ROSMAN NEWS MRS. JORDAN WHITMIRE, Correspondent A1AXY GUESTS AT LO-VERX Callers registered at Lo-Vern with Mr. and Mrs. Hutches during the past week were K. H. Dickson, C. b Dickson, Neal Hawkins, Leonard ■awkins. Gastonia, N. C.; M. C. ..hitmire, Mrs. Thos. H. Shipman, Elizabeth Shipman, Mrs. W. A. Wil s.n and Mr. and Mrs. Judson Mc Crary and son of Brevard; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cutting aitd daughter Dorothy, Miss Daisy Rouehe, States ville, N. C.; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mus lin, Augusta, Ga.; Mrs. Edwin llad lev, Charlotte; Geo. M. Sullivan, New York; Miss Katherine N’owel, Asheville; Jack Blakmey, Monroe; Jeair Lonteray, New York City; Miss Emily Newell, West Palm Beach; Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Roof, Mrs. Herman Walker, Mrs. W. J. Walker, Mrs. Zoe Wright, Bradenton, Fla. KEVIVAL AT KOSMAX I IS COSCLl'DED Revival erviccs held at Rosntan at: the Church of God. eonducted by | Rw. Carl C x. closed Sunday. The : meeting was very successful, record > breaking crowds attended each night. I music was tendered each ' night. The Riverside quartet sang one night, also the I'isbcr string band played another night, '.'he Rev. Mr. C \ played the guitar and Miss Leota Randolph wa- his accompanist. The Rev. Mr. Cox stalled revival services Momla> ight :t Union Baptist church in the B iuuiey section. i,i:\vrs KLi xiox Vfc’AT si XDAT The Lewis reunion will be held at j Mountain Grove church near Pickens; m.xt Sunday All relatives and! t'rivuds arc : vite The morning will { be devote! • ! oi t talks by a number i .-r uo-d i • iL r- Dinner will be) ived ; style duiing the noon j ur r. ! tic att. o n will be de-j .. large number ofj .i! •. ■ ,.v u d to be pres-1 »«n annual event. » /.'AT. U ft / AS IH< 1 Ti Ko%. J. 1 . I i v :K.1 a.- pa. :or ) &.u b’.ii ’ ' ar- . 1 ■ t Sunday, j ! . i v!u • ; ;} "'ill e ''in' j v Su i i'uit ha j - "ved / ... i ■ t . - the in '• ( I liO ■ i school 'v ' t; • pi»‘*v t)vxi xtii* • Hay. AH n.- : la be j present. i i • i i Revival .-oivii". -!f hiii'y ly : | \!t. Moriah t'.i'ii'.' eimn.!' eon/ , by the tor. 1: •!. K. ihat, this xv e k. A’AT /1 1', SAT v ii a //ft R.. 1 *rx !v- -a being held at* ... .■■•...b. I vu i eh by Rev. • \V. 1 SJati' fit ' Asheville, assisted j by thv? pastor. E • J. A- He.:!. CA.l/'r/'ft'ft'l TO BE [ OLE AS El- S.l TL-liDAY ;v ... - .. ... lining at 0:00 j !;• - b.. n ' e -Ido to eloa- th. : Whitmire eemei . All poop!.' wl: ■; have fri:: t kid iHatises buried here j a,... ,, .a to e. tend end help with , '. .. \v C : k. ■ i:t:\ l\ AL COMES i TO .1 CLOSE j I t . .. -tivi.e held at Middle j II;:,;.ti i ih-.rch, <■. nductod by . Rev. b. 1 Holcombe and Rev. A. J Met lv. taim to ■ v!.*e Sunday with . buptizmul .-c:'v..v . The meeting was very successful and several additions ( were added to the church. S. Barrett, Mrs. Hubert Barrett and children of Salem. S. 0., were week-end giasts < i Mr. and Mrs. O-car Barrett. Ml ami Mrs \V Lloyd Cutting and children t l Whittier spent Sunday vsiiting Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Galloway dr. at Calvert. Klbert Whitmire < t Greenville vis ited friends here Monday. Mr. vv nit mire i- a former resident. I Ralph Chapman spent several days j in Asheville last week visiting his bro- ! ter Rov and Mrs. Chapman. Albert and Allen Whitmire and Buddie Dais were dinner guests of Uovce White Sunday. Homer, Carroll, and Doyle Manly were visitors at the home of Mr. and When you eat at the Canteen you are getting the best' food that can be bought on the market. . . Good Food Cooked Right Brin# as large a party as you care to—our ac commodations \v i 1*1 be pleasing. n. Canteen “The Home of Good Coffee” Doc Galloway, Prop* Mrs. James Conner in the Cherry field section Sunday. Mrs. Dora Reece and children spent Wednesday night as guests of Mrs. W. S. McLean. Mr. and Mrs. Walter P.eece and children of Pisgah Forest visited friends and relatives here and at Quebec Sunday. George Israel, who has been quite ill for several days, is slightly im | proved. I Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Whitmire and I daughter La Verne vv e r e dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hutches on Wednesday of last week. While at the table ail were most agreeably surprised by the arrival of V. N. and C. J. Hutches of Braden ton, Fla. V. N. and C. J. Hutches, sons of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hutches, left on Friday morning for a weeks’ trip through the north, combining business \ with pleasure. They will visit Wash-; ii gt in, Baltimore, New York, Phila il e 1 p b i a, Ridgewood, Pittsburgh, Westerville and Cineinnatti, return ing by the way of Bosnian and back in Bradenton by the 13th. Mr. and Mrs. A'fred Collins of tit. j Petersburg. Fla., arrived Tuesday to spend a two weeks' vacation visiting| iheir daughter, Mrs. Tom Morrison; and other relatives here and at Que-j Mr. and Mrs. Glover Jacks n and children of Bnvard. Mr. and Mrs/ lack Fisher and children, Miss Ada i vi ch. Mr. and Mrs. Bufus Galloway ami son Kline" of Kannapolis werej Sunday guests of Mr. and Mis. Lee, B. Fisher. Mrs. Wade Gurivn and son I1 oirest of Asheville spent Sunday at the' h m. « f Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Paxton/ siting the former's mother, Mrs.. 1 . M. Glazener. Mr. and Mr Pewc-J Hunter .and | five children of Greenville, S. C., Mr. and Mrs. Ben Parris and children jf Greer, S. C., were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Stophel and visited other relatives in Gloucester. Johnnie and Henry Summey spent Sunday visiting Junior Stroup. Mr. and Mrs, C. E. Pharr and son Jimmey, Mrs. D. J. Pharr and Mrs. | Ktta Daniels of Statesville, Mr. and | Mrs. Marcus Williams and son Albert : of Brevard were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Pharr Sunday. Friends in Rosman will be glad to learn Mrs. Bessie Curlee of Brevard who has been critically ill for several days is slightly improved. Mrs. E. D. Randolph, sister of Mrs. Curlee who has been in Brevard for several days has returned home. Mrs. Mary Randolph is spending this week at the home of Mrs. Cas King in the East Fork section. y. A. Morrison of Traveler.-- Re t visited friends and relatives here Fi iday. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Thomas return ed home the latter part of tie week, having spent several days visiting rel atives at Salem. ; Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Whitmire had as their guc-tr, Thursday Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hutches, “Grandmother” | Dixon, C. J. Hutches and \ ernon Hutch.s of Bradenton, Fla. Mrs. Kstie Thomas is critically ill, at the home of her daughter, Mrs.] Wm. Brittian. j .Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Tritt and] children of Pisgah Forest were recent; guests cf Mrs. Tritt’s mother, Mrs., T. V. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Ransom Galloway] and children of Gloucester, Ohio, vote guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Galloway. Mr. and Mrs. Furman Moore and two children and P. C. Moore of .Spar tanburg passed through Rosman the !att;r part of the week to visit rel atives in Gloucester. Rev. Wade Nichols n of Salem is reported critically ill at Six Mile hos pital. The Rev. Mr. Nicholson i‘ a fc inter Rosman resident and -ervid many years as pastor of Zion Bap tist church. Miss Harriett Morris of Lake City, S. C., is spending a few days visiting her sister, Mrs. R. T. Kimzey. John R. Sawyer left Monday for his home at Columbia, N. C. Mr. Saw yer was science teacher and coach in Rosman school last year. James and Paul White, A. M. White Jr. Miss Dovie White and Mrs. Ophelia White left Sunday for States ville and other points in Iredell coun ty to spend several days visiting rel atives. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Harmon of Central, S. C., spent Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Sig- f mon. Guy Thomas and daughter of j Easley were visitors to Rosman Sun-1 day. ! R. E. Evcrette of Easley passed through Rosman Monday en route to Cullowhee. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Galloway and children of Kannapolis, Mr. and Mrs. Cantrell of Greenville visited Mr. and Mis. Jesse Love Sunday. W. R. Price of Pickens was a busi ness visitor to “Rcsman the first of [the we.k. I Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Williams and j [■on of Brevard visited Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Watkins Sunday. Evcrette Whitmire and Walter Reece Jr. were dinner guests of Karl White Sunday. Mis. R. C. Powell, who underwent an operation at Six Mile hospital re cently, was able to return home the latter part of the week. Mis. H. N. Blake and daughter, Miss Mable, and s n, Harry, of Se lieu, v.'Cip Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Eldridge. Mis- Margaret Dick: on of Selica ■ vi-iled Mrs C. J. Eldridge Thurs day. Bill Blackwell was called to New port. Tenn., the latter part of the week on account ol the death of hit father, M. L. Burton '-eturned to his home) at Try mi Sunday, having spent the I past week as guest of his son Dewey and Mrs. Burton. Mr. and Mrs. Bur ton and children accompanied Mr. Burton to his home. Jimmey V/hitmire of Asheville is spending several days as guest of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Glaaener. Miss Maxine Moore spent Tuesday night as guest of Mrs. Claud Glaze ner. Mrs. Annie Whitmire, Mrs Carr Glazener and children and Miss Blanche Arrowood spent Sunday vis iting Mr. and Mr*. Steve Fergurson at Crab Tree, N. C. Mrs. Carr Whitmire of Biltmore is spending several days as guest of Mrs. S. E. Whitmire and Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Whitmire. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Glazener were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Glazener .Sunday. Carr Whitmire, Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Barnes of Asheville visited relatives here Friday. Rev. \V. L. Ramsey and daughter Ruth are spending several days near Slater, S. C. The former is engaged | in revival work at Glassy Mountain. S. D. Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Paui Pearson ox Wnlhalla visited the for mer's son, J. B. Rogers and Mrs. Rogers during the week-end. Jack Edens is spending a few days in Brevard as guest of his sister, Mrs. John Kilpatrick. Mrs. H. D. Stancell, Mr. and Mrs R. T. Bates, Miss Ilessic Jordan of Arden, S. C-, were guests of the for mer’s niece, Mrs. W. II. Edens. Wed nesday. Mr. ar.d Mrs. J. B. Gardner ant. children of Reidseil'e were week-end guests of the former’s sister, Mrs. Vess Galloway. Miss Catherine McMul’in and Miss Rebecca Barr of Danville Ky, and, Leesviile, S. C.; Miss Frances Mor ris and Miss Harriet Morns of Lake City, S. C., spent Sunday night as; guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Knn-| /A Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Woodside- and three childien left Tuesday fir Gat*-, a ney, S. C., en route f'ir their home at Florence, S. C. The Woodatde* spent several weeks visiting Mr. and Mrs Craig Whitmire. They were ac companied to Greenville by Mr. and Mrs. Whitmire and children. Freeman W’hitmire of Easley visit ed relatives here the first of the week. Floyd Callahan of Greenville spent the week-end visiting relatives and |friends here. R. F. (JJazener, Ed, Leo Hogsed and J. A. Glazener attended ! the mountain dance and song festival | at Asheville Friday night. Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Burt and daughter Margaret Hope and son Joe were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Whitmire Sunday. 1 Mr and Mrs. Paul Pearson and S. D. Rogers of Walhalla, S. C, wera week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. D Rogers. 666 Liquids, Tablets, Salve, Nose Drops Checks Malaria in 3 days, Colds first day. Headaches or Neuralgia in 30 minutes. Fine Laxative and Tonic Most Speedy Remedies Known Harper Method Beauty Parlor Brevard, N. C. — Your Skin and Hair Carefully Cared For P 0. Bidg. Phone 31 CL 5e//. ^b/v0%* ,n8 fidcA • *^e°d Sjv **&Jt2!* wJS )• _—W*M——. To the savings ^ !jJw»^ effected by economy, rugged construction and outstanding dependability ( has recently been added a saving of as much as $50 in the purchase price. You can now obtain a big, fast Chevrolet truck for every purpose at prices among the lowest for which Chevrolet trucks have ever been sold. And these low prices bring you the same features that have made Chevrolet trucks so popular in every hauling field—the valve-in head, six-cylinder engine—the sturdy bodies—the exceptionally heavy frame, axle, and transmission. Your Chevrolet dealer will gladly show you how Chevrolet trucks can help to reduce your hauling costs, and how easy they are to buy at these new low prices com bined with convenient G.M.A.C. terms. * CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICHIGAN Compare Chevrolet's low delivered prices and easy G.M.A.C. terms. A Ceneral Motors Value QgALCT AOVEWTISEMEOT ___ MODEL NEW REDUCED PRICES AMOUNT r or REDUCTION ;V—- -v» s-.i.'.'-o Utility Long Chassis . . . *515 *50 Dual Long Chassis .... 535 50 , jf» •• «t j’ (fHir v« «* <.» Utility Chassis and Cab . 575 50 Dual Chassis and Cab . . 595 50 Utility Long Chassis ^ * and Cab . . . . 605 so Dual Lons Chassis and Cab 625 so Utility Panel. . ..... 750 50 Dual Cab and Stake Body 680 50 Dual Long Cab and Stake Body.. 740 50 ,4bote an list prices of commercial cars f. o. b. at FUnt, Michigan. Special equipment extra. Prices subject to change without notice. McC 0 Caldwell St. Phone 290

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