WHIRL AT THE WORLD OF NEWS Items of interest gleaned during the past week I—------— Real Efstate Active Chicagc—Seventy per cent of the cities in the United States have re pelled that real estate is more active than a year ago. Retail Business Up Retail business in the United States is running at a level seven per cent above this time last year, according to buyers for retail stores over the nation. Trustee’s Sale Of Real Estate UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power and authority contained in that certain deed of trust executed and delivered by F. Y. McCracken and Bertha Lee McCracken, dated the 11th day of June, 1927, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Transylvania County, N. C., in Book 16, at page 619, and in the office of the Register of Deed? for Henderson County, N. C., in Book 124 Folio 12. and because of default in the payment cf the indebtedness thereby secured and failure to carry out and perform the stipulations and agreements therein contained and, puisuant to demand of the owner and holder of the idebtedness secured by said deed of trust, the undersigned trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale in the county court house of Tranrylvania County, in the City of Brevard, N. C., at 12 o'clock, noon, cn Monday, the 10th day of September, 1934, ah that certain lot or parcel ;t lana, situate, lying and bting in Boyd Township. Transylvania County and i.i Mills River Township, Henderson Countv, State of North Carolina and more particularly described as, fellows: ; BEGINNING at a post ork on me p.dnt of a ridge in the Bryson line, ar.d running thence North 67 West 76 poles to Morgan’s stone corner; thence X rth 17 East 25 poles to a stake; thence North 44 Kast 22 poles to a stake; thence North 190 poles to stake. Morgan's coiner; thence West 10 or 12 poles to a point oppo site the post oak corner, Garren s Cctner; thence North about 16 poles to said p st oak corner; thence South 87 East 60 poles to a locust. Gar ren's corner; thence South 6 West 16 poles to a white oak; thence East 46 poles te> a Spanish oak in a hollow, with pointers; thence South, crossing Bryson’s Creek, 235 poles to a stone in ‘Henderson and Transylvania Co unty line, Baldwin’s and Gash’s cor ner; thence South 52 West, 20 poles to a sassafras; thence South 77 West, 26 poles to a hickory; thence South 66 West 8 poles to the BEGINNING, containing 160 acres more or less. This being the same tract f land con veyed to Julia E. Woodfin by N. J. Morrell and husband, S. N. Mtrrell by ’deed dated April 5, 1917 _and recorded in Book of Deeds No. 37 at page 283, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Transylvania County, t which died and record reference is hereby made as a part of this descrip tion, also being the same tract of land conveyed by F. J. Woodfin and wife to Lou M. McLean by deed dated the 22nd day* of February, 1918 and recorded* in the office of the Register i f Deeds for Henderson County in Book of Deeds N'o. 97, page 41-4 and registered in the office of the Register of Do ds for Transylvania County in Book No. 37, page 550. This deed being the same deed from J. P. McLean and wife Lou McLean to C. H. Lanning in Transylvania Countv in Bo k No. 42. page 31, Records of Deeds, and being the same land conveyed to F. Y. MeCraken and wife Bertha Lee McCracken by C. H. Lanning unmarried, by deed dated January 2, 1920 and recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for Henderson County, N. C., in Book 105, Page 91. This sale will be heiu open ten nays for upset bid as by law required. This 6th day of August, 1934. 0. B. HENDERSON, Trustee. Aug. 16-23-30-Sept. 6. Whitlock, Dockery & Shaw, Attorneys, Charlotte, N. C. ■ ——--— ■ I Woman Executed Ossining, N. Y.—Mrs. Anna Anto nio, mother of three small children, was executed Thursday night for the murder of her husband. She was the first woman to be legally killed in Sing Sing since Ruth Snyder was led to fhe chair in 1927. Seek Better Mail Service Cullowhee—Efforts are being made to obtain better mail service for the tourist town of Highlands and for the communities located along the 12 miles of State Highway No. 28 between Highlands and Cashiers. Qumtaplets Near Disaster Callander, Ont.—A biaze from an ! akvhol lamp that might have brought isaster to the Dionne quintuplets Thursday painfully burred Mme. Lou ise de Kirline, nurse for the 72-day old babies. Twenty-four hours previously the antics of a night prowler had brought additional worries to the occupants of the little farm heme. Kansas Fugitive Taken Oklahoma City— Frank Delmar,; who with Jim Clark and the late! "Bier Bob” Brady, escaped from the j Kansas penitentiary at Lansing last t January, was arrested by two federal i officers on the highway near Clare-! more Friday. Expect Better Health Washington—A public health ser vice physician Friday predicted that; better health—and consequently In- : creased efficiency—from CWA and i federal relief malaria control work would pay the south’s depression ■ costs within ten years. Appeal To Roosevelt Minneapolis—An appeal to Presi- ■ dent Roosevelt to take immediate steps to end the 23-day-old strike of j truck drivers was made Friday by! a group of citizens at Minneapolis, j They charged that they were being I deprived of their rights by military < control. State Men Appointed Washington — Two high appoint ments in the textile industry went to, North Carolinians today when Recov-1 ery Administrator Johnson named i Arthur M. Dixo of Gastonia, textile manufacturer, and C. M. Fcx of Shel by to fill vacancies on the cotton textile national industrial relations board. ____ Alan e inn in Workers Stiihc Pittsburgh—Production! was par alyzed in the larger plants of aluminum industry Friday by a strike of approximately 13,000 union work ers who quit work with the sanction of the American Federation of Labor. Much Darn Salvaged Washington—A surprising and en couraging amount of data is being sal vaged from the stratosphere expedi tion whose balloon and instrument filled gondola crashed. Go-Ahead Signal Given Washington — President Roesevci’ gaw the go-ahead signal Saturday t'i, pi- grains of two of the gover inert’s newest agencies- the housing viid stock exchange control commis sions. _re Dives Deep Into Ocean Hamilton, Bermuda—Dr. William Beebe, marine explorer, descended 2,510 feet into the ocean depths Sat urday. father than any man ever had gone. I The dive was made in a steel ball, called a bathysphere. Prison Break Foiled Baton Rouge, La.—A desperate break by Louisiana penitentiary con victs who tried John Dillinger s wooden gun trick collapsed Saturday when Angola prison guards met the bluff with a withering blast of gun fire that left two prisoners dead and six wounded. One of the wounded died Sunday. Three ethers who were “in” on the LABOR DAY Monday, September 3 Spend the Week End and Labor Day in the Country— the Mountain*—at the Seashore, or visiting Friends and Kels tives Back Hom9. Our Very Low Fares make a Short Vacation extremely economical. f Tickets On Sale Dally One Way and Round Trip -t * Coach Tickets.€«ntS Trsvel#d ♦Round Trip Tickets . A .0Hi. Return Limit 15 Days .* C«MtS T""l#d ♦Round Trip Tickets ©1 Return Limit 6 Months.*5 CCHt? Tr.v.I.d ♦One Way Tickets.3 CdltS Par Mila • Good in Sleeping and Parlor Car* on payment of proper chargei for space occupied. No Surcharge. Compartment. Drawing Room and Open Section Sleeping Can Modern Coaches—Convenient Schedules Be Comfortable in the Safety of Train Travel For full information consult R. H. DeBUTTS, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Asheville, N. C. .Southern Railway System attempted escape immediately sur rendered as the guards quelled the near riot. Two convicts refused to join in the riot, holding up their hands as soon as the break started and then quietly sat down. Predict Ocean Air Mail Washington— Dreads of regular trans-oceanic air mail and passenger service moved toward reality Satur day wlIffi“TKe~posl oiflce department announced it hoped to establish routes to Europe, Hawaii and Alaska within the next three years. This Year Hottest, Driest Washington—The year 1934—the hottest and dryest on record, thus far. The weather bureau says so and it has been keeping tab on rain and heat for 70 years. Guns Stolen From Guard Washington—The underworld has stolen 1,027 guns—ten of them deadly machine guns—and 23,110 rounds of ammunition from national guard armories in 29 states since January 1, 1932. Death Stalking Through China Shanghai—The Horseman that is Death is riding throughout China, gathering in the harvest of thirst and starvation in the wake of a sear ing drouth. From the province of Anhwei came an appeal to the national government for help. Five hundred thousand face starvation there, the message said. The drouth is described as one of the worst in centuries, one of the worst ip a nation where vast treeless lanus encourage drouth. President Back At Work Washington—Bronzed and bouyant, President Roosevelt Friday returned to the White House after a 1 ".000 mile trip to begin immediately a study of the problems that have ac cumulated during his absence. Gone 41 days, the president's vaca tion tour carried him to American possessions in the Atlantic and ihe Pacific and across the North Ameri can continent. Crop Report Comes In She.it Washington—Half a million ;ed eval or. p reporters wrote the gloomy story of drouth toll Friday in terms of bushels, tons and pounds. A crop report, graphically dins trating the three months’ pillage of the nation’s worst drouth, estimated tc have stolen five billion dollars from American farmers, was released at 3 p. m. , The report showed: The smallest corn erqp since 1901. The smallest wheat crop since 1893. The smallest oats crop on record. Tobacco Sett Record Price Record-breaking prices for tobacco -“-in some places t.he highest in his tory—are spreading a blanket of comfort and well-being through the Carolinas. Mountain Crops Good Though drouth is threatening feed crops in many sections of the south and partciularly the eenteral south ern states, Western North Carolina crops are thriving under a normal rainfall and abundant crops aTe an ticipated. Indians Stage Rain Dance Geary, Okla.—Eight hundred or! more bronzed Indians became ieap-1 ing, painted figures in supplication to I the rain gods Friday. _ „ The dance is so old that it is legen dary and if correctly danced is sup posed to bring rain. London Puzzled By Silver London—Nationalization of silver in the United States Friday found London financial circles frankly puz zled and there was speculation as lo whether the move had any connection with recent heavy purchases ol the metal here. Trttetf Heads Baptists Berlin—T h a Rev. George W. Truett of Texas Thursday was electee, president of the Baptist world con-j gress, over the session of which he j had presided in the absence of the j president. - * | Naval Balloon To Try Stratosphere; Chicago—A gas bag with a radio j brain and without a human crew is. ready for a solo jaunt into the j stratosphere the scientist’s question: What and where is the cosmic ray? Haiti In Midwest Chicago—Rain over eight midwest-j ern states which sharply lowered j temperatures, brought surcease Sun-1 day from a heat wave ar.d drouth i which have killed hundreds of per acne and cost more than 1,000,000,000 in damaged crop*. Substantial rains fell in Ohio, In diana, southern Michigan, Illinois, southern Wisconsin, southern Iowa, northern Miesouri, eats tarn Kansas and central Nebraska. Deputy Sheriff Nabs Chief Daytona Beach, Fla.—Chief of Police Ilaney was free today on $600 bond. [ Haney arrested Deputy Sheriff William Slaughter for reckless driv ing and speeding despite his assertion that he was trailing a car. Haney contended there was no car to be trailed. Later the sheriffs ofjfice ar rested Haney on charges cf interfer ing with an officer in the course of duty. Fliers Lund In England London—James Ayling and Leon ard Retd, adveturesome Canadian fliers, completed a trip across the Atlantic ocean Thursday but storms they encountered defeated their ef forts to set a new non-stop airplane flight record. Bandits Killed l Lebo, Kas ,—Soft-nosed bullets of ; Kansas state police Thursday thwsrt ;ed an attempted raid on the State 'Bank of Lebo. Mutilated bodies of 1 throe outlaw suspects on an Emporia morgue slab bore mute testimony of police efficiency, , NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power conferred upon me by that certain Deed of Trust from Frank B. Torley dated' Oct. 5, 1931, and recorded in Book 25, page 361, Records of Ddeds of Trust for Transylvania County I will at. 12 o’clock on Monday, Aug. •27th, 1934, at the court house door in Brevard, N. C., offer for sale and sell for cash to the highest bidder, the fol lowing described properly to-wit: All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land described in a deed from T. H. Hampton to Frank B. Torley dated October 5, 1931, and recorded in Book 65, page 67, vecords of deeds for Transylvania county. Sale made to satisfy said indebtedness. This July 25, 1934. M A. E-Hampton, Trustee. Aug^jLJ), 1 , 23. _ .CAIACl Jj HUSTLING FOR BUSINESS take* enetgy, so smoke a Camel when “low.” Soon fatigue and irritability go...because Camels restore your flow of energy. Steady smoking? That’s O.K.! Camel's costlier tobaccos do not upset the nerves, “Get a 13S with a Camel 1" AND UP. lM,prl<*cfS*»M Six Sport Roadster at Flint, Michigan, $465. With bum port. * pare tiro and tirrluck. thelistprice ie $ 18 additional. Prices Mubioct to change without notice. CHEVROLET PRICE HAVE BEER REDUCED AS MUCH AS 1 The exceptional popularity which Chevrolet has enjoyed for many year9 has naturally had its effect on Chevrolet prices. Large sales have enabled Chevrolet to maintain consistently low purchase prices, which were recently lowered even further. As a result Chevrolet now offers you the lowest priced six-cylinder automobile obtainable — a big, comfortable car with Fisher Body styling and refine ment-safe, weatherproof, cable-controUed brakes the smoothness and economy of a valve-in-head, six-cylinder engine—and typical < hevrolet dependability. In offering this car, and the Master models, at substantially lower prices. Chevrolet hopes to repay the motoring public in some measure, for consistently placing Chevrolet so high in public favor. CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, DETROI l\ MICHIGAN Compare Chevrolet's low delivered prices and easy G. A/- A. C. terms. A General Motors Value