C. B. McFEE The 01J Reliable Watchmaker and Jeweler at Mae tie Di-ur Store. Brevard, N. 0. We can fit any size or shape watch crystal while you wait. WE BUY OLD GOLD At Any Hour Day or Night MOORE & OSBORNE Undertaker* Are ready to set you Day Phones. 8 lot), 250 Night Phones, T*>!>, 250 BREVARD, N. C. Ill & 110 W. Main St Moote & Osiiorne Undertakers l\: <Your Subscnptior .still a GOOD IDEA _ ____ ■ -.-4 ! ;A ; •• 'i<” ways bo with us. Setter ti ... are in tile making i;- > t now. And SAVING to :.!d a i:omo >t‘ ii’.s <)w : shoMlti still be one . :an s noblest aims in life. G()'' its crom $1.00 to $5,000.00 guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insur Corporation. Transylvania Trust Co. Depository for U. S. Postal Savings Funds State of North Carolina County of Transylvania Town of Brevard iJ Local and Personal Items ... 4 . . . . . • . , . ... . - . « jl. A AA.UA 4% A 4' Guistsof Mr. and Mrs. 1). F. Mo: re and family last week were: Dorothy, Bobby and Bill Cavin of Mooresville. Lon Coone of Marion, niece and nephews of Mrs. Moore, and Eliza beth Donald and Joel Brawley oi Mooresville. Miss Blanche Medford of Waynes ville has arrived in Brevard and is thief operator at Jean’s Beauty shop, taking the place of Mrs. Guy Hamilton, who has returned to her borne in Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Lem Brook- are re siding temporarily on the Bosnian hwuv while their home on Oakdale s\ nue'is rented for the summer. j Mr. and Mrs. Oscar A. Vaughn of ( Lnia were week-end guests cl . Vaughn’s parents, Mr. and Mis. .. ,'i. Henry. Mrs. Vaughn remained to spend ten days with her parents. ..Mr. and Mr-. Bailey of Fort Lau derdale, Fla., who have spent the [ , - eeral summer in Brevard, are ;eying the Shipman house, W ai ion East Main street. .Mr . J. E. Osborne of Shelby is i it’i'.g her daughter, Mrs. Madge V, Mans aim son Dr. Osborne at Ros nun. dr. and Mrs. L. 1’. Bvck oi Arhe ... were week-end gu-.st- > 1 Mrs. ;• ,..r.ts, Mr. and Mrs. K. 1. Kilpatrick. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Kyle were Asheville visit a- Monday. .!. W. Chapman of Charleston, C , is -pending his vacation here r . chapman at their summer .110 ill \\ 1 lit V\ al’d. Ur. and Mrs. Rufus Joints and . KU/.;.'”eth Mills spent the week » at .Myrtle lleaeh. S. C. 1 hey v., .. ■ no I at Columbia by Bob Wililliuri . Mi- Christine Joint# oi 1 lender ! o w..- tne week-end guest ol Rlmemnia Beddingliold. Mr-. C .- I’avion is spending siv ,-.i! Oil - with abends in Greenville. Saiab .1 me Whitmire ■ f Charlutt visiting her eous.n, Mary Louise \\ liitmive. .Mr. and Mr-. Ralph James wore I: .m- | vi ;;tm> idle day In-t we.K. .M:. James is athletic diro-aor of Brc im d college. Mi and Mrs. T. A. IKrg were ( ,! i. i- i■ ni- -it Myrtle Beach. s. C. and Mi . ... K. i'iyci's were . av of Rev. J. U. West ..!i.i iV.nii! .' at t he Methodist pars; n Dr. Myers is pr; I'e-sci of religi | .iurat:' a at I 'tike university anti 0ll, ■>-d at the Me'.jSpitisI church - -1 - cunday leining, and Mis. • i -• r -mu a - i". Jii Nc.uv R ku-rt.s of Raleigh i# visiting M. ami Mrs. t . .M. D ■ gc M,.. 1; L.r I dug an aunt oi M K belts. M A. li. Kir. r ban n.- nor guesi :a’ dm. • la t week _ har e-el*. C . ,. • Crvs -n. of A-h.vd ■■ ... Martha S u. i v . ii-g Mb *UI, . .r-t-n,. ill C bur Mountain. .Mi--er- i loride and Carv Store c m • visit ■'# in Brevard A ■-■111’ _-da\. j. H. Wes', Mi 1it. A -1. \! .. q. M. On, Mrs. J. s. Xii-hui-on and Ml'-. J. F. /.achary attended ti" Meth-'dist .rrc met-iing I ■ Id at Clyde mi Friday. .Mi'S IMIU 1i icor.iuu «« « unil Miss Kunicc Simpson have ni v d jM,m the Skatgo llous, to the house ; (! joining the Bveeso home on in ; Mail: street. wh r 'hey are keeping I ojse. , : .Miss Kmeiiia soltraie returns. 'S lii'nlay from a two weeks wsn j with friends in Salisbury. , Jim Alii on. wh was railed here mi i • ecount of the seldom illness ct his :• th r, Mrs. Jan Allison. returned last week to his home in (laine.-vilie. (\la, , Mr. and Air-. 0. K. N«blit of iar ,. Sp' iiigs, Fla., have nrrivtd ♦.*» the remainder of the summer ■ i„ Brevard. They are stopping at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L>. F. tv hsii.j C. Brown < f Abbeville. S. (■■ t tho \vt\ k-oml here with hr | amily at their summer home on Tim-: . mas .street. Miss Sadie North wa- quite ill ahj : her In me the past week, hut is mueTi ■ improved. Clarence Poole Jr. and Dorothy ; Poole are leaving Saturday for A\ in ■ ter Park .Fla., to visit their grand | mother. Mrs. K. S. Fuller, for two weeks. Mrs. A. H. Kizer visited friends in Sylva several days last week._ - - - free yourself of this “WASH DAY WEB” ORSOLETE! That’s what the old washtub, the wringer, the boiler and all the rest of the old washing methods are. Just a lot of hard work you can avoid. Send your entire washing to this Adequately-Equip ped Laundry! You’ll find it cheaper and far more sanitary. v .7. ¥ ii Phone 44 v Brevard Steam Laundry Laundry Coal Transfer Charle- Edmund Orr has left to ac'crpt a position in Pittsburgh, Pa Mrs. Frank DeVane of Greenwich, (onn., and Miss ’Elizabeth Cook ot Florence, S. C., are guests o£ Mrs. Chas. E. Orr. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Silverstoen were called to New York City the lirst of the week on account or' the death ol M. Dworetzky. Miss Virginia Wilcox left last week i'c-r her home in Kingstrec-, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hanna and c-hiidro i returned to their home in t:ck ry alter .-vending ihe past week with Mis. Hanna’s sister, Mrs. M. E. Head. Mrs. Ina Bryson and two children i Black Mountain spent the week end with Mrs. M. E. Head. Mrs. H. N. Blake vi ited fri( i in Easley, S. C., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ross and Mrs. B. M. Mull were .-.hopping in A - lie eiilc- Wed .'.os .ay. >li>s JoHophint* Bryson spent .'ion day a- giK.it of Jtiy end Jlre AI Bry un in K email. Air. and Mrs. (i! -.r.\r Jackson and children and Harry Hiake were Sun day guests ol Dr. and Mrs. Host r in (.li eenville. Mrs. 11. Cl. Ilaync- k . In i gne;t her sister, Mrs. NV. W. Wanim maker Jr., and two children ol Orangeburg, S. C. Mrs. W. M. Lodge ami two children left Sunday tor their heme in Or inville, after vi/iting Mi I.. sister, Mr,. K y Long, a family !'• r two weeks. They were r.e (•..mpani d on their return to Gim villi' hv Miss Ora lh It Long, who will visit her aunt and family Do week. (iiKil li. Smith am- datign! M i South Helen, ol 1 cri L"u-.-. i-'hi., have arrived in Brevard • i,. nd ihe remainder o, the sumoe h; re. They are stopping at the h m -i .Ur, and Mrs: D I . English. -*j,-_ t’i.uBne R ileldoid -letur.e Fthiay fmn a visit of seyeia! we L vii.h iehtlm Roei; il’il, ■ M rs. R. D ■ Ramsey • f S un•> ■ • -.- c i. visiting;Mi : mi. li lt ua u v -ii -. and family her-'. Alfred llampt-u i visiting hi uroi-Kr riiom'i.s 'Hampton at Loin • A. li. Kiser. who is emnl y d •: (•};., i s|ie:i* the week-end :i-uv vi'h his iamilv. K.\. and M< Bell .ni.l di-.ughr v. :! and Margaret, of Ri-lmeMo, r ! ... ii . \periad to arrive • he nd •• ' Ipi r the week to :'| c. <• the ic.;i".:n •” , - .Inly he- . Thev will -ton wit.i d> Wright at Holly House. Miss •,;,lCl ,rk -'ll Auguste. Cm. will ■ -i b-- a go st at Holly iiou-'r. ‘ ’ -I - W. Xa-h.ois is spending tw • ■ ’ will, relative: in Amu y die. . Bill Ii ' 1 r en of A-'heviiie i ,. ii-e home 'I Mr. and Mrs. 1 W. Everett. , . . M-.-.-y A’ta Burn H • reluriuM .1 v fr m a th"ee weeks’ visit wit-il nd- in Statesville. . ]i v. Smedhrrg is .-pemluig this week on a 1 usines- Dip in New York ' j'| r. a ml Mrs. .1. A Lyons an-! fa»'» i’v ... ndcusen. ,S. are <>•■-cupying Mis,- K in’-. Willow Tree cottage - >r he siinin er. R. W. Everett is in Washington, 0. r , this week. M ■. and Mrs. C. A. Jon- s and sons i- Asheville and Mr-. Margare In ■ , lirennvdle were week end gia-s s «-f Mrs. \. tY. Barnette and family. , Mr. and Mis. (L \V Brad; new air t ie s . of Raleigh ar- gu- sts tnis • Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Coltrane. Mr. and Mi-. Will Mu-re and little daughter of Farmvillc are visiting Mis. .Moore’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D P. Kilpatrick and family. ENTERTAIN GEESTS 'VITII PICNIC AT FALLS Mr. and Mrs. D. i.. English enter tained t\ heir summer guests with a picnic supper at Maiden Hair halls Sunday afternoon and evening. Those enjoying the eating with Mr. and Mrs. English were: Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Xublit of Tarpon Springs, Fla., Mrs. Opal Smith and daughter Mis* Sarah Helen, of Fori Lauderdale. Fla,, Mrs. Heater and daughter o; Dayton, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Leon English Jr., and Milton Sellers. LOCAL GIRLS WIN ATTENDANCE PRIZES Mi ses Nell McCrary, Elizabeth Duckworth, Ora Holt Long and Pau line Hartsell were winners of gold ribbon attendance awards for attend ing all classes and passing the linal tests at the B. Y. P. U. conference held at Ridgecrest last week. The young ladies returned Friday from Ridgecrest after spending a week at the conference and report a most enjoyable and profitable time spent there. Symphony Orchestra Asheville— The North Carolina Symphony Orchestra .first of it kind in America, established by La mar Stringfield. aided by the Univer sity (f North Carolina, will arrive in Asheville Friday for the first of a scries of eight concerts in the city. The orchestra has a seven weeks’ en gagement in Western North Carolina. ADMINISTRATORS’ NOTICE Having qualified as administrators of the estate of T. A. English, de eeaod, late of Transylvania County, N. C„ this is to notify all persons having claims again-t said estate to present the same to the undersigned, itemized and verified, at Brevard, X. C., within twelve months from this ■late ,otherwise will be barred of re covery. All persons who are in amr way indebted to said e-tate will be re quired to make immediate settle i ment. This the 26th dav of June, 1934. DANIEL L. ENGLISH. VIRGIL EARL TWIGGS, Administrators. 6t June 28. [ (Mr.;. Ada E. Reed) Mr--. TC! ...T~7J n P.J Monday after spending several day with relatives here. Mis- Belle Risd -pent the week-end, at h:r ’mime here. Herman and Wilber ltaiiL tpui' Sunday with Hillery and Hamii.ci H y<l near Pleasant Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gray spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Reed. J. E. Talley was in Hendersonville | Monday, .Mi.-. Sid Harnett and Mis.- Wiila I King were in our community Sa.uv- I day. Harney Duncan called on* John IT-.-.l one day last week. Mrs. Coleman tf Atlanta ,Ga.. ar rived last week to spend -onn- time here. Mrs. William Mo re of Cumpobelloe ha- been visiting her daughter, Mr-. Louise .lohnson, and other relative; j here. Steve Boyd called r P. A. Rahi: Tuesday. P. A. Rahn made a n ;> 1" L" yard Monday. Ralph Reed visited his 1 J. L. Setzer of Canton recently. Whale skin takes the _ place oi chewing gum in Greenland. _ Tins of 12 Tablets N0W Ify m I Price of the 100-Tablet Bottles Also Reduced I Bottle* of 24 B ALWAYS SAY "BATE? ASPIRIH" MOW WHIN YOU BUY let us do your job printing _ jgy \ t £c f mj-j •“ 17?, -1 ~ sr. r#? : mi /him (;» Fit . a i«58j«*L ... „Ha ] O SEE il is to buy ii! That's the way extra value stands out iu the new Firestone Ceutury Progress Tire. We found out what car owners wanted most lit a tire—then we gave it to them. Out of more than ten million visitors to the Firestone Factory at the World's Fair Iasi year, we obtained this opinion: “Give us Blowout Protection, Non-Skid Safety, and Long Wear, at a Moderate Price.” That was a large order, and the price part of it was our biggest problem. We said to ourselves: “Surely, if millions of people could get the tire they wanted, they would BUY!” We could see volume production , . . resulting in unbelievably low prices — and savings for millions of car owners who wanted the safety, long wear, and dependability of a first quality tire, at a price that would permit them to replace not only one tire but all four tires. So we built the greatest tire ever made to sell at these low prices. Then the wave of buying started—car owners from Coast to Coast bought — not just one or two tires —but complete sets! Go to the Firestone Service Dealer or Service Store in your community TODAY! See the new Firestone Century Progress Tire—just look at the broad, husky shoulders, massive flat tread, deep-cut non-skid and Gum-Dipped cords. Did you ever see so much tire for so little money? No wonder it’s the Tire Sensation of ’34 and Sells on Sight! Why uot equip your car with a complete set—while prices are still at today’s low level. And remember, you get the new Firestone Triple Guarantee —for Unequaled Performance Records —for Life Against All Defects —for IS Months Against All Road Hazards* (* Six Months in Commercial Service) THE OUTSTANDING VALUE IN THE LOW-PRICED FIELD Tlrtitonei COURIER TYPE SIZE “['"PRICE i 1.10-21 _Ij $4-45 1.50-21 4.fO 1.75-19...... 5.SO 30»3Vi 3.»S Other Steer Proportionately Low For those car owners who need new tire safety at a very low price [ the Firestone Courier Tire has no equal at these extremely low prices. | See hou> Firestone Tires are Made at the Firestone Factory and Exhibition Building, World’s Fair • Listen to the Voice of Firestone— Featuring Gladys Surarlhout — Every Monday Wight over W- It. C. —WEAT Nr i trork McCrary Auto Service U CHEVROLET SALES and SERVICE _ REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR FORDS AND CHEVROLETS

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