OAKLAND NEWS ; (Mrs. I.ee F. Norton) Mr. and Mrs. Car Burgess of the Sapphire section announce the birth 1f a son, Alvin Rockwood. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Reid had as tests last week the latter s brother, , ill Nicholson, his wife and some i: their iriends Horn Salem. S. C. 1. S. Sanders visited George Alex ander Thursday. Edwin R- id and George Bryson were Bievard visitors Friday. Mr am! Mrs. K. A. Reid had as visitors !a-t week their nieces, Misses Alta and .Mnxie Glazener of Chase City, Va. Mrs. Marv Burge s and Miss Al hi i. Bug..:- vi Hod the formers parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Gallo waj at their home m Glenville, Sat urday. , , . ,, Will C!a; ton and lus sons George Clayton ai’-l Simon Clayton, all »i Greer. S. C.. were visitors or Mr. and Mr-. 1. uis Rigden last week. ' Mr and Mrs. Robert Wilson had as visito s last week the formers ! father, Dave Wilson «f. and Dave Wiis n Sr., with both their families. f Mr. ami Mrs. Robert Noland oi Asia . : > an tending their vacation hi re with M V land’s mother, Mrs. S. K. Alexander. I.eoia I.ovlng and Miss Jessie ]•, ,.t if.- ... f Siding spent one nig last reek with Mis. Clyde t ■ !1 family. ■ Ciuippcll and sister, Miss A) re. !i ft Sunday for Waynes vih . mi. i,d some time with their Si- . M - T1, id Guy. Mrs. i H ■ inert who has >een i|i f,,; mtlis died Sunday and v. i iii'ii ' in tie Cake loxawav coni'te' ■ M' li'iav Mr : i Mrs. j;. ,.\ Reid. I.ee Reid and M - Alta and Maxie Giazener vi ilni ,i iiiD a’. High Hampton Saturday . . \Y. | ’ •('a!! n;V' confined U ni» bod • . \ • •• u tin;. ■ last week W.:h a sprained Irak. .Mi,• ■ •! . a.id l.imctdl Galloway of Re,i . ,vei'“ visiiirrr their uncle, Prank Fisher, and familv last wee!:. Mr ; :.d Mis. Miortre Milk*, Tim ,\i;. ! .-. Sanders were Bre vard \i-it rs Monday. M: Mr.. I.ouis Riga! on we-e in Br.var l Monday on business. l.o.i : and i diaries McNeeiy 'eft Menu: morning to join the 40 agri* •ulture bo - at Rosman who were scheduled t“ leave f< r White Lake where be expect tv' camp lor a week. Mr-. Mu lord McCall f tile kittle Rive*' -e. me is 10 be buried ii the I loxaw.'iy i.ttii tore. She nod many ' i lends and relatives ii tin. : cut ion. Dewey Bryson, who Inis been in I.ydav Memorial hospital for > .cal weeks -o' n d home F'-iday av-i i* . .. I i . be iiiini' vinj,. M times want ads Y/e Specialize In Go . i nm> nt Inspected v: STERN BEEF Have You Tried A ;nour’? Vegeto^e Made in the South from Fur.' Cotton Seed Oil Armour's > ;i Fixed Flavor HAMS ' d BACON CaC |-Wc Deliver S K. ALLISON i ' S', [<>•(.■ i rd rHERE IS NO ' L ilSTITUTE FOR PURE W ’ll k‘op your box filled \'ith the kind of re frigeration that is safe an. 1 d pendable. COAL AND WOOD PURITY Products Co. P’.cna 241 j. OSBORNE REUNION! HELD NEAR PENROSE The 1934 teuni n of the Jeremiah Osborne 11 family was held at the rno plantation homestead near Four, st Sunday, August 6, 1934. 1 he meeting was called to order by !itv. Mark It. Osborne, pastor of i.enezer Baptist church, Florence, S. C.. wlto led in prayer. On motion . group voted unanimously to create > formal ciganization to be known as •« he Jeremiah Osborne Family Re , -. ion.” Tlii action having been taken, i • body at once proceeded to perfect : ' ciganization by electing the fol o\.irg officers: President, il n. 11. K. Osborne, .'•> ivtanburg, S. C.; vice president 1 keeper of i .cords, Rev. Mark R. .me. 1. lence, S. C.; secretary, ' Mary Jane McCrary, Brevard; orer. Mrs. Uessie Clayton King, tin .urd. Wvt blua «ppo.iitod :c loilowing committee;: . o.ircli, Mrs. Plato Lankford, itanburg, S. C.; Mrs. Mary Jane .icCrary, Brevard; Mrs. Rebecca Cox ■i . Pisgah Forest. Publicity, Mrs. Daisy Clayton .Mackey, Brevard; Mrs. Maude Os i. . no Mills, Brevard. Locution, Robert Mackey, Pisgah Forest; Mrs. 1'hia Osborne Allen, t'cuio'o; Mrs. Leah Cox Shu ford, B: evard. Finance, John Cox, Greenville, Claude K. Osborne. Brtvard; 1 ank King, Brevard. i r, gram, 1!. K. Osborne, Mark R. n.-b n lie. Following the i rganization session the meeting a paper, prepared by ,'ii: . Plato I ankford of Spartnnburgi ■. c„ and J. J. Eiwin, M. L)., of t v land, Ohio, was read by Rev. M::rl. R. Osborne. The paper was et: efully prepared and showed that i; at b effort and special research had .v tie into its preparation. Mis. Mary Jane McCrary pre I an interesting outline of the ■ it her family and also presented a , of the Fletcher coat of arms. ’ i muiuh Osborne 11 married Rebecca i iloiter January 23. 1829, thus unit two prominent North Carolina f.'miiies. Since there is a wide connec t. n of noth the Osborne and Fletcher i'ii.t'iiiis ;n Western Noith Carolina i, was unanimously decided to extend i: invitation to the Fletcher family t meet with the Osborne family at time of its minion in t935. TV location committee gav. its ; nrt a- follows; That the Jere . ;.;h Osborne family reunion meet at Jeremiah Osborne plantation i.ustead the first Sunday in Au . .si. 1935 A mo. t int-.Testing informal pro _ im wr- carried out. The R. E. ."key quartet sang several inspir i. e numbers. Mark R. Osborne gave . M'rai humorous leadings, lion. L. P. Hamlin, an especially invited guest, l> ughi a hr'ef but greatly anpreci i and appropriate i age and V and Mrs. Mark It. t- >rne sang . ppr prin*e sacred ong. The ng was adjourned with prayer b; lire, l. p. Hamlin. 1; was gv atlv regretted by all that Cm prc-ideiit, lion. II. K. Osborne, ! not be present at this meeting. Special mention is here made of the lalivy extended by Mr. and Mrs. p. c. Orr. the latter a grand daughter Jeremiah Osborne, who are the nt owners f the Osborne home t villi. REV. MARK OSBORNE, Vice President. MRS. MARY JANE MeCRARY, Secretary. PENROSE NEWS (By N. L. Ponder) Rev. W. Ililemon, pastor of 1 i-n Baptist church has been proaeh n; iii the annual revival services for ehurvli for ten days. Six have j the church by baptism and ■ ■•■n by let! r. Others are expected to j: ..I at the close of the series. I "•pie f the community are in iii with 'ir i eighbors, the . .. is, win are in gri.i over a ill of Mr. I'd Sheaiey, Mrs. . u. Christ pher’s father. The fam ily journeyed to Columbia, S. C., for imoral and burial services Monday. up,, ley had been staying here u -h hi- daughter. Mrs. Christopher and suffered a heart attack from vi .dh he tailed to recover. [•'rank Wo <1 fin, who lias been in h alth ar.d staying with his father ■ rice having Oteen Hospital, has im P •.id iii health considerably and is !■ v, visiting’ his wife's people, the Nicholes on Mills River. Frank Cox, who was in Oteen sev • ■,. I weeks for an operation, is re el vering nieely at home and is able s go to church again. Superintendent Cl. C. Bush was I . tig over the school grounds here week and is planning repair and improvements in the water system. The summer tourists are coming and going. There seems to have been the usual or even larger number of these summer people. I) vis Woodfin is working with his uncle, Paul Woodfin in tiro peach Ui iness at Camp be 11a, S. C. Noble Woodfin is here from Flor ida where he is employed. He is visit ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. W odfin, and is expecting to return io Florida this week. Mrs, Beth Ifarben and Misses >!i.' Joe Hat-ben and Miss Floy P ruler, keepers of the Haven Nest Tun at Mt. Pisgah, were Penrose vis * last week. Misses Leslie McGuire and B.-at • o Green are working at tiro Mal , :h Inn at Hendersonville. Miss Ponder is with the Misses Ga ;h Ktownh. Messrs Wilson and Jack Lyday 1 .vo returned from a trip to the World’s Fair at Chicago, coming i u k by Washington. D. C. They re rt an enjoyable trip. Iloisw Your Subscviptfor Local and Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Sam King, of Sum- j merville, S. C., are spending their: vacation in Brevard, stopping with Mis. Cordia King. Captain ffaskell Allison and family j or Baltimore ar? visiting his mother, Mrs. W. H. Allison, at Deer Park I Home. A. B. Galloway was able to return Saturday to his home here after be ing confined in the I' ranklin hos pital for nearly three weeks, follow ing a serious operation. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Poe, of Marion, are guests this week of Mrs. Poe s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. McFee. Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Boyle have re turned to their home in San I’ran ei co, after spending a few days as guests of their aunt, Mrs. Ursulla tshuford. Miss Rachel Williams and Miss Sallic Merrill returned last we k from New Orleans, where they at , mied summer school at Tulare bm versitv Eli route h me they stopped in Biloxi, Mi-s., for a short visit. Prof, and Mrs. Philips Russell and little daughter, of Chapel Hill, are occupying the apartment of Miss Eliso Walker for several weeks. Miss lamise Gillespie iias returned from Cullowhee, where she attended summer school at Western Carolina Teachers’ college. Rev ,1 11. West was called to Reidsville the first of the week on account af the critical illness o. Ins daughter, Mrs. \\. A. Trotter, wh was reported on Wednesday to be much improved. t H< ward BuforU, of Ellerton, S. G., was the guest of -diss Opal Ashworth i he past week. \Y. E. Brcfse Jr., ol Memphis, Tenn., has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Breese, the past week. ... i Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Henry anu family of Georgetown, Del., are visit ii;g the former's s.ster, Mrs. G. »v. Whitmire. Mr. Henry expresses de light at being home again after an aosence of over Di years. Mrs. Jordan Whitmire and daugn ter, Miss La Verne, of Rosmaii. are visiting friends and relatives in Asheville and Leicester tuis wee*. They stopped in Brevard on iui's day en route to their visit. Mrs. Wheeler and daughter oi rfn oxi, Miss., have been occupying the I. \V. Smith apartment on Maine street the past week. Mr. and Mrs. J. hn Dunham had as their week-end gue.-ts Mr. and Mi--. J. D. Dunham and Mrs. I.. Den nis and son James ol Newport, John Nicholson, who is connected with a riding school in New tors, lias returned after spending two u As here with his father, Rad Nich olson. __ gsi. , ,, r. l.ee Bowman of \\ asnington,. D. G., has been guest the past week ot Mr»• Ruth Karl Sut, who rs occupying A>r the summer the Guthrie Kilpatrick house on Jordan street Miss Alice Morgan, of Lea ir, and Miss Mar garet Smith of Washington, I). G also have been guests ot Mrs. atilt the pa t week. Miss Madeline Paxton, win has been spending some time ill New rO' k and at Paulas Island, S. C.. is "i* her mother, Mrs. Cos Paxton, at th Paxton summer home at Cherry iicm. F. K. li. Jenkins was able to leave I a-day Memorial hospital on \\ ednes i ay, after being under treatment there for several days. Mrs. A K. Lewis anu little daugh ter Katherine Fielding, of Greenville, were weekend guests of relatives *“ Miss Kioise Lewis, who underwent a critical operation recently at Johns Hopkins h spital in Baltimore, was said at last reports to be showing I some improvement, though not jet able to return t > her home here. Mi:.- Blanche Medtord, v.lio i nerator for Jean’s Beauty mop, :, tile week-end at lur borne in Waynesville. . ... Miss Louella Kellar, of Miami, I-la., i- spending ber vacation here ■■■' her mother, Mrs. Mabel Kellar. Si'iuire Jones ,f C eenvi !c was a week-end visitor in Brevard. Mrs. Carl McCrary was an Ashe ville visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hampton leu |,i<; ,v.ck for their home in Norn*, Tenn., where Mr. llamptm is _con nect de with the TV A, alter visa,ng Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dodsivorth and ether relatives here. Mi s Marv Elliott, a teacher in the schools of Savannah, Ga., is guest ot Mis. Mary Hampton Mills. Miss El liott has spent the past seven sum mers in Brevard. . Mr. ami Mrs. Fred Emmerson ot Asheville, spent the'week-end here with Mrs. J. E. Clayton and family. Thev were accompanied on their re turn to Asheville by Miss Josephine Clayton and Mrs. William Cowan. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Edwards were week-end guests of Mrs. Edwards parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Waters. Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs of Sguthern Georgia are visiting their daughtei, Mrs. Frank King, and family at bee ShMis's Jack Clayton visited friends in Greenville Tuesday. M's A. B. Coltrane, t,f Trinity, i visiting her brother, President E. J Coltrane amV family here. Mrs. I.uln Andrewes returned Tues day to her home in Fort White, Ida., after spending two weeks m BreVTird with friends. . , Mrs. Vernon Mize, of Harrisburg, Pu., spent the week-end in Green ville, visiting her aunt, Mrs. T. B. Summey. She was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Henry. Mrs. Frank Nalls, of Macon, Ga.. visited her mother, Mrs. Corclia King, several days this week. She was ac companied to Brevard by her friend. Miss Mary Dozier, and E. S. Davis. Sr., Mrs. Ed Davis and little daugh ter, Etheldra, all of Macon,'Ga., and littio Jack King of Atlanta. Mrs. Ed Davis and little daughter, Etheldra, of Macon, Ga., are visiting Mis. Davis yuiCi*!.., • ..-i • -Ds Frank Nalls Sr., at tha latter’s sum mer h me ui Cuiinestee Cove camp,. Mr. atul Mrs. John King and little son Jack, of Atlanta, are visiting Mrs. Cc-rilia King and other relatives here. Miss Marjorie Hamilton spent the week-end as guest at the home of Mr. •and Mrs. P. A. Morgen at Calvert. Mrs. Joseph Law, of Waynesboro, Ga., has leased the cottage at 289 Maple street for the season, arriving nst week accompanied by her daugh ter, Miss Emma. Mr. Law, a promi nent attorney of Waynesboro, plans to make week-end visits to his family here during the season, M. C. Whitmire had as his guests Thursday Neal Hawkins, Leonard Hawkins, Harry Dixon and Camel Dixon ol Gastonia. Mrs. L. B. Trowbridge, who visited Mrs. Julia Trowbridge and family for en days, left Sunday for Almemarle for a visit f two weeks with her sis ter, Mis Elizabeth Bridge, b.fore , returning to her home in Chicago the | latter part of the month. Mrs. Z. \V. Nichols returned last week from Asheville, where she visit ed relatives for two weeks. Miss Bowena Ort reutrned last w.ek from a visit of two month- with Harold Harrison and his parents in Rutland, Vermont. She visited also other points in Vermont and wa- on a camping trip in Canada, rep rting a most enjoyable trip throughout her sojourn. Mr. and Mrs. L. I>. Martin had as their guests iast week Mr. Marlin's two sister,, Mrs. Robert Flood, 01 Chattano gn, Tenn., and Mrs. Carl McNabb, Mr. McNabb and three Iiildren of Big Springs, Tenn. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Alli son last week were Mrs. Allisons sister, Mrs. R. L. Dial and daughter Billie, of Asheville, and her niece. Miss Louise Maywood, of New York City. \Irs F. M. Bush and Mrs. Clover Bowen . f Columbia, S. C„ are spend ing the summer at the home ol Mr. and Mis. I- D. Martin. Guests of Mrs. Elbe! Harris at tne, England Home include: Mrs. A B. Scruggs and mother. Mr-. B. Al. Cay, Mr. and Mrs. Holland Russell, all of Jacksonville, Fla.; Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Anderson and sou Thomas, of Charleston, S. C.; Mrs. Sax by Chap lin and daughters Bety and Jean, of Charlotte; Airs. Turner ami daugh ters Helen ami Margaret, of Braden ion, Fin: Airs. Grace Turnbull- San ford. Fla.; Tho-. II. Smith and bro ther Jim Smith, of Decatur, Ce.; Dr Mary Ethel NeSsni.h, of East Kad ihu Ya.; Alts. L. L. Limans of Tallahassee, Ha.; W. R- Miller, Balon Roug'. La., and Mrs. A. Al. Waters of Columbus, Ga. lURTHPAY SI RRRISE IS IIAirY OCASIOS A surprise birthday paity g-iven Friday evening V- Mrs. W. B. Hire :-wl -31.,. A rva! Simpson at the home «" Mrs. Price, honored to birthday anniversaries of Air._ Simp on. Cueile Simpson ami Khzabetn price, an I proved a happy occasion. The house was decorated ill a pink and white color arrangement. Lnj yable games wore piayed during the evening, and refresh ..cuts ot sheibef, cake and mints w, re served io ihe d."> h . s and girls enjoying the party. Thosi present were: Vivian. Ruby and Alario Starnes, Eugenia C Itvane, Kathirine English, Alary Aiken. Marcia Snelaon. Alary Osborne, Christine and Jane Yongue, Sara Teague, Carolyn Kilpatrick. Ruth Sitton, Kathryn Fulton, Elizabeth Duckw rib, Cecile Simpson. Elizabeth Price. Enteral Starnes, Jack Ben iHtt. Buddy Hunt, Glenn Howard. Billy Hackney. Beecher Wuldon, Ray Simpson am! Paul Simpson. AUXILIARY A\'D GUli.D MUTT WITH MRS. SIIA’ERST HEX Revular meeting of the Auxiliary and Guild of St. Philips Lpmcopnl church was held Thursday afternoon :-t the lv me of Mrs. J. S. Silversteen. It wa decided to hold a bazaar and l i, \ t* m at tile rectory o;i )• nday, August 17. from I to 0 o’clock. Other matters of business were "isacted, in charge of the prcsi (jci,;. Mis. David Ward, after which the ini. : ing adjourned and the nu-m-j bus iv- -e.nbled at the Presbyter-, jail church wh ic they were im, ite.1 t) meet with the Auxiliary of that, church to hear the talk of Mrs. s er-, non Crawford on her experience- in j Japan. j FORMER R.RF.V ARD TEACHERS WEEK-EX 1> GUESTS HERE Mi- Roger Pittman, of Barr.es ville, and Miss Ann Wester, of, At Any Hour Day or Night MOORE & OSBORNE Undertakers Are ready to sei-ve you Day Phones, 88, 159, 250 Night Phones, 159, 250 BREVARD, N. C. Ill & 119 W. Main St Moore & Osborne Undertakers Frar.idir.t' n, were week-end guests of I Mr-. Beulah Zachary. Mrs. Pittmsn will be remembered here as the former Miss Cora Leigh Tyner, for .-ight years popular super intendent of the Brevard schools. She is spending the summer in the moun tains, having a cottage at Black Mountain. Miss Wester i- also known here, she having been sixth grade teacher in the Brevard school several years ago. WEEK-END CAMPING TRIP IS DELIGHTFUL EVENT A week-end camping trip at Keep Kool Kabins, near Penrose, was a delightful event of the past week, members of the camping party com prising young people from Brevard and Candler. Misse- Winifred Nich olson and Ruth Pickelsimer were hostesses of the event. In addition to friends from Can dler, local young people making up the party included: Misses Nicholson and P!ck*tl«5:r.tr and Mi B.rtie Bal lard, Messrs Jack Trail' ham, Mitchell King and John Pickelsimer. INTERESTING M EE TING OF BAPTIST 5F. M. S. An interesting meeting of (lie Women’s Missionary society of th • Baptist church was held Tuesday aftern on in the church parlors, with the president, Mr?. M. H. Holliday, presiding over tire business session and leading the devotionals, using the topic “Paul An Apostle.” The program topic, “Missionary Footsteps in the Or ient,” wa led by Mrs. W. T. Bosse, giving the introduc tory talk. Others teiling of different pitas'.s of the subject were; Mrs. E. R. Pendleton, “Missionary Footstep* in China;" Mrs. Roy Long, “Today’s Baptist Footsteps itr the Orient;” and Mrs. Th' mas Dodsworth, “Oriental Footsteps ir. America, ’ and Mrs. Paul Hart-ell, ‘•Missionary Footsteps in Japan,” All the discussions pr< veu interesting and inspirational. Appro priate music also featured the pro gram, included in which was a solo by Mrs. Paul Hartseli. “Footsteps of Jesus.” Two visitors were present at the meeting, Mrs. Hunter ,nf Simpson vilie, S. C’., and Mrs. Alderman, of Florida, the latter making a few re mark' of interest. BAZAAR AND BOOK TEA TO BE EVENT OF NEXT WEEK A bazaar ar.d book tea will be held at the rectory Friday afternoon of next week, from 4 to 6 o’clock, spon sored by the Guild of St. Philips Episcopal church. The twenty-five cent' admission will entitle one to a book of her chi.k- and to the refreshments. Fancy articles will also be on sale. COLORED BOXERS WILL FIGHT HERE THURSDAY Battling Bailey is slated to meet Battling Jimmy of Charleston, S. here Thursday night at Ptnjumir.’* arena in the colored hall. Buttling Raiiey, a local glove-sling c . weighs in at 1SS while his tiggon sr.t, heavyweight champion of South Carolina, weighs 300'pound*. Some fast action is promised. Three interesting preliminary boutj arc scheduled for the program. The first fight will begin at S:TO o'clock and no admission will be charged. The public is invited. A small want ad in the TIMES advertising for three dozen Mason jars uins so succes-ful that the ad vertiser, J. M. Gaines, has anno we i that he is more than supplied now and cannot take any more BUS SCHEDULE NOW GIVES GOOD ROUTING An adequate and convenient bus service connects Brevard with Green ville, S. C., Hendersonville and Ashe ville. Joe Neely’s bus schedule provides that a bus leave Brevard for Hen dersonville at 10:30 A. M. and 3:15 P. M., and for Greenville, S. C., at 12:46 P. M. Busses leave Greenville for Brevard at 2 P. M. and leave Hendersonville at 12 noon and at 7:30 P. M. A new bus schedule between Ashe ville, Brevard, Highlands and Frank lin was inaugurated by the Smoky Mountain Stages, Inc., effective August 6 providing service over a route not ever offered before. This line is routed from Asheville thfougn Brevard, Rosman, Quebec, Luke T- x away, Sapphire, Highlands, Gr.ei-s, Cullasaja, to Franklin and returns by the same route. The bus leaves Bre vard at 6:45 P. M. and arrives at Brevard on the return trip at 9:50 A. M. NEW ARRIVAL ! Born to Mr. anil Mr*. Eugene Gil lespie, a son. on Fri