WHIRL AT THE WORLD OF NEWS Items of interest gleaned during the past week Scenic Drive Allotment Washington—An allotment of $2, 000 000 for construction work on the route which will connect the Great Smoky Mountains and Shenandoah National parks has been released by the public works administration. Hitler Defends Action Adolf Hitler has deiended his ruthless course of action which he said cost 77 lives in Germany to sup press a revolt that would have killed tens of thousands. •■In thi- hour I was responsible toi ; the fate of the German nation, Hit ler declared. I Ramsey /- Press Leader | Banners Elk O. Widen Ramsey, ger.ral manager of the Ashevdle Citizen-Times company, was elected president of the North Carolina Press lUciati' .. Friday at the close ot the throe-day annual convention held at Pinnacle Inn here. Paraguay Forces Decimated La Paz. Polivia—The wav ministry announced in a communique that Pai forces in the Gran cnaiu “had been repulsed in a Woody fash ion since the first minute they un leashed an offensive. vn_ious “Action was carried on at various points intermittently tor the past Jb 6 6 6 / Tablets. S"Ive, S'osc Drops Checks Malaria in 3 days, Colds first day. Headaches or Neuralgia m «3U minutes. , . _ Fine Laxative and Ionic 1 lost Speedy Remedies Known CHOICE CUTS HAVE YOU TRIED OUR FRESH CUTS ot MEAT? Cut iust like you want them, delivered promptly and good to oat. OonitjUM.O Lire Of groceries Staple and Fancy Phene 47 We Deliver CITY MARKET S. F. ALLLSON ‘,f sit, Brevard ally for tiontal attacks in u . . wa ted their effectives. “During four days of • UK my has not advsr.ee.!,” the " “ muuique added. “On the other hand the attacking forces have been deci mated by the defensive lines of Gen eral Penarar.ua’s forces.” G(t Pay Boost Raleigh—Leroy Martin, executive secretary u the state school commis sion, returned to Raleigh from a trip ,o Washington expressing the opinion there was .-ome hope that North Car olina teachers may receive a 10 per tint increase in salary next fall. To increase taechers ’salaries 10 per cent would necessitate $1,500,000 yearly ar.d would push school expen ditures well above the approximately $17,000,000 appropriated for schools. Dhutt .Vote Sent Germany Washington—Tht United States Tuesday in a iv te refused to grant h i many special agreements involv ing trade concessions or dealing ar ng.uients in (filer to secure equal treatment for American holders ot Dawes and Young bonds estimated at $600,000,000. Truck Drivers Strike Minneapolis—The creeping paraly sis of a strike halting 00 per cent of the city's commercial traffic struck forcefully today at the industries and l imit's ot 600.000 persons. A thousand national guardsmen waited under arms for development of fidonet* in a strike of 6,000 truck drivers. Trouble In Alabama j Birmingham — Union spokesmen !aiul textile mill operatives were in [sham disagreement today over ef fectiveness of a state-wide textile trike as the walkout entered it seeond day. Operators reported that only one third of the state’s 34,000 textile em ployes were participating in the strike. Union headquarters termed the strike successful, predicting that it he industry would be paralyzed by [the end of the week. .V. D. Has Martial Iaiw j F.i-mark, N. D.—North Dakota was i placed under complete martial law I Wednesday by Governor William H. | hanger. j TI.S executive convicted recently of a federal felony and facing a f.en i itentiary sentence, virtually dar d jtho state supreme court and his poli tical opponents to oust him from of fice. IIi'll Jiidycs Strlk* .4fat a Paris The “Three Judge- of [ Hell,” after three weeks of silence, again put their mark on Paris Fri day. A powerful bomb loaded with 25 cartridges of high explosive was found by police at the base of a lamp j post. It was rcim ved before it ex ' plodecl. 1'idiii, But red From Hem fits WnshitigG ii- A NRA legal ruling Uneaten- ici restrict public partici pation in price sin's lies, resulting con tracts may go 15 per cent below the:r i d blue eagle prices. Mr. ami Mrs. Davis returned on Wednesday to their home in Ocala, Fla., after being guests at the home of Dr. m.d Mrs. E. S. English. MEN...STEP RIGHT IN Find Glove-Soft Comfort...Ironclad Wear in WOLVERINE SHELL HORSEHIDES How can any work shoe be so amazingly soft and pliable — so supremely comfortable as Wol verine Shell Horsehides, yet wear miles longer thr- the ordinary kind? They wear so much iongei — resist scuffing, sweat and barnyard acids so much better because they are the only v. c-r'.c shoes with both soles and uppers made entirely of genuine shell horsehide. They are given that extra softness and comfort by a secret triple tanning process known only to Wolverine tanners. So if you want work shoes that are worlds easier on your feet yet cost less pel mile than any you have ever worn — there is but one thing to do — try a pair of WOLVERINES. They are available in a variety of styles and a complete range of sizes. Come in and learn more about them. R. H. Plummer BROAD STREET BREVARD, N. C. GLANCING BACK AT BREVARD Taken from the files of The Sylvan Valley News, beginning 1895, through the courtesy of Mrs. VV. B. F. Wright. (From the file of April ‘22, 1898) Mr. and Mrs. Brown (nee Miss Nancy Wilson) have been visiting :' Mrs. Brown’s home on Cath y' ! Cr>ek. The illness of Mrs. T. tiarren ; was the occasion ol the visit.. His honor ex-mayor W. J. Cocke of Asheville registered at the McMinn house Tuesday evening en route t< Sapphire, but when he discovered that the turnpike was not completed he concluded to forego a ride cf five hours over these rough mountain roads. The dearly beloved wife of Dr. M. M. King, Essie King, died at, their beautiful new home in the western part of town early Tuesday morning ait-.r a lingering illness of severs! weeks. Mrs. King was a daughter if Captain W. H. Anderson of Picken county, S. C., and had been a great sufferer during much of ner married life. The funeral occurred Wednesday at the Methodist church of which she was a member, and the intement was at the Brevard cemetery, Funeral services were conducted by Rev. L. A. Falls'. Pallbearers were W. A. Gash. R. J. Pickelsimer, E. S. English, 0. C. Morgan, V. B. McGaha and J. I Wright. The deceased leaves a de voted husband and son to mourn hei absence. Mrs. Matilda McCall Hamilton, wife of Commissioner M. L. Hamil ton, died at their comfortabk home on Little River Monday night, and was buried Wednesday at the Little River cemetery. Rev. E. Allison offi ciated. She was the third wife of Mr. Hamilton, to whom she had been married less than two years. A correspondent in another column * suggests the name of W. H. Faulkner 'for mayor. Well, Brevard might y farther and fare worse. Jn n note from .1. F. Hayes of the | Toxaway company lie says: "I tr;;-t matters are piogiessing in the inter lest of our l-cad, but regret ‘hat w>. NOTICE | Building ! Regulations In Town Of Brevard The following information is given : in order to acquaint the public with I the law in regard to erecting new I buildings and repairs to old buddings i in tiic corporate limits of the Town el' Brevard, N. C. Building Permits Before a building is begun tno I owner el' the property .hall apply t" the inspector Tor a permit to build, lilts permit shall be given in uniting' and s hall contain a provision that tin building hall be construcUei accord ! ing to the requirements e>f the build ing law, a copy of which shall accom pany the permit. As the building pr - giessts tne inspector shall make as many inspection- as may be necessary to satisfy him that the building i being constructed according to the j piovisions of this law. As soon as the building is completed the owner shall notify the inspector, who shall pro ceed at onee to inspect the said build ing and determine whether or not the Hues and the building are properly constructed in accordance with the building law. If the building meets the requirements of the building law the inspector shall then issue to the owner of the building a certificate j which shall state that he has complied with the requirements of the building i law aas to that particular building, giving description ami locality an i street number if numbered. The in spector sail keep his record so that it will show readily by reference all such i buildings as are approv.ti. The in spector shall report to the Insurance Commissioner every person neglecting I to secure such permit and certificate, ■ and aiso bring the matter before the mayor, recorder or municipal court for their attention and action. Owner of Building Failing to Comply With Law If the owner or builder erecting any new building, upon notice from the local inspector, shall fail or refuse to comply with the terms of the notice by correcting the defects pointed out in such notice, so as to make such building comply with the law as re gards new buildings, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be 1 fined not exceeding fifty dollars. Every week during which any defect; in the building is willfully allowed. to remain after notice from the in spector shall constitute a separate j and distinct offense. Fees of Inspectors For the inspection of every new j building, or old building repaired or altered, the local inspector shall I charge and collect an inspection fee I before issuing the building certifi cate, as follows: Two dollars for each one-story mercantile storeroom, iivery-stable, or building for manu facturing, and fifty cents for each additional story, and for other build ings twenty-five cents per room; but the inspection lee shall in no case exceed five collars. A. M. Case is duly e'.ecte I Building Inspector for the Town cf Brevard and all persons are required by law to secure permits from the Building inspector before any wool; is done on new or old buildings. TOWN OF BREVARD. cannot move a little fatter.” It J would seem that the present delay is j not to the advantage of our town. J Winter paraphernalia is disappear-j ing and light clothing is in evidence, j Even the editor has donned a spring j suit. It may not be generally known but it is nevertheless true that Brevard has a literary society in c: nnection with the academy. It meets on Friday evenings and the question up for dis cu; sion last Friday evening was "Resolved that the United State" should make war on Spain.” There is no doubt but the war question was settled by the decision of the judges. The Waynesville Courier c mes to us now as a seven column quarto— four pages of home print. The Cour ier is fast coming to the front as a newspaper of which any town may, well be proud. It is doing valiant scr- 1 vice in the cause of humanity and : democracy and we wish the Brothers . Boone and Luck abundant Hiec.ss, j — A mountain wild cat or catamount captured by Wm. 3. Wright on the Toxaway company’s preserves wa quite a center of attraction in Bre vard Tuesday evening. Mr. Wrigh'i was enroute with his pet to Hender sonville where he will hold the animal subject to a New York fur dealer. Live Over Your Vacation A Kodak will record .il of the hij/h spots. We’ve Kodaks, Cameras, Film Albums and all the Accessor ies. Expert finishing—the kind you’ll like—five-hour service. Frank D. Clement The Hallmark Jeweler CLEMSON THEATRE BUILDING LET US DO YOUR JOB PRINTING Patterson s Greatest p BEGINNING THURSDAY, JULY 19th /2&deiczJI W~( - t-j' m- v i-j'. mt — and outstanding cottons, including eyelets, batiste, French pique, cotton laces, organdies, etc. Sunbacks, ensembles and shirtwaist styles. Values to $4.95— Train'oad Sale price Economy Group Candy stripe and pastel silk dresjes; good sizes. Worth to $2.95. $1.57 Over 1000 Yards Pure Silks Pastel shades and novel ty prints Was SSc. Sale price, >d. 49c Pure Silk Slips Lrce Trim—Flesh, tea rc-se, white. s.z’es 82c Ladies’ and Misses’ Sport Slacks Tailored by Gordon Canary and Blue — Sale ce 79c Men’s and Young Men’s Sport Trousers All pre-shrunk materials, in cluding white and! colored ducks and seersuckers. Trainload Q7r» Sale Price %J t C One Day Only Dresses All styles and sizes! Never again a value (Limit 2 to j^cu*tomev)^J 43 Men’s and Young Men’s Suits All Wool- -Three-piece including Basket Weaves VALUES TO 518 50 $10.60 Men’s $5.00 Fortune Shoes All Styles, including calf skins and bucks. Patented features. Sale Price $3.85 SHEETS 81x99 Seamless 79c Three-quarter size . . 59c Standard Pillow Cases. .15c bargain basement Ladies’ Tie Slippers and Oxfords Including White Kids Leather Soles $1.69 Values 97c Ladies’ Broadcloth Slips All colors—5 inch hems Now 29c SPECIAL! Unbleached Sheeting Not over one bolt to a customer. Yard 5c One Day Only—SATURDAY Men’s Full Cut Overalls “High-Baf.” brand, suspen der back; 2:20 weight 77c —~—***** Men’s ventilated uxToras and Romeos $1.49 Men’s Leather Dress Ox fords; Goodyear stitch .$1.69 Men’s BROADCLOTH DRESS SHIRTS .... 49c Men’s LINEN CRASH SUMMER PANTS .. 79c PAT! Main St., Hendersonville _TRAINLOAD SALE |