_ PENROSE NEWS | (By N. L. Ponder) Tfefl Rev. C- W. Hilcmon concluded tte iskivmI series with a sermon Sun .tap morning and baptizing in the ilUraCH <i. Ten united with the ^terch by baptism ad eight by letter- J Ik th» reorganization of the church ' & % conference meeting Sunday night; J* following church officials were, batted for the next year: Sunday j y^y»l superintendent, M*. L. 1 alley, j •asistant superintendent, 0. E. • Wythe; Sunday school secretary,' Mrs. Azalea Slat ten; church clerk, J. R. Brown; treasurer, N- L. Pon 4ec; mission treasurer, C. W. Talley; ifcoir leader. Bill Middleton; pianist, Mrs. A. F. Mitchell. j At the conference Sunday mgnt letters to the association were read, | discussed and approved. The following delegates to association at Pisgan Forest this week were named; N. L. Pbr.der. J. R Brown. R. M. Blythe, 1,. F. l,y*iay, and David burrettc, Mrs. A. F. Mitchell and Miss Mary l,on Lux. The Rev. Hilemon closed the eoiuet ence meeting Sunday night with ion'" awndations for the cooperation of the thorch folk- with him in the work ot the past year and asked for such .■•operation in the next year to make it still better. ' An interesting feature in the elec too.- of church officers Sunday was1 the re-election of W. L. Talley who i ha;, been Sunday school superintend ent or over thirty consecutive years, beg ning with the year 11)02. Mr. Talley stated that he has not missed an iv.any es twelve Sundays in the yei: < lie has served. 6 6 6 | Liquid T'bleta. Salve, t\vs< Drops! Check? M ila> ia in 3 days, Colds first I day, 1!-a laches or Neuralgia in 301 uinuiw. i Fine Laxative ana Tonic i Nperrfy Remedies Known i Business Is Good.... Wo "if having the best busi ness a have over had in Bre vard. People Appreciate The I.it i of cafe we try to run oa-i, airy, not crowded, ajid always GOOD FOOD SERVED RIGHT Hi : _■ .."oiu friends here at uuy ti : if the day or nitiht. n. Canteen “Tii ti rue of Good Coffee” 'Do: Galloway, Prop. USE TIMES WANT ADS PiSGAH F0RS5T NEWS Mr. and Mrs. bliver Leonard and children of Spartanburg. 8. C., re turned to their home Sunday after spending the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Leverette. Miss Mattie Davis is visiting her mother, Mrs. W. H. Davis, and sis ters, Mrs. T. Patton and Mrs. Oar land McGregory. Billie, the small son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lyday, who had a serious accident some time ago was taken to the Masonic hospital for an oper tion on his hand. Mrs. Reuben Morgan and small daughter have returned home after visiting relatives in Seneca, S. C., the past week. Mrs. W P. Duncan and daughters, Misses Ruth, Billie Jean and Helen, also Bay Duncan visited relatives in Ducktown, Tenn., last week. W. A. Lyday, who has been employ ed at Morganton for several months, is moving his family down there. Ti.m Barnette, who has made his Tim Baineite, wh ohas made his home in Baltimore, Md., for the past several years, was dangerously injur ed some time ago, was slowly improv ing the last report Mrs. J. hi. Carter who has been confined with influenza is improv ing. The Transylvania County Baptist association concludes its meeting here Thursday of this week. We want every one to feel weleome to attend. AT THE CLEMSON THEATRE Jean Harlow, beautiful blonde, to gether with Lionel Barrymore, Fran chot Tont and Lewis 3tr>n<, will be on the Thursday and Friday schedule at the Clemson Theatre in “The Girl From Missouri,’’ the story of a girl who embarks upon a social climbing career because she is deter mined to get financial security and position along with her marriage ring Zasu Pitts and Slim Summerville are on the book for Saturday, in “Their Great Moment,” a comedy drama that is filled with the droll humor that Zasu and Slim are so capable of giving. liar, id Lloyd takes the lead at the Monday and Tuesday show in “The Cat’s Paw,” a deviation from the usual Harold Lloyd set-up. While there will be plenty of comical situ ations which arc characterization of Lloyd’s picture, there is a predomi nant i v carrying through. "Hat. Coat and Glove,” a tingling murder mystery featuring Ricardo Cortez wii! be shown on Wednesday of next week, rounding out a pro gram of diversified nature. (lenmui Prisoners Freed Beilin—Chancellor Adolf Hitler Thursday threw open the doors of jails and concentration camps for thousands of political pri oners. Tin amnesty order applied to those convicted of miner offenses and was ssued in commemoration of the union iif the presidency and chan cellorship. CAK'D OF TMASKS \Y. wish to thank our many friends for their kind acts and the sympathy shown us at the time of the death of I MR. AND MRS. SHELTON j SIMS. . A Full Set of I j) NewYiresfor | t as Little as f 1 96e a Week 9 A ji A Liberal, Economical Easy Payment Plan Buy one tire, or a complete set. Only 25% deposit. Tire? at regular Sears prices (plus smail carrying charge) \ all set of new tires for as little as 96c per week. 12 Months GUARANTEE NO FANCY PRICES f SIZE PRICE ? 1x5.00-21 5.85 28x5.25-18 _ 6.20 30x5.25-20 __ 6.60 ! 11x5.25-21 6.80 28x5 50-18 7.00 20x5.50-19 7.15 Society News and Club Activities _ , .—v -' ■' ■1 TREASURE hunt is DELIGHTFUL AFFAIR Miss Katherine English was hos tess at a treasure hunt and water melon feast Friday night, entertain ing a number of local young people ana visiting friends. The hunt was started at the home of the hostess’ parents, Dr. and Mrs. E. S. English, the party driving in cars first to Connestee falls, where a sign directed them to the Franklin hotel, then to the post office, to Davidson River, to the home of Miss Rebecca Patton, to the swimming pool and finally to the campus of Brevard College where the treasure, a lovely box of candy, was found by Marie] Starnes and Tom Kirby. After the hunt the young people re-assembled at the English home, where a watermelon feast was enjoy ed on the lovely lawn. Those enjoying the occasion with the popular hostess were: Rebecca Patton, Betty McLeod, Marie Starnes, Vivian Starnes, Betty Loftis, Eugenia Coltrane, Sandy McLeod, Dick Me-' Gehee, Walker Patton, Tom Kirby, Red Hunter, Edgar Loftis. Alfred Cruickshank, David Strong, Happy Morgan, Carl Hendrix and Buddy Hunt. THREE CIRCLES TO MEET AS ASSIGNED The three circles ol the Methodist church will meet Thursday afternoon of this week, at 3:30 o’clock, at the homes as previously assigned. Circle No. I will meet at the home of Miss Alma Trov'bridge, on Ci,ld well avenue. Circle No. 2 will meet at the home of Mrs. S. E. Varner, on Jordan street. Circle. No. 3 will meet at the home of Mrs. C. B. West at the parsonage. MRS. TILSON HONORS GUEST AT BRIDGE PARTY Mrs. Ernest Tilson entertained at hur home on West Main street with two tables of bridge Wednesday after noon, honoring Miss Janie Strickland of Pelzer, S. C., who was her guest Issl week. A pretty arrangement of summer flowers decorated the rooms, with marigolds outstanding. A salad course was served. High score prize was won by Miss Charlotte Brown. A dainty gift was given the honor guest. Those playing were: Mrs. Pat Kimzev, Miss Charlotte B*own, Mrs. J B. Jones, Mrs. Willis Brittain, Mrs. J. L. Cobb, Mrs. A. H. Kizcr, Mrs. Elder, of Arkansas. guest at tne home of Mrs. Ethel McMinn, and Miss Strickland. Tea guests included: Mrs. Roy Long. Miss Bertie Ballard and Mrs. S. P. Verner. VISITORS HONORED WITH DINNER l'ARTY Mrs. J. S. Silversteen entertained with a dinner party Friday evening at her home, in honor, "f Miss Helen Boyers and Miss Grace Thoer.en, of Sistersville, W. Va„ house^ guests of her daughter, Mrs. A. G. Kyle. Following the dinner, bridge was played by the twenty or more guests present. HOME HERE IS TEASED RY PROMINENT GA. FAMiLY Mrs. James A. Kenmmk, of Sharon, Ga.. has leased the home of Rev. and Mrs. A. L. Vaughan on Maple avenue f r the season. Mrs. Kendrick arrived in -Brevard the fii t of August, ac companied by her children and grand children, Dr. and Mrs. \\. H. Lewis and son and Mr. ad Mrs. C. L. Rhodes and son of Siloam, Ga. James G. Lewis and Hill Lewis Jr. of Siloam. will join their grandmother here later to spend some time. Rev. and Mrs. Vaughan have leased a cottage at Cedar Mountain while their residence is being occupied. STATE D. A. IT REGENT I< i r.XCIITON GEEST HERE Mrs. William Henry Beik. of Char tie. rig. nt of the North Caro lii ! 1), A. R.. was guest Thursday iif Mr-. J. s. .Silversteen. w., enter-! tained at luncheon in honor in the state official. Other guests of Mrs. Silversteen on, this occasion ware Mrs. R. H. Rani >ey. ■'■gent of the local D. A. R. chapter, and Mrs. T. A. Berg, vice regent. , MRS. BERG HOSTESS AT SERIES OF BRIDGE Mss. T. A. Berg was hostes: at a .■sit - cf Bridge parties, entertaining at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Berg mi Park avenue Friday evening _ at four tables -f bridge. and on Wed nesday afternoon at three tables. Friday evening’s social function was in honor of .Miss Helen B yers and Miss Grace Thoenen, of Sislers villc, W. \’a.. hou-e guists of Mr. and Mrs.. A. K. Kyle, and Miss Adelaide Silvc-rstcen. sister of the hostess, who is home or. her vacation from New York City. High score prize was won by Frank McIntosh and low score by Ern-st McFaul. Gue-t prizes were presented the two honor guests. A pretty rl.r scheme in pink and green, with gladioli and zinnias pre dominating in the flower arrange ment, was carried out in the decora tions and the refreshments. On Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Berg entertained with three tables, compli mentary to Miss Harriet Morris of Lake City, S. C.. house guest cf her ister, Mrs. R. T. Kimzey, of Ros an, and Mrs. S. Paul Vecker, of Havana, Cuba, guest at the home of Mrs. S. W. Radford. Mrs. Louis LeTellier and Mrs. Gale ravnes, <-f Charleston, S. C., were winners of high and low score prizes, respectively. The two honorees were recipients of gifts. Blending shades in pink and yellow ' rmed the attractive room dreova Mns. A rosebud salad served at con : ision f the games further empha r’zc. the p. vailing color motif. EASTERN STAR WILL MEET TUESDAY NIGHT The Eastern Star will hold the regular meeting next Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock in the Masonic hall. All members and visiting members are requested to be present. BAZAAR AND BOOK TEA TO BE EVENT OF FRIDAY A bazaar and book tea, sponsored by the Guild of St. Philips Episcopal church, will be held at the rectory Friday afternoon of this week, from ! 4 to 6 o’clock. Choice of a standard book and re freshments will be included in the | admission fen of twenty-five cents. JUNE MARRIAGE IS ANNOUNCED Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Edna Pooie, youngest daughter of W. H. Poole, ot Marion, to W. T. Whitmire, of Bre vard Route 3, on June 12, 1934. Mr. Whitmire da the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J- Whitmire of the Cher rvfield section, tir.d is a prominent farmer and cattle raiser of that sec tion. ! Immediately following the cere mony, Mr. and Mrs. Whitmire left for n short honeymoon trip to the World’s Fair in Chicago. Due to the illness and death of the bride’s mother, she is at present at the home of her father in Marion. SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS IN SOCIAL-BUSINESS MEETING Th“ regular business and social meeting of the Daughters of Wesley class of the Methodist Sunday school was held Tuesday evening ir. the, ladies’ parlor. Following the business session, pre-, (sided over bv the class president. Mrs. E. S. English, a social feature j’.vas held, during which refreshments vere served by the three hoafcewe* oi he occasion, Mrs. E. J. Coltrane, Mrs. 1 K. Ratchford and Mias Alma rrowbridge. r. E. L. CLASS TO MEET WE XT TUESDAY AFTERNOON Regular meeting of the T. E. i» :!as» of the Baptist Sunday school will be held Tuesday afternoori at 1:30 o’clock at the home of Mrs. M H. Holliday. Billy Hackney of Charlotte has re» :urned to his home after visiting his frandmother, Mrs. Emma Zachary. Misu Janie Strickland of PeUer, 3. C., was guest last week of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tilson. Miss Margaret Bryaon, Asheville, wag guest last week of her cousin, Mrs. A. H. Kiser. Miss May Jenkins, who is connect-) sd with a hospital in New York City, I is upending her vacation here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jenkins. Miss Elizabeth Davis of Florence, S. C.. is visiting her aunt, Mies Mag trie Owenbv. Mrs, Butler ami daughter of l.oke Wales, Fla., are guests at the home of Mrs. Tillie Snmmcy. Jack Miller of the U. S. Naval Academy. Annapolis, Md„ is spend ing his vacation here with hia par ents Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Miller. Little Sarah Wilson Keels of Mc Call, S. C., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Ernest Tilson and Mr. Tilson. Miss Jane Pearce, who is in train ing in a New York City hospital, is spending her vacation with net mother, Mrs. Juanita Pearce, and other relatives. Miss Ola Callahan, formerly con nected with Brevard Institute end now t missionary in Mexico, visited Mends in Brevard last week while on a six months’ furlough of study and rest. G. W. Hayes suffered a painful and near-serious accident last week when a piece of lumber fell on his head while he was working in his shop, necessitating medical treatment and several stitches on his head. mm m... (By W. H. Gray) / ^ Mr. and Mrs. Lee Shook of Stan ley, N. C., are spending some time with the letter’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Richard Hamilton. Mrs, C. H. Grey visited her mother at Pisgah Forest orie night recently. Mr. and Mrs. R. 3. and Mr. and Mrs. E. Fletcher attended the reunion Sunday at Holly Springs. Dewey Hamilton made a business trip to Greenville Friday. Selwin Hamilton helped Coy Blythe truck a few loads to market last W^Mr. and Mrs. Brice Whitmire and Mrs, 3. 0. Whitmire of Cherryfield visited the latter’s mother, Mrs. L. C. Hamilton, one day last week. Mrs. Arrie Hamilton of Green ville returned home Sunday after a four weeks’ visit with her sister, Mrs. Ida Itushton. , __. John Reed of French Broad Park i was a dinner guest of his daughter, Mrs. F.arl Gray one day last week. Mrs. Nicholos Sentefl visited her mother Monday. Mrs. A. H. Gray. Mr. and Mrs. Huhert Davis, and children and Miss Mildred Gray of Asheville visited friends and relatives here Sunday. . Amery Vaughan end daughter of Greenville, S. C., visited W. W. Ow last week. Harper Method Beauty Parlor Brevard. N. C. Your Skin and Hair Carefully Cared For P. 0. Bldg. Phone 31 Cook With “Stored Heat" In This Electric Oven-Cooker 95c Cash $1 Monthly Universal Two-Heat Electric Oven-Cooker For ali kinds of electric cookery in the home. Does everything an oven wh do. Roasts and hakes blown—stews—boils—steams and fricassees, enoug food for an average family meal. Browns food perfect y, which steam cool ers. pressure c ookers and so-called fireless cookers will not ao. Cooks large ly by stored heat and uses less current chan an electric iron. Has tw» “eate— ••hi-rh" and "low.” "High” heat rapidly brings the oven cooker to tempera nce deskvd and then, because of its effective insulation, the cooker main tains this temperature with "low” heat. The low operating cost and reduc tion of food shrinkage in a short time save the cost of this cooker many times over. Operates from any electric outlet. Lctuipped with three sep arate clamp cover containers. Food prepared in the oven-cooKei at home can be served hot from it at picnics or other outings. The Universal Cooker, With the Below Listed Appliances, Makes a Complete Outfit for Cooking All Meals. UNIVERSAL PERCOLATOR 95c Cash $1 Month UNIVERSAL TOASTER 50c Cash (Q CA $1 Month Just Phone and Our Representative Will Be Glad To Bring This Cooker or Any Appliance to Your Horn 2 for Your Inspection. , - SOUTHERN PUBLIC UTILITIESOC RADIO PROGRAMS—WSOC 11:45 A. M. MON.-WED. WBT 11:45 A. M. TUES.-THURS.-FRI. Day Phone 116 Brevard Ni*;ht Phone 16

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