Opening Day Special! LADIES’ WHITE COATS FRIDAY ONLY d» *i Limited number to go at— Store Closed All Day Thursday ' Marking Down Stock --— SALE I Start! Friday $*30 A M Here’s A Pointer To Savings Silk and Silk Pique SPORT SKIRTS On Sale Friday $1.39 White Flannel Skirts $1.95 CHILDREN’S PAJAMAS 3 to 14. Fast colors. See these at— 39c LADIES’ I I Blouses Organdies silk and piques in new styles. Values to $2.95. CLEARANCE 89c to $1.79 Extra Quality SHEETS 81x90 PILLOW CASES Standard i?ize J'er Pair— 35c jMMMMUHUBJS I ■laiHiHII > li FINAL CLEARANCE PRICES ON I Simmer Dresses I PIQUES, SEERSUCKERS, VOILES AND ORGANDIES $1.95 and $2.95 VALUES CLEARANCE $1.39 BEAUTIFUL Silk Dresses $4.95 to $6 95 Values CLEARANCE PRICE $2.95 U SILK SHEER RESSES And spcri frocks. Organdie 9 evening dresses—Up to $7.75 sellers. NOW—, | $3.95 OUR BEST SILK DRESSES L__ Of Flat Crepe, Cannon Crepe, Heavy Silks and Silk Saits. REGULARLY TO $12.95 | FAST COLOR HOUSE DRESSES Were to $1.49. These are excellent materials and styles. Clearance— DANCE SETS Step-ins, slips and Hloomers. Clearance Sale Priced From— 19c UP Corsets, Corselets and underwear SPORT Sweaters Silk and wool mixed. All Colors. Sale Price 49c All Summer Millinery Values to $2,95. Piques, silks and straws in white and coirs. 49c 69c 89c aMH——M—— FULL FASHIONED HOSE Pure thread silk. AH Shades. SPECIAL— 44c SATEEN SLIPS For this clearance, only— 29c HURRY, LADIES! DOUBLE BLANKETS aMgMswM Large bed size. Buy now for 8* winter nt- Hi Women’s BATHING SUITS A» wool — Campus brand. Choice of colors. $1.49 <***Chil \ 0X1 ( And straps and co CLOSi 39-Inch Organdies Dotted Swiss And Organdie — Good colors—? New patterns. iersuclcl . and beat organdie! wide range of pattern! Friday and Saturday Only! ^ 15 CENT GRADE _ While supply lasts UNBLEACHED 7c SHFFTINC. YARD * 11 1 limit, i» yards to a customer Store Clased All Day Thursday to Mark Down Stock r~ r.r "'.'TtHMMm