ROSMAN NEWS MRS. JORDAN WHITMIRE, Correspondent _ Miss Ruth Bryson of Selica is spending a few days as guest of her aunt, Mrs. A1 Bryson. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Bryson and grandson, Guy Bryson, were visitors, . > Pickens and Easley Saturday light. . ! Mrs. Taft Owen of Cherryfield, visited Mrs. H. G. Stophel Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Edney, Gene Moore and Mildred Henderson of Enka were guests of Mr. and Mrs. i H. G. Stophel Sunday. Kenneth McCall of the Gloucester section, who is in a CCC camp at Barndsville, underwent an operation, at Oteen hospital in Asheville last, week and is recovering nicely. Homer. Carroll and Lula Manly were business visitors to Asheville, Monday. Lurleue Link is reported ill at the home of her mother, Mrs. Clarence C rots-. Mrs. Tom Melton of Brevard spent Sundav night as guest of her sister, Mrs. M. B. Owen. D. L. Glazener of Willets spent the week-end with his family here. Mrs. L. P. Galloway returned to | her home in the Wolf Mountain sec tion the first of the week, having spent several weeks at the home of her daughter, Mrs. M. N. Moore. Mrs. Walter Reece of Pisgajh For est visited her aunt. Mrs. E. A. Glaze ner. Saturday. Frank Whitmire returned to the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. j H. P. Whitmire last Wednesday after having spent several days visiting relatives near Statesville. Mrs. Frank Medlin and daughter Vivian and ton Donald of Pickens, were gin sts of Mr. and Mrs. John Clark. Mis Yileen Glazener is spending several days visiting her sister, Mrs. Steve i gson, at Crab Tree. Robe Leathers and Homer Clarke were business visitors to Asheville, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Leon McCall of Pickens were Sunday guc t- of the former's parents, Mr. and Mr®. Frank McCall, at CherryfielJ. Taylor Banther and two sons, Ernest and Cos. spent the week-end as guests of Mr. and Mr-. Sam Ear Icy. Mr D. A. Banther of Quel>eo span.* Fi iday night as guest of Mr. and 1 . Taylor Banther. Mi- ' bard Reece returned home Saturday i i Asheville where she, recently underwent an operation and is recovering nicely. Churite Burton a tut ' lytic Mart oi Spartanburg spent tlie week-end as guest of the former’s brother Dewey n-.d .11 r Burton. Mis- Lonnie Manly returned home last week, hiving spent several weeks i" Brevard. Mi- Blanche Arrowoed oi Lake Toxuwi-.v spent Thursday as guest of Mrs. (". .1. Eldridge. Miss Margaret Vise left Thursday for I’ineville. Mi-s Wise was he"e for th.. two w eks coaching the play. • 0T 1’i'oft or." given V>> Epworth I vac ite. Mi and Mr- !>. If. I’. ’ " r enter tained Sunday wt h a dintie n; their h nw in East Fork - < C . Guests piv-t nt were r f liows: Mot. Gi'-le , . Mr. a ■' E. A. *Vn-'on and son- Artlu'i* and John I.e- :• Ms. and Mrs. V King ami daughter Pint* ini. . Sun ..aura Pharr !i '■•. Oat- and D<>\ White we- guest of Mrs. !', P Whitmire Sunday. . Vi and Mrs. Frank Bnr.iai or i Fla., pending ..t. da' - as gu-xts Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brittian. Mr. iiiei Mrs. Ed London and Mrs. l awn > [ ydny spent tin- week-end at Newi'ort. Tenn., visitii r "elatives and friends. J” ' ■ - Mi Call and sor. \ ■’ the Id;;!- |{iv r section wet-- visincss M to - : Bosnian Monday. E. Wtiite and daughte -. Misses Mae I'.lsie ami Margaret White, and \t|..p and Miss Nora MilNaps ret in red home Tuesday .having spent sevemi iE' • visiting reletive- and frin.ds at Stat.svilic. Miss Virginia Arrowoed f I.ake Toxaway- pent several days last week a- guest of Mis- Inez Oats. Frank Fi-her and daughter. Miss Vcr uia. of Lake Toxaway -pent Fri day night as guests of ! formers parents. Mr. and Mrs. l.e- P. Fisher. KEEP.. . Neat Trim Stylish Let us cut your hair regular, keep your face in g^od condi tion by giving you the kind of a shave you should have ALL BARBER WORK Done in a way that will be pleasing TINSLEY Barber Shop LOALIA TINSLEY Two doors above Bank Main Street Rev. and Mrs. C. J. Eldridge and s : s Douglas and Roy spent the week-end at Cashiers visiting friends. ‘ Grandpa” Burt spent Saturday night as guest of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Sisk. Little Jimmey Bales is spending this week at Sylva with his father, James T. Bales. Mrs. Ed Harbin "is spending sev eral days at Easley as guest of her sister, Mrs. J. M. Hand. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Woodland and children spent Sunday at Tryon and 1 Landrum, S. C., visiting relatives. Ley Hogsed and son Harold were guests of the former’s sister, Mrs. r red \. Batson at Reckbrook, Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Sitton spent Sunday in Asheville visiting relatives and friends. James White, Mr. and Mrs. James! I Staton anti son Joe and Mrs. T. H.' | I'll mas, accompanied Mr. and Mrs.j i L. land Thomas to their home at Tav-! ior . S. C., last Sunday. Misses Laura Pharr, Inez Oats and j Dovie White were dinner guests of Miss Ophelia White Sunday. Carolyn Kimzey is quite ill at the 1 ii -nic oi her parents, Mr. and Mrs.1 It. T. Kimzey. Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Burt and son ■ | .1 o and daughter Margaret Hope : ! were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Coats Ca-sell Sunday night. Mrs. A. F. Powell of Pickens is ; spending a few days as guest of her | son, R. K. Powell and Mrs. Powell, i Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Harmon of i Central, S. C., spent Sunday as I guests of the latter’s parents, Mr. and .Mr . L. V. Sigmon. Miss Ruth Lewis spent Wednesday i in Pickens as guest of Mrs. R. T.; Ha Horn. Little Miss Velma Lewis •pent the day as guest of Mr. and | Mrs. Eugene Lewis at Easley. Mrs. Lee R. Fisher and grand daughter, Jean Bales, spent Saturday ! night as guests of the former’s son, j Frank, and Mrs. Fisher at Lake T x away. . T. P. Galloway Jr. was a business [visitor to Hendersonville Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fisher and two children spent Sunday at Lake Toxa i way as guests of Mr. and ilvs. Frank Fisher. Miss Mary Morgan spent Sunday 1 as gue-t of Misses Helen and Mon-i i tr.ree Galloway. Miss Ella Mae Collins has returned. | home from Sapphire where she spent: a week. While at Sapphire Miss Col-' i iins visited Highlands, Cashiers,1 Camp Menie Wood and other points! of interest. K. A. IJ illins vis'ten ms sistui, lie, Ustie Thomas. Sunday. The buter is quits ill at the home of her ; daughter. .Mrs. Win. Brittian. : Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Parson and e hi I die 1 and Mrs. D. H. Parson and Ruth, returned home the first of the1 w. Me. having spent the week-end visiting th former’s father C. T. Parson, at Lenoir. PICNIC IS HIGHLY KSJOYAULt; OCCASION On. of the most enjoyable ccas ■,,n- of the season was a picnic given by Mr. and Mrs. Ik II. Wine'nestei a: | , Frozen Lake, owned by Mr. and Mrs. j i Winchester, Wednesday. Th entire I •* of th pltty “Oh Pi 'It'-, r" and r'-.- • v , i".' the guests. Sw.mining. I | l-i ;it i g nrd a general good time were ( reported. Those enjoying the occasion were a- follows: A. M. M lvte Jr.. , STANDARD ONE-STOP STATION Corner Of Broad and Jordan Washing Greasing Polishing Tires Tubes Batteries STANDARD SERVICE C. C. GIBBS, Mgr. Phone 109 Earl White, Walter Reece Jr., Girtha Watkins, D. H. Winchester, Stanley Winchester, Thomas Glazener, Fay Glazener, Louise Glazener, Inez Oats, I Laura Pharr, LaVerne Whitmire, j Ruby Glazener, Dovie White and j Margaret W’ise. The party was chaperoned by Mrs. ( | D. H. Winchester. i GUESTS AT LO-VERN j DURING THE WEEK Callers registering with Mr. and '■ Mrs. C. C. Hutches during the past I week were: James Brinkley, Ashe 'ville; J. J. Jones, Johnson City, iTenn.; Mrs. L. C. Orr and sons George and Martin, Chattanooga, jTenn.; Mrs. M. J. Orr, Brevard; Dr. 1 B. G. Arnold, Bradenton, Fla. Miss Mildred Maxwell, Brevard, and Miss Doris Jane Grainger, Jack sonville, Fla., were week-end guests. PARTY HONORS MISS WISE Mrs. D. L. Glazener entertained with a party at her home here Wed nesday evening, honoring Miss Mar garet'Wise of Kentucky. Refreshments of punch and cook ies were served. Guests present were as follows: Misses Dixie Jones, Bon nie Batson, Edna Mae Henderson, Josephine Mull, Mickie Whitmire, Opal Fullbright, Lucy Fullbright of Brevard, Helen Sitton, Asheville, Ma-; l ie Moore, LaVerne Whitmire, Belle Fisher and Ola Paxton. Messrs. Forrest Ball, Henderson ville; Edwin English, Brevard; Fred, Claud, Paul and Tom Stroup, Wash Roy and Cov Fisher, Edwin Single tary, A. M. White Jr., John Johnson, E. M. and Wallace Collins, W alter Recce Jr.. Girtha Watkins, A. M. Pax ton Jr, Austin Hogsed and Mr. ana Mrs. Thomas Morrison. non HANGS HIMSELF IN ACCIDENTAL DEATH A largo German police dog owned by Mr. ami Mrs. Odell Owen ol tho Chcrryfieid section accidental’ bang-: ed himself Sunday night. The dug was tied in a building near the house and Monday morning Mr. Owen went out to feed the dog and found him head. LYNCH REUNION TO BE HELD SUNDAY IN S. C. The annual Lynch reunion will oe [ held at tho old Lynch home near, Pickens next Sunday. All relatives - and friends are invited. Several good i speaker:- are or. the program u» 1he occasion and special music will be an added feature. Dinner will be served picnic style REV. BURT TO CONDUCT REVIVAL . Rev. J. E. Bart .pastor o* Glad> Creek Baptist church, will conduct revival services, beginning Thursday right. Services will be held each evening at S o’clock. The puolic is in vited. REV. CON TO BEGIN REVIVAL MONDAY NIGHT R,v. Carl Cox of Slater S. C.. wilt hold revival services at. the Churchy CEDAR MTN. NEWS (By L. E. Hamby) With the eoming of summer in the Southland has brought many people to the mountains. All of our regular summer visiters are up, the camps are full, many inquiries are being made for cottages that cannot be had. Mrs. Mae Burns of Newberry, S. C., visited relatives and friends the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dacus of Greenville were up for a short visit. Mrs. Mark Clayton and son of St. Petersburg, Fla., are visiting at the heme of her father, W. M. Burns. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Taylor of. Florence, S. C., spent the week-end at the home of P. K. Jones. Miss Annie Smeltser of Atlanta, Ga., is here tor the summer. Miss Vera Jones of Cullowhee and party of friends spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Lee of Green ville spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. R. W. Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Harlin Junes visited their mother, Mrs. Edward Hudson of Greenville last week. Miss Alice Pearson of Greenville is homo for a short visit with her parents. Miss Fannie Spearman and party from the Shrincrs' hospital visited Miss Carrie Jones. , Rev. Arthur Vaughn has been out visiting friends and fishing. Misses Estelle and Sidney Heath of Greenville are visiting friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Merrill visited their parents in Little River Sun day. Josh Thomas of Greenville is spend ing the summer with his sister, Mrs. Nance McCrary. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Thornton oi Greenville visited at the home of Mrs. P. T. Watson the past Sunday. Wilis Taylor, who has been suffer ing with an infected arm, is much improved. \V. J. Watson and two sons of Anderson. S. C., arc visiting at the homo of Malgar Allison. p. T. Watson has made an addition to his store. He lias al’o added a lino oil moats ard vegetables. Rev. C. W. Hilemon filled his regular appointment Sunday morning. At the evening service upon the in vitation of Mr. Hilemon Rev. R. S Hambv of Greenville preached. Joe Morris of Greenville visited Asa Hooker the past Sunday._ of God here, beginning next Monday night, Services will be heul each evening at 8 o’clock. The public is invited. BA1.L GAME TO BE PLAYED HERE WED\ESnAlt A bali game will be played on the heal diamond here Wednesday be tween Rcsman and Rocky Bottom teams. __ AT THE CLEMSON THEATRE Gecrge Arliss in “The Reuse of Rothschild,” will be star actor at the Clemson Theatre Thursday and Fri day of this week. Mr. Arlias is said to be decidedly at his best in this pic ture, which has the distinction of be- j ing the bigjgest hit in New York theatrical history. “Charlie Chan’s Courage” with | Warner Oland will be shown Satur-1 day of this week. This picture is said > to be the most exciting of the Chan stories, the one and only Charlie Chan in this film story seeking new criminals, braving new dangers, in the greatest mystery of his super sleuthing career. Monday and Tuesday of next week. July 23 and 24, will be filmed “Bull dog Drummond Strikes Back” with Ronald Colman, Loretta Young and Warner Oland. This is an old-fash ioned melodrama that should make the picture-goers of the rank and file gasp for breath_and those of the bet ter classes laugh at the fantastic situations. Both children and adoles cents should enjoy it. The plot is founded on the novel by II. C. Mc Neile. On Wednesday, July 25, Leslie Howard starring with Betty Davis will appear in “Of Human Bond age.” The love that lifted a man to paradise and hurled him back to earth again will be depicted in this great story of the 20th century. Bees can be hatched from unfer tilized eggs; these fatherless insects are always male. ICE Performs I It’s the ONLY refrigerant that removes the “food odor” from the ice box in stead of allowing other foods absorb them. The result is better tasting food and untainted ice for beverages. And remem ber, ICE is also the most economical in every res pect. Purity Products Company Phone .241 u TRY OUR WANT ADS ■ ■ ■■■ ■' > Artistic SIGN Service . Color Posters, 'Show Cards, Window Signs, Bill Boards and Road Signs High-Class Work At Reasonable Rates FOR FURTHER DETAILS SEE JIMMIE COBB THE CRBAV LIFTER" tflW THE GREAT FiNPSR'CUTER T Hf- 0 ftEAT • P£PPER-U?PER BUY AT THIS SIGN This lien identifies the 30.000 Kuo Sta tions and Healers from Maine to wi:lil ana uhc represent the services and prod- j uett of the world's leading oil organlxatlon^J B Trick claims, with their exaggeration, Afford no accurate information; "But,” says the Owl, “a test will show Things about fuel you ought to know!” INo matter what claims may be made for a motor fuel, the thing that really counts is how well it will perform in your car. That’s why we simply ask you to try Essolene and draw your own conclusions about its ability* [Essolube Motor Oil in the crankcase enables Essolene to do its best] OR TRAVEL INFORMATION FREE OF COST /?_SmOOtHfir reitOmiCI DC© ' ‘ asaiogat >U Esso Station, and Dealers—“ESSO TOURS X »frP aJIIlWHIWI ■ »IIWllMMII*V ."Profusely illustrated. New every month. Contains jf _ current road construction; vacation information; tour- §r Copr. 1914, Bsaa, »•• ‘Tbarb oil company of new jersey