ROSMAN NEWS ?.lRy. JORDAN WHITMIRE, Correspondents_ Misses Favt:. Glazener and Luuise Glazener and K. A. Glazener and son Claud were business visitors to Greenville on Wednesday. Mr and Jlrs. Bell and two sons and Mias Sue Ann Bell of Augusta, De witt C. Cornell of Orlando, Fla., Mr. and Mrs. W. Owensby of Atlanta, w©n? guests of Mr. ftnd Mrs. M. C*. Sumeral last week. Miss Margaret Reece of Pisgah Forest ;pcnt the past week as guest of Misses Rosa and Emma Jane Mc Lean. Elmer am*. Bert McLean, Misses Emma Jam McLean, Ronnie McLean and J. R. Mahoney were business visit rs to Brevard Monday. Mrs. Gere Moore and two children of Quebec spent Monday as guests of Mrs. 11. G. Stophel and Mrs. Chas, Moore. Mi-s Barbara Henderson of Que bec sp nt the week-end os guest of Missts Pauline and Ruth Moore. Miss Ruth Moore spent a couple of weeks at Black Mountain visiting Mr and Mrs. Freeman McCall. Mr. and Mrs. D. II. Parson, Mr. and Mis. F. A. Hansen, Rev. J. N. Gille-pio. Paul Whitmire, Mary Whit mire. and Lloyd Kimzey attended the Lyu h re-union at Pickens last Sun day. s Pauliut Moore spent last we it Quebec visiting relatives and li. (.i. Stophel spent the week on t Bi evanl visiting her mother, Ml \Y. K. Hull, who has been very ill. lint is slightly improved. Uev. anil Mrs. ,). E. Burt and sons Ralph an,: .to- and daughter Mar uaivt Hope, were dinner guests of Mi. ;;r! Mrs. Prank Scruggs at Bre card May. r... A. Tii-lev ol Andcr-on and'it « Mowers -f Asheville were ol Mr. . ml Mrs Burt liiday Chari■ and .lack tiillespie entit taini 1 at a wvincr roast at their h mi in • ■ Hast I', rk section Thurs day r ght '. nimbi r of the younger ■el end I M; .i.U Wilkinson and daugh ter Biit and Ruby Olazener were Hr‘card vi-iior- Saturday. Co. W I.1, mi re. who has ueen quite ill for several weeks .is improving, j; \\ i1. rsnn of Stanton, Tenn., a few days as guest ■ ; M s- ... .. I 1! . and Mm i J. Kldrtdge and -ol: i! .igla- ami Roy visited at toe i1(,ir. W I. Di'k.-on at Silica Sun M ■. and Mrs. Mi«klei Lusk and darr.htci NelV dean and Mrs. d. M. Owi n w -<• Sunday guests of Mr. and ivl .. Hurgioi- Kilpatrick m Mr an I Mrs. Walter Pearson and three chi1 Iren of Andersen. S. 0., , ... . j o ...sis of Mr. and Mi-, .s o’. Ocvelt. Mi . Kli-.abeth Hall and son. Rev. I N ilaii, wie dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. d. E. White Sunday. Mm d. R. Osborne of Shelby and Mrs. Oner, of Boiling Springs, were uu. ,i if the former’s son, Or. j., K it borne last week. q At Any Hour fj Day or Night MOORE & OSBORNE j Undertakers I Are ready to serve you Day Phones, 88, 159, 250 Night Phones, 159, 250 BREVARD, N. C. HI & 110 W. Main St Moore & Osborne Undertakers Dr. Joe E. UsOorne is attending me Southern Pediatric seminar at Saluda this week. Mrs. Ed Harbin returned home Sunday, having spent several weeks as guest of her sister, Mrs. J. M. Hand at Easley. Kenney Craft of the Barnardsville ction spent the week-end as guest f her sister, Mrs. Earl O’Shields. Rev. A. J. Manly returned home Friday, having been engaged in re vival work in Jackson county for the past month. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lewis and .’ lighters Ruth and Velma, Mr. and Mis. L. V. Sigmon and the Rosman string band, composed of Roy and Wash Fisher, Edwin Staton, John Jackson and Charles Glazener, at . ruled the Lynch reunion near Pickens Sunday. Bill Cantrell of Pickens arrived .-'undav to spend a few day3 as guest his sister, Mrs. Albert Meece. R. F. Glazener, Leo llogsed, Fred H Claud Stroup, Coy Fisher, Aus Hcg-ed, Roy Fisher and Harold j- ad attended the motorcycle hill onbing contest held near Caesars 1 , .id Sunday. .Jr. and Mrs. E. u. Baukmgtit anil ''iidren and Mrs. Alice Starnes and . of Columbia, spent Friday night i. guests of the former’s sister, Mrs. i-r ug Whitmire. The party wa< en ute to the World’s Fair at Chicago. Mi.-s Beulah Moore of Stantou, Tonn., is spending several days as guest of Misses Faye and Louise . lazenev. Misses Faye Glazfner, Louise (il./entr, Elsie White and Mrs. Claude Glazoner were visitors to io dersonville Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Whitmire had as their guests Sunday F L. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Aston Heath and laughters Lira and Mary Louise and M.I1 Charles, I.ois Wilson and Miss allie Duckworth ot Brevard. Bun i v afternoon the party motored to I ,i-.en Lake in the Old Toxaway otion and througn the courtesy of Mr. anil Mrs. D. II. Winchester en \.d swimming and boat ridhig. Pc. and Mrs. .1. B. Wilkerson and ; u.htir Bert and Miss Beulah ore were dinner guests ot Mr. and .Mr-. Craig Whitmire Monday Miis Harriet Morris, who has been luite ill at the home of her sister, Mrs. R. T. Kimzey, is much im , roved. Miss Ethel Manly returned home Thursday, having spent the past oU’th in Brevard. Miss Betty Nelson and Miss Edna ' 1 rn arc spending a few days in Greenville visiting Mr. and Mrs. , ,:>ert Callahan. Miss Beatrice Sisk lett Wednesday for White Pine, Tenn., to visit rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Collins and son Wallace and daughter Miss Ella M.e, Josephine Mull and 1 slic Nich ols n visited Mr. and Mr . T. W. Reid at Sapphire Sunday. Mrs. U. D. Lusk and son Davis of Salem, S. C.. are spending this week as guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Koprer-'. Mr, and Mrs. Eddie Towns and daughter were dinner guests of Mr. . ,i Mrs. Charlie Gant Sunday. Ennis Thomas of Salim spent sev en I days week as guest of Mr. mi Mrs. T. H. Thomas. He was ceompanied home by Mr. and Mrs1. Hi mas who will spend several days visiting relatives at Salem and other South Carolina points. Mrs. C. B. Moore and two children nf South Carolina are spending sev i ral days as guests of Mr. and Mrs. AI Bryson. , Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Moore and children, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Bryson and Guy Bryson enjoyed a motor trip to the Gloucester section Sunday. A. M. Pharr is quite ill at his home here. A. 1). Regers spent Sunday at Salem, S. C„ visiting relatives. Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Wilkerson and daughter Bert and Miss Beulah Moore of Stanton, Tenn., arrived Fri da;, to spend a few days visiting fl ic mis here. Judge Brown of Florida and b rank lin was a visitor at the Blue Ridge j silver fox ranch near Calvert Sun ! dav Mr. and Mrs. Craig Whitmire and daughter Nelle and son Jr., Mrs. II F Woodside and three children of Florence. S. C., spent Sunday at Distinctive, High Quality JOB PRINTING At a Reasonable Price • • • • We Print Anything—We Do It Right! Office Forms, Stationery, Tickets, Labels, Letterheads, Envelopes, Circulars, Statements, Cards, Programs, Bills, Posters, Booklets, Blotters and So Forth Our Motto: PROMPT SERVICE—Phone 7 The Transylvania Times Brevard, N. C. OAKLAND NEWS (Mrs. Lee F. Norton) The citizens of Oakland commun ity were pleased when the county board of health responded so readily to their petition and sent aid to Mrs. Louis Holhert. The welfare workers secured part time service of Mrs. Rigdon to look after her. Mrs. Hol bert remains in a serious condition and needs constant care that she can’t have under present circum stances. Rufus Galloway of Cullowhee spent last week with his daughter, Mrs. Louis Rigdon and family. Little Misses Mary Lou and Alleen Bryson visited their father, Dewey Bryson, at Patton Memorial hospital Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson were in Brevard Friday on business. W. F. McCall made a business trip to Brevard last-week. Jim and J. B. Galloway of Glenville were dinner guests of their sister, Mrs. Mary Burgess, one day last week. E. A. Reid arrival Friday from Asheville to spend the week-end at home. Mrs. I. S. Sanders and Mrs. Clyde Chappell visited Mrs. Holbert Satur day morning. Misses uontne ana Aliens* vnup jk-H spent last week at Franklin with heir si-ter, Mrs. Thad Guy and fam 'ljMr. and Mrs. E. A. Reid and Mrs Dewey Bryson visited Mr. Bryson Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Garvin Ducker and infant son, Garvin Jr., returned to their home at Arden last week, after several weeks’ visit with Mrs. l)uck ei’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Reid. Mr . Fred Nicholson am! children and Mr. and Mrs. Mack Collins of ; K sniiin were dinner guests of M>. j Maggie Nicholson Saturday. _ I Mrs. L. C. Case Sr., Mrs, L. C. Case Jr. and little son Billie anil : Mrs. Lonnie Fisher of Lake Toxaway and Miss Alberta Burgess were pleasant callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McCall Sunday after- | noon. Mr-'. Clyde Chappell motored to Franklin Sunday returning Sunday j afternoon with her daughters, Misses; Co-nic and Artense. i Mr. and Mrs. Guy Pitts and Mrs. Ada Sanders of Lake Toxaway were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Sanders. J. T. Freemen of Pickens, 3. has started a new industry in our ft mil-unity. He brought several stands of bees and left them in care of I. 3. Sanders for an experimental tos; of; what they would do at this season id 1 he year in this section. He aid lumey ranking in his section was over; and his bets were in idleness, so he j trying out the experiment of mov- ] ing from one section to another. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Owen ami daughter. Miss Jincy, of Canton wee. Sunday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. \Y. F ‘.McCall. They are spending their vacation here among fri ml and relatives. Mr. Owen has been working steadily for 25 yearn with the_ Champion Fibre company at Canton at a good salary, so he doesn t know , just what the depression has meant to us who have been without a job of any kind. „ , , Lousy Sanders of Lake Inxawaj was supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. 1 s. Sanders Sunday evening. Mrs. E. A. Reid had as guests Sunday her niece, Mrs. Lois Brown Carter and Mr. Carter of West Ashe vilie, and theii niece, Miss Elizabeth ; Brown of Hendersonville. E. A. Rein i returned to Asheville Sunday aftci - noon. j Otto Alexander of Brevard was I visiting in this section Sunday after-1 ' noon. „ , , / Mr. and Mrs. Robert Noland of ! Asheville spent Sunday with the lat ■ tor’s mother, Mrs. S. E. Alexander, I returning to Asheville Sunday aiter noon. They were accompanied ^ by | Howard Alexander, a brother of Mrs. Noland. Mr. Alexander was on his way to New York City where he ex pects to spend some time. . T. B. Reid and Mrs. Maggie Nich Easley as guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Bauknight. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Whitmire and two children of St. Louis split a few days last week as guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Whitmire at Cherryfield. Marion Glazener attended the Lynch reunion at Pickens Sunday. 'Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fisher and two children spent Sunday as guests of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee R. Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Glaz\'er and daughters, Misses Faye and Louise, and Miss Beulah Moore spent Sunday at Six Mile visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Woodard and children visited the CCC camp in Gloucester Sunday. Guests at Lo-Vern, summer home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hutches, for the past week were: Mrs. J. T. Mc Gehee, Macon; Miss Helen F. Sam son, Biloxi, Miss., Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Tweedell, Homestead, Fla., Dr. Joe E. Osborne, Rosman; Mrs. C. C. Leman, Tallahaassee, Fla.; Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Wood, Savannah, Ga.; Mrs. G. M. Greene, Boiling Springs, N. C.; Mrs. J. R. Osborne, Shelby; Mr. and Mrs. Aston Heath and daughters Lina and Mary Louise and son Chas. Francis, Miss Sallie Duck worth, Miss Lois Wilson, L. F. Wil son, Brevard; Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Whitmire and daughter, Miss La Verne, Rosman. ENJOYABLE PARTY AT ELDRIDGE HOME A party was given at the home of Rev. and Mrs. C. J. Eldridge Friday night, which was greatly enjoyed. At the conclusion of the games refresh ments of lemonade and cakes were served. Those present for the occasion were: Inez Oats, Ophelia White, La Verne Whitmire, Thelma Galloway, Eva Pharr, Ruth Burt, Ruth Ramsey, Messrs. Earl White, Allen White. Walter Reece Jr., Thomas Glazener, Ralph Burt, Dock Lusk, J. W. Win chester, Douglas and Roy Eldridge. olson had as caller* Monday morning Mr, and Mrs. T. P, Owen and Miss Jincy Owen. A revival service was started Sun day at. Lake Toxaway Baptist cliurch. in charge >f the pastor, Rev. D. C. Owen, assisted by Kev. Mr. Halt. It was not announced how long the services would continue. We hope lasting good will be accomplished. SELICA NEWS (By Ward Breedlove) Farmers here are giving the finish to their crops, also sowing hay and cover crops. The wind and hail storm did con siderable damage to the crops here recently. A season of two weeks ’revival ser vices at each church closed here Sun day and th people are now going to nearby churches to revival. Rev. Nathan Chapman and brother John Chapman of Tryon conducted the revival held at the Selica Methodist church which was pronounced a great success. Numbers were reclaimed and five were baptized last Sunday, with others to follow later. Sheriff Wood has been visiting much in our community. We extend hearty welcome to him and his force and also thank him for his splendid services. jyjisses iviaDci diskc ana r ranees Bryson returned after an extended visit in Greensboro. Eugene Dickson returned home from Greenville hospital and is doing nicely. We are glad to welcome Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and family, who moved from Brevard to the Preston Galloway property here. The electrical storm here Monday night is said by some of the older citizenry to have beer, the most, con tinuous flash in their remembrance. Jeter Barton left recently for Douglas, Wyo., after spending a leave : t' absence with his father, H. ('• Barton, who has been very sick but is resting easier at this writing. James Whitmire was in Brevard on business Monday. "Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Claude Galloway, u son, Claude Dawson. We appreciate the willingness of the boys from Middle Fork, Rev. f. A. Raines, Marvin and Roy Aiken with their .-tring music, singing and other assistance which added much to the success of the revival. No church will make a mistake in having them in thiiv revival. \Ve arc glad to know that Miss Margaret Dickson, who has been very sick, is recovering Prfies Oi'Kiei• Order New Orleans — New Orleans' mayor, police chief and district attor ney Saturday flatly defied Governor O. K. Alien to remove them from of fice. PLEASANT GRO ' i»y W. H. Gray) Mr. and Mrs. M. Jackson of the Beulah section spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Bill Orr here. Mr. and Mrs. James Banning were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson on Sunday. Miss Ethel Grey spent Saturday night with Miss Catherine Orr. Herman Hawkins of Shaw’s Creek was a Pleasant Grove visitor Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gray have moved to the Jim Page house.^ Etowah brickyard ball team play ed Fletcher Saturday anil the Fletcher boys almost white washed them. The score wao something like 10 to 2. Aline Gray, who has been working for some time on Mt. Underwood, is at home for a.week. Rev. Walter Holtxclaw of Little River will preach at Pleasant Grove on the first Sunday in August at 8 o’clock. W. H. and Florence Gray visited Mr. and Mrs, J. L. and Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilson Sunday. The threshers have come and gone in Pleasant Grove and we have had all the threshing we want until the weather gets some cooler. Bill Thomas of Boylston is visit ing relatives here for a few days. Mrs. L. C. Hamilton went to Hen dersonville one day last week and underwent a head operation. She is now doing fine. Drouth Coats Millions Kansas City, Mo.—Suffering acute ly from the worst drouth in its history, the midwest and southwest Saturday counted its crop loss in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Officials and semi-official sources, reporting the widespread damage, said each additional day of wither ing heat would add thousands of dol lars to the tremendous toll already ex acted and the weather forecast said the biasing, rainless spell would con tinue indefinitely. Takes 6 Inches Off Hips and Bust; — The SAFE Way to Reduce j “For months I’ve used Kruschen Salts---I've lost 4o pounds—taken <’• inches eff bust—3 bottles gave me splendid results.” Mrs. Carl Wilson. A half teaspoonful of Kruschen in a glass of hot water every morning is the secret, how overweight folks can reduce SAFELY and at the same time gain physical attractiveness. One bottle lasts 4 weeks. You can get Kruschen Saits at any drug store in the world. 668 Liqvtd*, Tablott, 3alvt, Note Drowt-'. Checks Malaria in 3 days. Colds fifst day, Headaches or Neuralgia in 30 minutes. MorfSpe7dy‘*ReMdw Icntiwn Jack’s Bought A ! Garage I envy nirn plenty.... 2 ! getting into a business of t | his own. . . • been saving a • 1 long time for it. though a ! Still, it isn’t so 1 o n g, 3 ! either, since both of us • I were all wrapped up in • the idea I’ve wasted | enough time. I’ll Open An Account g Today At | • # 8 | Transylvania | s Trust Co. | 5 Deposits from $1.00 to • « $5,000.00 guaranteed by 2 2 the Federal Deposit Insure 2 J a nee Corporation. 2 2 _* 7? .WWWWVWWIFWWWWrm'PMfW«» Renew Your Subscription

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