“THANKS TO ICE— I Could Bring Home the Fish 1 Caught” 1 had a great day of fishing out at the lake, and my prob lem was to get my catch home before the heat spoiled it. I bought a big cake of ice, packed the fish with it and that night we had fresh fish for supper. You Cun Alien//■'' Use Plenty of Ice Purity Products Company Phone 241 - -—■ Renew Your Subscription CORN-HOG CONTRACT STATEMENTS OF MEMBERS OF THE CORN-HOG CONTROL ASSOCIATION OF HAYWOOD COUNTY DISTRICT, STATF. OF NORTH CAROLINA. j The following is a statement of the basic information on corn acreage and hog production submitted by individual producers | of Transylvania Countv community who have signed contracts ; i under the 1934 Corn-IIog Production Adjustment Program of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration. Any person may make a confidential report, oral or written, 'to the county allotment committee or to the community commit- | tee if he finds any statement here which he believes to be in-! accurate. CHARLES C. FRANCIS, Chairman County Allotment Committee. i GLENN C. PALMER, H. G. RENO. TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY COMMUNITY, Community Committee—T. J. Wilson, chairman, Sutton Wil-; on. E. Carl Allison. Ki'u 10 Abbreviations TA refers to total acreage ir. farm ing unit; CA mean- corn acreage planted; Cont. A mean- number of contracted acres; Ltrs means number of litters owned by producer when farfowed; HPM means number of logs produced for market; FUR means number of feeder and stroke r hogs bought. A. R. Gillespie-—TA, 22; CA: '.'13, 20, '32, 20; Cont. A, 0. J. A. McCrary -TA, 26; CA: '33,7. '32, 8; Cont. A. 0; I-tis. '33, 2. '32. ■1; HI’M: ’33. 4; '32, 28. W. LaSalle Frady TA. 42.5; CA: \‘!3, 22. '32, 20; Cont. A, 7. C. F. Woodfin—TA, 310; CA: ’33, " —-a Announcing.... Opening of Poinsette Food Shop and Barbecue Serving meals, lunches, sandwiches, pastries. . . .spec ializing in 5c and 10c Barbecue Sandwiches piepaied by an experienced cook. OPEN SATURDAY Former Shipman Cafe Location. . . .Main Street ===== Chicken Dinner SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY ONLY 25c All new equipment, all experienced help, and the best food that can be bought on the market, sold at reason- ; able prices. MRS. J, L. SALTZ, Prop. . mi»iiii!m*nrmininnrmwr'mniiTmimirTmwmmirrT—— ••rrr-'-rTTT- '•TTITli'CFi —-v: irilHinum^l 35, ’32, 40; L’om. A, 11; Ltrs, ’33, 4; ’32, 4; HPM: ’33, 24, '32, 20. J. M. Neely—TA, 86; CA: ’33, 60, ’32, 60; Cont. A. 18; Ltrs, ’33, 2, ’32, 2; HPM: ’33, 12, ’32, 10. L. P. Wilson—TA, 240; CA: ’33, 32, ’32. 32; Cont. A, 0.6. F. II. Ilol(kn—TA, 60; CA: ’33,, 43, ’32, 46; Cont. A, 13. R. F. Whitmire—TA, 38.5; CA; ’33, 20. ’32. 20; Cont. A, 6. George I*. Morgan—TA, 220; CA : I0; ’32, 30; Cont. A, 10.5. T. .1. Wilson- TA, 153; CA: ’33, 37, | ’32, 37; Cont. A, 0; Ltrs, ’33, 4, ’32, 9: II PM : ’33, 30; ’32, 74. W. T. Whitmire—TA, 250; CA: ’33, | 0, ’32, 0; Cont. A, 0; Ltrs, ’33, 6, ’32, 10; HPM, '33, 38; ’32. 47. K. Carl Allison—TA, 03; CA: ’33, 60, ’32. 60; Cont. A, 16; Ltrs, ’33, 10, ’32. 7; HPM: ’33, 58. '32, 44. George W. Maxwell- TA, 90; CA' ’33. 40, ’32, 36; Cont. A, 10. Ed C. Mitchem—TA, 96; CA: ’33, 30. ’32, 0: Cont. A, 3; Ltrs, ’33, 17, ’32. 17; HPM: '33. 107. ’32, 122. Mrs. Edith Harbin—TA, 67: CA: ’83, 30, ’32. 30; Cont. A, 9. William A. Williams—TA, 42; CA: I ’S3, jG, ’82, 14: Cont A, 4.5; Ltrs., M3. 3. '32, 4; H r.VI: M.s, lb, -fj, a*. ; J. A. Whitmire—TA, 250; CA: ’33. 1 00, '32, 00; Cont. A, 12; Ltrs, '33, 15, ’32. 20; HPM, '33, 91, ’32, 120. ,1. W. J: non—-TA, 91; CA: ’33. 40, '32. 40; Cont. A, 12; Ltrs. ’33, 2, ’32, 3; HPM: ’33, 10, ’32, 19, G. W. Whitmire—TA, 75; (.'A: ’33. 25, '32. 31; Cont. A, fc; Ltrs, ’33, % . ’32, 2; HPM: ’S3, 14, '32. 15. P. E. Raster—TA, 118; CA: ’33,! (30. ’32, 60; Cont. A. 18; Ltrs, ’33, 2, j '32, 2; HPM:, '33, 10, ’$2, 13. J. F. McCall—TA, 75: CA: ’33, 54, j '32. 54; Cont.. A, 10.2; Ltrs, ’33, 3. ’32, J 8; HPM ':)3. II. '32, 25. S. P. Collins—TA. 155; CA: '33, 50. ’32, 48; Cont. A, 14.7. H. L. Allison—TA. 175; CA: ’33, 85, ’32, 85; Cont. A. 18; Ltrs, ’33, 2, '32. 2; HPM; '33, 6, ’32, 6. C. F. Wocdfin—TA, 100; CA: ’33,, 40, ’32, 40; Cont. A. 12; Ltrs, ’33, 2, ’32, 2; HPM: ’33, 3, '32, 9 T. H. Liverett— TA. 22; CA: ’33, 20. ’32. 20; Cont. A, 0. | BOOK TEA ENJOYED AT < RECTORY LAST FRIDAY The book tea held at the St. Philips rectory, with Mrs. Harry Perry as hostess. Friday afternoon, proved an enjoyable and profitable event, spon j sored by the St. Philips Gu:ld. Many ladies of the town and visit ing friends from other places attend ed during the reception hours of 4 to 1(3, selected a book of their choice and enjoyed the time spent in social conversation. _ _ Buying P >tat >es (Paying Market Price) We can take care of your potato crop, and will pay every penny the market will stand. See us if you have potatoes for sale. We Can Pay You BEST PRICES and Save You Money On SUPPLIES See us about Flour and Feeds We Can Save You Money WE’RE HERE ALL THE TIME Month after month, year after year, we are doing busi ness in Brevard, and our success depends upon the far mers of Transylvania County finding us 100 per cent Fair and Square. B. & B. FEED & SEED COMPANY 7he Store With the Checkerboard Sign Phone 66 East Main Street BREVARD, N. C. _ . PUREBRED SHEEP TO BE OFFERED ON 4TH Announcement is made by Profes ?or Randall Lyday, agriculture teach ;r of Rosman high school, that the mnual purebred ram sale and ex change will be held in Asheville on August 4 at the stockyards. County Agent W. D. Smith of Hay wood county makes the following ii:'tement in a letter to Mr. Lyday: 1 Of course, this is primarily a ram ?ale, but exchanges will be made also. We are expecting a number of pure bred ewes to be offered for sale ioo. You understand this is a pure bred sale only. Tell your breeders to get any animal they have to offer for sale over in time for the auctioneer ing which starts at ten o’clock.” SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC ENJOYED AT TOXAWAY LAKE TOXAWAY, July 25—The junior class of Lake Toxaway Metho dist Sunday school had an enjoyable Sunday afternoon at the head of '.he lake at the old Foster house. Accompanying the class were mem bers of the senior class and Mr:. Ber lin Owen. The teacher of the ’u.eior class, Mrs. Ed Tolley, was unable to attend. Thos enjoying the occasion were: Mrs. Berlin Owen and son A. L., Paul, Hubert, Cecil, Helen and Gloria Fisher, Arlene Lee ami Addie Owen, John, Robert and Betty Rogers, Lucy and John Hall, Lucy Owen, Charles Arrowood and Martha Lee McCall. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH INSTALLATION SERVICE Installation services will be held at the Brevard Presbyterian church Sun day morning at the eleven o’clock hour, with Dr. R. D. Bedinger of Asheville in charge of the service. Dr. R. P. Smith of Asheville will make the charge to the pastor. J. T. Bailey, of Canton, moderatev of the Asheville district, will preside. Tne Rev. Vernon A. Cra-.vford, for mer pastor, will aassist in the ser^ vices. METHODIST STEWARDS TO MEET 5TH MONDAY T. W. Whitmire, chairman of the hoard of 'towards of the Methodist church, mokes, announcement that the meeting of the board of stewards will be on the fifth Monday night instead of the fourth, which will he next Monday night at 8 o’clock at the church. There will be very important busi ness to tran act, and the chairman urges the full board to be present, including ’he three new members re centlr app inter! by the pastor. NEW BAPTIST CHURCH ORGANIZED AT SF.LICA After a revival held at the Selica Methodist church, conducted, by Rev. Nathan Chapman am! brother Join Chapman, a congregation met Friday and perfected organization of a Bap tist church. The church will be known an the Rcber Baptist church. Rev. Nathan Chapman was elected pastor, with the following as deacon': ■lesse Dickson, Avery McCall, Ward Breedlove, and Mrs. Ralph Stanley as church clerk. Mr. Dickson and Mr. McCall will be ordained next Sunday. The services will be held in ’he Methodist building until other ar rangements can be made, it is an nounced. DILLINGER KILLED BY OFFICERS IN CHICAGO; CHICAGO, July 25-—#ohn Dillin- j a;er, notorious outlaw, was killed Sun day night when trapped by agents of the department of justice. Four slugs penetrated Dillinger’s body after he walked out of a movie theatre here. C. B. McFEE The Old Reliable Watchmaker and Jeweler at Macfie Drug Store. Brevard, N. C. We can fit any size or shape watch crystal while you wait. WE BUY OLD GOLD WANT ADS RATES: Twenty-five cents minimum charge per insertion, with 25 words allowed for each ad. For ads of over twenty five words, one cent per word per insertion. MOVING and GENERAL HAUL ING—reasonable prices, every load insured. See Charlie McCrary at McCrary Auto Service, Phone 290, Brevard, N. C. Mch 8 WANTED—Three dozen quart Mason glass jars. Will pay 40 cents dozen without caps. J. M. Gaines, Southern Public Utilities, Brevard. WALTERMIRE HOTEL under new management, offers excellent meals at a reasonable price. Special week ly rates. FOR SALE—Fresh milk cow. See Jack Clayton at Clayton hotel. 2t WANTED — Your Shoe Repairing We are equipped to do first class, shoe repair work. Ladies soles and heels 75 cents. Men's soles and rubber heels $1.00. Brevard Shoe Shop, T. E. Waters, owner-—New o Arcade. — Jan 1 tfc You’ll like the wayy~^ We handle your Vacation Snapshots We do your photo finishing promptly because we know that you’re anxious o see the results. We handle your films carefully, too because we realize how precious some of them are. Let us do your vacation developing, printing, en larging. You’ll be ph ased with your prints. 5 HOUR SERVICE Frank D. Clement The Hallmark Jeweler EMSON THEATRE BUILDING LET US DO YOUR JOB PRINTING SWINGING INTO THE SECOND I SUCCESSFUL WEEK OF OUR GREAT With New And More Astounding Values DRESSES That arc the talk of Hendersonville in Distinctive Price Groups. One group of Dresses including eye lets, piques, seersuckers, linen suits and organdie party dresses. SPECIAL $1.94 Rayon Taffeta SLIPS 49c Extra long slip. Pure Silk Crepe GOAT DRESSES And other new styles. Values to $5.95 $2.91 Men’s and Young Men’s Sport Trousers All pre-shrunk ma terials, includ ing white and color ed ducks and seer suckers. Trainload Sale Price ALL MEN’S DRESS STRAW HATS A Main Floor Cleanup Half Price 28 Men’s All Wool TROPICAL WORSTED SUITS Standard Brands— Worth to $20.00 Trainload Sale Price $10.95 AN APOLOGY To our many patrons whom we were unable to serve properly because of the rush. We will attend your wants this week with a larger sales force. All Man’s LINEN SUITS AH styles, all sizes. Half Price SPECIAL! Unbleached Sheeting Not over one bolt to a customer. YARD 5c Men's Shirts & Shorts Good Grade Sale, Each 19c Beach Sandals Leather soles, good styles. Close out at 49c Bargain Basement Children's Oxfords and Sandals. Save More At , 79c Men's ORESS OXFORDS All Leather. Trainload Sale $1.69 Bargain Basement