SOUTHERN CODKING Complete Stock Of Western Meats Fresh Meats Vegetables Groceries Phone 47 We Deliver CITY MARKET S. ALLISON 1 n St. Brevard Renew Your Subscription BREVARD SCOUTS HOLD ELECTION OF OFFICERS At the regular Boy Scout meeting hurt at the Pro. byterian Hut last Friday night, new officers to serve for the next six months were elected and the boys voted to keep in effect the ruling that no member of the tixop could smoke cigarettes and keep his affiliations with scouting. The following officers were elected: C. K. Osborne, Jr., scribe; Lucien Deav.r, monitor; James Curry, flag arm; Steve Bracken, librarian; B ily Nicholson, doorkeeper. MRS. FRED ALLEN CALLED IN DEATH HENDERSONVILLE, July 11— Mrs. Fred Allen died at her home on Fourth avenue west here Monday af tei noon at 1 o’clock after a long ill ness. She had been an invalid for sb ut two years and was seriously ill about two weeks. The funeral services were held at he Fourth avenue residence Tues day afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. She is survived by the following children: F. E. Allen, W. W. Allen, and Mrs. G. A. Woodfin, all of Horse Shoe, Mrs. Leona Allen Young, Mrs. 11. F. Newman, and Mrs. J. F. Anders oi Hendersonville, and T. L. Allen of Brevard. An oyster egg is about one five hundredth of an inch in diameter. I A car burns more gas per mile in I cold weather than in warm. I RATES: I Twenty-li'> cents minimum charge, per insertion. xx’th 2"> words allowed' for each ad. For ads i f over twenty-1 lie,, words, one cent per word per' insertion. I WANTED An Engii-h saddle and bridle u> rent for summer or buy. | Kugecf Calloway. K. !. Rosman, N. C.; MOV I S’G « d GENERAL HAUL is<; reasonable prices, every load insured. See Charlie McCrary at McCrary Auto Service, Phone 290, Brevard, N. C. Mch * WALTER Ml RE HOTEL under new management, offers excellent meals at a reasonable price. Special week ly rates. 22-tfc FOR RENT Furnished living room, dining room, kitchen and sun par lor. Modern conveniences. Side en trance. Bagwell Apts- Caldwell Street. July 12-2tc FOR RENT—Two bedrooms or 3 rooms for Tight housekeeping. Apply to B. F. Beasley. ltp FOR SALK—Antiques: also house riShl and kitthen goods. Can at the Jasper Orr place. North Brevard, on Wednesday, July lk. after 10 a. m. Real bargains for cash. Itp for SALE—Late cabbage plants. Danish Bald Head and other var ieties, 10c hundred at bed. Also to-I nato plants, 10c hundred. J. L.; Bracken, Lake Sega, Brevard R-3. ! PIANO — Unusual value upright! piano for sale. Will give liberal terms to responsible party .allowing ail (hat has been paid on same. Act numptly to secure wonderful bar gain. Address Box 478, Concord, North Carolina. jlyB-dtc KiiR SALE—Oil burner hot water coil in A-l condition. Cheao for ersh. At The Times office. WANT TO TRADE OR SELL— jersey or Guern'-ey heifers first »i'" the month or season. Paul F. Roberts, Cedar Mtn. May 10 3tp. WASTED — Your Shoe itepairing We are equipped to do first class