Social and Personal News of Interest to Brevard Women Mrs. J. R. Smith and little grand son of Savannah, Ga., have returned to their h. me after visiting Mrs. Smith’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. v. Morris and ot>*;tr relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. C. Bv West and son returned last week from an extended absence in Hickory and Sanford and are now with Rev. J. 11. West at the Methodist parsonage. Mark Orr. of Mars Hill college, spent the week-end here with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Orr. Miss Ethel McMinn has returned to Greenville, S. C., after spending several davs here with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Whitmire, Mrs. Paul Smathers and Mrs. Lawrence Holt visited relatives in Asheville Sunday where they were met by Mr. and Mrs. Ru>h Whitmire and children of Charlotte. Miss Mildred Thomas of Louis ville, Ky., left last week after visiting her uncle and aunt. Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Zachary. Miss Marguerite Galloway of York and Miss Pauline Galloway, who have been visiting their sister in South Carolina, visited M s. T. H. Galloway here the first cf the week, en route to New York. Mrs. W. M Cloud Jr. and two little girls of Miami, Fla., who are spending some time in Brevard with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Cloud, have been visiting Mrs. Cloud Jr. s mother in Hendersonville the past week. Mrs. Charles Waldrop of Green ville was guest last week of Mr. and Mr-. J. H. Tinsley. . .MISS UHH.'V v.. - week for Finley. Ohio, while 'he will hav. headquarters in missionary wo.k in which she will be engaged. Mrs. Robert Davis Jr. and two childr* n. Mary and Robert, ot New York City, and Mrs. Davis mothei, Mi< T. D. Lacey. and brother, Chavli" C. Lacey of Sarasota. Fia., are occupying the 1. H. Galloway resilience on West Main street for four months. , . , Mrs. T. H. Galloway is stopping at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. H° * liday while her home is leased during the remainder of the season. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Townsend of Chicago are visiting Mr. Townsends mother. Mrs. J. S. Greenwood. Mrs. John West Chapman has ar-] lived from Chariest- n, S. C. to sp, iid the remainder of the summer; at her home on Probart stree.. j Capt J. L. Risk and family of, Cocoa. Fla., have arrived at their I summer home here in Forest Hills. I Mr. and Mrs. C. B. McFee are, spending some time here with Mrs. | MeFce’s mother. Mrs. L. M. I uette. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Brittain are occupying an apartment at the '-■rim- ^ Shaw home. . Mrs. Leon English Jr. returned last week from a visit with relatives in Greensboro. ■ C. B. McFEE | The Old Reliable Watchmaker and Jeweler at Macfie Drug Stove. Brevard, N. C. 38 Years of Repair Work All Work Guaranteed Reasonable Prices i WE BUY OLD GOLD ____-1 FRUIT STORE Handling Complete Line Of FRESH FRUITS VEGETABLES MELONS Opposite Court House EAST MAIN STREET We shall be pleased to serve you at any time. Lloyd Hilemon FRUIT STAND Miss Eliza Nicholson has returned from New York City to visit her father, Rad Nicholson. Mr. and Mrs. W. \V. Britt ot Asheville were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs-. T. W. Whitmire. Dr. and Mrs. Thomasson and Wal ter Barr of Greenville were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cos Paxton. Miss Beth Thompson and Miss Mary Wakefield of New York City have returned to their home after visiting Mrs. Cos Paxton for several days. Mrs. Mack Fowler of Glenville was called here last week on account of the serious illness and death of her brother, T. A. English. Mrs. A. B. Galloway has been quite ill the past week at her home. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Kyle were Asheville visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bishop visited relatives in Hendersonville the past we-.k. Mi ss Reba Kitchen was the wec-K- | end guest of Miss Mildted Williams, who is attending the Asheville Nor mal this summer. Miss Agnes Clayton and Miss Rob erta Bryant were guests of Mrs. Fred Emmerson in Asheville Saiur-; day. i Miss Gladys Gillespie left Sunday | for Hendersonville where she has a | position in the Lorrane dining room., She was accompanied by Elza ] Gillespie. | .Ur. ana lur*. lllisvvn j Mrs. A. H. King were Asheville visit- j ors Saturday. j MissAnnie May Patton has return-; cd from a visit with lv>r sister, Mrs. j Arch Graham and family In Raeford. .1. J. Patton and family have re-j turned to their home at Davidson | River after spending the winter nti N\w Smyrna, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Tollmen attended the j air show at the Asheville air port I Sunday afternoon. Miss Adelaide Silversteen is ex- j pected to return to her home here the last of (his week .after spending the I past several months in New Yoik City whore she is studying voice. Mrs. Ada Teague uni guest, Mrs. Nita Stokes of Georgetown, S. C., spent McVl&y in Asheville. They; were accompanied home by Sarah and I Marshall Teague who have been i visiting their grandmother in Ashe- - ville several weeks. Lawrence Williams, Leon Lyday,; Wilson Lyday, Fred Talley, Davis; Woodfin and John Lyday attended;; the air show at Fletcher Sunday. |i Miss Emma Deaver is at Montreat j Normal this summer. i Mrs. J. R. Morgan of Detroit, i Mich., is visiting her parents, Mr. and | Mrs. V. H. Galloway. i Mrs. Lodema Robertson is spend ing a few days with Misse- Louise and Charlotte Brown, recuperating from a tonsil operation performed last week at Lyday Memorial hospi tal. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. reaster and Verne Fairbow of Charlotte were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Feaster and family. Mrs. Garland McGregor and Mrs. W. H. Davis of Greenville are at Ivy Hill for the remainder of the sum mer. George Mangum, who has employ ment in Charlotte, visited friends in Brevard last week. Mrs. S. Lee of Greenville is operat-, ing the Green Lantern tea room at Sea Shore. Miss. Merle Sizemore of Yadkin ville was the week-end guest of Mi“ces Mary Alma and Eugenia Col trane. Miss Nina Hall of Columbia, S C., and Mr. McGee of Miami, Fia., are guests at Apple Grove with Mr. and Mrs. John Maxwell. Miss Olga Dermid is visiting friends and relatives in Jacksonville, Fia. Miss Margaret Deaver has return ed from Biltmore hospital where she underwent an operation for appendi citis. , Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Coltrane and family were visitors in Bryson City anl Waynesville Sunday, where Mr. Coltrane had speaking engagements. Mr. and Mrs. Cuff and three child ren and Mrs. Caff’s mother, Mrs. Chambers, ail of St. Petersburg, Fla., are occupying the John Cantrell house on Probart street for the sum mer. Their present plans are to re main in Brevard indefinitely and place one of their children in Bre vard college. Mr. and Mrs. John Cantrell are occupying an apartment in the home of Miss Sadie North while their home is being rented. • _ Mrs. D. C. Goldstein of Augusta, Ga is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bogen. Her three sons will attend Camp Sapphire this season. ___ M-O-V-E-D We have moved our Barber Shop from News Arcade to the Smith Building two doors above Tran sylvania Trust Company on Main street.We’ll be pleased to serve you with HAIR CUTS SHAVES HIGH CLASS BARBER WORK We can keep your face feeling fit and contribute to your good looks. TINSLEY BARBER SHOP Main Street Brevard, N. C. Miss Mae Cunningham has reiuiri-; ed to her home after undergoing an operation at the Mountain Sanitar ium at Fletcher. Miss Helen Morrow and Donald Jenkins returned last week from a two weeks’ motor trip to Detroit, Mich., visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ehen Morrow, also taking in the World’s Fair at Chicago en route. They were accompanied on the trip to Detroit by Henry Carrier and on the return trip to Brevard by Jimmy Morrow who has been in the north some time. Mrs. Homer Pace cf Flat Rock is visiting her brother, W. B. F. Wright and family. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore DeHoii and little daughter of Columbia, S. C., are now occupying their newly erected summer home near the Smedberg property. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas D.itterer and little daughter of Columbia, S. C., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Dellon. Miss Neva Bramlett spent the week-end with friends and relative in South Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. McGuire visited rela tives near Asheville Sunday. J. S. Silversteen is in Washington. D. C., on business this week. Langdon English returned Satur day from a motor trip of several , weeks to New York City and other , northern points of interest. Mrs. H. A. Durant, who has been ill at the home of her mother in South Carolina, and Mr. and Mrs Clifton Durant, of Lynchburg, \ a.. were called here last week on account if the sudden death of H. A. Dur ant. They are visiting at the homo of Mrs. Clifton Durant’s mother, Mrs. |( Cordia King. Miss Charlotte Patton is attending summer school at Chapel Hill. t ; Miss Mary Frances Allen of Rock: Hill S. C.. is visiting her uncle and j 1 aunt, Mr. and Mrs| L. K. Ratchford II and family. „ J! Mrs. Nita Stokes of Georgetown ■ i S. C. is guwit of Mrs. Ada Teague, i Brevard Girl Wed Mrs. Oscar A. Vaughn, who was >et'ore her mai riage in Brevard on lune 15, Miss Eliza Henry, daughter )f Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Henry, ot Brevard. (Cut courtesy The Citizen.) MISS WILLIAMS STUDY I SC, f.V PARIS THIS SUMMER Miss Louise Williams sailed Sat-1 jrday from New York for Paris, j vhere she will study this summer in j he University of Paris. She will also | pend some time in Spain and see j omething of other countries while ibroad. Miss Williams has her^ Mas ers degree in Spanish from Colum lia University, New York City, and nans to continue her studies espec ally in this subject while in the for ign countries this summer. t ini i /Aiiv/*v j t; l /ir\Ej ru/ixr* \ AT EASTERN STAR MEETING Initiation ceremonies will take piece at the regular meeting of the Eastern Star to be held Tuesday night at 3 o’clock. If is urged that all mem bers attend. ANNE BANKS HAS BIRTHDAY PARTY Little Anne Banks celebrated her ninth birthday anniversary with a party at the home of her grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. K. It. Pendletcn, Wednesday afternoon. A pretty color arrangement in green and white was carried out. Nine little white'csndles on the birth day cake and green baskets filled with white mints added to the at tractiveness of the color scheme. Re freshments of ice cream, cake and candies were served during the after n on. Various games were played and the pening of the birthday gifts brought by the little guests were delightful features. FORMER BREVARD BOY WEDS CHICAGO I.ADY Of interest to friends here is the recent .marriage of Miss Blanche Prusa of Chicago and Mr. Jerry Hedrick of Chicago and Brevard. Mr. Hedrick is a graduate of the Brevard high school and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Hedrick of Pi.-gah Forest. The couple are now making their home in Chicago where Mr. Hed rick has been employed for the past ten years. MISS ROWENA ORR ON CANADA TRIP Miss Rowena Orr left la-t week for i Rutland, Vermont, where she will visit friends for several weeks, From there she will go with her friends on a camping trip into Canada. Mias Orr will he away about six weeks. HtMaMOMMMMMMMM* m } NOT ONE CORD LOOSENED!’ | NOT ONE TREND SEPARATED!' I Mit one ffloWAut!« m As thirty-three speed demons careened and slid around the steep hanked curves of the hot hrick track, tires shrieked and smoked . . . hreak-neck | speeds. 15C milts and more down the straightaway — tremendous centrifugal force tugging to rip the tread from the hody of the tire. In fact, every conceivable force worked to tear the tire to pieces, hut not one cord loosened —not one tread separated —and not a single hlowout. What amazing proof of Tire Strength —Safety—Quality and Dependability! ’Every one of the JL A TRIPLE GIARARTEE i tnirty-tnree drivers ai me Indianapolis 500-mile sweepstakes chose and bought Firestone High Speed Tires. The fact that not one of the 132 tires failed is your greatest guarantee of the Extra Safety —< Strength — and Dependability built Into Firestone Tires. -for Unequoled Perfonfiome Records -for lifo Against AR Defects -for 12 Months Agofnst AH Rood Ho lords* *Guaranteed for tix !ncntht when uted in eomme'feinl service. The New Firestone High Speed Tire for 19s4 19 Safety-Protected on the outside by a wider tread of flatter contour, deeper non-skid, more and tougher rubber, giving you more than 50% longer non-skid mileage — Safety-Protected on the inside by eight additional pounds of pure rubber absorbed by every 100 pounds of cords. Tills additional rubber surrounds every cotton fiber inside every cord in every ply. This is accomplished by the Firestone patented process of Gum-Dipping, Get the protection of the Firestone Triple Guarantee — for unequaled performance records for life against all defects — for twelve months against all road hazards. Call on the nearest Firestone Service Dealer or / Service Stor«T*>day and equip your car with the new ( Firestone High Speed Tires for 1934. HONOR ROLL 1 FIXESWNE HIGH SKID VINES 1 For fifteen, rontecutlvo M •year* hate tarn an tjui I trfonJnfttwtlntheiWsnJf* B liK8»Mjw!ii Race. THIS MUM MMftUT BOTKIIW 1 Fcroevonccneen.Hoeyeert hate beta on thy trimdas cate la the daring Pike* Peek ell mb where u thp meant death. me mum ngh-jk» uftri AND TUITION For three mneeeu the year* hate been on the 131 buses of the Wat hint*•» (D. C.)Railway end Electric Company covering 11,337.810 but mllee without one minute’s delay due to tire trouble. n« KUANS MKNDAMUTT AND KONOMT Were on the Holman Waters’ Ford F-t Truck that made a new cocet-to coaet record of 47 hour*, 43 minutea, M tecandt actual running time. TWS AUAM (NDWANCI r,11D haui cad your HOLIDAY TRIP! See Firestone Air Balloon Tires made at the Firestone Factory enS Exhibition Building, World’s Fair, Chicago. # Listen to the Voice of Firestone —F eaturing Gladys Swerthout—htery Monday Ni«h*V>” N. B. C. — W E A F — Network. n E.HL/iiv u /o 'jr INTEREST HERE The following announce ment re ceived by friends in Brevard is of interest to many friend- here of the former Miss Myrtle Stanley of Greenville: Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Stairley announce the marriage of their daug ter Myrtle Irene to Mr. Ben F. Farr on Thursday, June twenty-first. CIVIC CLUB TO MEET MONDAY AFTERNOON July meeting of the Women’s Civic club will be held Monday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock at the Exchange rooms. A patriotic program i'l charge of the finance and citizenship committee will feature the meeting. Final plans for the flower show to be staged on July 27 will also be made. A full attendance of members is urged by the president, Miss Florence Kern, to be present Monday after noon. AUXILIARY HAS INTERESTING MEETING The Auxiliary of the Pre: byterian church held an interesting meeting Thursday afternoon at the Miss Annie Jean Gash was in charge of the meeting. An in teresting program on Mexico was conducted by Mrs. J. L. Cobb ami Mrs. T. H. Shipman. The devotional* were led by Mrs. S. P Vorner. The meeting concluded with a joc ial feature, Circle No. :5 serving re freshments. * METHODIST CIRCLES MEET THURSDAY AFTERNOON The three circles of the Methodist church met Thursday afternoon in the different homes for the regular monthly meetings. Circle No. one met at the home of Mrs. L. K .Ratchford, with the chairman, Mr?. Lula Miller, presid ing. Mbs Florence Kern conducted the Bible study. Mrs. O. H. Or:-, president cf the missionary society. 'was present and discussed matters oi business with the circle Circle No. two was held at the i home of Mrs. J. R. Pickelsitner. The chairman, Mrs. J. F. Zachary, pre sided over the meeting, and the Bible ksson was in charge of Mrs. I’iekel simet. Circle No. three met with Mrs. Fred Shuford. In the absence of the chairnrin, Mrs. Cordia King, the meeting was in charge of Mrs. K. J. C itrane, who also conducted the Bible study lessor.. At the three meetings plans were discussed for ways and means of raising funds and other matters per taining to the business of the circles were transacted. Each hostess seiyed light refreshments at the conclusion of the meetings. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power conferred upon me by that certain deed of trust from Otis M Galiowav and wife Allir Galloway dated November 16 1928. and recorded in Book 24, page 123 Records of Deeds if Trust for Transylvania county, I will at 12:00 o’clock noon on Satut j day, July 28. 1984 ui the court bouse |door in Brevard, N. (\. offer for | snip and sell to the highest bidder fur i cash the following described property to-wit: Being in Gloucester Township. Be .rinning at a down Spanish oak and Chestnut N 21 1-2 degrees W 64 poles to a stone and three pointers. S 6,3 1-2 degrees AV 58 poles t<* a si 'ke and pointers; then S 3 Mi degrees E 82 poles to a small Dogwood: then S 85 degrees £ 65 pules to a stake; East 20 poles to a stake in an old line; then N 7 degrees E 45 poles t«> i the beginning containing 35 1-2 acres more or less; Being the same land deeded fro* Syivsnnus Galiowav and wife D. ' Galloway to.Otis M. Galloway n 1 Allie Galiowav, dated 8th day of M' 1 1926 and recorded in Book 57 pay ; 64 of the Deeds Records of Tram j vania county. N. C. This - i day of June, 1934. ...... ! Sale made to satisfy sam debt, in <"“* “4 “•“B0fR"risHEB. 128th, 5t'n, 12th, 19th, 26th. MARY Auto Service Telephone 290 Brevard, N. C. “repairs GAS-OILS I GREASING WASHING i POLISHING ! ! SIM0NIZ1NG i___■

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