ROSMAN NEWS MRS. JORDAN WHITMIRE, Correspondent_ Mr. and Mrs. Lee R. Fisher am daughter, Mias Belle, Jean Bales, Mr dnd Mrs. Jack Fisher and twt ehUdrep, Ml,and Mrs. L. V. Sigmon Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Wimtftedtcr j. W. Winchester, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lewis and daughters Ruth and Velma, Misses Ethel and Lillie Baxter •f Brevard attended the Lewis re union at Pickens Sunday. Miss Helen Stein ana Little Jimmy Bales and James T. Bales of Sylva spent the week-end at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Lee R. Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Glazener and daughters, Misses Faye and Louise Accompanied Mrs. Annie Whitmire and children to their home at Green ville Sunday. Mrs. Carr Whitmire of Biltmore spent several days last week as guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. A Glnzener. Miss Edna Jamison of Franklin is spending several day- a* guest of Miss Elsie White. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Barrett ana children returned h'nw Saturday, having spent several days visiting relatives ac Salem, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Collins a no Mrs. T. V Smith accompanied Mr. and Mrs. G. W Banther and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Holcombe to visit relatives at Easley. S. C., Friday. Miss Ethel Raxter of Brevard and Miss Lillie Raxter of Greenville spent the week-end as guests of their sister, Mrs. R. S. Winchester. Mr. and Mrs. John Clark and children attended decoration services at Macedonia church in Gloucester Sunday. Sidney Morrow of Black Mountain spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Moore. Miss Pauline Moore spent last week at Black Mountain visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. F. E McCall. Rev. Nathan Chapman assisted Rev. Bill Holcombe in revival work at Big Eastatoe section last week. The meeting closed Sunday. Miss Margaret Glazener spent the past week in Greenville visiting her cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus hooper and friend. Miss barah Bean. Miss Bessie Glazener spent several days visiting relatives in Piedmont. b. c. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus hooper and .,on Rufus Jr., and daughters. Mary; Etta and Julia, and Miss Sarah Beam of Greenville were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Glazener. Rev. J. N\ Hall and mother. Mrs. Elizabeth Hali. had as their guests Saturday Bishop Paul B. Kern and l)r. L. B. Hayes. Miss Annie McCleilon spent several days with M;ss Bessie Glazener re cently. , _ . „ Marion Glazener motored to Pelzer and Piedmont the latter part of the week. Charlie McCleilon and Tom Hughey . of Pelzer. S. C . were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Glazener. Miss Bessie Glazener is spending this week in Pelzer. Misses Elsie White, Edna Jam.son Margaret White. Braxton and Allen White vi-ited friends at Pickens Sun d8Mr. ami Mrs. Elm Edney JjnJ| daughter Laura Jane of ^S)scuv Sunday iruests « t Mr. and Mi.. H Mr''a d Mrs. Crittent Galloway and daughter Evelyn returned home Monday having spent thv pus. as guests of Mr. ad Mrs. M a • Wilso- at Cashier-. __ Save for Your Future Needs Yen can anticipate such items as tax payments, the annual fuel bill, money needs for vacation, etc., by making regular weekly deposits in our Savings Department. We pay interest on time and savings deposits and they are protected by the Federal Deposit Insurance Fund. Transylvania Trust Company Depository for U. S. Postal Savings Funds State of North Carolina County of Transylvania Town of Brevard Deposits from $1.00 to $5,000.00 Guaran teed by Federal De posit Insurance Cor poration. ) Miss Beulah Reid of Quebec spent (the week-end as guest of her sister, 1 Mrs. G. H. Woodard. Mickler Lusk and daughter Nelle Jean, J. W. Owen ana Dock Lusk spent Sunday at Six Mile visiting relatives. Earl White, Everett Whitmire and Walter Reece Jr. visited friends at Pickens Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Banther, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Holcombe of Oklahoma visited the former’s sister, Mrs. T. V. Smith last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nelson were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Staton Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rogers and son Billie were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Staton. Mys. Jordan Whitmire ar.d daugh ter Miss LaVerne Whitmire returned home Sunday, having spent several days in Asheviiic and Leicester. They (were accompanied home by Mr, and Mrs. J. F. Corbin and son John Frank. The Corbins were en route . to South Carolina to spend a few i davs. ! V. N. Hutches and C. J. Hutches 'spent Thursday night at the home of j their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. I Hutches, returning from a northern trip to New York and Ohio. The boys left for their home in Bradenton, Fla., on Saturday. Mrs. Connie Ray of Atlanta spent a few days as guest of Mrs. M. C. ; Numeral last week. I Mrs. Henry Arrowood and daugh ! ters, Miss Blanche and Virginia and son Charles of Lake Toxaway, | were guests of Mrs. C. P. Eldridge i Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cleon McCall and Mrs. Horace McCall of Black Mtn., were visitors of Mrs. C. J. Eldridge Tuesday. Mrs. Ed London of Enka is spend* I ing this week with her husband here. I Miss Lorer.a Galloway spent the week-end in Gloucester as guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Galloway visited Mrs. Joe Dunn at Selica Sun day. James Sheham of Cleveland county spent several days last week as guest >f his sister, Mrs. M. B. Owen. Miss Frances Edens, who is em-; jloyed at Enka, is spending this week : it the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Edens. E. Barrett of Salem visited rela tives and friends here during the week-end. Mr. Hunt and Rev. Carl Cox re lumed to their home at Slater Fri day, having spent several days here anil at Wolf Mountain visiting friends. , i Earl Powell was a dinner guest ot Feed Randolph Monday. Miss Lcota Randolph spent Thu i s-1 day night as guest of Miss Nellie I Wilds. Floyd Willis of Greenville spent; the past two weeks visiting at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Ran- j dolph. , j Guests last week of Mrs. M. C., Surteral were as follows: Mrs. J. N. j Blake, Atlanta; M. J. Brown, Colum-| bia; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fewer,; Plainsfield, X. J.; Mr. and Mrs. j W L. Owen and Children. Memphis, i Tcnn.; R. H. Wann, and Fiank; Wann, Halifax, N. C.; Raymond! Kern, Hallifax, and Stedman Hux, ] Littleton. X. C. Mrs. W. W. Waters, Mrs. b. b- | Crow. Mrs. J. B. Aldredge and son, [{. C. Aldredge of Charleston, S. C.. Lou. 11a Harrison and son Jesse, Rol and Drake of Anderson, S. C., were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. t. J. McCall in Gloucester. Whitt Nelson of Central was a Sun lay guest of his brother, James Nel Edgar Leach, Will Burns and bail j Merritt of Greenville were week-end •■ue-t- of James Nelson and family. " Lawrence Black of Rocky Bottom ran1!) is visiting his half brother. Bid Ccliins, at his home here. Mr . Paul Whitmire of the Dia >1011(1 Creek section was a Bosnian visitor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Thomas, Mr. and .Mrs. Jeff Thomas and two children of Seneca, S. C., were Sun day guests of Mr. and Mrs. 1 • H Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. James Staton. Mr. and Mrs. Denton Cassell < ■ Eastatoe were business visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Chap ma M unlay. Miss Mac White is reported quite Look Your Best Get your barber work done at our shop, and we believe vou’ll feel better, look better, and be better satisfied. Ladies’ And Children’s Work A Specialty Give us a trial. . . .we be lieve you’ll come back. TINSLEY Barber Shop LOALIA TINSLEY Two doors above Bank Main Street REVIVAL AT EAST FORK ROSMAN, Aug. 15—Revival ser vices are being held thin week at Ernst Fork Baptist church, conducted by Rev. A. J. Manley and Rev. r. A. Raines. REVIVAL AT RO&MlAK ROSMAN, Aug. 15—The series of revival services being conducted at the Methodist churcn here by the Rev. S. F. Sanford and the Rev. J. N. Hall are being well attended with interest shown. The services will con tinue through the week, with com munion services Sunday morning at the eleven o'clock hour. ill at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. White, i Rev. Nathan Chapman preached ! at Selica church Sunday night. Mr. ana Mrs. bruce Lewis of Easley were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lewis Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Collins left Friday for their home at St. Peters burg, Fla., having spent several days as guests of their daughter, Mrs. Thomas Morrison and other relatives here. Thomas Gluzener is spending th:s week with his father, P. L. Glazenev, at Willetts. I Edwin Singletary of East Fork spent Sunday as guest of Chas. Glazencr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Smith of Tampa. Fla., are spending several days as guests of the iatter’s brother, A. M. Paxton and Mrs. Paxton. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nelson spent Saturday night as guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Galloway. SINGING TO BE HELD HERE SUNDAY The following announcement has been made: “I wish to announce through your good paper the all day singing which will be held in the fine audi torium of the high school building at Rosman, Sunday, August 19th. JS “We deem it a pleasure in giving all singers and lovers of music an invitation to attend this singing as we are expecting James DeVaughn s quartet from Greenville and a num ber of fine quartets from both Caro linas. Come and enjoy the singing. “Wc want you all to come prepared to stay all day and to help make this one of the greatest days that ever has been witnessed here. The devotional services will begin at 9:15 —be on time.” ENTERTAINS AT BRIDGE PARTY Mrs. M. C. Sumeral entertained with four tables of bridge at her; home here Thursday evening, honor ing her house guest, Miss Connie Ray, of Atlanta, Ga. The color scheme of white and green wus carried out in the living ami dining rooms. A profusion of white gladiola and dahlias was used with green and white candles also used in the decorations. Refreshments of punch and snndwiches were served. High score was won by Frank Warren, the prize being a cigarette case, ami low score prize, a box of bon j bons, was won by Mrs. J. N. Blake. MARRIAGE IN S. C. IS SURPRISE HERE Coming as a complete surprise was the marriage of Miss Ruth Burt and Mr. Jack Nelson, the ceremony occur ring in Pickens, S. C-. on Saturday, August 11. Probate Judge Rev. R. A. Hudson officiated. Mis. Nelson is the second daugh ter of Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Burt. She was graduated from Mars Hill col lege. She is an attractive young lady and has always taken ar. active part in church work and social activities. Mr. Ne'scn is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. James Nelson, of Cal vert, and is a graduate of the Ros man high school. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson will reside at Calvert. The wedding party was accompan ied to Pickens by Mr. and Mr.-. James Stator, and small son Joe, ami .Miss Pauline Leathers and Walter Glaze ner. — KEYIVAh EEK17CES A T /IOX CHINCH The announcement that a past r would he dieted at Zion Baptist church Ian Sunday was recalled, and the date postponed indefinitely. The Rev. J. li. Burt has served as pastor for a number of years, but ottered his resignation recently. Revival services will start at Zion church next Sunday with the Rev. j Mr. Burt and Rev. Mr. Broom f Gloucester in charge. MAXY GUESTS AT LOVERS Among thi numerous guests regis tering at Lo-Yern, beautiful country home of Mr. ami Mrs. C. C. Hutches during the past week were: Mr. ami Mrs. (Jeo. Sullivan, New j York City; A. M. Sullivan and (laugh I ter of Dayton, Ohio; Mrs. Carl j Whitmire, Asheville; Mr. and Mrs. Claud Glass; ner, Mrs. E. A. Glassener I and daughter Miss Louise. Rosman. Mrs. S. Chapman and daughter, Jeanne. Charlotte; Mrs. D. \\. Tur ner and daughter, Helen. Bradenton. Fla.; Miss Helen Stei, Sylva; Misses Belle Fisher and Ruth Lewis, Ros man; Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Cox and son, Franklin, Bradenton, Fla. Misses Catherine Purcell. Sara Caldwell, Mary Dunbar, Elizabeth Purcell, Louise Purcell, Mary Kathe ryn Estes, Union, S. C.; Mrs. F. Paxton and daughters, Annie Mae and Geneva and si n Ralph Paxton, John Dade, Brevard; Mrs. C. G. Car son and children. Spartanburg. TO ELECT PASTOR AT MIDDLE FORK The election of a pastor will occur t Middle Fork Baptist church next Sunday. Rev. A. J. Manly has served is pastor for the past year. Rev. A. J. Manley was elected asl ■ of Shoal Creek Baptist church ;.. Gloucester Sunday. •la . ! uia church in Glouces r Rev. Mr. Broom was electee pastor. OAKLAND NEWS (Mrs. Lm F. Norton) J. L. Sanders and Tam Ellrod of Wallahallu, S. C., spent several days last week visiting friends and rela tives here and at Lake Toxaway. Lane and Cecil Sanders were dinner guests Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Norton. Mrs. C. R. McNeely and C. R. Jr., and Bill Croom spent Thursday with Mrs. Jess Breedlove at the home of Fred McNeely. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Noland re turned to Asheville after spending a week with the latter’s mother, Mrs. S. E. Alexander. Mr. ami Mrs. I. S. Sanders had as supper guests Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Sanders of Lake Toxa way and J. L. Sanders and Tom Ellrod of Wallahalla, S. C. Dewey Bryson who recently re turned home from Lyday Memorial hospital is visiting relatives in Gkn ville. He was acnompaniad to Glen* viile by his son George. Miss Connie and Jewel Chapel are spending some time in Bchaaey with their brother, Homer, and family. Taylor Lee of Lake Toxaway was calling on friends here one day last week. J|9Dh Mrs. Dewey Bryson obtained era-1 ployment at Fairfield Inn last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Reid have as visitors this week Mr. and Mrs. Char lie Bennett and daughter Ruth and J. C. Reid of Knoxville, Tenn„ and Mi. and Mrs. Garvin Ducker and son, Garvin Jr., of Arden. Misses Bert and Mamie Sheriff and Miss Mattie Ruth Bollintine, all of Easley, S. C., who are stopping at Mt. Toxaway Lodge were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Mc Call recently. Leo Reid returned Saturday trom his outing and reports a jolly good time. ' Hi . , „ E. A Reid returned to Asheville Sunday afternoon after spending the week-end at home. Mrs. Anderson Chandler calie.l Monday afternoon on Mrs. Clyde Chappell. . „ „ W. F. McCall and I. S. Sanders made a business trip to Greenville Monday, . Misses Velma and Fannie W ilson called Monday afternoon on Mrs. W. F. McCall. 3r , J Rev. Clyde McCall has been called os pastor of Lake Toxaway Baptist church to fill the vacancy made by the resignation of Rev. D. C'. Owen, Mr. Owen served as pastor for two years and has made many friends who are sorry to see him leave. IS MEMORY OF G. W. MEECE G VV. Meece died on October 11. 19:i;i, at the age of 82 years. He died at the home of his daughter. Mrs. E. B. Lance, on the Fairview road in Biltmore. He had been in good health and his death was unexpected. Rev. W. R. Burrell, pastor of Reid’s Chapel Baptist church, officiated. Surviving are two sons, Jordan Meece of Rosman, and Tillman Meece of Brevard, four daughters, Mrs. Jot Ownsbv, Mrs. Lance, Mrs. Frank Ellenburg, of Fletcher, and Mrs. G. R. Newkirk, of Asheville, and one brother, Doff Meece, of Buncombe J county, 25 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Mr. Meece lived in Transylvania county for 40 years and wa. a mem ber of the Calvert Baptist church. In his young days he worked for the Galloways as a farmer for 10 years, lie also ranged cattle in the Pisgah National Forest lor 10 years. DYNAMITE OF 1% AND . GOLDSBORO, N. C.—This is story of one little pig, a big bad mule and hell » case of dynamite. Wyatt Poweil, who owned the pig and the dynamite, is the authority. Powell has a farm, part of which is stumpy, near Pinkney. He decided the stumps needed blasting out, Taking a case of dynamite, Powell went into the fields. His only com panion was the pig. The farmer blasted stumps until noon, then went home leaving the pig and the dyna mite. When Powell returned, he found the pig with his head in the case, eat ing the explosive. He forgot stump blasting for a moment and carefully trotted the pig to other parts of his farm. Then he went back to work. At quitting time, Poweil started home and saw in the distance the pig nipping at a mule’s heels. Apparently. Powel! believed, the dynamite had made the grunter behove he wasn't afraid of anything. Powell stopped, staring. Finally one nip landed The mule kicked. The kick landed. There was an explosion, Powell said, that levelled a two-story barn 50 feet away. The explosion also obliter ated the pig. The mule spun round once and dropped lifeless to the ground. Powell came on home. He said he knew looking for the pig or remnants thereof would have been useless. IX MEMORY COY HOGSED Dedicated to the brother and two sisters who are left, in loving reinem* brance of baby brother, Coy Wayne Hogsed, who departed this life onj Monday. May 22, 1063. “You, our own dear brother, have shown me the Creator. Your kiss upon my cheek has made me feel the gentle touch of the Almighty, who leads us home. The memory of that last sweet smile, dear Coy, reveals God's face ap the years come on with haste. And when you left us and went on before, you left the gates of heaven open wide that I might, as I struggle here below, soe the glories, of God’s grace. Oh, Coy, dear Coy.l reach out and hold my hand and guide j me along the road, so, as I come to vou, I mav net stumble or stray, nor fail to find the way that lesds to God and to you, deer brother, and tc home." Written by Mother, MRS. ADDIE HOGSED. Brevard, R-l. Since the discovery of America 26,000 tons, or 17 billion dolars worth of gold, has been produced in the world. This amount would make a solid gold tower 20 feet in diameter and 140 feet high._ RALEIGH, Aug. 15-'( Motor company was awarded tbs largest ordar for automotive equip ment ever placed by North Carolina, {calling for the delivery of 350 bus chassis for use in school districts throughout the state. Chevrolet was the low bidder at $202,086. At the same joint session-of the state divis ion of purchases and the state school commission at Raleigh, July 27, orders were awarded to various build ers for 676 bus bodies, to cost $616, 686. These bodies are to be mounted on Chevrolet chassis and on addition al long wheelbase chassis, to be pur chased later, mountiag 17 and 19-foot bodies. The federal government recontly granted North Carolina $182,000 for the purchase of transportation unit* foi schools, and the state itself is providing $420,000. mimm BLANTYRE BREEZES There was a baptizing here Sun day morning. Five were added to the rhurch as a result of the revival recently conducted by Rev. MacAfee. Miss Belle Reed spent last week at her home here. Mrs. T. S. Hurt and daughters, Barbara and Gladys ard son Gerald Bpent Sunday night with Mrs. Homer Glenn. Mr. and Mrs. Houser of Atlanta are spending some time here. Low Davis made a business trip to Greenville last week. William Gash called on Ralph Reed recently. A. W. Davi3 is spending some time with his family here. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Eames of Hendersonville visited Miss Julia Hamilton and Mra. Flora Pickelsimer recently. Mrs. John Reed and daughter, Jewel, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Setzer of Canton, N. C. We are sorry to report the illness cf Mrs. J. T. Justus. Rev. F. H. Holder, Charles Nez bitt, W. K. Duncan, John Reed, R. V. Duncan and W. L. Frsvdy were recent callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Davis. John Reed visited his daughter, Mrs. Earl Gray, one day last week. Low and Leroy Davis motored to liendersonviile Saturday. S. H. Boyd of Pleasant Grove visited P. A. Rahn Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Barnett and sons and Miss Willa King were callers in our community Sunday. Jewel Reed visited Francis Glenn Sunday afternoon. Renew Your Subscription Your Moneys Worth/ I Crystal* Suyw in B on know that yon a» SEE US FOR YOUR HEAVY GROCERIES WE ALWAYS HAVE A GOOD PRICE ON SUGAR ^ We'll Help You Sell Your Farm Crops Drop in and see us, if we can’t handle what you have to sell, we will try to put you in touch with the best markets. lj§ ,, „ SI Complete line of^ cover crop _