WILL AID OWNERS IN HOME REPAIR WORK WASHINGTON, July 11—The big drive to pump $500,000,000 or more into the lagging construction industry before snow flies got underway Mon day. . . James A. Moffett, housing admims tiator, set up temporary headquar ters and started assembling his start for a high speed campaign which is one of the administration’s major, bets. ' Moffett has $1,000,000,000 with which to back his program. He hopes through several agencies to t.lnan® • the construction and modernizatio plans of some 5,000,000 home owners His immediate goal is to get » .hal billion dollars worth of projects underway by mid-autumn. I As soon as his staff is assembled, the administrator who has lel,P* quished a Standard Oil vice pre. - dencv for the government job win launch a nation-wide advertising campaign. , ...! The CtahoPmegnowWn‘ls andS“iending! agencies generally' with all features £ Sp"°to3‘n"hatetUwh.ch"introduced Moffett said. ..... ,, ‘‘This i» going to be a difficult; • h ” Moffett said, “but I’m enthus- ■ J°*. 5®“?7t i've found industrial . *° Moffett will use every medium «*, Bj^vcsarcsj: p*rs SKfvmre radio. SpeaKers w, . bulwicrs I will be lost to make the nation , '«*?■ *“ri ,■ ;.w?• credit awaits home own-; e “for almost any purpose connected "S accepted The government will then protect the lending agencies against loss through a system of guarantees. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and bv virtue of the power , conferred * upon me by that: deed of trust from Otis M. Gal.owaj ami wife Altie Galloway dated; November >6 1928, and recorded in Book 24, page 123 Records ol Deeds of Trust for Transylvania county, 11 will at 12:00 o’clock noon on Batur day, July 28. 1934 at the courthouse ; door in Brevard, N. C„ oner for, sale and sell to the highest bidder toi ■ cash the following described property . ^Behitc in Gloucester Township, Be- j ginning at a down Spanishi oak and Chestnut N 21 1-2 degrees U 64 poles j to a stone and point***. S 63 1-2 degrees W 53 poles to a stak. and pointers; then S 3 1-2 degrees E 32 poles to a small Dogwood, then S 35 degrees E 65 poles to a stake. East 20 poles to a stake in an old line; then N 7 degrees F 4o poles to the beginning containing 35 1-2 acres n'°Being the *ame land deeded from Svlvannus Galloway and wife D. D. Galloway to Otis M. Galloway and Allie Galloway, dated 8th day of May 1926 and recorded in Book o7 page 64 of the Deeds Records of Transyl vania county, N. C. This the 28th ^*Sale math; ^satisfy said debt, in terest and costs ROfR^isHER 28th. 5th. 12th, 19th. 26th._ 666 Liquid*. Tablets, Solve, Nose Drops Checks Malaria in 3 days, Colds first day. Headaches or Neuralgia in 30 minutes. , Fine Laxative and tonic Most Speedy Remedies Known I MOUNTAIN MUSIC EVENT ! AT ASHEVILLE AUG. 2ND - - I ASHEVILLE, July 11—Through out the length and breadth of the I mountain section of North Carolina j dance teams and string musicians are! : practicing the steps and the music of i the famous mountain dances in pre paration for the annual Mountain ; Folk Festival to be held in Asheville ’ August 2 and 3. Dancing groups, many of them champions in past y