Brevard Than Previous Year HUNDREDS ATTEND EXHIBIT SATURDAY Out Of Town People Have En tries—Prize Winners Announced Great success was accorded Bre vard’s second annual dahlia show, held Saturday afternoon and evening in the Harris building on West Main street. The show was sponsored by th. Transylvania Dahlia club. The judges, R. R. Robinson, of Asheville, and J. Z. Cleveland, of Zirccnia, were high in their praise of the show and were of the opinion tnat it was a credit to Bre\aru ; l to the dahlia growers o; this m .1. Hundreds of varieties of dah'.i- •ere on exhibitien, all blending hennon iously in their colors, ran;, g from goregous deep shades to those cl more delica'e hue, lit r pleasing effect. Both the quaiitj the flowers and the show in its entirety were pronounced by tne judges and oth rs competent to judge as surpassing the first dahlia show held last summer. Mr. Cleveland assisted it judging Sections B and C only, since he enter ed exhibits in Section A, which was open to all exhibitors. Three double tiers of 1 by 10 space were u-ul by Mr. Cleveland to display his unusual array of dahlias in many varieties, sizes and colors. It was generally felt that his exhibit added greaH.v to the aucc-ss of the show. Much interest was manifested in this feature on the part of the numerous visitois attend ing during the afternoon and evening. Other out of town exhibitors in cluded II. T. Mills of Greenville, S. C., and C. C. Hutches. . f Braden ton, Fla., and Busman, his summei residence. These two exhibit rit added much also ti the show with their beautiful specimens of dahlias 01: varied types. Twenty different ex hibitors, including local and outside people, entered dahlias :n the 34 Look Your Best Get your barber work clone at our shop, and we believe you’ll feel better, look better, and be better satisfied. Ladies’ And Children’s Work A Specialty Give us a trial. . . .we be lieve you'll come back. TINSLEY Barber Shop LOALTA TINSLEY Two doors above Bank Main Street .lasses nit.king up the three sections A exhibits. Much credit for the outstanding access of the event is due Mrs. Mar cus Williams, chairman of the dahlia show, and Mrs. John Maxwell, presi dent of the dahlia club, for their un tiring and efficient efforts, together with their able assistants. Officials of the Dahlia club wish to express their appreciation to all those who helped in any way to make a success of the show. i Valuable prizes were awarded to first, second and third winners in the 1 various classes. Best exhibit in 4 by 10 space, J. Z. Cleveland, Zirconia, silver cup. Lar gest and most perfect dahlia, Mrs. W. D. Denver, bronze medal; Miss 'ulia Denver, boxwood; J. Z. Cleve land, plaque. Best Jane Cowl, Mrs. W. D. Dea ivetr, footstool; John Ashworth, one' (dozen tulips; J. Z Cleveland, peuiy. Best three whites, one or more var eties, J. Z. Cleveland, hand turned lamp; Mrs. John Maxwell, Lire-' primroses; Mrs. Thomas Dodsworth, gladiolus. . , Best three rca, maroon, vruct flame, oiu < r more varieties, J. Z. | Cleveland, handmade bracket; My8-] John Maxwell, six tigrridia; Miss Julia Deaver, gladiolus. t „ j l’est three any other color, J. vy Cleveland, handmade prize; M's. Thomas Dodsworth, Japanese iris;! Mrs. John Maxwell, gladiolus. ] Best five pinks. J. Z. Cleveland, handmade kindling basket; Mrs. Thomas Dodsworth, twelve montab Best live yellows, J. Z. Cleveland,| handmade flower stand. j Best five, color not specified, J. Z. Cleveland, yard chair; Mrs. Thus. Dodsworth, three miniature dah lias: 11. T. Milis, Greenville, spotted cal la lily. , Most artistic arrangement of dah lias with other flowers or foliage, Mrs. E. 11. Pendleton, basket; Mrs. I. H. Wolfe, one year subscription to The Transylvania Times; Miss Julia Deaver, gladiolus. Best arrangement pompons, H. 1 • .Mills, one year subscription to dowel Glower; Miss Julia Deaver, six months .subscription to blower (.low er- J. Z. Cleveland, gladiolus. Best individual exhibit of mima tures Mi-s Julia Denver, five dollar dahlia; Mrs. W. D. Deaver ins; Mrs. Thomas Dodsworth. gladiolus. Largest and best dahlia, Mrs. \Y D. Deaver, root of Bronze Knight, Vied Shuford, Bagdad root; John Ashworth, three pompons. Best white or creamy white, Fred Shuford. one dollar; Mrs. U *>• Wilson, named dahlia; C. C. Hutche-, Japanese magnolia. Best vellow. John Ashworth, one dollar: Miss Julia Deaver. named dahlia: Fred Shuford. red spirea. IK st three Jersey Beauties, Mi-. W. D. D aver. White Wonder: Miss Julia Deaver. named dahlia; Mis. Marcus Williams, oriental poppy Best Pink. Fred Shuford, one dol lar- Mrs. Marcus Williams, named dahlia; Miss Mary Maxwell, spirea. Best throe, me or more yanetus, John Ashworth, one dollar; Mrs John Maxwell, named dahlia; Mrs. Marcus Williams, white phlox. Be;t six or more, of one or more varieties. Miss Julia Deaver, me; dollar; Mrs. W. D. Deaver. named dahlia: Miss Mary Maxwell, douole] Hirer my. . _ i Best single dahlia. Mrs. W • D. l)oa-1 ver. three miniature dahlias; Mrs. j Thrs. Dodsworth, named dahlia; Miss; Sallit Merrill, tritoma. ; Be;t dahlias arranged for effect. C. C. Hutches, three pompons; Mrs. Thomas Dodsworth, named dahlia: Mrs John Maxwell, white Japanese iris. Best pompons in one container, RAVEN NEST INN In Pisgah National Forest Excellent board and rooms. Also meals for transients. Beautiful scenery and hikes. Rates $15.00 single and $12.50 double weekly. Always cool; altitude 5,000 feet. Top of Mt. Pisgah on Route 284. Further in formation, write Raven Nest Inn, care Mr. Stowe, Candler, N. C. ______ I LABOR DAY. Monday, September 3 Spend the Week End and Labor Day in the Country— the Mountains—at the Seashore, or visiting Friends and Rela tives Back Home. Our Very Low Fares make a Short Vacation extremely economical. # , Tickets On Sale Daily One Way and Round Trip Per Mil* Coach Tickets.cents Traveled ♦Round Trip Ticket* n . Par Mile Return Limit 15 Day* .* CCH1S Traveled . *Round Trip Ticket* . Per Mile ' Return Limit 6 Month*.*2 CdltS Traveled ♦One Way Ticket* .3 CdltS Pei Mile * Good In Sleeping and Parlor Car, on payment of proper charge, for space occupied. No Surcharge. Compartment, Drawing Room and Open Section Sleeping Cart Modern Coache*—Convenient Schedules Be Comfortable in the Safety of Train Travel For full information comult R. H. DeBUTTS, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Asheville, N. C. .Southern Railway System OAKLAND NEWS (Mrs. Lee F. Norton) Friday, August 24, is the day ap pointed for cleaning the cemetery at Lake Toxaway Baptist church. It is hoped that every one who is interest ed will be there with some kind of tool to work with. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bennett. Mbs Ruth Bennett and J. C. Reid returned to Knoxville after a few days visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Reid. I Mrs. Mary Burgess visited Mrs.] E. A. Reid Wednesday. Mrs. II. D Lee of Lake Toxaway was calling or. friends here Wednes day afternoon. l)an Reid made a business call Wednesday morning on Mr. and Mrs. \\ . F. Mi Call. Dewey Bryson returned hi me alter spending several days with relatives in Glcrlville. Will Niehoison and Lueien English of Brevard called on friends ben Friday. .1. L. Nicholson is spending some time with his grandmother, Mrs. Maggie Nicholson. it is reported that, Alfred Milhr is quite ill at his home at Sapphire. Robert Wilson visited Dr. Partson Saturday. I Mrs. Will Jarrett had as guest her j niece, Miss Hattie Powell, of ltos-j man, for several days last week. Mrs. Lee Fisher of Bosnian visilei; ( her son Frank and family Saturday, j Mrs. Nathan Galloway of Rcsman were guests of the former's sister, J Mrs. Will Jarrett, and family one] day last week. Mrs. Mary Burgiss has been ser iously ill for the past few days, but, WE ARE HAPPY TO MEET I We are happy to meet at the Blessed one’s feet Just to sing <>f redeeming love; But what bliss it will be when oui Savior we see When we praise Him in realm? above. ! Chorus When wt look on the face of out j King, How our voices will vibrate and, ring. We shell sing a new song with the heavenly throng, When we look on the face ol our King. We are happy to come to this bright Sabbath home, Just to sirg, as the hours go by; But what rapture divine for your spirit and mine, It will be when we sing on high. With the angels of light, in our gar nk rts ■ f white, We shall sing in that city fair-. And around the great throne with the friends we have known. We shall praise Him for.ver there. Let us sing of His Love till He calls us above; Let us labor with heart and hand, That our rest may be sweet and < ur gladness complete, When we praise Him in Gloryland. E. D. Randolph, R sman. N. C. Mis Julia Deaver, three miniature dahlias; Mrs. John Maxwell, named daliia; Rose Wolfe, Climax a ter. Best seedling, Mrs. W. D. Deaver, White Wonder root; Mrs. Marcus Williams, named dahlia; Mrs. John; Maxwell, August lily. Best blot m largest dahlia. C. C.; Hutches, one Hollar; Miss Sailie Mer rill. named dahlia; Mrs. L. B. Wil son, gladiolus. Best red, Miss Sailie Merrill, one dollar; C. C. Hutches, named dahlia; Mrs. S. A. Jones, gladiolus. Best cactus, Mrs. E. R. Pendleton, one dollar, C. C. Hutches, named dah lia; Miss Sailie Merrill, gladiolus. Three largest and best of one variety, C. C. Hutches, one dollar; Miss Lorena Merrill, named dahlia; Mrs. E. R. Pendleton, gladiolus. Three largest and best of different varieties, Miss Sailie Merrill, one dollar; C. C. Hutches, named dahlia; Mrs. A. J. Beddingfield, gladiolus. Best three, Mrs. I. DeVer Warner, C. C. Hutches, one dollar: Mrs. J. H. Wolfe, named dahlia. Six largest and best, one or more varieties, Miss Sailie Merrill, one dollar; Mrs. C. R. Srarpe, named dah lia; C. C. Hutches, gladiolus. Best twelve not over three inches, Miss Sailie Merrill, one dollar; Miss LoTena Merrill, named dahlia; Mrs. A. J. Beddingfield. gladiolus. Best arrangement of two or more varieties, C C. Hutches, one dollar. Best bail dahlias, Mis. C. R Sharpe, one dollar; C. C. Hutches, runntd dahlia; Miss Sailie Merrill, gladiolus. Smallest dahlia, H. T. Mills, one dollar; Mrs. C. It. Sharpe, named dahlia; Mrs. J. H. Wolfe, gladiolus. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power conferred upon me by that ceutain Deed of Trust from Frank B. Torley dated Oct. 5, 1931, and recorded in Book 25, page 361, Records of Deeds of Trust for Transylvania County I will at 12 o’clock on Monday, Aug. 27th, 1934, at the court house door in Brevard, N. C., offer for sale and sell for cash to the highest bidder, the fol lowing described property, to-wit: All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land described in a deed from T. H Hampton to Frank B. Torley dated October 5. 1931, and recorded in Book 65, page 67, records of deeds for Transylvania county. Sale made to satisfy said indebtedness. This July 25, 1934. A. E.Hampton, Trustee. Aug. 2, 9, 1 , 23. Renew Your Subscription is lepoited to be slightly improved. Howard Alexander, who has been in New York for the past few months, returned home Sunday. Mrs. Frank Fisher called on Mrs. I. S. Sand*rs Sunday afternoon. Cecil Sanders spent Saturday afternoon with his Grandmother Nor ton. Mrs. E. A. Reid and sen Lee ac companied Mr. Reid as far as Bre vard Sunday on his return to Ashe ville. T. B. Reid called on W. F. McCall Sunday. I Mrs. Clyde Chappell visited her son I Hove and family Sunday. Miss Louise Rigdon called on Miss Connie Chappell Sunday. Fred McNeelv had as dinner guest Sunday Rev. Adkinson, of Columbia, S. C. Misses Velma and Fannie Wilson called Sunday afternoon on Mr;-. Lee Norton. Mrs. W. F. McCall visited Miss Alberta Burgess Sunday morning. Mrs. Will Jarrett and Mr<. Lee Norton visited Mrs. Mary Burgess Sunday evening. Wash Fisher of Bosnian visitrd his brother, Frank, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. S. E. Alexander has her two sohr, Edgar and Howard, both home with her now. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McCall left early Monday morning on a business trip to Greenville, S. C. Don’t forget the working at Lake Toxaway cemetery Friday. There will be a baptismal service in Toxaway river near the bridge at 10 o’clock Sunday morning. Preach ing at the Baptist church will be held at 11 o'clock. Everybody is cor dially invited to attend. • Harper Method Beauty Parlor Brevard, N. C. a ||| || Your Skin and Hair Carefully Cared For _ P. 0. Bldg. Phone 31 Bl Plf USE TIMES WANT APs| the pleasure of motoring The best way to prove that Chevrolet's Knee Action actually makes motoring twice as pleasant as before is to drive the new Chevrolet over all kinds of roads. You will find that the continuous jars you used to get even on smooth pavements are ended. The steering wheel is free of vibration. Back seat passengers arc comfortable and relaxed. You can maintain higher speeds over rough roads that used to slow you down. Y ou will find, in fact, that probably for the first time in y our experience, every foot of every mile is equally enjoyable. _ -«• This fine feature is combined in the new Chevrolet with beautiful, luxurious Fisher Bodies, safe, weatherproof, cable-controlled brakes, the flashing performance of an 80-horsepower engine, and the great economy of six-cylinder, valve-in-head construction. This combi nation is exclusive with Chevrolet. Perhaps that explains why so many people are buying and recommending thig extremely low pneed car. ,-^y , - ^ ^ j CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICHIGAN Compart Chevrolet's low delivered prices and easy G.M.A.C. terms. A General Motors Value nl|| ri—TT-IMT—m—-^—1—DIM—WJ‘ 1 * M 1 N Chevrolet prices have $ been reduced as much as