o: current roao * _ construction vacation information; touring data, etc. AIm free Individual road maps. Jr***"* ^ STANDARD OIL COMPANY